
Please consider a contribution to enhance our collections.

Librarians are seeking funding for a variety of titles that would be valuable resources for the University of Chicago faculty and students. Below is a sampling of these items.

  • Henry VIII Songbook. Intro. by David Fallows. Oxford, UK: Diamm Facsimiles, 2014. A full-color facsimile on heavy matt art paper. As an anthology of mostly secular pieces, it was probably copied in London ca. 1510-1520 and definitely associated with the Court of Henry VIII. In all likelihood it contains the repertory of Henry’s own music-making sessions. $169
  • Martin Codax. Pergamino Vindel: Cantigas de amigo. Barcelona, Spain, s.n., 2016. Full-color facsimile. Seven cantigas de amigo (literally, songs for a friend) by 13th-century Galician composer Martin Codax. A genre native to the northwest Iberian Peninsula, these cantigas were sung by maidens awaiting their absent loves. $637
  • Der Chansonnier von Zeghere van Male. Stuttgart, Germany: Faksimile-Edition Rara, 2018. Full-color facsimile. This songbook became part of the current public collection after the French Revolution. The manuscript contains 229 compositions, some present only in this source. Colorful drawings adorn each folio. $638
  • Friedrich Schiller. Samtliche Werke, Berliner Ausgabe. Aufbau-Verlag, 1980-2005. Digital version. Schiller (1759–1805) is best known for his influence on German literature along with his philosophical contributions. His essays helped shape one of the most prolific periods of German philosophy, especially in the field of aesthetics. $3,400

To support one of these titles, please send a check for the full cost, payable to The University of Chicago, with the title in the comment field, to The Library Society, 1100 East 57th Street, Suite 180, Chicago, IL 60637. You may also call Amber Cullen, Director of Development, at 773-834-3744. Thank you for your generosity.

For additional titles in need of funding, please visit Desiderata.