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Ludwig Rosenberer Bookplate Emma Goldman in Her Own Words: Perspectives from the Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica
This exhibition features books, pamphlets, and trial reports by Emma Goldman, drawn from the Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — May 1, 1993
Political Science
Jewish Studies
Splendid Encounters Exhibit Splendid Encounters: The Thought and Conduct of Diplomacy
This exhibit-and the book produced in association with it-offer a fresh look at aspects of diplomacy that are usually ignored but which give the activity its distinctive style. Iconography, the role of ceremony, and the demands of honor, are all considered along with cryptology, protocol, and the clash of cultural norms.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 1, 1984
Political Science