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A. (Default) Single Term and Phrase Search
B. Proximity Searching: in the same Sentence or Paragraph or
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In these fields, uppercase AND, OR, and NOT serve as Boolean operators.
Title: (e.g., Gallery of the House Cleared)
Presenter/Author: (e.g., George III, King of Great Britain)
Type: (e.g., Correspondence)
Subjects: (e.g., Quartering Act)
Themes: (e.g., Politics and causes of revolt: political rumor)
Presentation Status: (Select an Option)
Year Presented: (e.g., 1774 or 1774-1776)
Month Presented: (e.g., 2 or 1-6)
Day Presented: (e.g., 27 or 25-31)
Before Whom: (e.g., Arnold, Benedict)
Where Presented: (e.g., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North)
Year Composed: (e.g., 1774 or 1774-1776)
Month Composed: (e.g., 2 or 1-6)
Day Composed: (e.g., 27 or 25-31)
Where Written: (e.g., London, England)
Recipient: (e.g., Henry, Patrick)
Source: (e.g., Oracle of Liberty)
Notes: (e.g., Force's table of contents)
More Information: (e.g., Massachusetensis)
Series: (e.g., S4)
Volume: (e.g., S4-V1)

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