Locations of East Asian Materials

The main collection of print materials is located on the 5th floor of the Joseph Regenstein Library (JRL), as are the offices of the subject specialists. Additional East-Asian-language materials are incorporated into the Regenstein Library’s general collections.

Visitors can gain access to the East Asian Collection by obtaining a pass at the main entrance of Regenstein Library. See the Visitor Information page.

Locations at a Glance

Call Numbers

Materials in the East Asian Collection bear identification numbers in the following systems:

  • Harvard–Yenching Classification System (for items processed before the mid-1980s)
  • Library of Congress Classification System (for items processed since the mid-1980s)
  • W-CJK System (local system for items waiting to be classified and fully cataloged using the Library of Congress Classification System)

East-Asian-Studies materials in English and other non-CJK languages are part of the Joseph Regenstein Library’s general collections. All items in the general collections are cataloged according to the Library of Congress Classification System.