Joseph Halle Schaffner Collection in the History of Science

Joseph Halle Schaffner Exhibit

This exhibition presents 107 highlights from the Schaffner bequest of over 300 landmark works in science. Schaffner acquired many of his books and manuscripts at the auctions of the collections of Hiram J. Halle (Schaffner's uncle), Edward Neville da Costa Andrade, and Louis H. Silver. The exhibition includes runs of works by Bacon, Boyle, Darwin, Descartes, Kepler, and Newton; the copy of Apianus's Astronomicum caesareum (1540) was presented by Tycho Brahe to his pupil, Paul Wittich, October 29, 1580.

Exhibit Publications & Documents

Online Exhibit Catalog
checklist w/ intro 46p. (perfect bound), out of print