Looking for non-U.S. law? Check out our global law databases

If you're attending the Global Diversity Wine Mess, you might be interested in the foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL) databases to which the D'Angelo Law Library subscribes, as well as free websites for locating non-U.S. legislation, codes, case-law, regulations, and treaties, and commentaries thereon.

Via our Law Databases page, you will find links to two of the best guides to researching the legal systems of non-U.S. jurisdictions: Foreign Law Guide and GlobaLex.

You also can access vLexJustis (primary law for over 130 countries), World Constitutions Illustrated (via HeinOnline), LLMC Digital (useful for historical foreign law research, the Indigenous Law and Rights portals), Global-Regulation, Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL), the United Nations Law Collection, HeinOnline, and KluwerArbitration.

We subscribe to individual country legal databases such as for China (PKUlaw/ChinaLawInfo/LawInfoChina), India (Manupatra, SCC Online), and Israel (Nevo).

There are also databases containing commentary on FCIL topics and jurisdictions such as Practical Law Global (via Westlaw), the Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL), the International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (online) , the International Encyclopaedia of Laws (IEL), the Max Planck encyclopedias on public international law, procedural law (on the Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) platform, and comparative constitutional law, and the Investment Arbitration Reporter.

In addition to these subscription databases, we also link to free law websites such as Constitute: The World's Constitutions to Read, Search, and Compare, the Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS), the UN Treaty Collection, the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law (AVL), and the World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII).

You can also use Database Finder to locate these FCIL databases. Check them out!