University of Chicago Library

Guide to the Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents circa 1200-1785

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Descriptive Summary


Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents




circa 4600 items


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


The Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection comprises a chronological series of English court and manorial documents spanning the period from 1200 to 1785. The core of the collection consists of the muniments of title, court rolls, account rolls, rentals, and other documents that came to Sir Nicholas Bacon (1510-1579), Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth and father of Sir Francis Bacon, when he purchased monastic and other lands in the mid-sixteenth century.

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When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents, [Bacon MS#], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Historical Note

The Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection contains the muniments of title, court rolls, account rolls, rentals, and other documents which came to Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth and father of Sir Francis Bacon, when he purchased monastic and other lands in the mid-sixteenth century. While numerous families and properties are represented in the Bacon collection, the great majority of the manuscripts are concerned with the Bacons and their holdings in East Anglia and London. Preserving a fine chronological series of manorial court and account rolls spanning, in certain localities, four centuries, the Bacon collection provides an unusually detailed view of the development of English rural and agricultural society.

Much of the material relates to Redgrave Hall, Sir Nicholas Bacon's chief seat and a former manorial holding of the Monastery of Bury St. Edmunds. Other lands from the Monastery of Bury St. Edmunds acquired by Sir Nicholas were Rickinghall, Wortham, Hindercley, Burgate, and Gislingham, all in Suffolk. Other properties of the Lord Keeper were Mettingham College, Mellis St. Johns, Wiverston, Brandon, Ingham, Tymworth, Plaford in Barnhams, Bramfelde, Parham and others in Suffolk; Stanforde, Stoddy, Stiffkey and Eccles in Norfolk; Markes in Essex; Cheddar in Somerset; various London properties; Gorhamburie in Hertfordshire; and others. Records of the Gorhamburie estate left to Sir Francis Bacon do not occur in the collection, except for occasional references in the Bacon rolls, nor do any documents occur relating to the philosopher-statesman himself.

The Bacon lands, and therefore the Bacon muniments, increased with the marriage of Sir Nicholas, eldest son of Sir Nicholas the Lord Keeper, to Anne, daughter of the Tudor court physician, Sir William Butts. This marriage brought into Bacon control the Norfolk lands of Thornage, Riborough, Culford, etc., and the lands of Foxerth and Pentlowe in Essex and Reydon in Suffolk. These three latter manors had come to the Butts family by marriages with the Bures family, prominent in East Anglia during the Middle Ages. Reydon had previously come to the Bures family by an early sixteenth century marriage with the Reydon family, so that all three families--Butts, Bures, and Reydon--are well represented in the collection.

Another important part of the collection is the papers of Sir Robert Drury, the younger Sir Nicholas' son-in-law. Finally there are the title deeds connected with the breakup of the Bacon estates in the later seventeenth century, a disintegration which began with the death of Sir Edmund Bacon, the Lord Keeper's grandson, in 1649, and some papers of Sir John Holt, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, who subsequently purchased Redgrave. Numerous other persons, families, and properties are represented in the collection, but this description accounts for the main accumulations. The great majority of the manuscripts are concerned with East Anglia and London.

With the approach of the law of Property Act of 1924, the Holt-Wilson family, descendants of Sir John Holt, placed the above described manuscripts for sale with Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., the London book-seller. The collection was listed in Quaritch catalogue No. 380 (December, 1923) as lots 213 and 214. A list made by the antiquary Edmund Farrer formed the basis for the description in the catalogue. Professor C. R. Baskerville of the University of Chicago English Department persuaded the University to acquire the collection and Martin A. Ryerson generously provided funds for its purchase. Professor John M. Manly, Edith Rickert and Lillian Redstone were active in the purchase negotiations. Portions of the Holt-Wilson collection also were acquired by the British Museum, and by Edmund Farrer. Further information on the provenance of the collection may be found in C.R. Bald, Donne and the Drurys (1959).

The tin muniment boxes formerly used for storage at Redgrave Hall arrived with their contents at the University in 1924, and the work of cataloguing was undertaken by Edith Rickert and other members of the English Department who were working concurrently on the Manly-Rickert edition of the Canterbury Tales and the Chaucer life-records. Nearly all of the deeds had been indexed by Rickert by the time of her death in 1936. After her death the collection saw little use for nearly fifteen years until Professor C. R. Bald of the English Department stumbled on a John Donne holograph while searching for an example of sixteenth century handwriting. This discovery led to revived interest in the collection, several books, Ph.D. dissertations, Master's theses, and the present catalogue.

Scope Note

When the Puritan pamphleteer William Prynne (1600-1669) was sorting documents during his imprisonment in the Tower of London (1634-1640) he complained that he had only divided them into "separate confused heaps." In the present arrangement of the Bacon manuscripts, the heaps are neat enough; the only problem is that essentially unified groups of manuscripts have been separated. Because the original organization of the documents could not be reconstructed, the method of organization here adopted is an artificially systematic one, based on the type of document and chronology, rather than on clusters of documents relating to the same transaction.

The collection has been divided into two main series. Series I contains primarily manorial records, while Series II includes mostly manuscripts which pertain more to individuals, such as title deeds, letters, and acquittances.

Series I: Manorial Records

Series I is subdivided into three categories by physical format: rolls, books, and single sheets. The manuscripts in these sub-sections are further classified by the type of document (court roll, compotus roll, rentals, etc.) and finally by manor. The order in which the manors are represented was determined for the most part by the amount of material in the collection for each manor. Thus Redgrave, Wortham, Hindercley, and Burgate with large numbers of records come first--or, generally speaking, the Suffolk manors--followed by manors in Norfolk, Essex, and other counties.

The types of documents in Series I include:

a) Court Records.

These are the records of the various manorial courts (Court Baron, Court Leet, etc.) which were held by the Lord of the Manor or his bailiff. They were written on parchment membranes, with a varying number of membranes comprising each year's record of court proceedings. Membranes for several years were then rolled together into a bundle. The manuscript description in the inventory gives the dates of the rolls, first regnal, and then chronological. The rolls for the Monastery of Bury St. Edmunds, the Bishop of Norwich (Thornage) and the Bishop of Ely (Brandon) are dated by the year of the Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds until the Dissolution, and by the year of the bishop until the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries respectively. They are also dated by the regnal year as are all other rolls in the collection with the exception of those from the years of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1659. The regnal, abbatial and episcopal dates are given in the second column, and the interpolated calendar dates are in the third column. Rolls not on parchment and other exceptional features of a given roll are noted at the end of the description.

b) Compotus Accounts.

The record of manorial accounts was kept on a single continuous roll of several parchment membranes sewn together, each manor having its own roll. One compotus covered a single year from Michaelmas [September 29] to Michaelmas. During the earlier middle ages some accounts were kept for a half year, Michaelmas to Lady Day [March 25], or even from other feast days--see Hindercley Manor in this collection. The rolls are therefore arranged by regnal and abbatial years (the episcopal year was only used on the first roll of Brandon in this collection) and Michaelmas to Michaelmas is to be assumed unless otherwise noted in parentheses. Paper rolls, rolls in English rather than Latin and unusual features of these manuscripts are noted in parentheses after the regnal date. One exceptional group of compotus rolls is that of the Bacon family. The Bacon family kept consolidated accounts for all their manors, with several membranes representing several manors in each roll. Furthermore the first three Bacon account rolls (and one paper kept by them for Foxerth) from the reign of Mary are in English.

c) Receivor's Accounts.

These were a further consolidation of accounts made by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, and included income from his offices as well as the manorial income found on the compotus rolls. This type of account was often kept by large magnates of the sixteenth century. [For an explanation of this type of document see: M. E. James (ed.), Estate Accounts of the Earls of Northumberland, 1562--1637 (Publications of the Surtees Society, XXIII, Durham, 1955), xxiv-1v.]

d) Rentals, Firmals, Extents, and Surveys, and

e) Parcellas and Particulars, and

f) Extents, Surveys, Valors (Inquisitions Post Mortem).

These classes of similar documents give literal descriptions (rather than a measured plat as in modern property surveys) of pieces of property, with their boundaries and the rents and services due from them--although the rents might be omitted in an extent. Parcellas and particulars are similar in nature to the rentals, etc., but they usually contain lists of several properties pertaining to an individual or institution. The valor or inquisition post mortem is a special case of parcella or particular compiled after the death of an individual.

g) Inventories.

Similar in nature to the parcellas and particulars, they are concerned with goods and chattels rather than lands. The household inventory is a list of the possessions of a given house listed room by room.

In addition to the rolls in which the above types of documents (classes a-g) are most frequently found in this collection, there are also books and single sheets containing the same classes of documents.

h) Lists of Evidences (in Books).

These are mostly inventories of documents being used in a particular court litigation and shipped from the muniment room to the court, although they might be compiled for documents being shipped for some other purpose, such as a problem of estate management. Of particular interest in this category are the "Kalendar" made by the Lord Keeper in 1549 (MS 995) of all his rolls for his Suffolk and Norfolk lands and the "Extract of the contents of Sir Edward Bacon's Evidence Chamber at Redgrave" of 1657 (MS 1018).

i) Copies of Court Rolls (in Single sheets).

The documents in this category were commonly used to prove title from the late fifteenth through the late seventeenth centuries and beyond. They were extracts from the court roll of the manor which recorded the surrender of a piece of property by one individual and the admittance of another individual to the same piece of property in the manor or some other transfer of property recognized by the lord of the manor. Only the name of the person appearing before the court is given in the entries in this calendar, although other persons were often named in the document as being parties to the transaction recorded. Nearly all the copies of court rolls in the collection can be matched with original entries in the collection's court rolls proper.

j) Estreates of Court Rolls (in Single sheets).

These extracts for proof of title were usually made for the use of the lord of the manor rather than for the tenant.

k) Miscellaneous Manorial Documents (mostly in Single sheets).

These are mainly accounts of bailiffs or rentals or surveys. Wood sales are a particularly numerous type of account in this section. Any manuscripts which related to a particular manor, including odd scraps of computation and a "Note of Cheese" left at the Drury's Hawsted House, have been placed in this category. Of particular interest are three plats of properties (MSS 1399, 1415, and 1442). The latter is especially fine with tinted field and pasted overlays.

Series II: Manuscripts

In Series II are found the deeds and charters together with letters, bonds and acquittances, law cases and other documents which pertain more to persons than to manors. The categories of documents in Section II and the conventions used in describing them are as follows:

a) Charters and Deeds.

Of the thirteen classes of information which the British Records Association suggested for inclusion in a description of a deed, all but one, witnesses, have been at least partially realized. The classes of information appear in the description in the following order:

Manuscript number

Regnal Date; 1. First party 2. Second party [other parties may follow]; Places and Subject of Transaction (Field names are indicated by "X"); Consideration; Description of Instrument; Endorsements [only given occasionally in this calendar] (Language, Material, and Remarks)

Date [interpolated]


When a document in Series II bears seals or seal tags, this is indicated in by a notation, such as 1*3. The first number denotes the number of seals, the second the number of tags. The symbol f*1 indicates that a fragment of a seal is attached to the manuscript; s*1 means that it has been slit for a seal but no tag is attached.

b) Obligatory Bonds.

Obligatory Bonds were used to insure payment of money and had a very distinctive format. On one side was a Latin formula reciting the parties with the essential phrase teneri et firmi obligari and the penalty of the bond; the penalty is given in this calendar as the first entry after the parties. On the opposite side, in English and signed by the parties, was the condition of the bond given in the calendar as the entry after the penalty. "Cancelled" indicates that the document has been voided by scoring (example: #2926 in the inventory). In the earliest bonds the format could vary and the entire bond would often be in Latin. Otherwise the entries for bonds follow the same format as that used for charters and deeds.

c) Recognizances.

Recognizances were special forms of bonds which were recorded in a court of law to give them added authority and greater surety of enforcement. A further special case of bond was the statute staple wherein the parties registered their bond before the Court of the Merchants of the Staple rather than in a law court.

d) Promissory Notes.

Promissory Notes were much more informal statements of debt, usually in English and on paper and not generally including a penalty. They might be somewhat more formal than the modern "I.O.U." but were often identical in nature.

e) Bills and Receipted Bills.

Bills and Receipted Bills in this collection are lists of items or single items purchased, often from a tradesman, or services rendered. They may run through a series of dates and were often marked paid and signed at the end by the creditor indicating acquittance of the debt. They were all in English and on paper. Many of the bills in the collection were for the trousseau expenses of the younger Sir Nicholas' daughters.

f) Acquittances.

Acquittances, documents terminating debts or obligations, follow the same format as the other documents in Section II. The first party is always the acquittor. With the exception of the earlier acquittances, they were usually in English on paper. In addition to the acquittances stipulating a specific amount of money and a specific purpose, there were acquittances in which the first party acquitted the second party of all debts and actions from the beginning of the world. These were called general acquittances.

g) Letters.

Letters were generally simple pieces of correspondence, although the medieval letters in this collection may have served as instruments of title. A short summary of the contents of the letters has been included in this catalogue.

h) Estate Administration, and

i) Wills.

Estate Administration as a category refers not to management of a landed estate but to the legal affairs arrising out of the executorship of a person's will. The documents included in this section, mostly accounts rendered by executors, are arranged by the name of the person whose legal estate was being administered. Closely connected with this section is the following one, Wills.

j) Marriage Agreements, and

k) Wardship, Apprenticeship, etc., and

l) Records of Birth.

Jointures and indentures of agreement connected with marriage portions have been gathered into one group. Other personal documents such as those concerned with wardship and apprenticeship and finally three records of birth have been given separate headings.

m) Legal Affairs.

Documents directly connected with court litigation and lawyers' expenses were fairly numerous in the collection and have been joined together in one category.

n) Official Papers.

These documents pertaining to national as well as local affairs range from high matters of state connected with the careers of Sir Nicholas Bacon and Sir John Holt down to petty matters of parish administration. The original endorsement on the document has most often been used to describe the manuscript.

o) Miscellaneous.

Four items comprise the miscellany. The last item belonged properly in the previous category and the other three are of quite diverse nature.


Descriptions of individual documents may be found in the inventory below and in the searchable Bacon Collection database, which may be browsed by date.

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Norfolk County, Collection of English Deeds

Subject Headings


Series I: Manorial Records (Ms 1-Ms 1556)

Subseries 1: Court Rolls (Ms 1-Ms 302)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave

Ms 1

3-9 Simon Abbot (43-49 Hen III), 1259-1265 (Membranes: 17)

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Ms 2

10-20 Simon Abbot (50 Hen III - 4 Ed I), 1266-1276 (Membranes: 37)

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Ms 3

10, 15, 19, 20 Simon Abbot (50, 55 Hen III; 3, 4 Ed I), 1266, 1271; 1275-1276 (Membranes: 4)

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Ms 4

1-6 John Abbot (8-13 Ed I), 1280-1285 (Membranes: 21)

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Ms 5

7-10 John Abbot (14-17 Ed I), 1286-1289 (Membranes: 16)

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Ms 6

11-14 John Abbot (18-21 Ed I), 1290-1293 (Membranes: 15)

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Ms 7

16 John Abbot (23 Ed I), 1295 (Membranes: 4)

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Ms 8

17-21 John Abbot (24-28 Ed I), 1296-1300 (Membranes: 19)

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Ms 9

22 John Abbot (29 Ed I), 1301 (Membranes: 3)

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Ms 10

1-3 Thomas Abbot (31-33 Ed I), 1302-1304 (Membranes: 9)

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Ms 11

2-11 Thomas Abbot (32 Ed I - 6 Ed II), 1303-1312 (Membranes: 34)

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Ms 12

1-2 Richard Abbot (6-7 Ed II), 1312-1313 (Membranes: 4)

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Ms 13

2-10 Richard Abbot (7-15 Ed II), 1313-1321 (Membranes: 49)

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Ms 14

4 Richard Abbot (9 Ed II), 1315 (Membranes: 6)

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Ms 15

13 Richard Abbot (18 Ed II), 1324 (Membranes: 6)

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Ms 16

11-12, 14-15 Richard Abbot (16-17, 19-20 Ed II), 1322-1323; 1324-1325 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 17

16-19 Richard Abbot (1-4 Ed III), 1327-1330 (Membranes: 24)

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Ms 18

20-23 Richard Abbot (5-8 Ed III), 1331-1334 (Membranes: 21)

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Ms 19

Vacancy-7 William Abbot (9-15 Ed III), 1335-1341 (Membranes: 38)

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Ms 20

9-10, 12, 16, 23 William Abbot (17, 18, 20, 24, 31 Ed III), 1343-1344; 1346-1350; 1357 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 21

8, 11, 13-15, 17 William Abbot (16, 19, 21-23, 25 Ed III), 1342, 1345; 1347-1349; 1351 (Membranes: 25)

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Ms 22

18, 20-22, 24-26 William Abbot, Vacancy (26, 28-29, 30-33 Ed III), 1352; 1354-1355 (Membranes: 29)

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Ms 23

1-8 John Brinkley Abbot (35-42 Ed III), 1361-1368 (Membranes: 30)

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Ms 24

9-16 John Brinkley Abbot (43-51 Ed III), 1369-1377 (Membranes: 29)

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Ms 25

17 John Brinkley Abbot - Vacancy (1-3 Rich II), 1378-1380 (Membranes: 13)

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Ms 26

3-5 Vacancy (4-6 Rich II), 1381-1383 (Membranes: 12)

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Ms 27

1-4 John Tymworth Abbot (7-10 Rich II), 1384-1387 (Membranes: 18)

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Ms 28

5 John Tymworth Abbot - 3 William Cratfeld Abbot (11-15 Rich II), 1388-1392 (Membranes: 18)

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Ms 29

3-10 William Cratfeld Abbot (16-23 Rich II), 1393-1399 (Membranes: 24)

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Ms 30

11-19 William Cratfeld Abbot (1-9 Hen IV), 1400-1407 (Membranes: 32)

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Ms 31

20-24 William Cratfeld Abbot (10-14 Hen IV), 1408-1412 (Membranes: 17)

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Ms 32

24 William Cratfeld Abbot - 3 William Exeter Abbot (1-5 Hen V), 1413-1418 (Membranes: 20)

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Ms 33

3-7 William Exeter Abbot (6-10 Hen V), 1418-1422 (Membranes: 11)

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Ms 34

8 William Exeter Abbot - 2 William Curteys Abbot (1-9 Hen VI), 1423-1431 (Membranes: 32)

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Ms 35

3-13 William Curteys Abbot (10-19 Hen VI), 1432-1441 (Membranes: 23)

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Ms 36

14 William Curteys Abbot - 6 William Babyngton Abbot (20-29 Hen VI), 1442-1451 (Membranes: 19)

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Ms 37

6 William Babyngton Abbot - 8 John Boon Abbot (30-39 & 49 Hen VI) Also includes court roll of Manor of Palgrave for 32 Hen VI., 1451-1460; 1470 (Membranes: 20)

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Ms 38

9 John Boon Abbot- 1 Robert Ixworth Abbot (1-10 Ed IV), 1461-1470 (Membranes: 16)

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Ms 39

11-22 Edward IV, 1471-1483 (Membranes: 18)

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Ms 40

1-2 Richard III, 1483-1485 (Membranes: 5)

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Ms 41

1-4, 6-7, 9-23 Henry VII, 1485-1508 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 42

1-15 Henry VIII, 1509-1524 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 43

17-23, 25-27 Henry VIII, 1525-1526 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 44

28-38 Henry VIII, 1536-1547 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 45

3-6 Edward VI, 1549-1553 (Membranes: 7)

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Ms 46

7 Edward VI - 3&4 Philip and Mary, 5&6 Philip and Mary, 1553-1558 (Membranes: 14)

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Ms 47

1 Elizabeth (paper), 1559 (Membranes: 4 folders)

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Ms 48

2-8 Elizabeth (paper), 1559-1566 (Membranes: 44 folders)

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Ms 49

1-9 Elizabeth, 1558-1566 (Membranes: 23)

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Ms 50

9-15 Elizabeth (paper), 1567-1573 (Membranes: 53 folders)

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Ms 51

10-15 Elizabeth, 1567-1573 (Membranes: 13)

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Ms 52

17-27 Elizabeth, 1574-1585 (Membranes: 26)

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Ms 53

28-39 Elizabeth, 1585-1597 (Membranes: 32)

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Ms 54

41-44 Elizabeth, 1598-1602 (Membranes: 12)

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Ms 55

1-10 James I, 1603-1612 (Membranes: 38)

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Ms 56

11-16 James I, 1613-1619 (Membranes: 29)

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Ms 57

17, 18, 21 James I, 1619-1620; 1623 (Membranes: 10)

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Ms 58

19 James I, 1621 (Membranes: 5)

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Ms 59

20 James I - 6 Charles I, 1622-1630 (Membranes: 26)

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Ms 60

7-14 Charles I, 1631-1638 (Membranes: 37)

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Ms 61

16-18 Charles I, 1640-1642 (Membranes: 20)

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Ms 62

19-22 Charles I, 1643-1646 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 63

22-23 Charles I, 1646-1647 (Membranes: 5)

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Ms 64

24 Charles I, 1648 (Membranes: 7)

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Ms 65

Interregnum, 1649 (Membranes: 8)

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Ms 66

Interregnum, 1649-1650 (Membranes: 2)

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Ms 67

Interregnum, 1650-1654 (Membranes: 28)

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Ms 68

Interregnum, 1654-1656 (Membranes: 28)

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Ms 69

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 4)

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Ms 70

Interregnum, 1658-1659 (Membranes: 17)

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Ms 71

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1659-1662 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 72

15-20 Charles II, 1663-1668 (Membranes: 21)

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Ms 73

20-24 Charles II, 1668-1672 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 74

24-33 Charles II (oversize), 1672-1681 (Membranes: 36)

Ms 75

34-35 Charles II, 1682-1683 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 76

36 Charles II - I James II, 1684-1685 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 77

36 Charles II - II William III (oversize), 1684-1699 (Membranes: 68)

Ms 78

12 William III - I Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 79

2-3 Anne, 1703-1704 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 80

4-8 Anne (oversize), 1705-1709 (Membranes: 42)

Ms 81

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 8)

Sub-subseries 2: Wortham

Ms 82

7-22 Richard Abbot (12 Ed II - 7 Ed III), 1318-1333 (Membranes: 16)

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Ms 83

1-4, 7-8, 11, 13-15 William Abbot (9-12, 15-16, 19, 21-23 Ed III), 1335-1338; 1341-1342; 1345; 1347-1349 (Membranes: 8)

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Ms 84

9-10, 12, 16, 23 William Abbot (17-18, 20, 24, 31 Ed III), 1343-1344; 1346-1350; 1357 (Membranes: 5)

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Ms 85

17, 22, 24-25 William Abbot; Vacancy; 1-2, 4-5 John Brinkley Abbot (25, 30, 32-33, 35-37, 39-40 Ed III), 1351; 1356; 1358-1359; 1361-1363; 1365-1366 (Membranes: 10)

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Ms 86

6-15 John Brinkley Abbot (41-50 Ed III), 1367-1376 (Membranes: 10)

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Ms 87

16-17 John Brinkley Abbot; Vacancy - 4 Vacancy 1-3, 4-5 John Tymworth Abbot; Vacancy; 1-2, 6, 8-10 William Cratfeld Abbot (1-3, 5-11, 13, 15, 19, 21-23 Rich II), 1377-1391; 1395; 1397-1399 (Membranes: 18)

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Ms 88

11-23 William Cratfeld Abbot (1-13 Hen IV), 1399-1412 (Membranes: 15)

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Ms 89

24-25 William Cratfeld Abbot; 1, 5-7 William Exeter Abbot (1-3, 7, 9-10 Hen V), 1413-15; 1419-22 (Membranes: 6)

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Ms 90

8-10 William Exeter Abbot, 5-8 John Boon Abbot (1-3, 36-39 Hen VI), 1423-25; 1457-60 (Membranes: 7)

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Ms 91

1-10 Edward IV; 49 Henry VI, 11-22 Edward IV, 1461-1482 (Membranes: 18)

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Ms 92

1-2 Richard III, 1483-1484 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 93

1-14, 6-7, 9-11, 13-17, 19-22 Henry VII, 1485-1508 (Membranes: 8)

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Ms 94

1-2, 4-9, 17-23, 25-30, 32-35 Henry VIII, 1509-1518; 1525-44 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 95

1&2, 5&6 Philip and Mary, 1555; 1558 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 96

1-13 Elizabeth, 1559-1571 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 97

14-27 Elizabeth, 1572-1585 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 98

28-44 Elizabeth, 1586-1602 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 99

41 Elizabeth, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 100

1-19, 21 James I, 1603-1621; 1623 (Membranes: 27)

Ms 101

20 James 1-6 Charles I, 1622-1630 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 102

7-14 Charles I, 1631-1638 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 103

16-19 Charles I, 1640-1643 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 104

19-28 Charles I, 1643-1648 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 105

Interregnum, 1649 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 106

Interregnum, 1650-1656 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 107

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 108

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1658-1662 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 109

15 Charles II - 2 James II, 1663-1686 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 110

1 James II - 11 William III, 1685-1699 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 111

12 William III - 1 Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 112

2-8 Anne, 1703-1709 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 113

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 3: Hinderclay

Ms 114

42-43 Henry III, 1257-1259 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 114A

42-43 Henry III, 1257-1259 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 115

52, 53, 55, 56 Hen III-1 Ed I, 1268-1269; 1271-1273 (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Ms 116

21, 23-24, 28 Edward I, 1293; 1295-1296; 1300 (Membranes: 5)

View digitized documents.

Ms 117

17-35 Edward I, 1289-1307( Membranes: 36)

View digitized documents, part 1.

View digitized documents, part 2.

Ms 118

1 Edward II, 1307-1308 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 119

1-9 Edward II, 1308-1316 (Membranes: 32)

View digitized documents.

Ms 120

10-16 Edward II, 1317-1323 (Membranes: 21)

View digitized documents.

Ms 121

17 Edward II - 1 Edward III, 1324-1327 (Membranes: 10)

View digitized documents.

Ms 122

1-8 Edward III, 1327-1334 (Membranes: 23)

View digitized documents.

Ms 123

9-19 Edward III, 1335-1345 (Membranes: 26)

View digitized documents.

Ms 124

20-30 Edward III, 1346-1356 (Membranes: 19)

View digitized documents.

Ms 125

31-40 Edward III, 1357-1366 (Membranes: 14)

View digitized documents.

Ms 126

41-51 Edward III, 1367-1377 (Membranes: 27)

View digitized documents.

Ms 127

1-10 Richard II, 1377-1387 (Membranes: 21)

View digitized documents.

Ms 128

11-22 Richard II, 1388-1399 (Membranes: 32)

View digitized documents.

Ms 129

1-6 Henry IV, 1399-1405 (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 130

7-14 Henry IV, 1406-1413( Membranes: 21)

View digitized documents.

Ms 131

1-10 Henry V, 1413-1422 (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 132

7, 18, 22-31, 33-38 Henry VI, 1429; 1440 1443-1460 (Membranes: 18)

View digitized documents.

Ms 133

1-4, 7-9, 11-19, 21 Edward IV, 1461-1482 (Membranes: 14)

View digitized documents.

Ms 134

9, 17-24 Henry VII, 1493-1294; 1501-1509 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 135

1, 8, 10-12, 14-15, 18-19, 32-34, 38 Henry VIII, 1509; 1516-1528; 1540-1543; 1546 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 136

3-6 Edward VI, 1549-1552 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 137

1&2, 2&3, 5&6 Philip and Mary, 1554-1556; 1558 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 138

1-2, 5-7, 9, 11-13 Elizabeth (paper), 1558-1571 (Membranes: 18 folders)

Ms 139

3-4, 7-8, 10, 14-15 Elizabeth (paper), 1561-1573 (Membranes: 21 folders)

Ms 140

1-15 Elizabeth, 1558-1574 (Membranes: 23)

Ms 141

16-27 Elizabeth, 1575-1585 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 142

28-39, 41-44 Elizabeth, 1 James I, 1586-1603 (Membranes: 22)

Ms 143

1-10 James I, 1604-1613 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 144

11-19 James I, 1613-1621 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 145

20 James I - 4 Charles I, 1622-1628 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 146

5-9 Charles I, 1629-1633 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 147

10-14 Charles I, 1634-1638 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 148

16-24 Charles I, 1640-1648 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 149

Interregnum, 1649-1656 (Membranes: 26)

Ms 150

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 151

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1658-1662 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 152

15-21 Charles II, 1663-1669 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 153

22 Charles II - 2 James II, 1670-1685 (Membranes: 26)

Ms 154

2 James II - 12 William III, 1685-1700 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 155

12 William III - 1 Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 156

2-9 Anne, 1703-1709 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 157

9-12 Anne, 1710-1713 (Membranes: 17)

Sub-subseries 4: Burgate

Ms 158

6 Edward III, 1332 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 159

13-22 Richard II, 1389-1399 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 160

11 Henry IV, 1471 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 161

1-8 Henry V, 8 Henry VI, 1413-1420; 1430 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 162

13, 21-22 Edward IV, 1473; 1481-1483 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 163

15, 19, 20, 23 Henry VII (paper), 1500; 1503-1508 (Membranes: 4 folders)

Ms 164

15-16, 19-20, 23-24 Henry VII, 1499-1509 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 165

4-5, 8-9, 11-12, 15-26, 29, 31-33, 36 Henry VIII, 1512-1545 (Membranes: 29)

Ms 166

1 Edward VI (paper), 1547 (Membranes: 1 folders)

Ms 167

1-5, 7 Edward VI, 1547-1553 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 168

1&2 - 5&6 Philip and Mary, 1554-1558 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 169

7-15 Elizabeth (paper), 1565-1573 (Membranes: 20 folders)

Ms 170

1, 5, 7-10, 13-15 Elizabeth, 1559; 1563; 1565-1573 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 171

16-27 Elizabeth, 1574-1585 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 172

28-39, 41, 43-44 Elizabeth, 1586-1602 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 173

1, 3-19 James I, 1603-1622 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 174

20 James I - 6 Charles I, 1622-1631 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 175

7-14 Charles I, 1631-1639 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 176

16-24 Charles I, 1640-1648 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 177

24 Charles I - Interregnum, 1648-1656 (Membranes: 27)

Ms 178

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 179

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1658-1662 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 180

15-20 Charles II, 1663-1668 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 181

21-35 Charles II, 1669-1683 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 182

1 James II - 11 William III, 1685-1699 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 183

2-8 Anne, 1703-1710 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 184

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 5: Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 185

15 John Brinkley Abbot (49 Ed III), 1375 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 186

14-27 Elizabeth, 1572-1585 (Membranes: 20)

View digitized documents.

Ms 187

1-10 James I, 1603-1612 (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 188

11-19 James I, 1613-1621 (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 189

20 James I-6 Charles I, 1622-1630 (Membranes: 16)

View digitized documents.

Ms 190

7-14 Charles I, 1631-1638 (Membranes: 18)

View digitized documents.

Ms 191

15 Charles I, 1639 (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Ms 192

16-19 Charles I, 1640-1643 (Membranes: 7)

View digitized documents.

Ms 193

19-22 Charles I, 1643-1646 (Membranes: 10)

View digitized documents.

Ms 194

22-24 Charles I, 1646-1648 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 195

24 Charles I - Interregnum, 1648-1649 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 196

Interregnum, 1650-1654 (Membranes: 23)

View digitized documents.

Ms 197

Interregnum, 1654-1656 (Membranes: 16)

View digitized documents.

Ms 198

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 199

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1658-1662 (Membranes: 13)

View digitized documents.

Ms 200

15-20 Charles II, 1663-1668 (Membranes: 20)

View digitized documents.

Ms 201

21-25 Charles II, 1669-1673 (Membranes: 9)

View digitized documents.

Ms 202

25-28 Charles II, 1673-1676 (Membranes: 8)

View digitized documents.

Ms 203

28-31 Charles II, 1676-1679 (Membranes: 5)

View digitized documents.

Ms 204

31-32 Charles II, 1679-1680 (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Ms 205

33 Charles II - James II, 1681-1685 (Membranes: 10)

View digitized documents.

Ms 206

2 James II - 12 William III, 1686-1700 (Membranes: 26)

View digitized documents.

Ms 207

12 William III - Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 5)

View digitized documents.

Ms 208

6-8 Anne, 1707-1709 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 209

9-10 Anne, 1710-1711 (Membranes: 10)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 6: Faconshall

Ms 210

3&4 Philip and Mary - 19 James I (Not always held every year), 1556-1621 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 211

20 James I-6 Charles I, 1622-1630 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 212

16 Charles I - Interregnum, 1640-1656 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 213

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1658-1662 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 214

16-31 Charles II, 1664-1679 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 215

1 James II - 11 William III, 1685-1699 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 216

12 William III - 8 Anne, 1700-1709 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 217

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 7: Fitz Johns

Ms 218

13-16 Charles I, 1637-1640 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 219

23 Charles I - Interregnum, 1647-1656 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 220

12 William III - Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 8: Rushes and Jennies in Gislingham

Ms 221

2-3, 7-8, 16, 20, 24, 26-27 Edward I (Court apparently not held each year.), 1274-1288 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 222

6-7, 14-16, 24-30, 51 Edward III, 2 Richard II, 1332-1333; 1340-1342; 1350-1356; 1377-1379 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 223

1-28 Henry VI, 1422-1450 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 224

3 Edward IV - 2 Richard III, 1463-1485 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 225

4-7 Henry VII, 1488-1492 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 226

4, 15-30 Henry VIII, 1512; 1523-1538 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 227

31 Henry VIII - 6 Edward VI, 1539-1552 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 228

1&2 - 5&6 Philip and Mary, 1554-1558 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 229

1-26 Elizabeth, 1559-1587 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 230

27-44 Elizabeth, 1588-1602 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 231

2-19 James I, 1604-1622 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 232

16-18 Charles I, 1640-1642 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 233

19 Charles I - Interregnum, 1643-1656 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 234

12-14 Charles II, 1660-1662 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 235

15-36 Charles II, 1663-1684 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 236

1 James II - 11 William III, 1685-1699 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 237

12 William III - 1 Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 238

2-8 Anne, 1703-1709 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 239

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 9: Wiverston

Ms 240

6, 14-20, 31-33 Edward I, 1278; 1286-1292; 1303-1305 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 241

7, 10, 17, 20 Edward II, 1313; 1316; 1323; 1326 (Membranes: 5)

View digitized documents.

Ms 242

1-2, 6-9, 11-15, 17-18, 20-21, 25-27, 31-32, 35-39, 43 Edward III, 1327-1369 (Membranes: 24)

View digitized documents, part 1.

View digitized documents, part 2.

Ms 243

35 Edward I, 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 11-14, 16 Richard II, 1307; 1377-1393 (Membranes: 13)

View digitized documents.

Ms 244

2-11 Henry IV, 1400-1410 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 245

1-3, 6, 8-9 Henry V, 1113-1422 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 246

1-9 Edward IV, 49 Henry VI, 11-22 Edward IV, 1461-1483 (Membranes: 23)

Ms 247

8-13 Henry VII, 1492-1498 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 248

16, 18-20, 22, 25 Henry VIII, 1524-1533 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 249

1, 2, 5 Edward VI, 1547-1548; 1551 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 250

1&2 - 4&5 Philip and Mary, 1554-1558 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 251

4, 6, 8-15 Elizabeth, 1561-1573 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 252

16-24, 26-27 Elizabeth, 1574-1585 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 253

28-39, 41-42, 44 Elizabeth, 1586-1602 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 254

16-18 Charles I, 1640-1642 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 255

19-24 Charles I, 1643-1648 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 256

Interregnum, 1650-1656 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 257

Interregnum, 1657 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 10: Heigham

Ms 258

17-24 Henry VII, 1-20, 31 Henry VIII, 3&4 Philip and Mary, 17 Elizabeth, 1501-1508; 1509-1529; 1539; 1556; 1575 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 259

6-20 Henry VIII (paper), 1514-1529 (Membranes: 8 folders)

Sub-subseries 11: Mellis St. Johns

Ms 260

1&2-3&4 Philip and Mary, 1554-1557 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 261

3-9, 12, 14-15, 17, 19-27 Elizabeth (oversize), 1561-1585 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 262

28-44; Elizabeth, 1586-1602 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 263

3-19 James I, 1605-1621 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 264

20 James I-7 Charles I, 1622-1631 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 265

8-14 Charles I, 1632-1638 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 266

Interregnum, 1649-1656 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 267

Interregnum- 14 Charles II, 1657-1662 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 268

1 James II-11 William III, 1685-1699 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 269

12 William III - Anne, 1700-1702 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 270

2-8 Anne, 1703-1709 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 271

9 Anne, 1710 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 12: Thornage cum membris

Ms 272

1-10 Wm. Middleton Bishop of Norwich (6-16 Ed I), 1278-1288 (Membranes: 16)

View digitized documents.

Ms 273

10 Wm. Ayermin Bishop (10 Ed III), 1336 (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Ms 274

11 Th. Percy Bishop - 8 Henry Despenser Bishop (40 Ed III - 1 Rd II), 1366-1377 (Membranes: 33)

Ms 275

8-26 Henry Despenser Bishop (1-20 Rd II), 1377-1396 (Membranes: 24)

Ms 276

1 Richard Courtenay Bishop - 7 John Wakering, 1414-1422 (Membranes: 24)

Ms 277

1-10 Henry VII, 1485-1495 (Membranes: 29)

Ms 278

Interregnum, 1659 (Membranes: 8)

Sub-subseries 13: Reydon

Ms 279

17, 19-20 Edward IV, 1477; 1479-1480 (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Ms 280

4-6 Henry VII, 1488-1491 (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 14: Pentlowe

Ms 281

2, 5, 6 Edward VI, 1548; 1551-1552 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 282

7-8 James I, 1609-1610 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 15: Thorpe Parva

Ms 283

2&3 Philip and Mary, 3, 5-11, 13-14, 16-17, 22-25, 28 Elizabeth 1555-1586, 1555-1586 (Membranes: )

Ms 284

39 Elizabeth - 11 James I, 1597-1613 (Membranes: 3)

Sub-subseries 16: Ilketshall

Ms 285

1-22 Edward IV, 1461-1482 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 286

4, 5, 7-13, 15 Elizabeth (paper; with Shipmeadow, Abbottes de Dereham in Ilketshall St. Margaret, and Mettingham Castle.) (Oversize), 1562-1573 (Membranes: 73 folders)

Sub-subseries 17: All Suffok and Essex manors

Ms 287

42-43 Elizabeth, 1599-1601 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 288

43-44 Elizabeth, 1601-1603 (Membranes: 11)

Sub-subseries 18: Brandon

Ms 289

1, 18 Hugh Balsham Bishop of Ely, 1-20 John Hotham Bishop, (42 Hen III, 3 Ed I, 10 Ed III), 1258; 1275; 1316-1337 (Membranes: 24)

View digitized documents, part 1.

View digitized documents, part 2.

Ms 290

2-6, 8-9 John Hotham Bishop (11, 13-15, 17-19 Ed II), 1317-1326 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 291

12-14, 17-19 John Hotham Bishop, 1-11 Thomas Lisle Bishop, 1-5 Simon Langham Bishop, 1-7 John Barnet Bishop (1, 3-4, 6-9, 19-30, 37-41, 43-46, 48 Ed III), 1327; 1309-1310; 1332-1335; 1345-1356; 1363-1374 (Membranes: 58)

View digitized documents.

Ms 292

1-10, 12-22 Richard II, 1377-1399 (Membranes: 30)

View digitized documents.

Ms 293

1-14 Henry IV, 1399-1413 (Membranes: 28)

View digitized documents.

Ms 294

1-10 Henry V, 1413-1422 (Membranes: 18)

View digitized documents.

Ms 295

1-14, 16, 18-33, 35-39 Henry VI, 1422-1461 (Membranes: 67)

View digitized documents, part 1.

View digitized documents, part 2.

Ms 296

1-22 Edward IV, 1461-1483 (Membranes: 39)

View digitized documents.

Ms 297

1-38 Henry VIII, 1509-1546 (Membranes: 43)

Ms 298

2-6 Edward VI, 1548-1552 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 299

1 Richard II - 3&4 Philip and Mary (Duplicate paper indexes to court rolls.) [description applies to Ms 299 and 300], 1377-1557 (Membranes: 34 folders each)

Ms 300

1 Richard II - 3&4 Philip and Mary (Duplicate paper indexes to court rolls.) [description applies to Ms 299 and 300], 1377-1557 (Membranes: 34 folders Each)

Ms 301

15, 17-20, 22-23, 25-29, 33-41 Elizabeth, 1 James I, 1573-1587; 1590-1603 (Membranes: 23)

Ms 302

15, 22 James I, 1-2 Charles I, 1617; 1625-1626 (Membranes: 2)

Subseries 2: Extracts of Court Rolls (Ms 303-Ms 324)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave cum membris

Ms 303

11, 18-19 Henry VII, 32-35 Henry VIII, 3-4 Edward VI, 17 Elizabeth, 1496; 1502-1504; 1540-1544; 1549-1550; 1574-1575 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 304

33-35 Henry VIII, 1541-1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 305

29, 31-34 Elizabeth (paper), 1587-1592 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 306

30, 33, 35 Elizabeth (paper), 1587-1588; 1590-1593 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 307

36-40 Elizabeth, 1594-1598 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 308

41 Elizabeth - 6 James I, 1599-1608 (Membranes: 41)

Sub-subseries 2: Wortham

Ms 308A

10-12, 15 Charles I - Interregnum (paper), 1590; 1594-1595; 1598-1599; 1601-1608 (Membranes: 15)

Sub-subseries 3: Hinderclay

Ms 309

12, 19-20, 22-23, 25-35 Edward I, 1-5, 9-10 12-14 Edward II, 1284; 1290-1307; 1307-1312; 1315-1321 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 310

1 Henry VI, 32-33 Henry VIII, 4 Edward VI, 1422-1423; 1540-1542; 1550 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 311

32, 36-37, 40-41, 43-44 Elizabeth, 1-6 James I, 1560-1561; 1583-1595 (Membranes: 19)

Sub-subseries 4: Burgate

Ms 312

14th Cent. ?, 14th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 313

33 Ed II, 1359 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 314

33 Ed III, 17-19, 23 Henry VII, 2, 4-8, 31 Henry VIII (Partly paper), 1359; 1501-1504; 1507-1508; 1510-1517; 1539-1540 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 315

5, 7-9, 13-14, 18-19, 25, 29, 31-36, 38-39 Elizabeth (paper), 1562-1597 (Membranes: 27 folders)

Sub-subseries 5: Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 316

27-39 Elizabeth (paper), 1584-97 (Membranes: 15)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 6: Wiverston

Ms 317

10-12, 15 Charles I - Interregnum (paper), 1634-1636; 1639; 1651-1654 (Membranes: 10 folders)

Sub-subseries 7: Melles

Ms 318

21 Edward I-5 Henry IV, 1292-1303 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 8: Thornage cum membris

Ms 319

2, 11, 15-16, 21 Henry VII, 1487; 1496; 1499-1501; 1506 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 320

17 James I (paper), 1619 (Membranes: 2 folders)

Ms 321

17 James I, 1619 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 322

18 James I, 1620 (Membranes: 11)

Sub-subseries 9: Foxherth cum membris

Ms 323

25 Henry VIII, 13, 28-38, 41 Elizabeth (paper), 1533; 1571; 1586-1596; 1599 (Membranes: 19 folders)

Ms 324

4-6, 8-9 Elizabeth (partly paper), 1561-1567 (Membranes: 5)

Subseries 3: Compotus Rolls (Ms 325-Ms 804)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave

Ms 325

12-13 Richard Draughton Abbot (17 Ed II), 1323-1324 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 326

13-14 Richard Draughton Abbot (18 Ed II), 1324-1325 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 327

19-20 Richard Draughton Abbot (4-5 Ed III), 1330-1331 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 328

2 William Bernham Abbot (10-11 Ed III), 1336-1337 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 329

5 William Bernham Abbot (13-14 Ed III), 1339-1340 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 330

7 William Bernham Abbot (15-16 Ed III), 1341-1342 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 331

8 William Bernham Abbot (16-17 Ed III), 1342-1343 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 332

11 William Bernham Abbot (19-20 Ed III), 1345-1346 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 333

13 William Bernham Abbot (21-22 Ed III), 1347-1348 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 334

14 William Bernham Abbot (22-23 Ed III), 1348-1349 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 335

15 William Bernham Abbot (23-24 Ed III), 1349-1350 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 336

16 William Bernham Abbot (24-25 Ed III), 1350-1351 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 337

17 William Bernham Abbot (25-26 Ed III), 1351-1352 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 338

19 William Bernham Abbot (27-28 Ed III), 1353-1354 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 339

21 William Bernham Abbot (29-30 Ed III), 1355-1356 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 340

22 William Bernham Abbot (30-31 Ed III), 1356-1357 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 341

24 William Bernham Abbot (32 - 33 Ed III), 1358-1359 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 342

25 William Bernham Abbot (33-34 Ed III), 1359-1360 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 343

26 William Bernham Abbot (34-35 Ed III), 1360-1361 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 344

1 John Brinkley Abbot (35-36 Ed III), 1361-1362 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 345

2 John Brinkley Abbot (36-37 Ed III), 1362-1363 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 346

3 John Brinkley Abbot (37-38 Ed III), 1363-1364 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 347

4 John Brinkley Abbot (38-39 Ed III), 1364-1365 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 348

5 John Brinkley Abbot (40 Ed III) ?(Visus), 1366 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 349

7 John Brinkley Abbot (41-42 Ed III), 1367-1368 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 350

8 John Brinkley Abbot (42-43 Ed III), 1368-1369 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 351

9 John Brinkley Abbot (43-44 Ed III), 1369-1370 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 352

10 John Brinkley Abbot (44-45 Ed III), 1370-1371 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 353

12 John Brinkley Abbot (46-47 Ed III), 1372-1373 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 354

13 John Brinkley Abbot (47-48 Ed III), 1373-1374 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 355

15 John Brinkley Abbot (49-50 Ed III), 1375-1376 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 356

16 John Brinkley Abbot (50 Ed III - 1 Rich II), 1376-1377 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 357

Vacancy (2-3 Rich II), 1378-1379 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 358

2 Vacancy (3-4 Rich II), 1379-1380 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 359

3 Vacancy (4-5 Rich II), 1380-1381 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 360

4 Vacancy (5-6 Rich II), 1381-1382 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 361

1 John Tymworth Abbot (6-7 Rich II), 1382-1383 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 362

1 John Tymworth Abbot (7 Rich II) (Visus), 1383 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 363

2 John Tymworth Abbot (7-8 Rich II), 1383-1384 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 364

3 John Tymworth Abbot (8-9 Rich II), 1384-1385 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 365

4 John Tymworth Abbot (9-10 Rich II), 1385-1386 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 366

5 John Tymworth Abbot (10-11 Rich II), 1386-1387 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 367

6 John Tymworth Abbot (11-12 Rich II), 1387-1388 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 368

Vacancy post mortem John Tymworth Abbot (12-13 Rich II), 1388-1389 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 369

2 William Cratfeld Abbot (14-15 Rich II), 1390-1391 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 370

3 William Cratfeld Abbot (15-16 Rich II), 1391-1392 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 371

4 William Cratfeld Abbot (16-17 Rich II), 1392-1393 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 372

6 William Cratfeld Abbot (18-19 Rich II), 1394-1395 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 373

8 William Cratfeld Abbot (20-21 Rich II), 1396-1397 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 374

10 William Cratfeld Abbot (22-23 Rich II), 1398-1399 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 375

13 William Cratfeld Abbot (2 Hen IV) (Visus), 1402 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 376

24 William Cratfeld Abbot (13 Hen IV - 1 Hen V), 1412-1413 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 377

25 William Cratfeld Abbot (1-2 Hen V), 1413-1414 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 377A

2 William Exeter Abbot (4-5 Hen V), 1416-1417 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 378

4 William Exeter Abbot (6-7 Hen V), 1418-1419 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 379

5 William Exeter Abbott (7-8 Hen V) (Incomplete), 1419-1420 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 380

6 William Exeter Abbot (8-9 Hen V), 1420-1421 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 381

8 William Exeter Abbot (1-2 Hen VI), 1422-1423 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 382

9 William Exeter Abbot (2-3 Hen VI), 1423-1424 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 383

9 William Exeter Abbot (2-3 Hen VI) (Paper fragment of collector's account), 1423-1424 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 384

10 William Exeter Abbot (3-4 Hen VI), 1424-1425 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 385

13 William Exeter Abbot (6-7 Hen VI), 1427-1428 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 386

14 William Exeter Abbot (7-8 Hen VI), 1428-1429 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 387

14 William Exeter Abbot (7-8 Hen VI) (Incomplete), 1428-1429 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 388

14 William Exeter Abbot(7-8 Hen VI) (Paper fragment), 1428-1429 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 389

2 William Curtys Abbot (8-9 Hen VI), 1429-1430 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 390

3 William Curtys Abbot (9-10 Hen VI), 1430-1431 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 391

6 William Curtys Abbot (12-13 Hen VI), 1433-1434 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 392

10 William Curtys Abbot (16-17 Hen VI), 1437-1438 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 393

11 William Curtys Abbot (17-18 Hen VI), 1438-1439 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 394

15-16 William Curtys Abbot (21-23 Hen VI) (Fragment), 1442-1444 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 395

16 William Curtys Abbot (22-23 Hen VI) (Paper), 1443-1444 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 396

31-32 Henry VI (Paper fragment), 1452-1453 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 397

Henry VI(Fragment), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 398

14 John Boon Abbot (6-7 Ed IV), 1466-1467 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 399

15 John Boon Abbot (7-8 Ed IV) (with Palgrave accounts), 1467-1468 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 400

12-13 Edward IV, 1472-1473 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 401

14-15 Edward IV, 1474-1475 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 402

16-17 Edward IV, 1476-1477 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 403

20-21 Edward IV, 1480-1481 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 404

5&6 Philip and Mary - 1 Elizabeth (paper), 1558-1559 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 2: Hinderclay

Ms 405

13th Century?, 13th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 406

40 Henry III(Feast St. Peter ad Vincula), 1256 Circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 407

46-47 Henry III (St. Michael to St. Mary Magdalena), 1262-1263 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 408

46-47 Henry III (St. Michael to St. Mary Magdalena) (Visus), 1262-1263 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 409

48-49 Henry III (St. Michael to St. Peter ad Vincula), 1264-1265 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 410

52 Henry III (St. Scholasticus to St. Margaret), 1268 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 411

52-53 Henry III (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1268-1269 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 412

55-56 Henry III (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1271-1272 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 413

56-57 Henry III (St. Margaret to St. Margaret, 1272-1273 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 414

57 Henry III - 1 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1272-1273 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 415

5-6 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1277-1278 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 416

6-7 Edward I (St. Margaretto St. Margaret), 1278-1279 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 417

7-8 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1279-1280 (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Ms 418

9-10 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1281-1282 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 419

10-11 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1282-1283 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 420

11-12 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1283-1284 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 421

12-13 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1284-1285 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 422

14-15 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1286-1287 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 423

16-17 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1288-1289 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 424

17-18 Edward I (St. Margaretto St. Margaret), 1289-1290 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 425

18-19 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1290-1291 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 426

19-20 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1291-1292 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 427

20-21 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1292-1293 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 428

22-23 Edward I (St. Margaret to St. Margaret), 1294-1295 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 429

23-24 Edward I (Michaelmas to Michaelmas), 1295-1296 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 430

24-25 Edward I, 1296-1297 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 431

25-26 Edward I [description applies to Ms 431 and 432], 1297-1298 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 432

25-26 Edward I [description applies to Ms 431 and 432], 1297-1298 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 433

26-27 Edward I, 1298-1299 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 434

27-28 Edward I, 1299-1300 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 435

29-30 Edward I, 1301-1302 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 436

30-31 Edward I, 1302-1303 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 437

31-32 Edward I, 1303-1304 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 438

32-33 Edward I, 1304-1305 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 439

33-34 Edward I, 1305-1306 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 440

34-35 Edward I, 1306-1307 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 441

1 Edward II, 1307 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 442

1-2 Edward II, 1307-1308 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 443

2-3 Edward II, 1308-1309 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 444

3-4 Edward II, 1309-1310 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 445

6-7 Edward II, 1312-1313 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 446

8-9 Edward II, 1314-1315 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 447

10-11 Edward II, 1316-1317 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 448

12-13 Edward II, 1318-1319 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 449

13-14 Edward II, 1319-1320 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 450

14-15 Edward II, 1320-1321 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 451

15-16 Edward II, 1321-1322 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 452

17-18 Edward II, 1323-1324 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 453

18-19 Edward II, 1324-1325 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 454

19-20 Edward II, 1325-1326 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 455

20 Edward II - 1 Edward III, 1326-1327 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 456

1-2 Edward III, 1327-1328 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 457

3-4 Edward III, 1329-1330 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 458

4-5 Edward III, 1330-1331 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 459

5-6 Edward III, 1331-1332 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 460

6-7 Edward III, 1332-1333 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 461

7-8 Edward III, 1333-1334 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 462

8-9 Edward III, 1334-1335 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 463

9-10 Edward III, 1335-1336 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 464

10-11 Edward III, 1336-1337 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 465

11-12 Edward III (Incomplete), 1337-1338 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 466

17-18 Edward III, 1343-1344 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 467

20-21 Edward III, 1346-1347 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 468

22-23 Edward III, 1348-1349 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 469

23-24 Edward III, 1349-1350 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 470

23-24 Edward III (Visus), 1349-1350 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 471

24-25 Edward III, 1350-1351 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 472

25-26 Edward III, 1351-1352 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 473

27-28 ?Edward III, 1353-1354 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 474

27-28 Edward III, 1353-1354 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 475

28-29 Edward III, 1354-1355 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 476

29-30 Edward III, 1355-1356 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 477

30-31 Edward III, 1356-1357 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 478

31-32 Edward III, 1357-1358 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 479

34-35 Edward III, 1360-1361 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 480

35-36 Edward III, 1361-1362 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 481

38-39 Edward III (with manor of Watlesfeld), 1364-1365 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 482

40-41 Edward III, 1366-1367 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 483

41-43 Edward III, 1367-1369 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 484

43-44 Edward III, 1369-1370 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 485

46-47 Edward III, 1372-1373 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 486

47-48 Edward III, 1373-1374 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 487

49-50 Edward III, 1375-1376 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 488

50 Edward II - 1 Richard II, 1376-1377 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 489

1-2 Richard II, 1377-1378 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 490

2-3 Richard II, 1378-1379 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 491

3-4 Richard II, 1379-1380 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 492

4-5 Richard II, 1380-1381 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 493

5-6 Richard II, 1381-1382 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 494

7-8 Richard II, 1383-1384 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 495

8-9 Richard II, 1384-1385 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 496

9-10 Richard II, 1385-1386 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 497

10-11 Richard II, 1386-1387 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 498

11-12 Richard II, 1387-1388 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 499

13-14 Richard II, 1389-1390 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 500

15-16 Richard II, 1391-1392 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 501

16-17 Richard II, 1392-1393 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 502

16-17 Richard II (Visus), 1392-1393 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 503

17-18 Richard II, 1393-1394 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 504

17-18 Richard II (Visus), 1393-1394 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 505

18-19 Richard II, 1394-1395 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 506

19-20 Richard II, 1395-1396 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 507

1-2 Henry IV, 1400-1401 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 508

2-3 Henry IV, 1401-1402 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 509

4 (12 January) - 5 (Michaelmas) Henry IV, 1403-1404 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 510

6-7 ?Henry IV, 1405-1406 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 3: Burgate

Ms 511

6-7 Henry VI, 1427-1428 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 512

8-9 Henry VI, 1429-1430 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 513

9-10 Henry VI, 1430-1431 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 514

11-12 Henry VI, 1432-1433 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 515

12-13 Henry VIII?(Paper; with Talmages in Brokley manor), 1520-1521 (Membranes: 2 folders)

Ms 516

Undated (No manor but lists flocks at Burgate and Redgrave Hall; Visus; Paper), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 4: Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 517

22 William Bernham Abbot (30-31 Ed III), 1356-1357 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 518

16 William Cratfeld Abbot (2-3 Hen V), 1414-1415 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 5: Rushes and Jennies in Gislingham

Ms 519

30-31 Edward III, 1356-1357 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 520

24-25 Henry VI, 1445-1446 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 6: Wiverston

Ms 521

10-11 Edward II, 1316-1317 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 522

19-20 Edward III, 1345-1346 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 523

3-4, 6-7, 9-10, 11-12 Richard II, 1379-1388 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 524

10-11 Richard II, 1386-1387 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 525

5-7 Henry VI, 1426-1428 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 526

9-10 Henry VI, 1430-1431 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 527

10 (Epiphany) - 11 (Michaelmas) Henry VI, 1432 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 7: Heigham

Ms 528

24 Henry VII - 2 Henry VIII, 6-9, 17-18 Elizabeth, 1508-1510; 1564-1567; 1575-1576 (Membranes: 6)

Sub-subseries 8: Thornage

Ms 529

44-46 Edward III, 1370-1372 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 530

47-48 Edward III, 1373-1374 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 531

49-50 Edward III, 1375-1376 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 532

50 Edward III - 1 Richard II, 1376-1377 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 533

1-2 Richard II, 1377-1378 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 534

4-5 Richard II, 1380-1381 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 535

7 Richard II (Michaelmas to 6 Feb.), 1383-1384 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 536

10-11 Richard II, 1386-1387 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 537

13-14 Richard II, 1389-1390 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 538

15-16 Richard II (Fragment), 1391-1392 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 539

16-17 Richard II, 1392-1393 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 540

18-19 Richard II, 1394-1395 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 541

10-11 Henry IV, 1409-1410 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 542

1-2 Henry V, 1413-1414 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 543

4-5 Henry V, 1416-1417 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 544

8-9 Henry V, 1420-1421 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 545

24-25 Henry VI, 1445-1446 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 546

25-26 Henry VI, 1446-1447 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 547

26-27 Henry VI, 1447-1448 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 548

27-28 Henry VI, 1448-1449 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 549

29-30 Henry VI, 1450-1451 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 550

32-33 Henry VI, 1453-1454 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 551

38-39 Henry VI, 1459-1460 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 552

39 Henry VI - 1 Edward IV, 1460-1461 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 553

1-2 Edward IV, 1461-1462 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 554

4-5 Edward IV, 1464-1465 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 555

5-6 Edward IV, 1465-1466 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 556

6-7 Edward IV, 1466-1467 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 557

7-8 Edward IV, 1467-1468 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 558

8-9 Edward IV, 1468-1469 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 559

9-10 Edward IV, 1469-1470 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 560

10-11 Edward IV, 1470-1471 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 561

11-12 Edward IV, 1471-1472 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 562

12-13 Edward IV, 1472-1473 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 563

14-15 Edward IV, 1474-1475 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 564

15-16 Edward IV, 1475-1476 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 565

16-17 Edward IV, 1476-1477 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 566

17-18 Edward IV, 1477-1478 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 567

18-19 Edward IV, 1478-1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 568

19-20 Edward IV, 1479-1480 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 569

20-21 Edward IV, 1480-1481 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 570

21-22 Edward IV, 1481-1482 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 571

2 Richard III - 1 Henry VII (paper), 1484-1485 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 572

1-2 Henry VII (Paper), 1485-1486 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 573

3-4 Henry VII, 1487-1488 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 574

4-5 Henry VII, 1488-1489 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 575

8-9 Henry VII, 1492-1493 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 576

16-17 Henry VII, 1500-1501 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 577

21-22 Henry VII, 1505-1506 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 578

17-18 Henry VIII, 1525-1536 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 579

18-19 Henry VIII (With Briston), 1536-1537 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 580

34-35 Henry VIII(With Briston; Paper), 1542-1543 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 581

35-36 Henry VIII, 1543-1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 582

Undated (With Northelingham, of deer in park), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 9: Reydon

Ms 583

14 Richard II (Paper), 1391 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 10: Foxherd

Ms 584

2-3 Henry IV, 1401-1402 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 585

12-13 Henry IV, 1411-1412 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 11: Mellis

Ms 586

39 Henry VI - 1 Edward IV, 1460-1461 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 587

1-2 Edward IV, 1461-1462 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 588

2-3 Edward IV, 1462-1463 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 589

3-4 Edward IV, 1463-1464 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 590

4-5 Edward IV, 1464-1465 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 591

5-6 Edward IV, 1465-1466 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 592

6-7 Edward IV, 1466-1467 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 593

7-8 Edward IV, 1467-1468 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 594

8-9 Edward IV, 1468-1469 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 595

9-10 Edward IV, 1469-1470 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 596

10-11 Edward IV, 1470-1471 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 597

11-12 Edward IV, 1471-1472 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 598

17-18 Edward IV, 1477-1478 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 599

18-19 Edward IV, 1478-1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 600

38 Henry VIII - 1 Edward VI (Paper), 1546-1547 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 12: Mettingham College

Ms 601

5-6 Henry VI, 1426-1427 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 602

16-17 Henry VI, 1437-1438 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 603

23-24 Henry VI, 1444-1445 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 604

13-14 Edward IV, 1473-1474 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 13: Ilketshall

Ms 605

9 Henry V - I Henry VI, 1421-1422 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 606

1-2 Henry VI, 1422-1423 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 607

7-8 Henry VI, 1428-1429 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 608

9-10 Henry VI, 1430-1431 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 609

13-14 Henry VI, 1434-1435 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 610

15-16 Henry VI, 1436-1437 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 611

17-18 Henry VI, 1438-1439 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 612

19-20 Henry VI, 1440-1441 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 613

21-22 Henry VI, 1442-1443 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 614

30-31 Henry VI, 1451-1452 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 615

32-33 Henry VI, 1453-1454 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 616

34-35 Henry VI, 1455-1456 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 617

38-39 Henry VI, 1459-1460 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 618

39 Henry VI - 1 Edward IV, 1460-1461 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 619

1-2 Edward IV, 1461-1462 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 620

3-4 Edward IV, 1463-1464 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 621

5-6 Edward IV, 1465-1466 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 622

7-8 Edward IV, 1467-1468 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 623

8-9 Edward IV, 1468-1469 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 624

12-13 Edward IV, 1472-1473 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 625

14-15 Edward IV, 1474-1475 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 626

16-17 Edward IV, 1476-1477 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 627

17-18 Edward IV, 1477-1478 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 628

18-19 Edward IV, 1478-1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 629

20-21 Edward IV, 1480-1481 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 630

21-22 Edward IV, 1481-1482 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 14: Morgans with Ilketshall

Ms 631

11-12 Richard II, 1387-1388 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 632

13-14 Richard II, 1389-1390 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 633

14-15 Richard II, 1390-1391 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 634

15-16 Richard II, 1391-1392 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 15: Mettingham College Lands

Ms 635

36 Henry VI (Arrearages of Bailiff's Account; Paper), 1457 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 636

21-22 Henry VII, 1505-1506 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 637

Post 35 Henry VIII (Paper), 1543 post (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 638

Temps Edward VI (Paper), 1547 post (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 639

Temps Edward VI?(Paper), 1547 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 640

17-21 James I, 1619-1623 (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 16: Asshfeld

Ms 641

12-13 Henry VI, 1433-1434 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 642

13-14 Henry VI, 1434-1435 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 17: Brandon

Ms 643

30 Ed I (St Margaret - Michaelmas) Sede Vacante - 1 Robert Orford Bishop of Ely?(30 Ed I; Michaelmas - Pur V. Mary) Vacancy (10 Ed III; St Maurus Abbas - St Barnabas) 46 Ed III (Michaelmas) - 47 Ed III 6 June; Vacancy (47 Ed III; 6 June- Michaelmas) Vacancy (47 Ed III; Michaelmas - 48 Ed III; 5 May), 1301-1302; 1337; 1372-1374 (Membranes: 6)

View digitized documents.

Ms 644

17-18 Edward III, 1343-1344 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 645

25-26 Edward III, 1351-1352 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 646

28-29 Edward III, 1354-1355 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 647

36-37 Edward III, 1362-1363 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 648

38-39 Edward III, 1364-1365 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 649

39-40 Edward III, 1365-1366 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 650

3-4 Richard II, 1379-1380 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 651

6-7 Richard II, 1382-1383 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 652

9-10 Richard II, 1385-1386 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 653

12-13 Richard II, 1388-1389 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 654

13-14 Richard II, 1389-1390 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 655

14-15 Richard II, 1390-1391 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 656

15-16 Richard II, 1391-1392 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 657

16-17 Richard II, 1392-1393 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 658

17-18 Richard II, 1393-1394 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 659

18-19 Richard II, 1394-1395 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 660

19-20 Richard II, 1395-1396 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 661

20-21 Richard II, 1396-1397 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 662

21-22 Richard II, 1397-1398 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 663

22-23 Richard II, 1398-1399 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 664

3-4 Edward IV, 1463-1464 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 665

4-5 Edward IV, 1464-1465 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 666

7-8 Edward IV, 1467-1468 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 667

8-9 Edward IV, 1468-1469 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 668

9-10 Edward IV, 1469-1470 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 669

10-11 Edward IV, 1470-1471 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 670

13-14 Edward IV, 1473-1474 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 671

14-15 Edward IV, 1474-1475 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 672

15-16 Edward IV, 1475-1476 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 673

18 Edward IV (Nativity John Baptist Michaelmas), 1478 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 674

18-19 Edward IV, 1478-1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 675

20-21 Edward IV, 1480-1481 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 676

21-22 Edward IV, 1481-1482 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 677

22 Edward IV - 1 Richard III, 1482-1483 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 678

1-2 Henry VII, 1485-1486 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 679

2-3 Henry VII, 1486-1487 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 680

3-4 Henry VII, 1487-1488 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 681

4-5 Henry VII, 1488-1489 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 682

5-6 Henry VII, 1489-1490 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 683

6-7 Henry VII, 1490-1491 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 684

7-8 Henry VII, 1491-1492 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 685

8-9 Henry VII, 1492-1493 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 686

9-10 Henry VII, 1493-1494 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 687

10-11 Henry VII, 1494-1495 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 688

11-12 Henry VII, 1495-1496 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 689

12-13 Henry VII, 1496-1497 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 690

13-14 Henry VII, 1497-1498 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 691

14-15 Henry VII, 1498-1499 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 692

15-16 Henry VII, 1499-1500 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 693

17-18 Henry VII, 1501-1502 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 694

23-24 Henry VII (with Wythingset als. Wetheryngsette), 1507-1508 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 695

21-22 Henry VIII (Wetheryngsette and Hecham), 1529-1530 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 696

33-34 Henry VIII, 1541-1542 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 18: Monastery of Bury St. Edmunds

Ms 697

11-13 John de Northwold Abbot (18-19 Ed I), 1290-1292 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 698

30-31 Edward I or III(Cellerer's Account), 14th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 699

19-20 Edward III (Chamberlain's Account), 1345-1346 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 700

32-33 Edward III (Chamberlain's Account), 1358-1359 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 701

7 William Cratfeld Abbot (20 Rd II), 1396 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 19: Preceptory for Battisford, Suffolk

Ms 702

35 Henry VIII (Paper), 1543 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 20: All lands and possessions of the Bacons

Ms 703

1&2 Philip and Mary - 5 Elizabeth, except 4 Eliz. (Foxherd group only; Paper, English; Michaelmas - Annunciation Mary; Annunciation Mary - Michaelmas), 1554-1562 (Membranes: 21)

Ms 704

2&3-3&4 Philip and Mary (English), 1555-1556 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 705

4&5-5&6 Philip and Mary (English), 1557-1558 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 706

5&6 Philip and Mary - 1 Elizabeth (English), 1558-1559 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 707

1-2 Elizabeth, 1559-1560 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 708

2-3 Elizabeth, 1560-1561 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 709

3-4 Elizabeth, 1561-1562 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 710

4-5 Elizabeth, 1562-1563 (Membranes: 21)

View digitized documents.

Ms 711

5-6 Elizabeth, 1563-1564 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 712

6-7 Elizabeth, 1564-1565 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 713

7-8 Elizabeth, 1565-1566 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 714

8-9 Elizabeth, 1566-1567 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 715

9-10 Elizabeth, 1567-1568 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 716

10-11 Elizabeth, 1568-1569 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 717

11-12 Elizabeth, 1569-1570 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 718

12-13 Elizabeth, 1570-1571 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 719

13-14 Elizabeth, 1571-1572 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 720

14-15 Elizabeth, 1572-1573 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 721

15-16 Elizabeth, 1573-1574 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 722

16-17 Elizabeth, 1574-1575 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 723

17-18 Elizabeth, 1575-1576 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 724

18-19 Elizabeth, 1576-1577 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 725

19-20 Elizabeth, 1577-1578 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 726

20-21 Elizabeth, 1578-1579 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 727

21-22 Elizabeth, 1579-1580 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 728

22-23 Elizabeth, 1581-1582 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 729

24-25 Elizabeth, 1582-1583 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 730

25-26 Elizabeth, 1583-1584 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 731

26-27 Elizabeth, 1584-1585 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 732

27-28 Elizabeth, 1585-1586 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 733

28-29 Elizabeth, 1586-1587 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 734

29-30 Elizabeth, 1587-1588 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 735

30-31 Elizabeth, 1588-1589 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 736

31-32 Elizabeth, 1589-1590 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 737

33-34 Elizabeth, 1591-1592 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 738

34-35 Elizabeth, 1592-1593 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 739

35-36 Elizabeth, 1593-1594 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 740

36-37 Elizabeth, 1594-1595 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 741

37-38 Elizabeth, 1595-1596 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 742

38-39 Elizabeth, 1596-1597 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 743

39-40 Elizabeth, 1597-1598 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 744

40-41 Elizabeth, 1598-1599 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 745

41-42 Elizabeth, 1599-1600 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 746

42-43 Elizabeth, 1600-1601 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 747

43-44 Elizabeth, 1601-1602 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 748

44 Elizabeth - 1 James I, 1602-1603 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 749

1-2 James I, 1603-1604 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 750

2-3 James I, 1604-1605 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 751

3-4 James I, 1605-1606 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 752

4-5 James I, 1606-1607 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 753

5-6 James I, 1607-1608 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 754

6-7 James I, 1608-1609 (Membranes: 16)

Ms 755

7-8 James I, 1609-1610 (Membranes: 15)

Ms 756

8-9 James I, 1610-1611 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 757

9-10 James I, 1611-1612 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 758

10-11 James I, 1612-1613 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 759

11-12 James I, 1613-1614 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 760

12-13 James I, 1614-1615 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 761

13-14 James I, 1615-1616 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 762

14-15 James I, 1616-1617 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 763

15-16 James I, 1617-1618 (Membranes: 11)

Ms 764

16-17 James I, 1618-1619 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 765

17-18 James I, 1619-1620 (Membranes: 13)

Ms 766

20-21 James I, 1622-1623 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 767

21-22 James I, 1623-1623 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 768

22 James I - 1 Charles I, 1624-1625 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 769

1-2 Charles I, 1625-1626 (Membranes: 9)

Ms 770

3-4 Charles I, 1627-1628 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 771

4-5 Charles I, 1628-1629 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 772

5-6 Charles I, 1629-1630 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 773

6-7 Charles I, 1630-1631 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 774

7-8 Charles I, 1631-1632 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 775

8-9 Charles I, 1632-1633 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 776

9-10 Charles I, 1633-1634 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 777

10-11 Charles I, 1634-1635 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 778

11-12 Charles I, 1635-1636 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 779

12-13 Charles I, 1636-1637 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 780

13-14 Charles I, 1637-1638 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 781

14-15 Charles I, 1638-1639 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 782

15-16 Charles I, 1639-1640 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 782A

16-17 Charles I, 1640-1641 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 783

17-18 Charles I, 1641-1642 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 784

18-19 Charles I, 1642-1643 (Membranes: 5)

Ms 785

19-20 Charles I, 1643-1644 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 786

20-21 Charles I, 1644-1645 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 787

21-22 Charles I, 1645-1646 (Membranes: 6)

Subseries 4: Receivers' Accounts, all lands and possessions of the Bacons

Ms 788

1-2 Elizabeth, 1559-1560 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 789

2-3 Elizabeth, 1560-1561 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 790

3-4 Elizabeth, 1561-1562 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 791

4-5 Elizabeth, 1562-1563 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 792

5-6 Elizabeth, 1563-1564 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 793

6-7 Elizabeth, 1564-1565 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 794

7-8 Elizabeth, 1565-1566 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 795

8-9 Elizabeth, 1566-1567 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 796

9-10 Elizabeth, 1567-1568 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 797

10-11 Elizabeth, 1568-1569 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 798

Circa' 11-12 Elizabeth(Charge of the Receiver)+B1602, 1569-1573 circa (Membranes: )

Ms 799

11-12 Elizabeth, 1569-1570 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 800

12-13 Elizabeth, 1570-1571 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 801

13-14 Elizabeth, 1571-1572 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 802

14-15 Elizabeth, 1572-1573 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 803

15-16 Elizabeth, 1573-1574 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 804

16-17 Elizabeth, 1574-1575 (Membranes: 2)

Subseries 5: Rentals, Firmals, Extents, Surveys, etc. (Ms 805-Ms 881)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave cum membris

Ms 805

10 John de Northwold Abbot (17 Ed I; Extent), 1289 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 806

Cira 1 Richard II B1718(Rental), 1377 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 807

10?Richard II (Gedynghall within Wortham only;, 1386 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 808

22 William Cratfeld?Abbot (13 Hen IV; Rental), 1411 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 809

26 William Cratfeld Abbot (3 Hen V; Rental), 1415 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 810

6 William Curtys Abbot (13 Hen VI; Rental), 1435 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 811

30 Henry VI (Wodehouse in Botisdale only; Rental), 1415 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 812

Undated (Rental), 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 813

Undated (Rental), 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 814

3 Henry VIII (Survey; Paper), 1511 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 815

3 Henry VIII ?(Survey; Paper), 1511 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 816

3 Henry VIII ?(Survey; Paper), 1511 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 817

3 Henry VIII ?(Survey; Paper), 1511 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 818

18 Henry VIII (Horssemere in Botoluesdale only; Rental), 1526 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 819

Post 34 Henry VIII (Field Book; Paper), 1542 post (Membranes: 25 folders)

View digitized documents.

Ms 820

Early Edward VI(Rental; Verso is draft of Court case involving Sir Edward North; Paper), 1547 circa (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Ms 821

1&2 Philip and Mary (Rental; Verso is draft of court case involving several persons relating to lands of suppressed monasteries; Paper), 1554 (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 822

(Rental; Paper with Parchment Cover), 1620-1623 circa (Membranes: 17)

View digitized documents.

Ms 823

23 Charles I (Rental; Paper), 1647 (Membranes: 27)

View digitized documents.

Ms 824

(Rental), 1650-1655 circa; 1686 circa (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Ms 825

("... accordings to the Computacon of the Church of Englande"; Rental), 1655 (Membranes: 14)

View digitized documents.

Ms 826

(Rental), 1682 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 827

(Rental), 1682 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 828

(Rental of hens, capons and eggs; With Hyndercley, Gislingham), 17th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 829

2 Anne (Rental of oats, fowls and eggs; With Gislingham, Richinghall, Mellis, and Hindercley), 1703 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 830

9 Anne (Rental of oats, fowls and eggs; With Gislingham, Rickinghall, Mellis, and Hindercley), 1710 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 831

1 George I (Rental of oats, fowls and eggs; With Gislingham, Rickinhall, Mellis, Hindercley), 1714 (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 2: Hinderclay

Ms 832

Undated (Extent), 14th-15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 833

Undated (Rental; With Blackburn Hundred), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 834

Undated (Rental), 1539-1547 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 835

Undated (Rental), 1634-1656 circa (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 3: Burgate

Ms 836

16 Edward III (Survey of the lands of Sir Robert Swyneford), 1342 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 837

Undated (Rental), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 838

Undated (Rental), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 839

Undated (Survey of the Demeanes; Paper), 1560-1564 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 840

16-17 Charles I (Rental; With Wortham Abbots, Mellis St. Johns), 1641 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 841

12 George I (Rental), 1725 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 4: Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 842

39 Elizabeth renewed 8 James I (Rental; Paper), 1597; 1610 (Membranes: 11)

View digitized documents.

Ms 843

9 Anne (Rental), 1710 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 844

1 George I (Rental), 1714 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 5: Fitz Johns in Rickinghall Superior

Ms 845

17 James I, 10 December (Rental), 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 846

18 James I, 5 August (Rental), 1620 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 847

(Rental), 1656 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 848

(Rental; With Rushes & Jennies in Gislingham; Paper), 1693 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 849

2 Anne (Rental), 1703 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 850

9 Anne (Rental), 1710 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 851

1 George I (Rental), 1714 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 6: Rushes and Jennies in Gislingham

Ms 852

Undated (Gislingham, manor unknown; Rental), 14th-15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 853

5 Henry VI, 1, 4 Edward IV, (Rental), 1427; 1461; 1464 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 854

Undated (Survey; Paper), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 855

(Rental: With Faconshall, Fitz Johns and Westhall), 1694 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 856

2 Anne (Rental), 1703 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 857

9 Anne (Rental), 1710 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 858

1 George I (Rental), 1714 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 7: Wiverston

Ms 859

Undated (Rental), 16th-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 8: Mellis St. Johns

Ms 860

(Rental), 1669 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 861

(Rental; Paper), 1679 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 862

1725 (Rental), 1725 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 9: Thornage cum membris

Ms 863

Richard II? B1943(Rental)+B2904, 14th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 864

3 ?Richard II (Extent), 1379 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 865

3 Richard II (Brynton only; Extent), 1379 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 866

1 Henry VII (Firmal), 1485 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 867

2 Henry VII (Firmal), 1486 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 868

2 Henry VII (Rental), 1486 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 869

2 Henry VII (Rental), 1486 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 10: Foxherd

Ms 870

24 Henry VII (View of Copyholders), 1508 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 871

26 Henry VIII (Sullyes in Reydon only; Extent), 1534 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 872

(Rental), 1546 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 873

(Rental; Paper), 1546 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 11: Mettingham College lands

Ms 874

Undated (Rental), 14th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 875

Undated (Firmal), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 876

Undated (Rental; Paper), 15th century (Membranes: 4)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 12: College of Wingfield lands

Ms 877

23 Henry VIII, Nov. 13 (Rental and Firmal), 1531 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 878

23 Henry VIII, Nov. 13 (Rental and Firmal; Paper with Parchment Cover), 1531 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 13: Thorpe Parva

Ms 879

Undated (Extent of Common Field Lands; Paper), 16th century (Membranes: 4)

Sub-subseries 14: Lackford

Ms 880

13 Henry VIII (Rental), 1521 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 15: London Houses

Ms 881

Undated (Rental; Paper, with Parchment cover on verso of which is half of legal document involving Wingfeld College), 1509 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Subseries 6: Parcellas and Particulars (Ms 882-Ms 886)

Ms 882

34 Henry VIII, May 22; The Exchange of Magna Holland, Essex for Redgrave, 1542 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 883

36 Henry VIII, May 10; Parcella of Lands and Possessions of Hospital of St. Mary Virgin, Bishopsgate, 1544 (Membranes: 5)

View digitized documents.

Ms 884

36 Henry VIII, Nov. 5; Parcella of Lands of: Bury St. Edmunds (Rickinghall); Priorate of Markeyate, Bedford (Rectory and Chapel of Whiteacre, Nether Whiteacre and Le Lee); Thomas Smith, Page of the King's Chamber (Messuage & Garden in St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London) ALSO 7 Edward VI, March 20; Parcella of Lands of: Preceptory of Battisforth (Gislingham); Priorate of Thetford, Norf (Hopton, Suffolk), 1544; 1553 (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 885

37 Henry VIII, May 10; Particular of Wortham and Burgate, 1545 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 886

37 Henry VIII, July 1&2; Particular of Hyndercley (James and Thomas Bacon), 1545 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 7: Extents, Surveys, Valors (Inquistions Post Mortem) (Ms 887-Ms 890)

Ms 887

Undated; Survey of Property of William Yaxlee of Yaxlee, Mellis, etc. (Paper), 1558-1566 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 888

21 Elizabeth, Oct. 8; Extent and Value of Manors, Lands, Hereditaments, Etc., of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, after his death, 1579 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 889

42 Elizabeth, Sept. 29; Valor of Manors of Sir Robert Drury(Paper), 1600 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 890

2 Charles I, Nov. 3; Extent and Value of Manors, Lands, Hereditaments, Etc. of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Baronet, 1626 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 8: Inventories, Household Goods and Chattels (Ms 891-Ms897)

Ms 891

Undated; Unknown Person, deceased (Goods and Chattels), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 892

1 Elizabeth, March 18; Robert Bewres of Up Searone, Dorset, deceased (Goods and Chattels), 1558 or 1559 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 893

Sir Robert Drury, Drury House, London (Household), 1613, May 27 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 894

Sir Robert Drury, Drury House, London (Household), 1614, July 18 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 895

Sir Robert Drury, Deceased (Goods & Chattels), 1615, April 16 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 896

Lady Anne Drury, Deceased (Goods & Chattels), 1624, June 15 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 897

Sir Edmund Bacon, Deceased (Goods and Chattels), 1649, April 17 (Membranes: 1)

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Subseries 9: Quietus est for Sheriff from the Norfolk and Suffolk Great Roll (Ms 898-Ms 902)

Ms 898

4 Elizabeth; Sir William Butts, Norfolk, 1562 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 899

23 Elizabeth; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Suffolk, 1581 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 900

39 Elizabeth; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Norfolk (Acquittance for Recusants Fines), 1597 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 901

39 Elizabeth; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Norfolk, 1597 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 902

1 James I; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Suffolk, 1603 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 10: Records of Courts, Fines, etc. (Ms 903-Ms 908)

Ms 903

24 Henry VI; Copy of Court decision: 1. William Beef, Henry Fylongley (Plaintiffs) 2. James Ormond, Son of James Count Ormond, and Anna Ormond, wife (Defendants) Lands of Borley and Foxherd, Essex, Magna Waldyngfeld, Aketon, Reydon, Werstede, Enerhall, Netherhall in Bures be Mare, Magna Bures, Whiston, Asynton, parva Cornard, Meldyng, Illegh, Monachore, Lavenham, Cokefeld, Preston, Thorp, Moreny, Brerdnenham, Freston, Westerfeld, in Suffolk; many other manors in Devon, Gloucestershire, Kent, Dorset and Somerset, 1447 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 904

2, 12 Edward IV (11, 12 Edward II?), "A Record of Fines acknowledged of divers lands in Reydon", and other Suffolk manors for Robert de Reydon, 1462; 1472; etc. (Membranes: 1)

Ms 905

2 Edward VI, Feb. 12; "The Pledeing in the Exchechor for Respite of Homage for Hyndercley, Wortham, and Burgate" for Nicholas, Thomas and James Bacon (Paper), 1547 or 1548 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 906

Post 1 Elizabeth; "To Prove the landes of Westhall in Westhorpe Parke & in Westhorpe late Sir Thomas Cornwallys" Prepared for Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1558 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 907

13&14 James I; Sir Nicholas Bacon's Accounts for the Liberties and Franchises of Bury St. Edmunds, 1615-1616 (Membranes: 52)

Ms 908

20 Charles II, June 1; Record of Court Action: 1. Richard Hutchinson (Plaintiff) Christiana Weeting, widow, Giles Weeting (Defendants); Manor of Bickualer, Somerset, 1668 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 11: Account (Ms 909)

Ms 909

3&4 Elizabeth; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, Farmer of Manor of Mildenhall; Accounts for Repairs (Paper with Parchment cover), 1560-1562 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 12: Compotus Rolls of Manors Foreign to the Collection (Ms 910-911)

Ms 910

33-34 Edward III, Terlyngg, Essex, 1359-1360 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 911

26 William de Bernham Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 1360-1361 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 13: Court Books (Ms 912- Ms 945)

Ms 912

7 Edward IV - 1 Richard III; Priory of Ixworth (Manors of Ixworth, Walsham Churchehous, Shakyslond, Sapyston), 1467-1483 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 913

Undated; Unidentified Fragment Mellis, Burgate or Wortham?, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 914

Undated; Unidentified Fragment Mellis, or Burgate?, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 915

21 Henry VII - 1 Henry VIII; Hindercley, 1506; 1509 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 916

23 Henry VII - 4 Henry VIII; Hindercley, Stanton, Broke, Wattlysfeld, Caster St. Edmund de Bury, 1508-1512 (Membranes: 102)

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Ms 917

5 Henry VIII?; Mettingham College (Shipmeadow); (fragment), 1513 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 918

9-19 Henry VIII; Walsham, Watlysfeld, Westhorpe, 1517-1527 (Membranes: 36)

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Ms 919

10 Henry VIII - 7 Edward VI; Burgate with Burgate Hall, 1518-1553 (Membranes: 50)

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Ms 920

12, 15 Henry VIII; Redgrave cum Membris, 1520; 1523 (Membranes: 6)

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Ms 921

22 Henry VIII; Mettingham College (Shipmeadow); (Fragment), 1530 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 922

37 Henry VIII - 1 Mary; Thornage cum Membris, 1545-1553 (Membranes: 71)

Ms 923

35 Henry VIII - 25 Elizabeth; Thorpe Parva, 1544-1583 circa (Membranes: 52)

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Ms 924

1 Mary - 4&5 Philip and Mary; Thornage cum Membris, 1553-1557 (Membranes: 41)

Ms 925

3 Edward VI, 1&2 Philip and Mary; Hyndercley, 1549; 1544 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 926

7 Edward VI - 3&4 Philip and Mary; Mellis St. Johns, 1553-1557 (Membranes: 4)

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Ms 927

1&2 Philip and Mary - Elizabeth; Burgate, 1554-1559 (Membranes: 24)

Ms 928

1,3 Elizabeth; Redgrave cum Membris, Hindercley, 1559; 1561 (Membranes: 18)

Ms 929

22-23 Elizabeth; Thornage cum Membris, 1580-1581 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 930

25 Elizabeth; Hindercley, Walsham with Walsham Churchhouse 26 Elizabeth; All Bacon Manors, 1583-1584 (Membranes: 27)

Ms 931

27 Elizabeth; Walsham, 1585 (Membranes: 5)

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Ms 932

29-40 Elizabeth; Thorpe Parva, 1587-1598 (Membranes: 14)

Ms 933

41-42 Elizabeth; All Bacon Manors 43 Elizabeth; Westhall, Mellis St. Johns, Walsham, 1598-1601 (Membranes: 94)

Ms 934

43 Elizabeth - James I; All Bacon Manors, 1601-1606 (Membranes: 153)

Ms 935

44 Elizabeth - 1 James I; Walsham, 1602-1603 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 936

5-6 James I; All Bacon Manors, 1607-1608 (Membranes: 99)

Ms 937

4-6 James I; Redgrave cum Membris; Westhall; Wiverston, 1606-1608 (Membranes: 17)

Ms 938

7 James I; All Bacon Manors 8 James I; Ingham, Culford, 1609-1610 (Membranes: 62)

Ms 939

8-9 James I; All Bacon Manors 10 James I; Wortham Abbots, Westhall, Hyndercley, Walsham, 1610-1612

Ms 940

10 James I; All Bacon Manors, 1612

Ms 941

12 James I; All Bacon Manors 13 James I; Redgrave cum Membris, 1614-1615

Ms 942

13 James I; All Bacon Manors 14 James I; Walsham, Hindercley, Westhall, 1615-1616

Ms 943

14 James I; All Bacon Manors 15 James I; Wortham Abbots, Wiverston, Walsham, Ingham, 1616-1617

Ms 944

15 James I; All Bacon Manors 16 James I; Wiverston, Hyndercley, 1617-1618

Ms 945

19 James I - 24 Charles I; Heigham, 1621-1618

Subseries 14: Compotus Books (Ms 946-Ms 950)

Ms 946

l?- 4 Henry IV; Receiver General's Accounts for Mettingham College, 1399-1403

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Ms 947

22-32 Henry VIII; Mettingham College Lands, 1530-1540

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View digitized documents, part 5.

Ms 948

1 Mary - 1&2 Philip and Mary; Rushes & Jenneis in Geselyngham, 1553-1554

Ms 949

1&2-4&5 Philip and Mary; Thornage cum Membris, 1554-1557

Ms 950

4-31 Elizabeth; Lands of Thomas Butts in Suffolk and Essex (Foxherd cum membris) (bound in illuminated 15th Century Service Book), 1562-1589

Subseries 15: Books of Rentals, Extents, Survey, Firmals, etc. (Ms 951-Ms 987)

Ms 951

Post 20 William de Bernham Abbot (28 Ed III); Redgrave; Custumal (Composed of Extracts of Court Rolls from 8 Symon de Luton Abbot (1264)-20 William de Bernham), 1354 post (Membranes: 28)

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Ms 952

12 Richard II; Burgate (Rental), 1388-1389 (Membranes: 19)

Ms 953

Undated; Unidentified manor (Survey or Rental), 14th-15th century (Membranes: 8)

Ms 954

25 William Cratfeld Abbot (2 Hen V); Blakeborne Hundred; (Rental with copy of earlier Rental), 1414 (Membranes: 42)

Ms 955

6 William Curtys Abbot (12 Henry VI); Redgrave cum Membris (Rental) 10 Thomas Ratlisden Abbot (4 Henry VII); Botolsysdale (Rental), 1434; 1488 (Membranes: 68)

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Ms 956

15 Henry VI; Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior (Extent; Parchment), 1436 (Membranes: 56)

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Ms 957

15 Henry VI; Gyslingham (Rental), 1436 (Membranes: 12)

Ms 958

1 William Babyngton Abbot (25 Hen VI); Redgrave cum Membris (Rental) (with copy of Rental of 17 Ed I), 1446 (Membranes: 30)

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Ms 959

1 Henry VII; Thornegge; (Rental; Parchment), 1485 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 960

2 Henry VII; Thornegge cum Membris; (Rental), 1486 (Membranes: 10)

Ms 961

5 Henry VII; Rushes & Jennys in Gislingham; (Rental), 1489 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 962

Undated; No Place Mettingham College?; , 1500-1550 survey circa (Membranes: 11)

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Ms 963

4 Henry VIII; Burgate; (Rental), 1512 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 964

34 Henry VIII; Redgrave cum Membris, Hyndercley, Rykynghall, Wyverston, etc; (Survey), 1542 (Membranes: 52)

Ms 965

34 Henry VIII; Wortham, Burgate; (Survey), 1542 (Membranes: 8)

Ms 966

C.6 Edward VI - 1&2 Philip and Mary; Redgrave C.cum Membris (Notes at end on many Bacon manors); (Survey), 1552-1555 (Membranes: 99)

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Ms 967

1562; All Bacon Lands; "An Abbreviate of all my Sir Nicholas Bacon, L. K.Leases", 1562 (Membranes: 34)

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Ms 968

23 Elizabeth, September; Walsham (Survey); (two fine illuminated capitals; page of 14th Cent. Service Book in Binding), 1581 (Membranes: 94)

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Ms 969

23 Elizabeth; Walsham; (Field Book; Bound in part of 14th, Century Service Book), 1581 (Membranes: 191)

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Ms 970

25 Elizabeth, 6 October; Heigham Hall in Mellis; "Extent, Firmal, Rental, Visus, & Perambulaco", 1583 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 971

27 Elizabeth, June; Rushes & Jennyes in Gyslingham (Survey), 1585 (Membranes: 24)

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Ms 972

27 Elizabeth, 29 September; Thornage cum Membris (Rental), 1585 (Membranes: 12)

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Ms 973

33 Elizabeth; All Bacon Lands (Lease Book, 12-33 Elizabeth), 1591 (Membranes: 109)

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Ms 974

33 Elizabeth, 29 September; Redgrave with Botesdale; (Rental), 1591 (Membranes: 10)

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Ms 975

33 Elizabeth, 29 September; Redgrave with Botesdale; (Rental, renewed 1604), 1591 (Membranes: 9)

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Ms 976

37 Elizabeth, 25 April; Redgrave cum Membris (Rental, Bound in part of 14th Century Service Book), 1595 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 977

38 Elizabeth, 19 June; Thornage cum Membris (Survey; First Court of Sir Nicholas Bacon), 1596 (Membranes: 10)

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Ms 978

Undated; Rickinghall; Field Book, 16th century late (Membranes: 20)

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Ms 979

2 James I, May; Wortham; (Survey; Parchment), 1604 (Membranes: 28)

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Ms 980

3 James I, 29 September; Redgrave cum Membris; (Rental; Bound in Indenture in English of 21, April, 3 James I between 1. Edward Bacon of Shribland Hall, Godenham, Suffolk and 2. John Mickleworme?and John Darlinge of Ingham, Norfolk), 1605 (Membranes: 27)

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Ms 981

5 James I, May; Westhall or Rickinghall Inferior and Flymingham, Wyverston, and Westhorpe; (Survey), 1607 (Membranes: 49)

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Ms 982

14 James I; King's Hundred of Thedwarstre; (Rental), 1616 (Membranes: 7)

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Ms 982A

"The Lands and Possessions of the Right Honorable Francis Lo: Verulam, Lord Chancellour of England, in Right of his wife one of the Daughters and Coheires of Benedict Barneham, Alderman of London, deceased;" Includes lands, farms, and houses in Paddington, Chelsea, the City of London, Kent, and Essex; (Rentals and surveys), 1619, April 22

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Ms 983

1632; Rushes & Jennyes in Gislingham; (Rental), 1632 (Membranes: 8)

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Ms 984

22 Charles I, 29 September; Redgrave cum Membris (Rental, 1650; Account of Rents, Bound in Indenture, 29 September, 21 James I (1623) between 1. Richard Pearson of Thelnetham and 2. ?Palgrave), 1646 (Membranes: 22)

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Ms 985

Redgrave cum Membris; (Rentals), 1663; 1665-1667, 29 September (Membranes: 34)

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Ms 986

Redgrave cum Membris; (Rentals), 1668-1669 (Membranes: 20)

Ms 987

Undated; Wortham Abbotts; Index of customal (Bound in indenture in English of 20 November, 9 William III between 1. Thomas Thurston of Ipswich and 2. Katherine ?, executrix of Elizabeth Robinson), 17th century late (Membranes: 26)

Subseries 16: Miscellaneous Books (Ms 988-Ms 993)

Ms 988

Undated; Copies of Patents of Sir Edward de Guldefford, 16th century early (Membranes: 11)

Ms 989

Undated; Memorandum Book of official of Monastery of Bury St. Edmonds?(Contains letters, wills, extracts of court rolls, recipes, rental of Rickinghall 20 Henry VII, receipt of Robert Drury for sheep account, etc.), 16th century early (Membranes: 54)

Ms 990

37 Henry VIII - 2 Mary; The Charges of Building Redgrave Hall, 1545-1554 (Membranes: 221)

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View digitized documents, part 2.

View digitized documents, part 3.

Ms 991

23 Elizabeth, Hillary Term; Franchises of Bury St. Edmunds, 1581 (Membranes: 139)

Ms 991A

Regnal years-A878824 Elizabeth, 11 May-25 Elizabeth, 12 October. The charges of building [Stiffkey Manor], for removinge the Haven House, and for worke donne about the Haven House, Accounts of Nathaniel Bacon, 1582-1583 (Membranes: 27)

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Ms 992

Undated; Extract of the Allowances of the Liberty of Bury (Parchment), 17th century early (Membranes: 17)

Ms 993

4 James I, 23 April - 2 Charles I, 23 October; Receipt Book of Receivers of Sir Nicholas and Edmund Bacon, 1606-1626 (Membranes: 44)

Subseries 17: List of Evidences, Documents, etc. (Ms 994-Ms 1019)

Ms 994

Late Henry VIII?; Foxherd cum Membris; List of Documents, 1640 circa (Membranes: 11)

Ms 995

3 Edward VI, 3 April; "A Kalendar made by me, Nicholas Bacon, at Redgrave...of all the Corte Rolles, Accomptes, Rentalles Estreates and Bookes of Survey concerning my manours of Redgrave, Wortham Rykinghall, Hynderclay and Ingham in...Suffolk and Stanferth in...Norfolk" (Parchment), 1549 (Membranes: 22)

Ms 996

Post 2 Philip and Mary; Mellis; List of Documents, 1554 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 997

24 Elizabeth, 2 May, 16 June; 25 Elizabeth, 22 May, 31 Elizabeth, 15 February; Eye; "List of Coorte Rolls", 1582; 1583; 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 998

Undated; List of bonds and releases, etc., relating to the Drurys and others kept by Bacons, 17th century early (Membranes: 3)

Ms 999

List of Evidences kept by a servant of Sir Nicholas Baconrelating to Sir Robert and Sir William Drury, Anthony Bacon, etc., 1600, April 9 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1000

5 Janes; Gislingham and Falcons Hall; A note evidences delivered by Mr. John Hill to me-Sir Nicholas Bacon? -at the Bury Assises, 1608 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1001

6 James I; Mellys; Notes of Evidences, 1608 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1002

8 James I, 1 September; 1611, 27 May; List of Evidences relating to lands Hardwicke?given by Sir Robert Drury to his wife Anne, 1610; 1611 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1003

Fitz Johns; List of evidences in Box, 1616 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1004

Fitz Johns; List of evidences in Box, 1616 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1005

Fitz Johns; List of evidences in Box, 1616 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1006

Rickinghall, Westhall; List of evidences in Box, 1625 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1007

1625; Rushes & Jennies; List of evidences in Box, 1625 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1008

Mellis; List of evidences in Box, 1625 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1009

Post 6 Charles I; Faconshall; List of evidences in Box [description applies to "Ms" 1009 and 1010], 1625 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1010

Post 6 Charles I; Faconshall; List of evidences in Box [description applies to "Ms" 1009 and 1010], 1625 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1011

Rushes & Jennies, Mellis; Fragment of list of evidences, 1625 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1012

Burgate; List of evidences in Box, 1626 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1013

Foxhearth; List of evidences in Box, 1626 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1014

1636, 29 September, 31 October; 1647; All Norfolk manors; "Note of certaine rolls delivered to Mr. Purton" and other lists of evidences, 1636, 29 September, 31 October; 1647 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1015

Post 20 Charles I; Unidentified place; List of evidences, 1644 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1016

Burgate; List of evidences, 1648; 1651, August 6 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1017

"A note of the evidences carryed to Foxherth", 1653, February (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1018

"An Extract of all such Deeds Evidences Court Books & Court Rolls Accompts... and of all other Wrightings of...Sir Edward Bacon...in his Evidence Chamber at Redgrave.....", 1657, March 2 (Membranes: 29)

Ms 1019

Brandon; List of Evidences relating to William Pleasance, 1660-1685, May 22 post (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 18: Copies of Court Rolls (Ms 1020-Ms 1230)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave cum Botesdale

Ms 1020

Undated; Thomas Goldfynch, 14th-15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1021

16 Richard II, 6 June; Walter Sabyn [description applies to "Ms" 1021 and 1022], 1393 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1022

16 Richard II, 6 June; Walter Sabyn [description applies to "Ms" 1021 and 1022], 1393 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1023

3 Henry VI, 6 November ?; John Tocay, 1424 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1024

23 Henry VI, 3 March; John and Johanna Dryver, 1444 or 1445 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1025

26 Henry VI, 26 December; John Dunham and Isabella Lewyn, 1447 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1026

30 Henry VI, 6 November ?; Robert Candeler, 1451 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1027

33 Henry VI, 7 January; Richard Ekelyn, 1454 or 1455 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1028

33 Henry VI, 8 May; Thomas Fuller, 1455 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1029

33 Henry VI, 8 May; John Fuller, 1455 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1030

33 Henry VI, 8 May; Robert Cynes, 1455 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1031

33 Henry VI, 8 May; John Corbald, 1455 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1032

37 Henry VI; December 9; Edward Tabor ?, 1458 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1033

17 Edward IV; August 1; 1&2. Alexander Buk, 3. John, Sen., Henry, John, Jun., Leche heirs of Robert Leche another date?, 1477 (Membranes: 3 entries)

Ms 1034

17 Edward IV, August 1; Robert Leche, 1477 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1035

19 Edward IV, July 27; Thomas and Agnes Hempman, 1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1036

19 Edward IV, July 27; Richard and Agnes Crane, 1479 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1037

9 Henry VII, September 3; Thomas Bronde, son and heir of Robert Bronde of Geslyngham, 1493 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1038

9 Henry VII, September 3; John Leche, 1493 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1039

11 Henry VII, 28 June; Richard Crane and John Leche, 1496 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1040

12 Henry VII, May 12; 1. Robert Tynton 2. Stephen Draper and William Coote, 1497 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1041

13 Henry VII, May 21; Margareta Masthon, 1498 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1042

16 Henry VII, May 25; John Chery, 1501 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1043

16 Henry VII, May 25; Stephen Draper and William Coote, 1501 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1044

17 Henry VII, April 12; William Barber and John Dune, 1502 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1045

17 Henry VII, April 12; Richard Notley, 1502 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1046

17 Henry VII, April 12; William Berbor and John Dune, 1502 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1047

20 Henry VII, April 15; William Wyx, 1505 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1048

20 Henry VII, April 15; John Neele, 1505 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1049

22 Henry VII, July 1; Robert and Elionar Baron [description applies to "Ms" 1049 and 1050], 1507 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1050

22 Henry VII, July 1; Robert and Elionar Baron [description applies to "Ms" 1049 and 1050], 1507 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1051

33 Henry VIII, May 20; John Hoberd Botcher and Margarete Hoberd, 1511 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1052

4 Henry VIII, May 6; Katherine Purdy, 1512 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1053

4 Henry VIII, May 6; Alicia Wawyn, 1512 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1054

5 Henry VIII, June 2; John Dune, 1513 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1055

5 Henry VIII, June 2; John Dune, 1513 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1056

6 Henry VIII, June 1; John Crane, 1514 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1057

6 Henry VIII, June 1; John Dune, 1514 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1058

6 Henry VIII, June 1; Robert Terree de Burgate, 1514 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1059

7 Henry VIII, April 24; John Hoberd, Thomas Ker, 1515 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1060

7 Henry VIII, April 24; John Marten, 1515 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1061

7 Henry VIII, April 24; Thomas Dedham, 1515 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1062

8 Henry VIII, June 5; John Hoberd, Thomas Ker, 1516 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1063

8 Henry VIII, June 5, John Hoberd, Thomas Ker, 1516 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1064

9 Henry VIII, June 15; Robert Wryght, 1517 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1065

12 Henry VIII, 23 July; Isabella Nole and Robert Tynton, 1520 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1066

15 Henry VIII, April 23; William and Elizabeth Arowsmyth, 1523 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1067

15 Henry VIII, April 5; Thomas and Leticia Revet, 1524 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1068

17 Henry VIII, May 29; Thomas Dedham, 1525 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1069

18 Henry VIII, June 4; William Garsyngton, 1526 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1070

18 Henry VIII, June 4; Alicia Moore, 1526 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1071

18 Henry VIII, June 4; Thomas Dedham, 1526 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1072

19 Henry VIII, April 25 ?; Thomas Dedham, 1527 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1073

19 Henry VIII, May 2; John Crispe, 1527 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1074

19 Henry VIII, May 2; Thomas Andrewe, 1527 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1075

23 Henry VIII, April 17; Thomas Archer, 1532 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1076

25 Henry VIII, May 15; Edward Purdy, 1533 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1077

27 Henry VIII, June 9; John Coterell, 1535 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1078

29 Henry VIII, October 24; John Harvy, Gent., 1537 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1079

29 Henry VIII, October 24; Edward Saunders, 1537 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1080

29 Henry VIII, October 24; John Lynne, 1537 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1081

30 Henry VIII, October 21; Edward Saunders, 1538 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1082

31 Henry VIII, November 4; William Page (Signed by Rychard Ryche, Chancellor of Court of Augmentations), 1539 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1083

33 Henry VIII, April 27; Richard Cotterell, 1541 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1084

33 Henry VIII, April 27; John Lyn, 1541 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1085

33 Henry VIII, May 11; Robert Terree de Burgate, 1541 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1086

36 Henry VIII, April 25; Thomas Bugge, 1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1087

36 Henry VIII, April 25; Thomas Bugge, 1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1088

36 Henry VIII, April 25; Thomas Bugge, 1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1089

1 Edward VI, October 26; 1. John Hoberd de Botysdale 2. John Smyth alias Ede, 1547 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1090

3 Edward VI, October 3; Robert Marten, 1549 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1091

4 Edward VI, October 2; Thomas Bugg, 1550 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1092

5 Edward I, September 28; John Corbold, 1551 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1093

1&2 Philip and Mary, October 8; Richard Cotterell 1554, 1554 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1094

1&2 Philip and Mary, October 8; Richard Cotterell 1554, 1554 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1095

2&3 Philip and Mary, October 3; Thomas Colton, 1555 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1096

3&4 Philip and Mary, September 17; Robert Burlyngham, 1556 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1097

2 Elizabeth, 21 October; Alicia Lynne, 1560 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1098

9 Elizabeth, September 10; 1. George Dedham 2. John Brett 3. William Dowe, 1567 (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1099

15 Elizabeth, March 25; John Typtot, 1573 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1100

17 Elizabeth, October 12; John Typtot (One sentence in English) [description applies to "Ms" 1100 and 1101], 1575 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1101

17 Elizabeth, October 12; John Typtot (One sentence in English) [description applies to "Ms" 1100 and 1101], 1575 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1102

27 Elizabeth, September 16; Robert Miles, 1585 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1103

41 Elizabeth, October 3; Henry Roughte, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1104

41 Elizabeth, October 3; John Browne son and heir of John Brown, deceased., 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1105

41 Elizabeth, October 3; Marion Mortimer, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1106

41 Elizabeth, October 3; Marion Banister, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1107

41 Elizabeth, October 3; 1. Barberia Browne 2. John Browne, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1108

42 Elizabeth, October 1; 1. Barbaria Browne 2. John Browne, 1600 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1109

42 Elizabeth, October 1; John Sewell, 1600 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1110

1 James I, October 22; William Saunder, 1603 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1111

1 James I, October 22; William Freman, 1603 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1112

1 James I, October 22; Robert Lock, 1603 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1113

1 James I, October 22; Thomas Flack, 1603 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1114

2 James I, October 16; Barberia Browne, 1604 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1115

2 James I, October 16; John Sare, 1604 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1116

3 James I, March 26; John Bugg, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1117

5 James I, October 2; Thomas Gleane, 1607 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1118

7 James I, October 11; John Strangman, 1609 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1119

7 James I, October 11; William Corbold, 1609 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1120

8 James I, October 15; John Sheppard, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1121

8 James I, October 15; John Sheppard, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1122

8 James I, October 15; Thomas Bloome, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1123

8 James I, October 15; Robert Cocksedge, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1124

9 James I, October 16; William Freman (Part in English, 1611 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1125

9 James I, October 16; William Freman, 1611 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1126

10 James I, October 14; Gregory Fysher, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1127

10 James I, October 14; Gregory Fysher, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1128

10 James I, October 14; Humphrey Parsons, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1129

10 James I, October 14; Joseph Maior, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1130

12 James I, October 12; Thomas Fuller, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1131

13 James I, October 11; Anthony Falle, 1615 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1132

13 James I, October 11; Thomas Jessopp, 1615 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1133

14 James I, October 16; Thomas Offwood, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1134

14 James I, October 16; Richard Harper, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1135

14 James I, October 16; Robert Bilney, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1136

15 James I, October 22; Edmund Betts, 1617 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1137

15 James I, October 22; Robert Nonne, 1617 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1138

16 James I, October 7; Samuel Wase, 1618 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1139

17 James I, October 20; Nicholas Fowle, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1140

17 James I, October 20; John Harnwell, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1141

18 James I, October 15; William Rought (English; Paper), 1620 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1142

18 James I, October 18; William Burman de Eye, 1620 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1143

19 James I, October 17; Peter Coppingford, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 2: Gislingham and Goldingham

Ms 1144

39 Elizabeth, October 14; John Underwood [description applies to "Ms" 1144 and 1145], 1597 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1145

39 Elizabeth, October 14; John Underwood [description applies to "Ms" 1144 and 1145], 1597 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1146

10 James I, May 6; Thomas Bedingfeld , 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 3: Wortham Hall

Ms 1147

7 Edward VI, April 5; Richard Cotterell, 1553 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1148

9 Elizabeth, October 4; George Dedham, 1567 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1149

15 Elizabeth, September 21; John Brett, 1573 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 4: Wortham Abbottes

Ms 1150

41 Elizabeth, October 11; George Betts, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1151

44 Elizabeth, October 16; William Blomfield, 1602 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1152

44 Elizabeth, October 16; William Blomfeld, 1602 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1153

44 Elizabeth, October 16; Thomas Battelye, 1602 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1154

6 James I, day destroyed; Stephen Lavenham, 1608 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1155

14 James I, October 19; William Welton, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1156

14 James I, 19 October; Nathaniel Simonds, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1157

18 James I, October 7; Robert Spaldinge, 1620 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 5: Walsham

Ms 1158

3 James I, September 26; Laurence Grocer, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1159

11 James I, September 30; Thomas Austen, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1160

19 James I, October 9; Richard Pretiman, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 6: Hinderclay

Ms 1161

5 Henry VIII, June 9; John Berton, 1490 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1162

24 Henry VIII, No day; Richard Berton (Paper; Late 16th Cent. copy), 1508 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 7: Burgate

Ms 1163

9 Henry VIII, March 30; Robert Terry, 1518 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1164

8 James I, October 12; Charles Aimys, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1165

14 James I, October 15; Henry Yestas, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1166

16 James I, October 9; William Mortimer, 1618 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1167

9 Charles I, September 15; Christopher Smeare ?, 1633 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1168

11 Anne, December 2; Elizabeth Farrcio, 1712 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 8: Westhall Or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 1169

41 Elizabeth, October 4; Giles Ruste, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1170

8 James I, October 13; William Morrys, 1610 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1171

9 James I, October 19; Christopher Beacon, 1611 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1172

10 James I, October 13; Johanna Talbott, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1173

10 James I, October 13; Johanna Talbott, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1174

10 James I, November 5; Edmund Hubbard, Sen., 1612 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1175

11 James I, October 16; William Talbott, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1176

12 James I, October 16; Ambrose Peake, 1613-1614 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1177

12 James I, October 25; Thomas Dowe, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1178

13 James I, October 10; Thomas Becke, 1615 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1179

14 James I, May 24; Humphrey Howlett, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1180

14 James I, October 12; William and John Freeman, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1181

15 James I, October 16; Robert Greene, 1617 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1182

16 James I, October 10; William Burlingham, 1618 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1183

17 James I, October 18; Edward and Elizabeth Hubbard, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1184

19 James I, October 16; John Howchin, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1185

19 James I, October 16; Thomas Howchin, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 9: Faconshall in Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 1186

42 Elizabeth, October 3; John Morris de Rickinhall Superior, 1600 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1187

13 James I, October 16; Robert Done, 1615 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1188

16 James I, October 13; William Sheperd, 1618 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 10: Rushes and Jennies in Gislingham

Ms 1189

14 James I, October 14; Thomas Offwood, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1190

19 James I, October 12; William Freman, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 11: Wiverston

Ms 1191

Undated (temps John Wareyn, seneschal); John Hert (Paper), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1192

3 James I, October 9; Thomas Bardwell, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1193

3 James I, October 9; John Kyrr, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1194

5 James I, October 20; Simon Canns, 1607 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1195

9 James I, October 12; Thomas Talbott, 1611 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1196

14 James I, December 14; William Raynberd, Gent., 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1197

16 James I, April 14; John Bloyse, Gent., 1618 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1198

16 James I, October 13; Richard Hovell als. Smythe, 1618 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 12: Heigham in Mellis

Ms 1199

10 Henry VIII, 9 June; John Grene, 1518 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1200

14 Henry VIII, October 30; John Grene, 1522 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1201

2 Elizabeth, August 6; William and Robert Brett, 1560 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1202

13 Elizabeth, October 9; Thomas Brett, 1571 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1203

10 James I, January 13; William Brett, 1612/3 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1204

19 James I, May 24; William Ellys, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1205

19 James I, May 24; Christopher Smeare, 1621 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 13: Foxherth cum membris

Ms 1206

10 James I, October 17; John Hayward (Acton), 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1207

17 James I, October 26; Edward Ellingham, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 14: Mettingham College, Bungay, Ilketshall

Ms 1208

Undated; Robert Cosler, 14th-15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1209

21 Edward III, June 12; Christopher, son and heir of Hugh Meppelle, 1347 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1210

29 Edward III, December 10; John and Katherine Lipsom, 1355 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1211

33 Edward III, October 23; Robert _____?, 1359 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1212

37 Edward III, September 26; Nicholas March, 1363 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1213

18 Richard II, 12 March; Elias _____?, 1394 or 1395 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1214

4 Henry V, December 12; John Weston, 1416 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1215

7, 10, 16, 21, 32, 38 Henry VI; John Piers, Hugo Shymmyng, Gilbert Debenham, John Shennyng, Christiana Godfrey, John Debe, 1428-1460 (Membranes: 7 entries)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1216

1, 17, 33 Henry VIII; John and Agnete Love; Richard Shelton, Master of Mettingham College; John and Margaret Wace, 1509-1541 (Membranes: 4 entries)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1217

10 Henry VIII, May 25; John and Margaret Eglyn, 1518 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1218

33 Henry VIII, March 22; Henry Brandon, 1541 or 1542 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1219

6 Elizabeth, June 3; Henry Dennye (Paper) Note in English on Verso re: descent of manor from Duke of Norfolk, 1564 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1220

6 Elizabeth, June 3, Copy of Surrender of Sir Denny's Lands to the Lord Keeper, 1566 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1221

42 Elizabeth, October 23; Thomas Sharlowe, Gent., 1600 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1222

3 James I, September 25; Thomas Shardlowe, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 15: Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwalleis

Ms 1223

John Conyngham of Bloomesbury in Parish of St. Gyles in the Fields, Midds. (Paper; English), 1676, February 13; 1677, October 13 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1224

Thomas Sandcroft (Paper; English), 1677, April 25; 1677, October 13 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1225

Henry Lock (Paper; English), 1677, June 2; 1677, October 13 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1226

John Cunningham (Paper; English), 1678, May 12; 1678, October 12 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1227

1678, May 12; 1678, October 12; Joane Pipe, Widow (Paper; English), 1678, May 12; 1678, October 12 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 16: Miscellaneous

Ms 1228

14 Richard II, June 11; Adam and Katherine Howard (Huntynfeld), 1391 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1229

Undated; Walter son of Richard de Polleye Bures, 14th-15th century (Membranes: )

Ms 1230

Undated; Simon Joliff (No place), 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 19: Estreates of Court Rolls (Ms 1231)

Ms 1231

Post 4 Henry V, Hyndercley , post 1416 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Subseries 20: Court Rolls (Ms 1232-Ms 1244)

Ms 1232

22 Henry VI, Bresingham, 1444 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1233

3 Edward IV?, Halgetre, circa 1463 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1234

37 Henry VIII, Foxhearth (Paper), 1545 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1235

3 James I, Westhall (Paper; English), 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1236

4 James I, Westhall, 1606 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1237

10 James I, Wortham Abbottes (Paper; English), 1612 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1238

17 James I, Woodhall in Righburgh Parva (Paper; English), 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1239

Faconshall (Paper; English), 1637 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1240

Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwallyes (Paper; English) [description applies to Ms 1240-1243], 1677 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1241

Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwallyes (Paper; English) [description applies to Ms 1240-1243], 1677 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1242

Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwallyes (Paper; English) [description applies to Ms 1240-1243], 1677 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1243

Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwallyes (Paper; English) [description applies to Ms 1240-1243], 1677 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1244

Thorpe Abbotes or Cornwalleis (Paper; English), 1678 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 21: Miscellaneous Manorial Documents (Ms 1245-Ms 1547)

Sub-subseries 1: Redgrave

Ms 1245

15 Henry VI; Subschedule of account (Allowances), 1436 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1246

Undated; Fragment of Steward's Account (Parchment), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1247

Undated; Rental of Hennes, Capons, Geese, Eggs (Parchment), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1248

7 Henry VIII, 29 September; Balyff's Account, 1515 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1249

8 Henry VIII, 29 September; Bayliff's Account, 1516 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1250

The Charge of myne Sir Nicholas Bacon'sExchange of Redgrave", 1660, April 21 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1251

38 Henry VIII; September 29; Account of Antony Waldegrave, 1546 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1252

"The trew rentalle of All the land that I Margiri Willison holde of the manor of Redgrave", 1660 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1253

Late Henry VIII?; 3 Surveys of John Harvy's lands (One has notes in Lord Keeper's hand) [description applies to "Ms" 1253-1255], 16th century mid (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1254

Late Henry VIII?; 3 Surveys of John Harvy's lands (One has notes in Lord Keeper's hand) [description applies to "Ms" 1253-1255], 16th century mid (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1255

Late Henry VIII?; 3 Surveys of John Harvy's lands (One has notes in Lord Keeper's hand) [description applies to "Ms" 1253-1255], 16th century mid (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1256

Late Henry VIII?; Account of rents going out for Anne of Cleves Auditor to be discharged, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1257

Circa 7 Elizabeth?; Survey of Certaine Freehold lands lying in Redgrave, 1565 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1258

7 Elizabeth, May 3; Particular Value, 1565 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1259

1587, September 29; Arrearages of Corn (With Burgate, Rickinghall and Wiverston), 1587, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1260

Undated; Charges of the Strayes, 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1261

Early James I?; Fragment of Account; Endorsement on verso, "To my Fellowe and Frind Nicholas Bond at Redgrave with Speed", 17th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1262

Temps Anne?; Particular of the Demesne, 18th century early (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 2: Walsham

Ms 1263

9 Elizabeth - 6 James I; William Smythe's Bill allowed by Sir Nicholas Bacon Walsham or Black burn Hundred, 1567-1611 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1264

1587; Charges for making the Pound, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1265

Early James I?; Customal Walsham?, 17th century early (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1266

1604? Copy of Customal of 1577 and 1578 (with additions and endorsements of 1606, 9 James I, 1705 and 1728), 1604 (Membranes: 8)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1267

Woodsales Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1268

Undated; Custo"Ms" of town Re: Tythe, 17th century mid (Membranes: 2)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1269

Undated; Extracts from Customal of 1577 and 1584, 17th century mid (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1270

Undated; Extracts from Customal of 1577 and 1584, 18th century mid (Membranes: 3)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 3: Hinderclay

Ms 1271

Undated; Fragment of Steward's Account Hindercley?, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1272

Late Henry VIII?; Survey, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1273

No Year, March 25; Rental, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1274

37 Henry VIII; Rental, 1545 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1275

1 Edward VI, March 25, September 29; Rental, 1547 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1276

2 Edward VI, March 25, September 29; Rental, 1548 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1277

Rental, 1555, March 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1278

Temps Mary or Elizabeth; "Sir Nicholas Bacon holds by Knight's Fee" (with Wortham and Burgate), 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1279

Woodsales Account, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1280

Woodsales Account, 1617 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1281

Woodsales Account, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1282

Undated; Rental of Day Work, Fowls and Eggs, 17th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1283

Rental, 1630 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 4: Burgate

Ms 1284

Undated; Fragment of Steward's Account (Parchment), 15th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1285

Undated; Fragment of Steward's Account (Parchment), 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1286

Undated; Rental (With Wortham, Bawdisdale), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1287

Undated; Rentals, 16th century (Membranes: 3)

Ms 1288

Undated; Stint of Pasture, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1289

Undated; Survey of lands of Thomas Goodwyn, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1290

Undated; Survey, 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1291

Post 3&4 Philip and Mary; "Proofes that the Tenantes maye not fell noe trees upon the Comon", 1556 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1292

View and Survey of the Woodes, 1563, July 6, 7 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1293

7 Elizabeth, April 30; Survey [description applies to "Ms" 1293 and 1294], 1565 (Membranes: 4 each)

Ms 1294

7 Elizabeth, April 30; Survey [description applies to "Ms" 1293 and 1294], 1565 (Membranes: 4 each)

Ms 1295

Undated; "Rate of the Demeanes", 1565-1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1296

Undated; "Rate of the Demeanes", 1565-1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1297

Undated; Table of the Devysyon of Burgate, 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1298

Undated; "Table of the Devysyon of the demeasnes", 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1299

Undated; A Note for the Division of the Demeasne with Plat, 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1300

Undated; Note of the Trees in the Pasture, 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1301

Undated; Survey, 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1302

Undated; Survey, 1570 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1303

Mr. Hurelstones Note, 1583, February 17 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1304

1 James I, February 16; License to transport Timber, 1603 or 1604 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1305

Sale of Timber Rights, 1603, February 16 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1306

Remembrance of the Increase in Rent, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1307

December; "Measurement of the Scyte and demeane of the Manor", 1617 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1308

Steward's Bill, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1309

Undated; Account of Arrears of Rent (with Woodshall), 1625 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1310

Arrears of Rent, 1626 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1311

Remembrances of Accounts, 1627 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1312

Steward's Account, 1624-1627 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1313

Rental, 1673, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1314

Rental, 1681, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1315

Rental, 1683, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1316

Rental, 1687, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1317

1693, September 29 Rental, 1693, September 29; (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 5: Westhall Or Rickinghall Inferior

Ms 1318

Undated; Valuation, 16th-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1319

Measurement of the Woods, 1591, May 3 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1320

Woodsales Account, 1598 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1321

Woodsales Account, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1322

Allowance for Fencing the Wood, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1323

Woodsales Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1324

Woodsales Account, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1325

Woodsales Account, 1617 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1326

Woodsales Account, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1327

Woodsales Account, 1620 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1328

Woodsales Account, 1626 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1329

Survey, 1643 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 6: Faconshall

Ms 1330

Undated; Remembrances, 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1331

Post 37 Elizabeth; Extent or Valor "upon suing out of Mr. Yaxleis lyvery" (Parchment), 1595 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1332

Undated; Particular, 1589-1595 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1333

Undated; Note with Valuation, 1589-1595 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1334

Undated; Rental, 1596 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1335

Undated; A Steward's Bill, 1600 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1336

Undated; Note of Money Due, 1600 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1337

1600; Woodsales Account, 1600 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1338

Undated; Note of the lands Mr. Stokes had of Gyles Ruste (Canceled Bond on verso dated 1601), 1601 circa (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 7: Rushes and Jennies in Gislingham

Ms 1339

4 Elizabeth, July; Rental, 1562 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1340

Receipted Steward's Bill, 1586, September 10 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1341

Receipted Steward's Bill, 1586, October 17 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1342

Receipted Steward's Bills, 1586-1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1343

Receipted Steward's Bills, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1344

Receipted Steward's Bill, 1587, September 8 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1345

Receipted Steward's Bills, 1588, September 11, October 16 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 8: Wiverston

Ms 1346

Undated; Precedents (3 Ed I - 3 Hen IV) for Felling Timber, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1347

Undated; "A note out of Court Rolles concernying felling of tymber uppon copieholde", 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1348

Undated; "Sir Nycholas Bacon's cleyme for a Knights Fee", 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1349

Undated; Survey, 16th-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1350

Undated; "Precydentes for Waste contrary to the custome, 16th-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1351

Undated; Collection of Evidences (1 Rich II - 1 Eliz) for rent due by Mr. Thomas Cornwalleis, 1559 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1352

Undated; Abstract of Title, 1567 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1353

Undated; Abstract of Title (Ink drawing of Canopied bed on verso), 1574 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1354

Undated; Fragment of Bailiff's Account, 1578-1599 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1355

Rental, 1592-1595 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1356

Woodsales Account, 1596 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1357

Note touching felling of Timber, 1609, November 17 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 9: Heigham in Mellis

Ms 1358

24 Henry VII, Sept. 29-1 Henry VIII, Sept. 29; Steward's Account, 1508-1509 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1359

Late Hen VIII; Increase of Rents with Wenham Hall, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1360

Undated; "The Bottle of 30 peces of land of Richard Eglyn" (Parchment), 1565 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1361

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-1367], 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1362

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-1367], 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1363

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-, 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1364

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-, 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1365

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-, 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1366

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-, 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1367

1631, August 8; Christopher Smeare's Memorandum of Agreement (With John Tyndall's decision in William Smeare V. William Alfrey; Bailiff's Account 1571-1572; 1565-1566; Extract of Court Rolls; Memorandum, gathered with Pin) [description applies to "Ms" 1361-, 1631, August 8; 1571-1572; 1565-1566 (Membranes: 6)

Ms 1368

10 James I, May 4; Rental (Parchment), 1612 (Membranes: )

Ms 1369

Undated; Survey, 17th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1370

Rental, 1703 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1371

Abstract of Title of Sir John Holt's lands, 1704, July 13 (Membranes: 4)

Sub-subseries 10: Mellis St. Johns

Ms 1372

Undated; Particular, 1554 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1373

Undated; Particular, 1554 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1374

Undated; Abstract of Title, 1561-1583 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1375

Post 17 Elizabeth; Abstract of Title, 1575 post (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1376

Post 17 Elizabeth; Concerning Strays, 1575 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1377

Undated; Rental, 1597 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1378

Undated; Rental, 1599 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1379

Post 41 Elizabeth; Rental, 1599 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1380

5 James I, September 29; Account of debts of Sir Nicholas Bacon for rents issuing out of divers townes in Suffolk belonging to the Priory of Battesford (With copy by Ambrose Sexby, Hillary Term 6 James I) [decription applies to "Ms" 1380 and 1381], 1607 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1381

5 James I, September 29; Account of debts of Sir Nicholas Bacon for rents issuing out of divers townes in Suffolk belonging to the Priory of Battesford (With copy by Ambrose Sexby, Hillary Term 6 James I) [decription applies to "Ms" 1380 and 1381], 1607 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1382

Undated; Remembrances for Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1611 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1383

Rental, 1673, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1384

Rental, 1675, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1385

Rental, 1681, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1386

Undated; Leete Bill (With Burgate), 1681 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1387

1683, September 29; Rental, 1683, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1388

Rental, 1685, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1389

Rental, 1687, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1390

Undated; Abstract of Title of Azariah Raynolds, 1714 post (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 11: Foxherd cum membris

Ms 1391

Undated; Abstract of Title for Acketon (Parchment), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1392

Undated; Rental, 15th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1393

Undated; Holdings of Knight's Fees in Reydon, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1394

Undated; Abstract of Title of Ed. Boteler, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1395

Undated; Rental of Reydon, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1396

Undated; Rental, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1397

Undated; Rental, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1398

Undated; Rental, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1399

Undated; Plat of Burfold Close and Burfold Woode, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1400

14 Henry VII or VIII; Bill for Repairs of Whersted Hall, 1498 or 1522 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1401

14 Henry VII or VIII; Bill for Repair of Reydon Mill, 1498 or 1522 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1402

8-9 Henry VIII; Steward's Account of Repairs at Reydon, 1516-1517 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1403

21 Henry VIII, October 2; Particular of lands of Johanne, Brigit, Anne and Mary Bures, 1529 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1404

36 Henry VIII; Bill for Repairs done at Reydon Mill, 1544 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1405

Account (with variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1405 and 1406], 1545, March 25 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1406

Account (with variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1405 and 1406], 1545, March 25 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1407

37 Henry VIII, September 29; Account for Half year at Reidon, 1545 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1408

Undated; Rental, 1551 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1409

5 Edward VI; March 25, September 29; Rental, 1551 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1410

4&5 Philip and Mary; Woodsales Account for Reydon, 1558 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1411

1563; Memorandum on holding courts, 1563 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1412

44 Elizabeth, May; Abbuttals of William Smyth's lands (Parchment), 1602 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1413

44 Elizabeth, Michaelmas Term; Respite of Homage for Acton, 1602 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1414

Undated; Survey of Howewood, 17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1415

Undated; Plat of Howewoode (Parchment), 17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1416

Undated; Particular, 1655 century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1417

Undated; Valuation, 1655 century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1418

Undated; The Descent of Foxhearth (With variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1418 and 1419], 1655 century (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1419

Undated; The Descent of Foxhearth (With variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1418 and 1419], 1655 century (Membranes: 2)

Sub-subseries 12: Mettingham College lands

Ms 1420

Undated; Steward's Account, 14th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1421

Undated; Memorandum of lands (Richard Shyrlok), 15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1422

Undated; Rental fragment, 15th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1423

Undated; Rental of Bongey, 15th century late (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1424

Undated; Rental fragment, 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1425

Undated; Allowance of Account, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1426

Undated; Survey of lands of John Welles, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1427

Undated; "A noate of certein free rents deteined", 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1428

Undated; Survey of lands acquired from Duke of Norfolk in exchange for manor cf Brissingham, 1564 circa (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1429

Undated; Memorandum, 1564 post (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1430

Undated; Customel, 1564 post (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1431

9 Elizabeth, May 12; Survey or Particular, 1567 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1432

Particular of the lands in Shyrlockes assigned by Sir Thomas Cornwalys to Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, 1568, October 7 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1433

Undated; Steward's Bill, Post 1568 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1434

Woodsales Account, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1435

Woodsales Account, 1587, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1436

Undated; Survey; With Receipt for Henry Cornwalleis 27 September 1587, 1587, 27 September (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1437

Steward's Bill of "repracons", 1590 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1438

Woodsales Account, 1590 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1439

Undated; Abstract of Title for Sir Edmund Bacon, 1595 post (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1440

Woodsales Account, 1598 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1441

1599; Woodsales Account, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1442

Undated; Plat (colored) of Shirlokkes, 1600 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1443

Undated; Woodsales Account, 1600 circa (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1444

1-2 James I; Edmund Bacon's account for payments of amerciaments at Court Baron, 1603-1604 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1445

Woodsales Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1446

#NAME?, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Ms 1447

1619; Mr. Crop's Notes on II, 1619 (Membranes: 1)

View digitized documents.

Sub-subseries 13: Thornage cum membris

Ms 1448

Undated; Part of Account Book, 16th century early (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1449

Undated; Charges for Reparacons for Thornegge Myll, 16th century early (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1450

35 Henry VIII; Rental of William Bakon, 1543 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1451

Post 37 Henry VIII; Abstract of Title of Asteley from the Feudary Books of the Exchequer, 1543 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1452

Post 38 Henry VIII; "Presidents for felling of Tymber", 1546 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1453

Post 1 Elizabeth; Remembrances of Certayn Evidences re: Sir William Butts lands, 1559 post (Membranes: 8)

Ms 1454

Undated; Value of Sir William Butts lands, 1561 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1455

Charges for Repair of Thornage Myll, 1575, April 26 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1456

25 Elizabeth, March 25; Rental, 1583 (Membranes: 4)

Ms 1457

Bayliff's receipt for wethers & Ra"Ms", 1586, May 12 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1458

Memorandum re: Robert Pownser's Keeping Sheep, 1586, May 19 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1459

Steward's Allowances Account for Studye, 1586, August 7 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1460

Account of Rent Issuinge out of the manor of Eggemere, 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1461

Woodsales Account of Melton and Eggefel, 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1462

32 Elizabeth, September 29; Bailiff's Account for Melton & Eggfeld, 1590 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1463

32 Elizabeth, Woodsales Account of Eggfeld, 1590 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1464

Post 314 Elizabeth Survey of the "landes of the demeanes lately graunted out of the lordes handes", 1592 post (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1465

Undated; Note of the yearly Value, 1594 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1466

Woodsales Account, 1598 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1467

Woodsales Account, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1468

Edggfeld Woodsales Account, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1469

Steward's Allowances Account for Studdie, 1599 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1470

1600; Customal, 1699 (Membranes: 7)

Ms 1471

Particular of lands of the late Thomas Bacon, 1607, September 9 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1472

Household Inventory of Thornage Hall for Anne Bacon, 1608, October 3; (1612, October renewed) (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1473

11 James I, October 29; Edgfeild and Melton Woodsales Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1474

11 James I, October 29; Steward's Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1475

1614; Woodsales Bill of John Bacon, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1476

12 James I, October 29; Steward's Account, 1614 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1477

Woodsales Account, 1615, September 18 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1478

Edgfeild Woodsales Account, 1603-1605, October 30 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1479

13 James I, October 30; Steward's Account (With variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1479 and 1480], 1615 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1480

13 James I, October 30; Steward's Account (With variant copy) [description applies to "Ms" 1479 and 1480], 1615 (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1481

Edgefield Woodsales Account, 1617, October 31 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1482

Melton Woodsales Account, 1617, October 31 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1483

Woodsales Account, 1617, October 31 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1484

Edgfeild & Melton Woodsales Account, 1619, November 2 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1485

1619, November 2; Woodsales Account, 1619, November 2 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1486

22 James I, January 13; Steward's Account, 1624 or 1625 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 14: Other Norfolk Manors

Ms 1487

Undated; Rectory of Dyklebourne; Particular (for Mr. Bacon, Collector, Court of Augmentations), 1539 circa (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1488

1588, September 29; Culford; Balyve's Account of Corne Rent, 1588, September 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1489

32 Elizabeth; Riborough; Steward's Account, 1590 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1490

Culford ?; Steward's Account, 1590, May 20 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1491

Riborough; Steward's Account, 1598 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1492

Culford ?; Steward's Account, 1598, November 6 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1493

Culford; Shepereeves Account, 1605 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1494

Gillingham; Steward's Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1495

Gillingham; Woodsales Account, 1613 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1496

Thorpe Abbote or Cornwalleis; Steward's Account, 1678 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 15: Bury Assize Accounts

Ms 1497

22 Elizabeth, Trinity, Michaelmas, 1580 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1498

27 Elizabeth, Trinity; 27-28 Elizabeth, Michaelmas; 28 Elizabeth, Hillary, 1585-1586 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1499

28 Elizabeth, Pasche, 1586 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1500

28 Elizabeth, Trinity, 1586 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1501

29 Elizabeth, Hillary, 1586 or 1587 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1502

29 Elizabeth, Pasche, Trinity, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1503

29-30 Elizabeth, Michaelmas, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1504

30 Elizabeth, Hillary, Trinity, 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1505

30-31 Elizabeth, Michaelmas, 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1506

31 Elizabeth, Pache, 1589 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1507

31 Elizabeth, Trinity, 1589 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1508

34 Elizabeth, Hillary, Pasche, Michaelmas, 1592 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1509

35 Elizabeth, Pasche, Trinity, 1593 (Membranes: 1)

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Sub-subseries 16: Drury Family Accounts

Ms 1510

Note of the Cheeses left at Hawsted, 1608, April 22 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1511

General Account, 1609, September 22-January 20 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1512

Quarters rental for Drury Lane, London, 1612 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1513

Undated; "Remembrances of thinges to be done about the gatehowse at Drury howse", 1613 or 1614 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1514

Undated; Account of Building charges at Snares Hill and Hargate, 1613-1614 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1515

Steward's Account, 1613, September 27 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1516

Steward's Account of Building Charges, 1613, November 16 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1517

"Inventorie of such thinges as weare left with Sir Walter Copes at Kennsington" by Sir Robert and Lady Drury(Parchment), 1614, July 18 (Membranes: 1)

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Ms 1518

Steward's Account, 1614, September 30 (Membranes: )

Sub-subseries 17: Miscellaneous Manors

Ms 1519

Undated; No Place; Rental Fragment, 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1520

Undated; Colne, Essex; Survey (Parchment), 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1521

15-16 Henry VII; Toowaters, Parish of Hemla"Ms"ted, Herts (Robert Bures), 1500 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1522

Post 36 Henry VIII, April 20; Westhorpe, "The abbuttalies of two pces of pasture lying in a Certaine close called Goslings", 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1523

1562, September 29; Markes Essex?; Rental & Account, 1562, September 29 (Membranes: )

Ms 1524

Undated; Bryssingham; Particular, 1564 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1525

1575, February 15; "The libertyes of Gle"Ms"ford which the Busshopp of Ely claymathe", 1575, February 15 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1526

C. 36 Elizabeth; Unidentified Place; The profits of a franchise granted by Sir Nicholas Bacon [description applies to "Ms" 1526 and 1527], 1594 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1527

C. 36 Elizabeth; Unidentified Place; The profits of a franchise granted by Sir Nicholas Bacon [description applies to "Ms" 1526 and 1527], 1594 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1528

39 Elizabeth, July; Gislingham and Goldingham; Extent (Parchment), 1597 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1529

Parkers Close; Surveyor's report, 1623, September 5 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1530

Undated; "Sir Henry Hungates note of the houshostuffe he had at Hackney", 17th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1531

Undated; Gislingham; Abstract of title, 17th century late (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 18: Unidentified Manors: Miscellaneous Accounts

Ms 1532

Undated, 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1533

Undated, 15th-16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1534

Undated (With Rental), 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1535

Undated (Verso has note concerning William Rede), 1543 circa (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1536

Undated; Mr. Hulbordes bill for strayes, 16th century mid (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1537

Undated; (Concerning the tenths of various manors belonging to Sir Nicholas Bacon, the stewardship of the Honor of Eye and Clare, and payments to the Court of Wards), 16th century late (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1538

The arrearages of Mr. Parker's Account, 1591-1594 (Membranes: )

Ms 1539

Undated; "Sg: Thorntons Bill", 16-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1540

Undated; Woodsales, 16th-17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1541

John Bacon's Account, 1617, October 29 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1542

Summary of Russell's Account, 1739, March 25 - 1741, June 1 (Membranes: 1)

Sub-subseries 19: Remembrances of Accounts

Ms 1543

C. 8-21 Elizabeth; Remembrances concerning title to several manors and the answers thereto [description applies to "Ms" 1543 and 1544], 1566-1578 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1544

C. 8-21 Elizabeth; Remembrances concerning title to several manors and the answers thereto [description applies to "Ms" 1543 and 1544], 1566-1578 circa (Membranes: 2)

Ms 1545

On the Account, 1587 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1546

On the Account, 1588 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1547

1589; On the Account, 1589 (Membranes: 1)

Subseries 22: Particulars: Lands of Various Persons (Ms 1548-Ms 1551)

Ms 1548

Undated; Parcella of Lands of Simon Jurdon, circa 1471 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1549

Post 35 Henry VIII, September 29; Particular of Lands appointed to John Denny of the inheritance of Sir Anthony Denny, in recompence of his lands given to George Dacres; With Account of Money due to be paid to the Bishop of Norwich by Anthony Denny, circa 1543 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1550

Undated; No Place; Three evaluations of 333 Acres of land, 16th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1551

Undated; Particular of Mr. Farneley's freehold of Horne Mill and lands in Buckenham, circa 1547-1558 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1552

Undated; Particular of Parker's lands in Kinges Langley in Hertforde Shyre, circa 1556 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1553

7 Elizabeth; Particular of Lands and Possessions of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper (Parchment cover), 1565 (Membranes: 9)

Subseries 23: Inventories (Ms 1554)

Ms 1554

"Goods & Catells of Robert Browne of Botisdale...Tanner...whoStondeth utlawed" July 4, 1558 (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1555

Undated; Inventory of goods detained by Mr. Clopton of Lyston, 17th century (Membranes: 1)

Ms 1556

Plate in my Lady's Chamber, September 28, 1616 (Membranes: 1)

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Series II: Manuscripts (Ms 1557-4566)

Subseries 1: Charter and Deeds (Ms 1557-Ms 1823)

Ms 1557

Undated; 1. Thomas de Burg 2. Gilbert son of Nicholas priest of Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Confirmation of Adam de Kokefeld's Gift, 1200-1225(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1558

Undated; 1. William once son of Lord William de Swyneford 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Lands and tenements in Foxherd (X); 5 marks and 5s & 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1250 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1559

Undated; 1. John Reine and Sara his wife 2. Robert Firmario de Foxerth; Pentelowe (X); 36s and 5d an. rent; Gift, 1261-1277 circa(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1560

46 Henry III, March 9; 1. Thomas de Wanci 2. Robert son of Richard de Stok; Messuage in Foxherd (X); 16s and 2s an. rent; Gift, 1261-1262(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1561

46 Henry III, September 29; 1. Everard son of William 2. Robert son of Richard de Stok; Foxherd (X); 63s 10d and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1262(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1562

Undated; 1. Everard son of William 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 3 peppercorns an. rent; Gift & Exchange, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1563

Undated; 1. Everard son of William de Foxherd 2. Robert son of Richard de Stokes; Tenement called Colemanneshale Foxherd; 40d and 3 peppercorns an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1564

Undated; 1. William de Bradefeld de Pentelowe 2. Robert le Emfermer son of Richard de Stokes; Pentelowe (X); 25s & 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1565

Undated; 1. Maurice de Kantia 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherde (X); 3s 4d & 1 ob 1/2dan. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1566

Undated; 1. Richard son of Thomas de Suberi Sudbury2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherde (X); 40s and 6d & 1 peppercorn an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1567

Undated; 1. Walter son of Richard de Stoke 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 2 marks & 9d an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1568

Undated; 1. Walter son of Richard de Stoke 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 14s 6d & 2d an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1569

Undated; 1. Robert son of Robert Parson of Pentelowe 2. Robert son of Richard de Stokes; Foxirth (X); C 1262-82?5s & 2 peppercorns an. rent; Gift,(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1570

Undated; 1. Simon son of William del Broc de Foxherd 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 2 marks and 3d & 1 peppercorn an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1571

Undated; 1. Michael de Weston 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 14s and ldan. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1572

Undated; 1. Michael de Weston 2. Simon son of William de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); 8 marks & 16d an. rent; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1573

Undated; 1. Richard son of Richard de Weston 2. Peter son of William de Broc de Foxherd; Foxherde (X); 64s, 3 peppercorns an. rent and 1 ob toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1574

Undated; 1. Roger son of Richard Ulwyne de Pentelawe 2. John son of Richard de Pentelawe; Pentelawe (X); Gift & Exchange, 1262-1282 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1575

52 Henry III, No day; 1. Lord Robert de Reydon 2. John son of Robert de Laffam; Hadleh & Laffam (X); 20 marks; Indented Chirograph of Confirmation, 1267(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1576

Undated; 1. Hugh Mori de Reidone 2. Sir Robert de Reidon; Reidon (X); 1/2 mark and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1270 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1577

Undated; 1. Robert Dopp 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1270 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1578

Undated; 1. Robert Heldelond de Reydun 2. Robertson of William Snodding de Reydun; Reydun (X); 1 mark and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1270 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1579

Undated; 1. Robert son of Robert de Roche 2. Ralph son of Matthew de Piro; Reindone (X); 18s& 4d an. rent; Gift, 1270 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1580

Undated; 1. Peter Le Goybe de Reyndun 2. John Caravilla and Thomas his brother; Reyndun (X); 30s & 8d an. rent; Gift, 1270 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1581

Undated; 1. William son of Robert 2. Richard de Caravilla; Reidun (X); 6 1/2 marks and 12d an. rent; Indented Chirograph of Covenant of Confirmation, 1270 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1582

Undated; 1. Edwin Gobat 2. William son of Robert; Messuage in Reindun; 1/2 mark; Quitclaim, 1270 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1583

Undated; 1. Sir Robert de Reydon 2. William son of Alexander; Reydon (X); Indented Chirograph of Exchange, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1584

Undated; 1. Robert son of Eustace del Holt 2. William son of Robert de Reindon; Reindun; 20s; Quitclaim, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1585

Undated; 1. Lord William son of Sir Robert de Reydon 2. Richard de St. Dioniseo, Cissori; Reydon (X); 8s, 10d an. rent and a fourth part ?of 40s scutage; Confirmation or Gift, 1270 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1586

Undated; 1. Robert Faber son of Miles Faber de Reydone 2. John de Foxholt son of John de Foxholt de Reydone; Reydone (X); 1 mark and 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1587

Undated; 1. Roger & Alexander sons of Master Robert de Stanfeld 2. Robert Syward de Reydon; Reydon; 3s and 3 ob & 1 rose an. rent; Grant of Rent, 1270 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1588

Undated; 1. Walter Mathoun de Reydon and Agnes his wife 2. John de Aqua de Leyham; Reydon (X); Remission of 5d of 6d annual rent, 1270 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1589

Undated; 1. Mathew Carpun de Haletone 2. Alan his eldest son; Reydon (X); Quitclaim of homage and 3d annual rent of Ralph Lotun, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1590

Undated; 1. Nicholas Araz son of William Araz 2. Dame Agnes de Karavilla; Mesuage in Reidon (X); 16s and 8d an. rent plus 1d an. rent to Lord Hospitallar at Batesford; Gift, 1270 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1591

Undated; 1. Symon de Eylandia Clericus 2. Robert "dto pecario" de Writele and Matilda his wife "dto mori" de Reydon; Reydon (X); 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1592

Undated; 1. Geoffrey son of Hugh Mercator de Reidon 2. Alice de Drengeston; Messuage in Reidon; Quitclaim, 1270 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1593

55 Henry III, February 2; 1. Sir Robert de Reydon 2. Ralph Lotum; Reydon (X); Indented Chirograph of Exchange, 1270 or 1271(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1594

55 Henry III ?, September 29; 1. Hugh Mory with assent of his wife Beatrice 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1271(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1595

Undated; 1. Richard de Holebrok 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Reydon, Holeton and Belsted; (X) 1 clove an. rent; Exchange of rents, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1596

Undated; 1. Fluria sister of Lord Robert de Reidun 2. Lord Robert de Reidun; Reidun (X); 54s; Quitclaim, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1597

Undated; 1. Thomas de Botingeham 2. Lord Robert de Reydone; Messuage in Reydon, etc. (X); 6 marks; Quitclaim, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1598

Undated; 1. Robert Dop de Reydune son of Robert Dop 2. Lord Robert de Reydune; Reydune, Mergetedune (X); 2s and 1 apple an. rent; Grant of Rents, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1599

Undated; 1. Robert Dop son of Robert Dop de Reydune 2. Lord Robert de Reydune; Reydune (X); 10s; Quitclaim, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1600

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. William de Norwode; Reydone (X); 30s and 1 ginger root an. rent; Gift, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1601

Undated; 1. William son of Gilbert de Foxherd 2. Robert son of Richard de Stoke; Foxherd (X); 2s and 1 peppercorn an. rent; Gift, 1271-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1602

Undated; 1. Thomas Crawe (Crowe) Jun. 2. Theobald de Kindham; Burgate (X); 5 marks 8s 4d and 8d an. rent; Gift, 1272 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1603

56 Henry III, January 3; 1. John Rome and Sarra his wife 2. Margerie de Stura once wife of James Potekin; Pentellawe (X); 5 marks; Quitclaim, 1271 or 1272(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1604

Undated; 1. Simon son of Peter del Broc de Foxherd 2. Ralph Osemund de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); 3 marks and 8d an. rent; Gift, 1272 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1605

Undated; 1. Alexander son of William Lewin de Torph 2. Sir Peter de Burgate; Torp (X); Grant of Rent and scutage, 1272 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1606

Undated; 1. Peter Goyb de Reydone 2. Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); 1 "pounnz"; Grant of rent, 1272-1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1607

Undated; 1. Peter le Goyb son of Richard le Goyb de Reydune 2. Lord Robert de Reydune and Ida his wife; Reydune (X); 1 rose flower; Grant of service of John de Fortholt and rent, 1272-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1608

Undated; 1. Petronilla daughter of Thomas Lotun de Reydune 2. Robert Lotun her brother; Reydun; 5 marcs, 12d and 1 rose flower an. rent and 6d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1272-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1609

Undated; 1. Hugh Mercator de Reydon 2. John de Hadleh and Beatrice his wife; Reydon (X); 18s, 1d an. rent and a "quardrant" toward scutage; Gift, 1272-1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1610

2 Edward I, Before September 29; 1. Eborard son of William de Foxherd and Alice his wife 2. Robert le Fermer; Foxherd(X); 20d; Demise for one year, 1274(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1611

4 Edward I November 12; 1. Robert de Burgate 2. Roger Golafre; Melles (X); Fine, 1276(Seals: )

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Ms 1612

Undated; 1. William Ridel de Aketune 2. Lord John de Hudebouile; Roydon (on dorse) (X); 10s; Quitclaim and Sale, 1279-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1613

Undated; 1. John de Hudebouill 2. John Ridel; Roydon (on dorse) (X); 8s and 8d an rent with 1d toward scutage; Gift, 1279-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1614

Undated; 1. Martin le Bretun de Burgate 2. Prioress and Convent of Campesse; Burgate (X); 40s and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1615

Undated; 1. Thomas Crawe (Crowe) sone of Thomas Crawe 2. Church of Bte Mary de Campess and the Nuns; Burgate; 5d an. rent; Grant and Quitclaim of Rent, 1282 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1616

Undated; 1. Ralph Gandichun de Foxherd 2. Robert le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); 4s 6d and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1617

Undated; 1. Maria de Wancy 2. Robert le Fermer de Foxherd and Elene his wife; Foxherd (X); 4 marks and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1618

Undated; 1. Maria de Wancy 2. Robert Firmar de Foxerth, Elot his wife and Peter his eldest son; Foxerth (X); 38s and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1619

Undated; 1. Maria de Waci 2. Gilbert Ossemund and Ida his wife; Foxherd (X); 3 1/2 marks and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1620

Undated; 1. John de Lyston son of Godefry de Lyston 2. Gilbert Ossemund de Foxerth; Mesuage in Foxerth (X); 40s, 21d an. rent and 1d toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1621

Undated; 1. Michael de Weston 2. Robert called Firmar de Foxerth; Foxherth (X); 22s and 4d an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1622

Undated; 1. Richard son of Richard de Westun 2. William son of Walter de Pentelawe and Dionisie daughter of William; Foxerd (X); 5s and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1623

Undated; 1. William son of Simon Pollard de Foxherd 2. Lord William de Swineford; Foxherd (X); 10s and 1 rose an. rent on alter of Bte Marie in Church of Foxherd; Gift, 1282 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1624

Undated; 1. Robert (Fabr) Mareschelde Reydun and Matilda his wife 2. Robert de Reydun, Alice his wife and William his eldest son; Reydun (X); 20s, 3d an. rent and a quarter toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1625

Undated; 1. Peter Le Goybe de Reidun 2. John son of John de Foxholt; Reidun (X); 22s and 3d an. rent; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1626

Undated; 1. Robert Syward de Reydun 2. Ralph de Reymes de Reydun, Rose his wife and Richard his son; Mesuage in Reydun; 4 marks; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1627

Undated; 1. Peter de Burgate 2. Adam Hunwine de Burgate; Burgate (X); 2d an. rent; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1628

Undated; 1. Henry de Capell 2. Dame Beatrice de Burgate; Burgate, Melles (X); 16 marks; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1629

Undated; 1. Richard Gardinaring de Burgate 2. Lord Thomas Caravne; Burgate (X); 3s and 1 clove an. rent; Grant of 5d an. rent, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1630

Undated; 1. Robert son of Walter de Rikingehale 2. Lord Martin Gulafre de Melles; Melles and Burgate; 4s; Quitclaim of 4d rent, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1631

Undated; 1. Sir Martin Gulafre 2. Agnes Norman; Stebbinge (Burgate on dorse) (X); 2d an. rent and a quarter toward scutage; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1632

Undated; 1. Edmund son of Andrew le Bretunn de Melles 2. Martin Ertheland de Melles; Melles (X); 12d earnest of 4 1/2d an. rent; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1633

Undated; 1. Adam once son of Thomas del Hage de Redgrave 2. Adam le Taliur de Burgate and Matilda his wife; Redgrave (X); 16s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1634

Undated; 1. Robert son of Miles Fabre de Reydun 2. William de Chervil de Reydun and Alice his wife; Reydun;1/2 mark; Grant of 6d an. rent, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1635

Undated; 1. Robert son of Miles Fabre de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 1/2 mark; Grant of several rents, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1636

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Peter son of Reginald Stout de Brunfeld; Reydon (X); 24s, 6d an. rent and a quarter toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1282 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1637

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydun 2. Robert de Reydun; Reydun (X); 15s, 1 rose and a quarter toward 40s scutage; Grant of 14d and 4 horseshoes ?an. rent from Robert Mareshal de Reydun, 1282 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1638

10 Edward I, December 13; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydun 2. Robert Reydun; Reydun; Appointment of attorney to receive 14d and 4 horseshoes ?an. rent from Robert Mareschall de Reydun, 1282(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1639

10 Edward I, February 1; 1. Maria de Wanci 2. Gilbert Ossemund and Ida his wife; Foxherde (X); 20s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1281 or 1282(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1640

10 Edward I, April 24; 1. Robert son of Miles Fabre de Reydun 2. Robert de Reydun, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydun (X); 20s; Gift, 1282(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1641

10 Edward I, October 7; 1. Robert de Burgate 2. Roger de Berneford clerk, attorney of William de Glanvill; Burgate; 35 marks; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1282(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1642

Undated; 1. Peter son of Robert le Fermer de Foxherthe 2. William Frede de Foxherthe and Dionisia his wife; Foxherd (X); A sum of money and 4d an. rent; Gift, 1282-1290 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1643

Undated; 1. John le Fermer de Foxherd 2. Peter le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); a sum of money and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1282-1290 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1644

Undated; 1. Peter once son of Adam de Bedingfeld 2. Ralph son of William Lotun de Reydone in free marriage with his sister Catherine; Messuage called Polstedelond and other land in Reydone (X); Gift and Grant of 5s 2d an. rent, 1282-1290 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1645

Undated; 1. Alan de Giselingham 2. Symon de Giselingham his son; Burgate (X); 20 marks and 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1646

Undated; 1. William son of Adam de Stebbinge 2. Symon de Giselingham; Burgate (X); 16d and 1 clove an. rent; Grant of 2 1/2 d an. rent, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1647

Undated; 1. William de Stebbing 2. Walter son of Benedict de Ponte de Redgrave; Burgate (X); 2s an. rent and 1d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1648

Undated; 1. Galio ?de Stebbinge 2. John Swan; Buregate (X); 2d an. rent; Quitclaim, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1649

Undated; 1. Robert le Bretoun and William his son 2. Sir Robert de Burgate; Bradewong (Burgate on on dorse); 20s; Quitclaim, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1650

Undated; 1. Sir Robert de Burgate 2. William le Bretun; Messuage in Burgate; 100s and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1651

Undated; 1. William Le Bretoun de Burgate 2. Thomas Rector of the Church of Burgate; Burgate (X); 16s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1652

Undated; 1. William de Syporle 2. Lord Robert de Burgate; Burgate (X); 1 mark; Quitclaim, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1653

Undated; 1. Robert de Burgate 2. Richard Lambricht de Redgrave and Galiene his wife; Burgate (X); 15s, 3 1/4 d an. rent and a quarter toward scutage; Gift, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1654

Undated; 1. Etheldreda daughter of John de Beauchamp 2. Peter son of Sir Robert de Burgate; Burgate; 1/2 mark; Quitclaim of 6d an. rent, 1282-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1655

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reidon 2. Robert de Reidone and Alice his wife; Reidon (X); 11 1/2 marks, 1d an. rent and 1 ob toward 40s scutage; Gift and Grant of 6d an. rent, 1282-1295 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1656

Undated; 1. William Le Large and Ida his wife; 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 40s; Quitclaim of land and rents, 1282-1295 circa(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1657

Undated; 1. John de Northawe 2. Robert de Burgate; Burgate (X); 2s; Quitclaim of 4d an. rent, 1282-1300 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1658

Undated; 1. William Butemleyn 2. Peter son of Lord Baldewyn de Melles; Florendone; Grant of 20s an. rent, 1282-1307 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1659

Undated; 1. Elyas Molendinarius de Hadlee; 2. William de Brotton and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 1/2 mark and 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1660

Undated; 1. John son of John Siward de Reidon 2. William son of Thomas de Brohotan and Alice his wife; Reidon (X); 3s 6d and 1 peony seed an. rent; Gift, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1661

Undated; 1. John de Hadleh 2. William son of Thomas de Brohotan and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 16s; Quitclaim, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1662

Undated; 1. Simon son of William de Bramford 2. Walter de Naneltun; Reindon; 3s an. rent; Gift, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1663

Undated; 1. Robert de Reidon 2. Peter son of Reginald Stout de Brunfeld; Reidon (X); 6d an. rent and 1 ob toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1664

Undated; 1. Roger Birch de Reidon 2. Robert de Reidon; Reidon (X); 3s; Quitclaim, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1665

Undated; 1. Robert Faber de Reidon 2. Robert de Reidon; Reidon; 4s; Quitclaim of 6d an. rent, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1666

Undated; 1. Fulk de Vallibus 2. Gervase de Vallibus his brother; Wenham (X); 20d an. rent and 1d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1284 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1667

Undated; 1. Sir William Grimland son of Lord Robert Grimland 2. Robert Grimland his eldest son; Grant of Knight's Fee in Northamton, Lincoln, Huntindome, 1284 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1668

12 Edward I, January 9; 1. Hato Faber de Wenham Combusta 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon; 12d; Quitclaim of curtilage, 1283 or 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1669

12 Edward I, January 17; 1. Robert Faber de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his Eldest son; Roydon (X); 20s and 1 ginger root an. rent; Gift, 1283 or 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1670

12 Edward I, January 25; 1. Johanna once daughter of Peter Goybe de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydon (X); 4s; Quitclaim, 1283 or 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1671

12 Edward I, February 2; 1. Richard Wade de Reydone 2. Christine his daughter; Reydon (X); 4 marks and 6d an. rent; Gift, 1283 or 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1672

12 Edward I, February 2; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydone 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Roydon (X); 6 1/2 marks, 3d an. rent and 1 1/2 d toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1283 or 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1673

12 Edward I, March 26; 1. Robert Lotun de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 6 1/2 marks and 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1674

12 Edward I, April 25; 1. Nicholas Hemming de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydon (X); 4s; Quitclaim of 4d an. rent, 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1675

12 Edward I, May 22; 1. Nicholas Hemming de Reydon, 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydon (X); 20s and 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1676

12 Edward I, June 12; 1. Hugh son of Gilbert de Reymes de Werstede 2. Hugh de Reymes de Gippewico Ipswichand Ann his wife; Messuage in Gippewico; 1d an. rent; Fine, 1284(Seals: )

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Ms 1677

12 Edward I, July 4; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Matilda his daughter; Reydon; 40s and 5s an. rent during Ralph's life and one rose to his successors; Grant of several rents, 1284(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1678

12 Edward I, September 20; 1. Walter le Machun de Reydon and Agnes his wife 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydon (X); 36s and 4d an. rent; Gift, 1284(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1679

Undated; 1. Floria de Somerton 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1284-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1680

Undated; 1. Robert de Reidon 2. William Prop de Reidon and Rose his wife; Reidon (X); 24s, 2d an. rent and 1 ob toward scutage; Gift, 1284-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1681

Undated; 1. John de Berekingg, Rector of the church of Colum engayne 2. Robert de Reydon and Alice his wife; Reydon, Bernholte (X); Gift and Grant of rents, 1284-1292 circa(Seals: )

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Ms 1682

Undated; 1. William del Holt de Reidon 2. John de Berking and John Testard; Reydon (X); 15s and 1 clove an. rent; Grant of 17d an. rent, 1284-1292 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1683

Undated; 1. Bartholomew le Kereuile de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydon son of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydon (X); a sum of money; Grant of 4d an. rent, 1284-1292 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1684

Undated; 1. Alexander de Gohust de Wenham Conbusta 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his son; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1284-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1685

Undated; 1. Miles de Grahge de Reidon 2. Miles Greigos de Reidon and Matilda his wife; Reidon (X); 12s and 3d an. rent; Gift, 1284-1295 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1686

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Robert son of Miles Faber de Reydon and Matilda his wife; Reydon (X); 40s, 14d an. rent and 1 ob toward 40s scutage; Gift, 1284-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1687

13 Edward I, January 26; 1. Alexander de Stanfeld once son of Robert de Stanfeld de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, William his eldest son; Reydon (X); 6s and 1 rose an. rent; Gift and Quitclaim, 1284 or 1285(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1688

13 Edward I, August 23; 1. Alexander de Stanfeld de Reydon; 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 5 marks, 2s an. rent and 1d toward scutage; Gift, 1285(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1689

14 Edward I, February; 1. Henry de Guldford called le Marescall Rector of the church of Reydon 2. Robert de Reydone; Fruits of Redgrave Church; 65 marks; Indented chirograph of 2 year Lease (Cameo seal), 1285 or 1286(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1690

Undated; 1. Alice de Chereuile once wife of William de Chereuille 2. Robert de Reydone; Reydon; Scholes in Reydon; Quitclaim, 1288 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1691

16 Edward I, October 13; 1. Alice once wife of of William de Carenilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, John his son; Reydon (X); 46s, 1 rose, 1288(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1692

Undated; 1. Amisius de Beingdene 2. Richard son of Robert de Meleford; Meleford (X); 14 marks and 12d to "aulam de Meleford"; 11 3/4 d to Hugh son of Adam de Meleford; and 2d 1 ob to Richard son of Boydini an. rents; Gift and Grant of rents, 1289 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1693

Undated; 1. Margaret daughter of Robert Vyt de Meleford and Simon her son 2. Adam son of Hugh de Grangia de Waldingfeld magna; Meleford (X); 20s and 3d 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1289 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1694

Undated; 1. William de Lawenham 2. Hugh his son; Meleford (X); 20s and root of ginger an. rent; Gift, 1289 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1695

Undated; 1. Alice once wife of Robert Wran de Subery 2. Adam Wyt de Meleford and Adam de Grangia de Waldingfeld mangna; Meleford (X); 8s; Quitclaim, 1289 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1696

Undated; 1. Richard le Warner de Meleford 2. Adam de Waldingfeld; Messuage in Meleford (X); 20s; Quitclaim, 1289 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1697

Undated; 1. John Wran once son of Robert Wran de Sudbery 2. Adam son of Hugh de Grangia de Waldingfeld mangna; Meleford (X); 40s and 1 gingerroot an. rent; Gift, 1289 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1698

Undated; 1. William de Lafham son of Arnulph de Lafham 2. Sir Robert de Reydon and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 12d an. rent; Gift, 1289 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1699

Undated; 1. Fordanus le Waleys 2. Geoffrey de Beaumes; Cleydune; 3s; Quitclaim of 2d an. rent, 1289 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1700

Undated; 1. Geoffrey G?rispayl de Aketun 2. Roger son of Roger de Benetleh; North Ho (X); 50s, 8d an. rent and 1 ob toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1289 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1701

17 Edward I, November 19; 1. Simon Dering de Aketon 2. Adam de Waldingfeld; Meleford (X); 10s; Quitclaim, 1288(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1702

17 Edward I, November 25; 1. Alice relict of William de Capravilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 33s an. rent during her life; Gift, 1288(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1703

17 Edward I, May 3; 1. Olive relict of Henry le Costentyn de Rykynghale 2. Sir Robert de Burgate; Messuage in Burgate; Quitclaim, 1289(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1704

17 Edward I, October 20; 1. Ralph Lotum de Reydon 2. Roger de Reymes; Reydon (X); 6 marks, 4d an. rent and 12d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1289(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1705

Undated; 1. Adam Spendelow de Wenham 2. John de Berking and John Testard; Reydon (X); a sum of money and 1 rose an. rent; Grant of 18d an. rent, 1289-1291 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1706

Undated; 1. William de Berkyngge son of John de Berkyngge Rector of the Church of Coln Engayne 2. Robert de Reydon and Ralph his son and heir; Wenham combusta; Reydon (X); 55s; Grant of rents (2d copy; William called "once son of John de Berkingge", rents lower and seal fragmentary) [description applies to Ms 1706 and 1707], 1289-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1707

Undated; 1. William de Berkyngge son of John de Berkyngge Rector of the Church of Coln Engayne 2. Robert de Reydon and Ralph his son and heir; Wenham combusta; Reydon (X); 55s; Grant of rents (2d copy; William called "once son of John de Berkingge", rents lower and seal fragmentary) [description applies to Ms 1706 and 1707], 1289-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1708

Undated; 1. William del Holt de Reydone 2. Miles Greygos de Reydon and Matilda his wife; Reydone (X); a sum of money and 1 apple an. rent; Gift, 1289-1292 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1709

Undated; 1. Alice once wife of William de Capravilla 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 3s and 1 rose an. rent for 8 years; Gift, 1289-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1710

Undated; 1. Alice de Carpavilla relict of William de Carpavilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 20s and 1 rose an. rent for her life; Gift, 1289-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1711

Undated; 1. Olivia de Leyham 2. Sir Robert de Reydone, Alice his wife, Ralph his son; Water Mill with land and water rights in Laleford, Essex (X); a sum of money and 1 clove an. rent; Gift (Finest private seal in collection), 1289-1302 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1712

18 Edward I, April 17; 1. John de Capravilla de Reydon son of Sir William de Capravilla 2. Robert de Reydon, Alice his wife, John his son and heir; Reydon (X); 1/2 mark and 1d an. rent; Grant of 4d an. rent, 1290(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1713

18 Edward I, May 17; 1. Peter son of Robert le Fermer de Foxherde 2. William son of Walter Faber de Borle; Pentelowe (X); 7s and 12d an. rent; Gift, 1290(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1714

18 Edward I, June 15; 1. Amice de Geddinge once wife of Adam de Geddinge 2. Robert de Reydon, Roger Faber de Schelleye once son of Robert Sigar de Hecham and Bertha his wife "qdam Nativi meii": Reydon; 100s; Quitclaim, 1290(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1715

18 Edward I, October 27; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Roger de Reymes de Hecham; Reydon (X); 20 marks; several amounts of grain, 3s and 1 rose an. rent plus 12d toward 20s scutage of Convent of St. Antoni de Kerseye; Gift [description applies to Ms 1715 and 1716], 1290(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1716

18 Edward I, October 27; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Roger de Reymes de Hecham; Reydon (X); 20 marks; several amounts of grain, 3s and 1 rose an. rent plus 12d toward 20s scutage of Convent of St. Antoni de Kerseye; Gift [description applies to Ms 1715 and 1716], 1290(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1717

Undated; 1. Alice once wife of William de Capravilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon, and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); 20s; Gift, 1290-1291 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1718

Undated; 1. William son of John de Iuele de Pentlowe (X); 40s, 16d an. rent and 4 capons for Qurtilage; Gift, 1290-1297 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1719

Undated; 1. Thomas son of Sir Ralph de Melles 2. John son of Thomas de Derneford in marriage to Alma his sister; Melles (X); 12d an. rent; Gift, 1290-1297 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1720

19 Edward I no day; 1. William de Northall de Burgate 2. William son of Sir Robert de Burgate; Burgate (X); 1/2 mark and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1291(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1721

19 Edward I, March 18; 1. Roger once son of Henry Hemming de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Robert de Reydon; Messuage in Reydon (X); 1/2 mark and 3d an. rent; Gift, 1290 or 1291(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1722

19 Edward I, March 25; 1. Luke Morel de Goffelde 2. Peter de Burgate and Amice his wife; Burgate, Goffeld; 10; Grant of 18s 11d an. rent, 1291(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1723

19 Edward I, April 7; 1. Alice once wife of William de Capravilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon and Ralph his son and heir; Reydon (X); 1/2 mark; Grant of 2d an. rent, 1291(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1724

Undated; 1. William Siuard de Reydon 2. Ralph de Reymis de Reydon; Reydon (X); 3s, 1 rose an. rent and 1 ob an. rent to Lord Robert de Reydon; Gift, 1291-1307 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1725

Undated; 1. Robert (Fabr) Marescallus son of Miles Fabr de Reydone 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Grant of Rent, 1292 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1726

Undated; 1. John de Capravilla de Reydone son of Sir William de Capravilla and Cecilia his wife 2. Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydon (X); sum of money and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1292 circa(Seals: 1*3)

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Ms 1727

Undated; 1. John Tastard de Wenham conbusta 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Grant of 4d an. rent, 1292 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1728

Undated; 1. Walter le Machon de Reydon and Agnes his wife 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydone (X); 1 rose an. rent; Grant of 6d an. rent, 1292 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1729

Undated; 1. Peter Ylriych son of Peter Ylrych de Reydone and Margaret his wife once daughter of Roger le Tynekere 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 12d an. rent; Gift, 1292 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1730

Undated; 1. Elena ate Roche once wife of Edmund Perchet 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Gift, 1292 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1731

20 Edward I, January 27; 1. Alice de Drenchestone once wife of William de Brettone 2. Roger de Reymes de Hekham; Reydon (X); 10 marks; Gift and Grant of rent, 1291 or 1292(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1732

20 Edward I, September 27; 1. Ralph de Lotun de Reydone 2. Robert de Reydone and Alice his wife; Reydon, Schelleye (X); sum of money and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1292(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1733

20 Edward I, October 9; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. William Thinne de Reydon; Rose his wife, John his son; Reydon (X); 10s, 8d an. rent and a quarter toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1292(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1734

Undated; 1. Alexander de Foxholt once son of John de Foxholt 2. Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1292-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1735

Undated; 1. Ralph Lotun de Reydon 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Grant of 1d an. rent, 1292-1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1736

Undated; 1. Robert son of William de Burgate 2. Simon son of Eustace Capellam de Redgrave; Burgate (X); 12 marks, 30d an. rent and 1d toward 20s scutage; Gift (Copy), 1292-1302 circa(Seals: )

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Ms 1737

22 Edward I, November 29; 1. Richard Wade de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1293(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1738

22 Edward I, April 8; 1. Ralph Loton de Reydon 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Appointment of Attorney to receive 1d an. rent from William de St. Martine, 1294(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1739

22 Edward I, October 30; 1. William de Norwod de Reydon 2. Roger de Reymes; Reydon(X) Sum of money; Quitclaim, 1294(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1740

23 Edward I, December 9; 1. William Reynold de Gakele 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 10s; Quitclaim, 1294(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1741

Undated; 1. Pettronilla once wife of Adam Spendelowe de villa de Wenham combusta 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Gift, 1295 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1742

23 Edward I, May 1; 1. Catherine that was wife of Ralph Loton de Reydone 2. Roger de Reymes de Heghham; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1295(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1743

23 Edward I, August 5; 1. Gilbert de Meresey 2. John Prentiz his brother de Suburia; Pentelowe (X); 6 marks; Gift, 1295(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1744

Undated; 1. John le Riche de Pentellawe 2. William Bolle, clerk; Pentellawe (X); 40s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1295-1299 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1745

Undated; 1. John de Marlefforde and Aubrey his wife 2. John Mandwyt de Pentelowe son of John Mandwyt de Pentelowe; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1295-1299 circa(Seals: s*3)

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Ms 1746

24 Edward I, March 3; 1. William Bolur de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydone once brother of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydon (X); 1 mark and 1d 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1295 or 1296(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1747

24 Edward I, April 20; 1. Sarra Spendeloue and Rose her sister de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 6s and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1296(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1748

24 Edward I, October 14; 1. Ralph ate Hakt and Cristiana his wife 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon; sum of money, 1 rose an. rent first 10 years and 12d an. rent second 10 years; 2 parts of indented chirograph & Gift [description applies to Ms 1748 and 1749], 1296(Seals: 1*1; 2*2)

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Ms 1749

24 Edward I, October 14; 1. Ralph ate Hakt and Cristiana his wife 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon; sum of money, 1 rose an. rent first 10 years and 12d an. rent second 10 years; 2 parts of indented chirograph & Gift [description applies to Ms 1748 and 1749], 1296(Seals: 1*1; 2*2)

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Ms 1750

Undated; 1. Petronilla ate Roche once wife of Adam Spendeloue de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1297 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1751

25 Edward I, February 9; 1. Geoffrey Everard 2. Peter son of Gilbert Osemund de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1296 or 1297(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1752

25 Edward I, March 31; 1. Elena Spendeloue ate Roche once wife of Edmund Porchet de villa de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 1d 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1753

25 Edward I, April 8; 1. William Bolour de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 12s and 1d 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1754

25 Edward I, April 8; 1. Sarra Spendeloue once daughter of Adam Spendeloue de Reydon 2. Thomas de Reydon brother of Lord Reydon, Knight; Reydon (X); sum of money and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1755

Edward I, April 20; 1. Thomas Duyt de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money and 1/4 an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1756

25 Edward I, July 28; 1. John Tastard de Wenham 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon (X); sum of money and 1 rose an. rent; Grant of 9 3/4d an. rent, 1297(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1757

25 Edward I, September 10; 1. Adam de Chereuyle de Reydon 2. Peter de Stanefeld de Reydon; Reydon (X); 20s and 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1758

25 Edward I, September 13; 1. John de Aldham brother of Osbert de Aldham de Hadleye 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Grant of 20d an. rent, 1297(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1759

26 Edward I, December 2; 1. John dele Paund de Hadleye 2. Peter de Reydon; Hadleye (X); 30s and 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1297(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1760

26 Edward I, December 10; 1. William de Stebbingge 2. Peter de Burgate and Amice his wife; Burgate (X); a sum of money; Quitclaim of 1 ob an. rent, 1297(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1761

26 Edward I, June 8; 1. Sir Nicholas de St. Mauro 2. Robert de Bures; Newtone (X); Grant of Reversion of 16s and 2 capons an. rent, 1298(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1762

26 Edward I, June 22; 1. Peter Stout de Bronfeld 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon (X); 30s, 16d an. rent and a quarter toward scutage; Gift, 1298(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1763

Undated; 1. William son of Huberd de Hildircle 2. Reginald son of Widue de Hildircle; Hildircle (X); 2 1/2 marks and 3d an. rent; Gift, 1297-1306 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1764

Undated; 1. Robert son of Robert Mandicch de Cauenedis 2. Roger de Saccaro; Bures; 1 clove an. rent; Grant and Quitclaim of many rents (Copy), 1297-1312 circa

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Ms 1765

Undated; 1. Gervase de Meldingh 2. Peter son of Gilbert Waryn de Edwardestun; Meldingh (X); 4 marks, 6d an. rent and 1d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1298-1315 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1766

Undated; 1. Gervase de Melding 2. Peter son of Gilbert Warin de Edwardeston; Melding (X); 36s 6d an. rent and 1 ob toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1298-1318 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1767

Undated; 1. Richard Maskerel 2. William son of Baldwin de Brandun and David son of Lecie de Wich; Bulemer (X); 2 marks, 6d an. rent; Gift, 1298-1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1768

Undated; 1. Osebert son of Adam de Henie 2. Reginald de Binesle; Bulemer (X); Quitclaim, 1298-1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1769

Undated; 1. Jordan Poinat and Isabelle de la Due his wife 2. Eustace "Armigo"; Clinton?(X); 4s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1319 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1770

Undated; 1. Cecilia Eustace once wife of William son of Eustace de Aston Clinton 2. Richard Feteplace de Aston Clinton; Aston Clinton (X); 1 rose an. rent; Grant of 8d an. rent, 1318(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1771

Undated; 1. Henry son of Michael de Bungeye 2. Henry son of Robert de Illeketelshall; Illeketelshall (X); 22s and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1298-1318 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1772

Undated; 1. William son of Robert Passelewe de Ilketelshall 2. Thomas son of Roger Godefrey de Flixton; Ilketelshall (X); 20s and 2d an. rent and 1 ob toward scutage; Gift, 1298-1318 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1773

Undated; 1. Peter son of Roger son of Osbert 2. William Passelewe de Ilketessalle; Ilketessale; 4 marcs, 14s an. rent and 2d toward scutage; Gift, 1298-1318 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1774

Undated; 1. Roger son of John Wolwyn de Pentelowe 2. John le riche de Pentelowe and Rose his wife; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1299 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1775

Undated; 1. Roger Wolwyne de Pentelowe 2. John le Ryche de Pentelowe and Johanna his wife; Pentelowe (X); 10s; Gift, 1299 post circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1776

Undated; 1. William le Hupere de Pentelowe 2. John le Riche and Rose his wife; Pentelowe (X); 7s and 1 rose an. rent; Gift, 1299 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1777

Undated; 1. Augustus le Pamner de Prestone 2. 2. Richard his son; Preston, and lands of Church of sante Trinitatis de Gypwyc (X); 7d lob an. rent and 2d toward 20s scutage; Gift, 1299 post circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1778

27 Edward I, February 1; 1. Geoffrey Keling de Pentelouwe 2. Master Robert de Redeswell Archdeacon of Chester; Pentelouwe (X); Gift, 1298 or 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1779

27 Edward I, February 1; 1. Geoffrey Keling de Pentelouwe 2. Master Robert de Redeswell Archdeacon of Chester; Pentelouwe (X); Quitclaim, 1298 or 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1780

27 Edward I, March 28; 1. Geoffrey de le Halk de Wychermerch; 2. Roger de Reymis; Reidone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1781

27 Edward I, May 31; 1. Rose Spendeloue de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydone brother of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); sum of money and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1782

27 Edward I, May 31; 1. Robert le Fauk de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydone brother of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); sum of money; Grant of 12d an. rent, 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1783

27 Edward I, July 15; 1. Sir John Carbonel 2. Johanna that was wife of Henry de Cramanile; Manor of Newtone; 1 rose an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1299(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1784

28 Edward I, June 3; 1. Walter de Sternefeld de Wortham 2. Robert Osemund de Burgate; Burgate (X); 2d 1 ob an. rent and a quarter toward scutage; Gift, 1300(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1785

28 Edward I, July 3; 1. Miles Greygos de Reydone 2. Petar de Reydone brother of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); sum of money and 15d 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1300(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1786

28 Edward I, July 17; 1. Walter Halfkuyt de Herdewyc 2. John del Hoc de Berdefeld and Alice his wife; Aketon (X); 5 marks; Gift, 1300(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1787

Undated; 1. Ralph son of the clerk de Stratforde 2. Geoffrey de Quinermerl carpentar; Roydon on dorse(X); 20s and 1d an. rent; Gift, 1301 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1788

29 Edward I, February 14; 1. William son & heir of Godefrey de Wynermers, carpentar 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1300 or 1301(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1789

29 Edward I, October 6; 1. Margaret once wife of Henry de Botingham 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1301(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1790

29 Edward I, 11 "kalend" October; 1. William Man, cooper 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); a sum of money and 12d an. an. rent; Gift, 1301(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1791

29 Edward I, November 19; 1. Geoffrey de Hoo de Pentelowe 2. John his son; Pentelowe (X); 10 marks an. rent during his life; Gift, 1301(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1792

30 Edward I; 1. William son of Richard Greygos de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 32s and 6d an. rent; Gift, 1301-1302(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1793

30 Edward I, December 19; 1. Robert Porchet son & heir of Edmund Porchet de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Tenement in Reydon; Quitclaim, 1301(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1794

30 Edward I, January 13; 1. William son & heir of William de Taft de Reydon 2. William de Reydon, Rector of the Church of Reydon; Reydon (X); Lands plus 10 marks; Quitclaim and Exchange, 1301 or 1302(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1795

30 Edward I, June 3; 1. Peter son of Sir Robert de Burgate 2. John de Beck de Banham; Wood in Manor of Burghawe, Burgate; a sum of money and 1d an. rent for 16 years and £20 year thereafter; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1302(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1796

30 Edward I, August 30; 1. Sir Peter de Denardestone 2. Nicholas, Rector of the Church of Meldinggs; Meldinggs (X); Lands plus 4d an. rent; Indented Chirograph Covenant of Exchange, 1302(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1797

30 Edward I, September 29; 1. John son & heir of James de Geddinge de Wrtham 2. Peter de Burgate; Wrtham, Redgrave, Palegrave, and Burgate; Quitclaim, 1302(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1798

31 Edward I; 1. Roger son of Michael de Lauendun and Juliana his wife 2. Robert Noreys de burgag de Thodingdon; Message in Thodingdon (X); 2s; Gift, 1302-1303(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1799

31 Edward I, December 17; 1. Walter son of Thomas de Wrtham 2. Peter son of Sir Robert de Burgate; Burgate (X); Quitclaim, 1302(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1800

31 Edward I, October 11; 1. William de Weston 2. Sir Peter de Mellis; Walpole; 20s; Grant of 20d 1 ob an. rents, 1303(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1801

31 Edward I, November 1; 1. William son & heir of William de Taft de Reydon 2. William de Reydon Rector of the Church of Reydon; Reydon (X); Lands plus 10 marks; Quitclaim and Exchange, 1303(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1802

32 Edward I; 1. Adam de Chereuill 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Gift, 1303-1304(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1803

32 Edward I; 1. Robert Godwyne de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Gift, 1303-1304(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1804

32 Edward I; 1. Emma once wife of Augustine Abot de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Grant of 2d an. rent, 1303-1304(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1805

32 Edward I, December 8; 1. William son & Heir of William de Thuft de Reydon 2. William de Reydon, Rector of the church of Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1303(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1806

32 Edward I, December 21; 1. William ate Stoure de Pentellowe 2. Thomas de Tey de Glemeff and Alice his wife; Foxerde (X); sum of money; Gift, 1303(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1807

32 Edward I, March 8; 1. Walter le Wodeward de Borlee and Johanna his wife 2. Nicholas Frere de Bockynge; Foxherde (X); Grant of 8d an. rent, 1303 or 1304(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1808

32 Edward I, May 16; 1. Adam de Chereuill 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 10s and 20s; Indented Chirograph of 1 year lease, 1304(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1809

32 Edward I, May 30; 1. William de Reples Rector of the church of Dyneton 2. Peter le Fermir; His Servant Robert Muntepot: land Foxerd on dorse; a woolen cloth an. rent; Gift and Grant, 1304(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1810

32 Edward I, November 2; 1. Thomad de Grey 2. William de Lenne and Isabel his wife; Magna and Parva Waldingfeld, Meldingg, Edwardeston; 20 for 7 acres land and 100s an. rent; Fine, 1304(Seals: )

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Ms 1811

33 Edward I; 1. Rose once daughter of Adam Spendeloue de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Grant of 1d an. rent, 1304-1305(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1812

33 Edward I, December 16; 1. William de Monte Caniso de Edwardistone 2. John Le Bous; Church of Middyltone next to Balydone in the Hundred of Hengford; Grant of Advowson, 1304(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1813

33 Edward I, April 4; 1. Adam de Chefreuill 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon (X); Gift (List of Deeds of Peter de Reydon attached), 1305(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1814

33 Edward I, April 8; 1. Adam de Chefreiull 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon (X); 12s and 4 marks; Indented Chirograph of covenant of Feoffement, 1305(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1815

33 Edward I, July 11; 1. Katherine once wife of Ralph Lotun 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1305(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1816

34 Edward I, March 31; 1. Peter de Borgate 2. Walter Oliver; Burgate; on dorse; 8 marks; Indented Chirograph of Covenant to make Gift, 1306(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1817

34 Edward I, May 6; 1. Sir Hughe Peche 2. Thomas Everard de Farleye; Wicham (X); sum of money; Quitclaim (Copy), 1306(Seals: )

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Ms 1818

34 Edward I, August 2; 1. Agnes relict of Thomas Geffrey de Hadleys 2. Peter de Reydone brother of Sir Robert de Reydone; Reydone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1306(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1819

34 Edward I, October 23; 1. Ralph atte Nok and Katherine his wife 2. Peter de Reydone; Reydon (X); 1 mark; Gift, 1306(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1820

34 Edward I, October 19; 1. Geoffrey del Hoo de Foxherde 2. Thomas atte Pet Dyonis his wife and Agnes his daughter of Subiry; Foxherde (X); sum of money; Gift, 1306(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1821

35 Edward I, February 20; 1. Mathew son of Robert Le Veirer de Colecestr 2. John son of Simon Lotun de Colecestr and Alice his wife, ray sister; Colecestr (X); sum of money and 1 pomegranete?an. rent; Gift, 1306 or 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1822

35 Edward I, March 11; 1. Juliana Robyn daughter of Robert Lotun de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1306 or 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1823

35 Edward I, March 28; 1. John de Rattlesdene 2. Robert de Reydone; Reydon, Hegham; 100s; Grant of Rents, 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Subseries 1: Charter and Deeds (Ms 1824-Ms 2090)

Ms 1824

35 Edward I, March 28; 1. John de Rattlesdene 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon, Hegham; Copy of Grant of Services, 1307

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Ms 1825

35 Edward I, May 1; 1. John de Marisco de Randestun 2. Sir Peter de Burgate; Wreham; sum of money; Gift, 1307(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1826

35 Edward I, May 30; 1. Adam de Capriuilla 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon (X); 40s and 1 rose an. rent; Indented Chirograph of Gift, 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1827

1 Edward II, September 2; 1. James Snod de Cleydon 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon and Ida his daughter; Holetone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1307(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1828

1 Edward II, November 5; 1. John Scut son of Peter Scut 2. Peter de Reydone and Ida his daughter; Reydon (X); 40s; Gift, 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1829

1 Edward II, November 5; 1. John Scut son of Peter Scut 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 20s; Quitclaim, 1307(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1830

1 Edward II, November 16; 1. Alan Osemund de Mellis 2. Lord Peter de Mellis; Mellis, Wenaxton; 100s; Gift, 1307(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1831

1 Edward II, February 22; 1. Isabella once wife of Peter Scut 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1307 or 1308(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1832

1 Edward II, July 7; 1. Semanus Minne de Foxherd and Lucia his wife 2. Robert Molend De Foxherd and Agnes his wife; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1308(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1833

2 Edward II, July 23; 1. Isabel once wife of William Reynold de Wakesle 2. Peter de Reydon; Pasture in Reydon; sum of money; Quitclaim, 1308(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1834

2 Edward II, January 7; 1. (Frere) Thomas de Grey 2. (Soeur) Beatrice de Tendringge 3. Robert de Bures; Waldingfeld, Meldingg; Letter Patent of Assignment (French), 1308 or 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1835

2 Edward II, January 13; 1. William Gernon 2. Walter the son of Willia de Bures and Alice the daughter of William Petit de Bures 3. Robert de Bures; Bures?, dated at Wistonne; Letter patent of assignment of rent (French), 1308 or 1309(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1836

2 Edward II, April 20; 1. Walter Mandrake de Redgrave 2. Sir Peter de Burgate; Burgate (X); sum of money; Quitclaim, 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1837

2 Edward II, June 13; 1. John son of William Geffreye, junior de Hadleye 2. Peter brother of Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); sum of money; Gift, 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1838

2 Edward II, June 29; 1. Matilda relict of William Geffrey junior de Hadleye 2. Peter de Reydon brother of Sir Robert de Reydon ?; Reydon (X); sum of money; Quitclaim, 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1839

2 Edward II, June 29; 1. Richard Wade de Reydone 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon (X); 20s; Quitclaim, 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1840

Undated; 1. Jordan son of Habhe de Alefford clerk 2. John de Rameseya; Ramseya; 1 clove and 6d an. rent to heirs of Alexander de Ramseya; Gift, 1309 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1841

3 Edward II, December 14; 1. Richard Mori de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydone; Reydon (X); 20 marks; Gift, 1309(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1842

3 Edward II, March 29; 1. Agnes once wife of Roger Tofeld 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd and Isabell his daughter; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1310(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1843

3 Edward II, April 5; 1. Walter de Nanelton 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim of 3s 2d an. rent, 1310(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1844

3 Edward II, June 24; 1. John Bacun, clerk 2. John de Toucestr; Middelton next to Sudbury; 10 for 15s an. rent; Fine, 1310

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Ms 1845

4 Edward II, day illegible; 1. William son of John Athelwald de Suthorel 2. John son of John Godwind de Northbarsham; Ryssebeall ?; Letter of Attorney to seise J Radham de Quarles in certain lands, 1310-1311(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1846

4 Edward II, November 23; 1. John del Pond de Hadleye 2. Peter de Reydon; Lafham, parish of Hadleye (X); 20s; Quitclaim, 1310(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1847

4 Edward II, December 1; 1. Robert de Belstede and Lora his wife 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon, Layham; 100; Gift, 1310(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1848

4 Edward II, December 17; 1. Robert de Belsted and Lora his wife 2. Robert de Baytone; Reydon, Leyham; Letter of Attorney to seize Lord Robert de Reydon in lands & tenements, 1310(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1849

4 Edward II, December 20; 1. Thomas son of Robert son of William de Reydon 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Reydon, Leyham; 60 marks; Quitclaim, 1310(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1850

4 Edward II, ÌDecember 26É; 1. William de Dedham son of Thomas de Dedham de Holetone 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Ì10; Grant of 2s an. rent, 1310(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1851

4 Edward II, ÌApril 19É; 1. Margaret daughter of Michael de Westun 2. Henry le Fermer and John and William his sons; Foxherd (X); 5d an. rent; Gift, 1311(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1852

4 Edward II, ÌJune 25É; 1. Walter son of Humfry de Pentelawe and Margaret his wife 2. Ralph Boydyn tesore de maner de Foxherde; Foxherde; Contemporary Copy of Fine, 1311(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1853

5 Edward II, ÌOctober 28É; 1. Roger de Hodebouyle 2. Henry de Neutone clerk; Aketone (X); sum of money; Gift, 1311(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1854

5 Edward II, ÌMarch 14É; 1. John son of Geoffrey de la Hoo 2. Geoffrey de la Hoo; Pentelowe; 1 rose an. rent; Indented chirograph Covenant of Gift, 1311(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1855

5 Edward II, ÌMarch 12É; 1. Geoffrey son of Reginald Ìor Roger?É de Bungey 2. John son of Robert Karyon de Ilkete shall; Ilketeshall (X); Indented chirograph of pledge to lease, 1311 or 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1856

5 Edward II, ÌMarch 25É; 1. John son of Peter le Fermer de Foxherd 2. William de le Broc junior de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1857

5 Edward II, ÌMay 5É; 1. Peter de Burgate, Lord of Durgate 2. John de Swyneford and "my daughter" Ì his wife; Burgate (X); Melles and Wortham; Gift and Grant of 6s 8d an. rent, 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1858

5 Edward II, July 6; 1. Peter de Burgate, Lord of Burgate 2. Sir John de Swynneford and Agnes his wife; Burgate; Quitclaim, 1312(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1859

6 Edward II, October 4; 1. Bartholomew son of John Greygos de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon, (X); sum of money; Gift, 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1860

6 Edward II, October 6; 1. Adam de Chefreuill de Reydon 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Messuage & Croft in Reydon; 10 marks; Gift (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1860 and 1861], 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1861

6 Edward II, October 6; 1. Adam de Chefreuill de Reydon 2. Lord Robert de Reydon; Messuage & Croft in Reydon; 10 marks; Gift (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1860 and 1861], 1312(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1862

6 Edward II, December 9; 1. John de Sekfford de Ilketelishale 2. Richard Wrong de Beccles; Metingham; sum of money; Grant of 2s an. rent, 1312(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1863

6 Edward II, March 11; 1. John de Bernham de Foxherde 2. Robert molendinario de Foxherde and Agnes his wife; Foxherde (X); sum of money; Gift, 1312 or 1313(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1864

6 Edward II, April 3; 1. Petronilla once wife of John de Berenham 2. Robert Molendinatori; Foxherde; Quitclaim, 1313(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1865

Undated; 1. Richard Springald de Nortune 2. William Saleman; Nortune (X); 5s 6d and 1 ob an. rent; Gift, 1275-1314 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1866

Undated; 1. Adam Edeling de Norton 2. William Saleman; Norton (X); 26s; Gift, 1314 pre circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1867

7 Edward II, cJanuary 13; 1. Simon Osimund de Foxherd 2. Maurice his son; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Quitclaim, 1313 or 1314(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1868

7 Edward II, February 3; 1. Maurice son of Simon Osimund de Foxherd 2. Helene his wife and Elizabeth and Agnes his daughters; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1313 or 1314(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1869

7 Edward II, February 24; 1. Reginald de Watton 2. John son of Walter de Wortham; Burgate (X); 13s 4d and 5s 6d an. rent; Indented Chirograph Covenant of Gift, 1313 or 1314(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1870

7 Edward II, March 12; 1. Adam de Caprivilla de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon (X); 100s; Quitclaim, 1313 or 1314(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1871

7 Edward II, April 21; 1. Sayena once wife of Robert de St. Quintino 2. Robert de Bures; Neweton, Cornherthe; Quitclaim, 1314

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Ms 1872

7 Edward II, April 24; 1. Robert son of Sir John de Normaundi de Magna Bures 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Magna Bures?(X); Sum of money; Gift and Grant o Services, 1314(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1873

7 Edward II, May 12; 1. Adam de Capravilla de Reydon 2. Lord William Rector of the church of Reydon and Lord Hugh Soylard Rector of the church of Wenham; Reydon; Gift, 1314(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1874

Undated; 1. Sampson son of Robert Gregory de Mangna Waldingfeld and Johanna his wife 2. Walter son of Roger Warin de Clar and Agnes his wife; Waldingfeld; 40 marks and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1314-1317 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1875

8 Edward II, July 12; 1. William de Reydon parson of the church of Reydon and Hugh Soylard parson of the church of Wenham conbusta 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Reydon, Cogelesford; Sum of money; Gift, 1314(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1876

8 Edward II, July 21; 1. Adam de Chereuill de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1314(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1877

8 Edward II, January 1; 1. John de Swyneford 2. Sir Peter de Burgate; Bourgate (X); Quitclaim (French), 1314 or 1315(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1878

8 Edward II, March 30; 1. Cristiana once wife of Adam de Chereuill 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon and elsewhere in Suffolk; 10; Quitclaim, 1315(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1879

8 Edward II, April 22; 1. John de Waldingfeld de Capell 2. Roger de Reymes and Rose his wife; Wenham ‘parva, Brente Wenham; Indented Confirmation, 1315(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1880

8 Edward II, May 14; 1. Robert son of Sir Robert de Burgate and William his brother 2. Lord Peter de Burgate his brother; Burchawe, Burgate; Quitclaim, 1315(Seals: f*2)

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Ms 1881

8 Edward II, June 25; 1. Oliver de Wachesham and Robert Le Carter capellanum 2. Peter de Burgate; Manor of Burgate; Fine, 1315

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Ms 1882

8 Edward II, July 5; 1. John de Swyneford 2. Oliver de Wachesham parson of the church of Burgate and Robert le Carter capellan 3. Lord Peter de Burgate; Manor of Burgate; Confirmation of Fine of April 8, Edward II., 1315(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1883

Undated; 1. Alice once wife of Thomas Russel son of Walter "infra pontes Subyr" 2. William son of Reginald de Binesle; Bolemer (X); 17s; Quitclaim, 1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1884

Undated; 1. Thomas Wythnwe de Subiry and Benedicta his wife 2. William son of Reginad de Bynesle; Bolemere (X); 24s; Quitclaim, 1315 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1885

Undated; 1. Adam son of Hugh de Aswelle and Igidia his wife 2. William son of Reginald de Bynest; Bolemere (X); Quitclaim, 1315 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1886

Undated; 1. Agnes daughter of Hervey de Ruhemere once wife of Roger Hodun de Subiry 2. Robert de Rede; Parva Cornerd (X); 20s; Quitclaim, 1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1887

Undated; 1. Adam Morin de Subery 2. Adam de Waldingefeld, clerk; Subery (X); 40s and 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1888

Undated; 1. Simon Bakun Rector of the church of Listone 2. Adam de Wandingfeld, clerk; Subyry (X); 60s and 1 clove an. rent; Gift, 1315 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1889

9 Edward II, July 10; 1. Roger de Reymys 2. Sir Robert de Reydon; Tenement in Reydon; sum of money; Gift, 1315(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1890

9 Edward II, September 14; 1. William Bryan de Brantestone 2. John Maryn de Meleford; Magna Waldynggefeld and Parva Waldynggefeld; Grant of 5 marks an. rent, 1315(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1891

9 Edward II, September 21; 1. William de Bynesle 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillay his wife; Bolemere; Grant of homage and service of Matilda and Bartholomew Setar, 1315(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1892

9 Edward II, September 28; 1. Richard Lambryth de Redgrave 2. Richard son of Walter de Bosco and Beatrice his wife; Menehawe, Stulbyng Burgate on dorse(X); sum of money; Gift, 1315(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1893

9 Edward II, September 29; 1. Maria once wife of John de Sekford 2. Richard Wrong; Metingham; Quitclaim of 2s an. rent, 1315(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1894

9 Edward II, January 11; 1. William Bryon de Magna Waldygfeld 2. John Martyn de Meleford; Magna Waldygfeld, Parva Waldygfeld (X); sum of money; Gift, 1315 or 1316(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1895

9 Edward II, January 11; 1. Isabella daughter of William le Bretun 2. Robert Osimund de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1315 or 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1896

9 Edward II, January 20; 1. Cristiana once wife of Adam de Cherfrevill de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon Wode; Quitclaim, 1315 or 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1897

9 Edward II, February 7; 1. William Bryan 2. Juliana Bryan his mother; Magna Waldynggefeld and Parva Waldynggefeld; 5 marks an. rent; Indented Chirograph of Gift for her Life, 1315 or 1316(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1898

9 Edward II, February 15; 1. John son of Peter le Fermer de Foxherde 2. John le Fermer atte Tye and John and Margaret his children; Foxhird (X); sum of money; Gift, 1315 or 1316(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1899

9 Edward II, April 17; 1. John son of John Tastard de Wenham 2. Peter de Reydon; Reydon and Wenham; Quitclaim, 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1900

10 Edward II, September 20; 1. Agnes that was wife of Benedict de Stanfeld 2. Peter de Reydon; Pyriefeld Reydon on dorse; Grant of 5d 1 ob an. rent, 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1901

10 Edward II, November 7; 1. Richard Martyn de Metingham and Cristiana his wife 2. Hugh Kempe de Metingham; Metingham, Ilketilsale (X); Gift, 1316(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1902

10 Edward II, November 25; 1. Thomas Sprot de Leyhama 2. Robert de Reydon; Leyham (X); sum of money and 1s 2d an. rent; Gift, 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1903

10 Edward II, November 21; 1. Henry le Fermer de Stoke 2. Robert le Fermer de Foxhird and Matilda his wife; Blakepole, Foxhird (X); sum of money; Gift, 1316(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1904

10 Edward II, January 5; 1. Agnes once wife of Benedict de Stanfeld de Reydon 2. Peter de Reydon and William Le Marchall his son; Reydon, (X); sum of money; Gift, 1316 or 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1905

10 Edward II, January 6; 1. Walter Chapeleyn de Pentelowe 2. Peter Le Sumter de Hedenaham; Pentelowe (X); sum of money; Gift, 1316 or 1317(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1906

10 Edward II, January 23; 1. Geoffrey le Houpere de Pentelowe and Agnes his wife 2. Roger Bamppe de Wylebeye; Pentelowe (X); sum of money; Gift, 1316 or 1317(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1907

10 Edward II, January 25; 1. Alan Bolle de Pentelawe 2. William son of Walter Fabri de Boxsted and Celeste his wife; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1316 or 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1908

10 Edward II, March 27?; 1. Walter son of Roger Swayn de Clar and Agnes his wife 2. Sampsone Gregory; Wandingfeld Mangna (X); Indented Chirograph of Final Concord (Private), 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1909

10 Edward II, November 25; 1. Sir John de Nevill de Essex "consanguenens" and heir of Richard son of Thomas Weylond 2. John Botchr de parva Berdfeld and George Talmache; Pentlowe; Copy of Recovery, 1316-1317

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Ms 1910

10 Edward II, May 21; 1. Walter son of Humphrey Miles 2. Sir Robert de Bures; Pentelowe; 60s; Grant and sale of 10 stray calves ("vitlos") and pasture for one year, 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1911

10 Edward II, June 5; 1. John Fabre son of Richard Fabre de Waldingfeld Mangna 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Waldingfeld Magna (X); Gift, 1317)

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Ms 1912

Undated; 1. William de Ho and Alice his wife de Chelementt 2. Hugh de Reymes de Wersted; Branteston (X); 2s and 1 clove an. rent; Grant of 1d an. rent, 1317 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1913

Undated; 1. William Siward de Ilketeleshale 2. William Passelewe de Ilketeleshale; Ilketeseshale(X); 2 marks and 4d an. rent; Gift, 1317 circa(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1914

Undated; 1. Roger de Barrokeschyre 2. Elias de Parva Waldingfeld son of Clement, clerk; Parva Waldingfeld (X); 8s and 4d an. rent; Grant and Quitclaim of 10d an. rent, 1317 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1915

Undated; 1. William Wlmer son of Semam Wlmer de Wersted 2. Hugh de Reym son of Gilbert de Reym de Wersted; Wersted (X); 10s; Grant of 6d an. rent, 1317 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1916

11 Edward II, July 16; 1. Roger Reymes de Reydone 2. Sir Robert de Reydon and Walter his son and heir; Reydone (X); Grant of 21d 1 ob an. rent, 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1917

11 Edward II, August 29; 1. Sir Robert de Reydone 2. Hawys de Reydone once wife of John de Reydone his son; Okenhille, Badingham, Perham, Framelingham, Ketelberg, Hostun church; Confirmation, 1317(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1918

11 Edward II, October 11; 1. Simon le Heyward de Meldingg "inspexerum lagas" of his lord Reginald de Meldingg 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Meldingg; Action of Attorney for collecting 9s and 15d rents, 1317(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1919

11 Edward I, December 17; 1. Adam Meriot de Bures Mangna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures, Parva Cornerthe (X); Grant of 4 1/4d an. rent, 1317(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1920

11 Edward II, January 4; 1. Benedict Oliver 2. Walter Oliver his brother; Burgate, Redgrave, Wortham; Quitclaim, 1317 or 1318(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1921

11 Edward II, January 15; 1. Sir Robert de Reydon 2. William Rameseye and Matilda his wife; Reydon, Leyham (X); Copy of Gift and Grant of Rents ?; Partly illegible, 1317 or 1318

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Ms 1922

11 Edward II, February 4; 1. Peter de Burgate, Lord of Burgate 2. Master Walter Oliver; Burghawe, Burgate; Quitclaim, 1317 or 1318(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1923

11 Edward II, February 12; 1. Walter Chapeleyn de Pentelowe 2. John del Hoo de Pentelowe and Johanne his wife; Pentelowe (X); sum of money; Gift, 1317 or 1318(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1924

11 Edward II, March 4; 1. Peter de Reydon 2. Roger de Reydon parson of the church of Clenchewardton and Edo de Gonevyll parson of the church of Russheworthe; Reydon (X); Indented Chirograph of Gift, 1317 or 1318(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1925

11 Edward II, April 6; 1. John de Saxham chaplain 2. Roger Coco de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1318(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1926

11 Edward II, May 9; 1. John de Swyoneford and and Agnes his wife 2. Roger Blome and Margatet his wife; Melles; land plus 3d 1 ob an. rent; Exchange, 1318(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1927

11 Edward II, May 26; 1. John son of Simon Osemund de Foxherde 2. Simon Osemund and Johanne his wife; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1318(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1928

11 Edward II, June 4; 1. Walter Oliver 2. Lord John de Swyneford; Burgate, Redgrave and Wortham; Grant of Reversion, 1318(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1929

11 Edward II, June 4; 1. Walter Oliver 2. Roger Blome his attorney; Burgate, Redgrave and Wortham; Letter of Attorney to seize Lord John de Swyneford of lands, 1318(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1930

Undated; 1. Ysabella Morize once wife of Henry Torkild de Pughes 2. Miles son of Sir Ralph de Ho; Lewynesheg (X); 1/2 mark; Quitclaim, 1318 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1931

Undated; 1. John de Campo 2. William de Siseland Chaplain; Lodnes (X); 2 marks and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1319 post circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1932

12 Edward II, September 29; 1. Margery de Norhampton, Richard de Souertton de Jernemuta Yarmouthand Matilda his wife 2. John Atte Ho de Pentelawe and Johanne his wife; Pentelawe; 2 marks an. rent; Indented chirograph covenant of lease, 1318(Seals: s*3)

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Ms 1933

12 Edward II, January 4; 1. Richard Wrong de Beccles 2. Sir Walter de Norwyco Norwich; Metingham and Ilketelishale; Sum of money; Grant of 2s an. rent, 1318 or 1319(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1934

12 Edward II, April 9; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee; Enfeoffment; Later endorsement, "a Releas of Brookhalle", 1319(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1935

12 Edward II, April 10; 1. John de Carltone 2. William Mercator de Boxtede and Celeste his wife; Pentelowe (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1319(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1936

12 Edward II, April 15; 1. Semann ate Stoure de Pentelowe 2. William de Boxtede mercator; Pentelowe (X); Quitclaim of 1 3/4 an. rent (Copy?), 1319)

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Ms 1937

Undated; 1. Cristiana that was wife of William Osle de Metingham 2. John Osle her son; Scipmedowe(X); Quitclaim, 1319 circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1938

Undated; 1. John son of William Osle de Metingham 2. John son of Robert Carin de Ilketelshall; Metingham (X); 2 marks and 2d an. rent; Gift, 1319 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1939

13 Edward II, September 19; 1. John Morgan son and heir of Henry Morgan de Ilketleshale 2. Sir Walter de Norwyco; Ilketleshale and adjacent villages of Suffolk; 40; Quitclaim (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1939 and 1940], 1319(Seals: 1*1 1*1)

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Ms 1940

13 Edward II, September 19; 1. John Morgan son and heir of Henry Morgan de Ilketleshale 2. Sir Walter de Norwyco; Ilketleshale and adjacent villages of Suffolk; 40; Quitclaim (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1939 and 1940], 1319(Seals: 1*1 1*1)

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Ms 1941

13 Edward II, September 20; 1. John de Subrey de Redgrave? 2. Hugh le Fullere; Reydon (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1319(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1942

13 Edward II, December 23; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee; Foxherde; 210 marks; Indented Chirograph of gift for life [description applies to Ms 1942 and 1943], 1319(Seals: 1*1 1*2)

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Ms 1943

13 Edward II, December 23; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee; Foxherde; 210 marks; Indented Chirograph of gift for life [description applies to Ms 1942 and 1943], 1319(Seals: 1*1 1*2)

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Ms 1944

13 Edward II, June 8; 1. Simon le Heyward de 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Meldinge (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1320(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1945

14 Edward II, September 21; 1. Adam Spynkynhale de Subi 2. Sir Robert de Bures; Midiltone (X); Gift, 1320(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1946

14 Edward II, April 6; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Park called Radebregge medowe in Foxhirde and Manor of Borlee; Quitclaim, 1321(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1947

15 Edward II, July 12; 1. Walter son of Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee, Essex; Foxherde (X); Feoffment for Life, 1321(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1948

15 Edward II, October 11; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee, Advowsan of church of Foxherde and Radebregge medwe, Foxherd; £305 and 1 rose an. rent; Quitclaim for Life, 1321(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1949

15 Edward II, Day?; 1. Walter son of Sir Humphrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Manor of Borlee and Advowsan of church of Foxherde; Indenture of Quitclaim for 12 years, 1321(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1950

15 Edward II, May 16; 1. Sir Robert de Bures 2. Andrew de Bures his brother; Park of Radebrege medwe, Foxherde (X); Gift, 1322(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1951

15 Edward II, June 20; 1. Sir John de Boyland 2. Roger le Keu de Burgate clerk; Burgate; Grant of 5s 8d an. rents, 1322(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1952

15 Edward II, July 5; 1. Baldwin de Stoke 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Subie (X); Gift, 1322(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1953

16 Edward II, December 5; 1. William ate Brok de Foxherde 2. Sir Robert de Bures; Foxherde Pentelowe & Liston; Grant of 100s an. rent, 1322(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1954

16 Edward II, January 5; 1. Matthew de Brocford de Melles 2. Thomas le Cu de Burgate chaplain and Mabel his sister; Melles (X); Gift, 1322 or 1323(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 1955

16 Edward II, April 8; 1. Adam Scalding de Metingham 2. Ralph de Burstone; Metingham (X); Gift, 1323(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1956

17 Edward II, December 8; 1. John ate Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Thomas Page son of John Clerk de Corby; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1323(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1957

17 Edward II, April 29; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Borlee, Essex, advowson of church of Foxherde except previously granted park of Radebregge medwe; Quitclaim, 1324(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1958

17 Edward II, June 16; 1. Peter de Reydon 2. Hugh Fullone chaplain; Reydon, Holeton, Wenham combusta, Stratford and Langham Esexs; Appointment of attorney to seize Lord William Rector of church of Reydon of lands, 1324

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Ms 1959

18 Edward II, August 26; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey 2. Sir Robert de Bures and Hillary his wife; Borlee, Essex, advowson of church of Foxherde; £100; Indented Chirograph of Gift and Quitclaim of park of Radebregg medwe, 1324(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1960

18 Edward II?; April 7; 1. Sir John de Lyston and Helen his wife 2. John le Hirde de Berdefeld; Tenement in Waldingfeld; 6 marks an. rent; Indented Chirograph covenant of Gift, 1325(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1961

19 Edward II, September 29; 1. Sir John Filial 2. Thomas le Masoun de Reydon; Reydone (X); 16d an. rent; Indented Chirograph covenant of Gift for life of Margery, John's wife, 1325(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1962

19 Edward II, May 3; 1. Thomas de Tendryngg 2. William de Nustede and Amicia his wife; Edwardiston; 1/2 mark; Grant of 13s 4d an. rent, 1326(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1963

19 Edward II, May 7; 1. John son of William de Lafham de Hadleye 2. Lord William parson of the church of Reydon and Richard Fyry chaplain; Hadleys; Gift and Grant of Reversion, 1326(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1964

19 Edward II, June 18; 1. Geoffrey de Wenastone and Johanna his wife 2. Sir Walter de Norwyco; Wenastone and Mellis hamelett de Bramfeld (X); Exchange, 1326(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1965

1 Edward III, September 20; 1. Adam Capel de Meleford 2. Henry de Colne and Johanne his wife; Messuage in Foxherde; Sum of money; Gift, 1327(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1966

1 Edward III, September 21; 1. Henry de Colne and Johanna his wife 2. Peter Frede de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Gift, 1327(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 1967

2 Edward III, March 27; 1. Richard de St. Clano de Malketon 2. William son of Thomas le Corneyser de Hemelhamstede, Johanne his wife and William his son and heir; Melreth (Hemelhamstede on dorse) (X); Gift, 1328(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1968

2 Edward III, April 4; 1. Sir John Filliol and Margaret his wife 2. Stephen de Braunford and Amice his wife; Reydon (X); 3s an. rent for life of Margaret; Indented Chirograph of Gift, 1328(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1969

2 Edward III, January 12; 1. Sir Robert de Bures 2. Margaret that was wife of Sir Peter de Denardiston; Waldingfeld magna; Indented chirograph of claim to custody of John son & heir of Peter and 40s an. rent, 1328 or 1329(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1970

Undated; 1. John le Burser 2. Lord John Bacun clerk; Church of Middelton next to Balidon, Essex; Grant of Advowson, 1329 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1971

3 Edward III March 22; 1. Johanna Le Marechal de Reydon once wife of Peter de Reydon 2. Lord William Rector of the Church of Reydon; Reydon, Stratford (X); Quitclaim, 1328 or 1329(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1972

3 Edward III, March 25; 1. Sir James de Ilkctillishale 2. Adam Karion and Agnes his wife; Matingham (X); 10s an. rent except 8s first year; Indented Chirograph covenant of Gift of lends held in custody after death of Matilda Selawe once wife of Walter le Blake of Metingham senior, 1329(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1973

3 Edward III, October 29; 1. Agnes that was wife of Robert le Monner de Foxhird 2. John son of Peter le Fermer; Foxhird (X); Gift, 1329(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1974

4 Edward III, April 11; 1. Walter le Sumpter de Pentelowe 2. William his son; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1330(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1975

4 Edward III, August 10; 1. Roger de Reymes 2. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydone; Quitclaim, 1330(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1976

4 Edward III, August 14; 1. Richard de Reydon once brother of Sir Robert de Reydon 2. Andrew de Bures; Reydon, Holtone (X); Quitclaim, 1330(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1977

1331, April 28; 1. Walter le Sumpter de Pentelowe 2. William his son; Pentelowe (X); Indented receipt for land for life (left side),(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1978

5 Edward III, June 7; 1. Walter le Chalounner de Reydon and Alice his wife 2. John le Sauage de Gyppewico Ipswich; Reydone (X); sum of money and 8s an. rent; Gift, 1331(Seals: *2)

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Ms 1979

5 Edward III, August 15; 1. Andrew Le Chapman de Burgate 2. Isabella his daughter; Burgate (X); sum of money; Gift, 1331(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1980

5 Edward III, October 26; 1. John de Burnedisch 2. Andrew de Bures; Reydone; Quitclaim, 1331(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1981

5 Edward III, November 5; 1. Agnes daughter of Thomas atte Peyt de Subyrey 2. William atte Brok de Foxherd Alice his wife and Symon his son; Foxherd (X); sum of money; Gift, 1331(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1982

5 Edward III, January 15; 1. William son of Geoffrey le Tauerner de Magna Bures 2. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Magna Bures (X); Gift, 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1983

5 Edward III, January 19; 1. Baldwin de Stokes 2. Walter Page de Aketon; Aketone, Subyre (X); Gift, 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1984

6 Edward III, February 7; 1. William atte Brok de Foxherd 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Sum of money; Gift (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1984 and 1985], 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1 *1)

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Ms 1985

6 Edward III, February 7; 1. William atte Brok de Foxherd 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Sum of money; Gift (2 copies) [description applies to Ms 1984 and 1985], 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1 *1)

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Ms 1986

6 Edward III, February 19; 1. Sayerus Tenator de Foxherde 2. William le Gos de Foxherde; Foxherd (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1987

6 Edward III, February 22; 1. Walter son of Henry le Fermer 2. William atte Broke; Matilda Belamy of Foxherd; Indented Chirograph of Exchange of Matilda for grain and honey, 1331 or 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1988

6 Edward III, February 23; 1. William son of Sayer Tenator de Foxherde 2. William le Gos de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1331 or 1332(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1989

6 Edward III, February 26; 1. John Osemund de Foxherd capello 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Indented Chirograph of Gift for life, 1331 or 1332(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1990

6 Edward III, March 14; 1. John Osemond capello de Foxherd 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd (X); Gift, 1331 or 1332(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1991

6 Edward III, July 1 (dated at London); 1. John de Beuchaump (Bello Campo) de Wryngemersch 2. Andrew son of Sir Robert de Bures and Michael brother of the same Michael; Water mill and meadow in Weston hamella ville de Foxhyrde, and tenements in Suffolk and Essex; Quitclaim of mill, meadow and 8s 1/4d an. rents, 1332(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 1992

6 Edward III, August 16; 1. Nicholas Berd de Burgate 2. Robert Osemund son of Robert Osemund de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1993

6 Edward III, September 30; 1. Matilda that was wife of Robert le Fermer de Foxherde 2. John le Fermer; Foxherd (X); 11 year lease, 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1994

6 Edward III, October 5; 1. Henry de Colne and Johanna his wife 2. Peter Frede de Foxherde and Agnese his daughter; Foxherde (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1332(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 1995

6 Edward III, December 13; 1. Robert Fregoun de Foxherde 2. Johanna Fegoun his daughter and John Hanene de Hanedene; Foxherde (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1996

6 Edward III, December 23; 1. Robert Duk de Ilketilsale 2. Alice and Matilda daughters of Thomas Duk; Ilketilsal (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1997

6 Edward III, December 23; 1. Robert Duk de Ilketilsale 2. Richard Payn; Ilketilsale; Appointment of Attorney to seize Matilda and Alice daughters of Thomas Duk, 1332(Seals: *1)

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Ms 1998

6 Edward III, January l; 1. Johanna that was wife of Simon Osemond de Foxherde 2. John de Fermer de Foxhierde; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1332 or 1333(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 1999

Edward III, Sunday next after feast of St. Edmund Episcopus (Year shorn off) 1. John Fermer de Foxherd?2. Matilda that was wife of Robert Fermer de Foxherde and John her son; Foxherde (X); 6s 8d an. rent; Half of an indented chirograph of lease for life, 1332-1346 circa(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2000

7 Edward III, September 26; 1. Richard de Wymbush de Cauenedish 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde, Pentelowe, Listone & Beauchamap William; Grant of rents of 26 named tenents, 1333(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2001

7 Edward III, September 26; 1. Richard de Wymbysh de Cauendish 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Lands in County of Essex; Quitclaim, 1333(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2002

7 Edward III, September 30; 1. Roger de Kereuill 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Watermill in Reydon; Quitclaim, 1333(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2003

7 Edward III, December 29; 1. John de yuyle de Pentelowe 2. John Merlyng de Pentelowe; Pentelowe; sum of money; Gift, 1333(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2004

7 Edward III, January 3; 1. Robert Pentrichet constable of Clare and William Waryn de Sudbyre 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1333 or 1334(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2005

8 Edward III, February 14; 1. John son and Heir of Alan Bolle de Pentelawe 2. Walter de Redeswelle; Pentelawe (X); Gift, 1333 or 1334(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2006

8 Edward III, May 17; 1. Robert Osemund de Burgate 2. William and Thomas his sons; Burgate (X); sum of money; Gift, 1334(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2007

8 Edward III, June 5; 1. Alice daughter of Henry Edmund de Melles 2. Thomas son of Matilda Torald de Heppeworth; Messuage in Melles, Thornham parva, Pillekot and Burgate; Gift (Paper), 1334(Seals: )

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Ms 2008

8 Edward III, June 27; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Watermill in Foxherde in hamlet of Weston; Gift, 1334(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2009

8 Edward III, June 27; 1. John le Fermer de Foxherde 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Foxherde, Lyston (X); Gift, 1334(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2010

8 Edward III, July 8; 1. Adam de Cheriuill de Reydon 2. Robert de Reydon; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1334(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2011

8 Edward III, July 11; 1. Lucia de Wendene 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Magna Bures, Essex (X); Gift, 1334(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2012

Undated; 1. Ysardus de Bonays and Alice de Ruylles his wife 2. Gilbert son of Warun de Lenn; Gislingham, Thornham Suffolk, and Kaylesthorp in Lincoln county; Gift, 1335 post circa(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2013

Undated; 1. Peter son of Roger de Holemere de Bulemere 2. William son of Reginald de Bynesle; Bulemere (X); Quitclaim, 1335 post circa(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2014

9 Edward III, February 7; 1. Robert Frygon de Foxherde and Katherine his wife 2. Symon Frygon their son; Foxherde; Gift, 1334 or 1335(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2015

9 Edward III, March 19; 1. Roger Douse de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Radeswelle; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1334 or 1335(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2016

9 Edward III, May 27; 1. Thomas son of Henry le Smyht de Melles 2. William son of Adame le Lung de Gyslingham junior; Burgate, Thorham, Pilcok and Thornham Parva (X); Gift, 1335(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2017

9 Edward III, September 24; 1. Robert de Swyneforth lord of Burgate 2. Thomas Kebbil de Worthham and Richard his son; Burgate and Worthham (X); 6s an. rent; Indenture of Gift, 1335(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2018

9 Edward III, September 29; 1. Giles de Pentelowe de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe (on dorse contemporary hand); Grant of 3s 6d an. rent, 1335(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2019

9 Edward III, October 20; 1. Seman ate Stour de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Redeswell; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1335(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2020

9 Edward III, October 29; 1. Matilda once wife of William de Bello campo William 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Hasilcroft Bello campo William?; Gift, for life of Matilda, 1335(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2021

9 Edward III, November 24; 1. John Le Taverner once son of Robert Le Taverner 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Bures Magna; Quitclaim, 1335(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2022

10 Edward III, March 31; 1. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Michael de Ponyges and Thomas le Botiller; 15 Messuages, 900 acres of land, 256 acres of wood, meadow, etc., and 10 an. rent in Reydon, Brendwenham, Hadleye, Leyham, Hegham, Holeton Capeles, Stratford, Parva Wenham, Werstede, Freston and Westerfeld and advowson of church of Reydon; Fine (With copy detached from roll endorsed "An ould record of fynes acknowleged of divers lands sometimes Buers") [description applies to Ms 2022 and 2023], 1336

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Ms 2023

10 Edward III, March 31; 1. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Michael de Ponyges and Thomas le Botiller; 15 Messuages, 900 acres of land, 256 acres of wood, meadow, etc., and 10 an. rent in Reydon, Brendwenham, Hadleye, Leyham, Hegham, Holeton Capeles, Stratford, Parva Wenham, Werstede, Freston and Westerfeld and advowson of church of Reydon; Fine (With copy detached from roll endorsed "An ould record of fynes acknowleged of divers lands sometimes Buers") [description applies to Ms 2022 and 2023], 1336

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Ms 2024

10 Edward III, June 14; 1. Adam Le Lung de Gyslyngham 2. Richard son of Roger Blome de Melles, Emma his wife and Adam their son; Melles, Burgate, Wortham, Iakesle, parva Thornham; 10 an. rent during Adam's life; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1336(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2025

10 Edward III, July 15; 1. Henry de Colne and Johanna his wife 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Messuage in Foxherde; sum of money; Gift, 1336(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2026

10 Edward III, September 22; 1. Robert de Rokwode 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Graunt Waldyngfeld (X); Quitclaim (French), 1336(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2027

10 Edward III, September 23; 1. John Le Warde parson of the church of Wodeton 2. Agnes that was wife of William de Santon; Wortham, Burgate, and Palgrave; Quitclaim, 1336(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2028

10 Edward III, October 13; 1. Sir John de Lyston 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); 20s an. rent first 13 years and 40s an. rent thereafter; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1336(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2029

10 Edward III, December 31; 1. Richard de, Burgate 2. Katherine daughter of Andrew Waryn; Burgate (X); sum of money; Gift, 1336(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2030

10 Edward III, January 9; 1. Sir John de Lyston 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde, Westone; Gift, 1336 or 1337(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2031

11 Edward III, March 12; 1. Saierus Fowke de Bures Mangna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Bures Mangna (X); Grant of service of George de Cornerthe and 6d an. rent, 1336 or 1337(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2032

11 Edward III, July 2; 1. Sir John Bacoun 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Church of Middiltone in County Essex next to Hamelett of Balidone in Hundred of Heyngford; Grant of Advowson, 1337(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2033

11 Edward III, July 2; 1. Sir John Bacoun 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Messuage in Middilton next to Subbyre in County Essex and in "Decanatu" of Heyngham; with advowson of the church; Gift and grant, 1337(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2034

11 Edward III, July 21; 1. John atte Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Reidswell; Pentelowe (X); Quitclaim, 1337(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2035

11 Edward III, August 10; 1. Petronilla once daughter of Walter le Schalounner de Scheillie 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Reydone (X); Gift, 1337(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2036

11 Edward III, September 23; 1. John Brice de Mangna Gernemenes 2. William Attebrok de Foxherd, John Alayn, and John Gotte de Aketone; Pentelowe, Foxherd, Melford and Counties of Sussex and Essex; Appointment of attorney to distrain goods and chattels of John atte Hoo de Pentelowe for 2 marks per year., 1337(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2037

11 Edward III, October 13; 1. Robert de Swynefford lord of Burgate 2. Walter de Roughhey, Thomas le Keu de Burgate Capillo and Robert de Worthham clerico; Messuage and lands and woods of Burghhugh in Burgate; Sum of money; Gift, 1337(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2038

12 Edward III, February 8; 1. Peter de Staunburne de Metingham 2. Geoffrey and John sons of Adam Conon de Ilketilishale; Metingham (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1337 or 1338(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2039

12 Edward III, May 12; 1. Walter son and heir of Henry le Fermer de Stoke 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Manor called Westonehalle in Foxherde; Quitclaim, 1338(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2040

12 Edward III, July 20; 1. John le Taverner de Bures Mangna son of Robert le Taverner 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Mangna; Quitclaim of lands etc. and 9s 11d an. rent, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2041

12 Edward III, September 28; 1. Sir William Botemleyn de Essex 2. John le Leche his Bailiff of Braundon; Pentelawe, Gestyngthorp, Beuchaumpetes and Foxherd; Appointment of attorney to put Sir William Giffard and Isabel his wife in seisin, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2042

12 Edward III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Henry de St. Ositha Rector of the Church of Reydone; Rectory of Reydone; 4 an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift for life, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2043

12 Edward III, October 1; 1. Michael de Bures 2. Sir Andrew de Bures his brother; Reydon and Holeton, Suffolk; 100s an. rent for his life and 27 for the 6 years thereafter; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2044

12 Edward III, October 2; 1. James le Blake de Lelesey 2. William dil Broke and Cecilei his wife; Illegh Monachor and Leles; 10s; Indented Chirograph of Quitclaim, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2045

12 Edward III, November 4; 1. John de le Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Redeswelle and Agnes his wife; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2046

12 Edward III, November 13; 1. John de le Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Redeswelle and Agnes his wife; Pentelowe (X); Quitclaim, 1338(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2047

12 Edward III, November 14; 1. Agnes once wife of Robert le Melner de Foxherd 2. John Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1338(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2048

12 Edward III, December 17; 1. Philip Paluat de Bures Mangna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Mangna, Suffolk (X); Gift, 1339(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2049

13 Edward III, April 21; 1. Petronilla Palmer once wife of Symon Palmer 2. John Fermer de foxherd; Foxherd (on dorse); Grant of 2s 8d an. rent, 1339(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2050

13 Edward III, April 30; 1. William Habeleyn de Bures Mangna 2. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Mangna (X); Grant of homage, service and 4d an. rent of Oliver de Strattone and John de Scheympleyngforde, 1339(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2051

13 Edward III, May 5; 1. Mathew Pesewd de Rendham 2. Roger Schene Junior de Syleton; Pesenhal (X); Quitclaim of ld an. rent, 1339(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2052

13 Edward III, June 25; 1. WilliamHobeleyn de Bures Mangna 2. Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures (X); Grant of homage, service and 5d an. rent of Bartholomew le prophete and Richard Symon de Bures, 1339(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2053

13 Edward III, June 26; 1. William Ernefend de Polsted 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Edwardistone; Grant of 13s 4d an. rent, 1339(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2054

13 Edward III, July 19; 1. Petronilla daughter of Walter le Chalouner de Schelleie 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reidone (X); Gift, 1339(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2055

1339, July 25; 1. Lady Abbess of Convent mon. de Berkyngg, London diocese 2. John Geteler Rector of the church of Foxherde; Foxherde, Manor of Borlee; 20s an. rent; Indented chirograph covenant of Grant of tythes (attached at foot is a particular of the lands of the Lady Abbess and convent of Berkyngg in the parish of Foxherd),(Seals: 1&f*2)

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Ms 2056

13 Edward III, October 6; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. Thomas le Taylour de Lansele; Reydone, Schellye (X); 3s an. rent; Indented chirograph of lease, 1339(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2057

13 Edward III, October 6; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. John le Fullere de Reydone; Reydone, Schellye (X); 3s an. rent; Indented chirograph, 1339(Seals: )

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Ms 2058

13 Edward III, November 2; 1. John Ossemond de Foxherd vicar of Church of Beuchamp William 2. John Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherd; Quitclaim, 1339(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2059

Undated; 1. John de Nustede 2. Simon Bagge de Lels; A. Ylleye Monachor (X); 10d gresum and 7d an. rent; Gift, 1339 circa(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2060

14 Edward III, February 6; 1. Thomas Teny?de Glemeforde 2. John his son, Junior, and Agnes his sister; Foxherd (X); Gift, 1339 or 1340(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2061

14 Edward III, February 7; 1. Walter son of Sir Humfrey de Pentelawe 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Foxherde, Advowson of church of Foxherde; Quitclaim, 1339 or 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2062

14 Edward III, February 15; 1. John le Taverner once son of Robert le Taverner de Bures Mangna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Mangna Bures & lands in Essex and Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1339 or 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2063

14 Edward III, June 26; 1. Walter le Somyter de Pentelawe 2. John Fermer de Foxherth; Foxherth (X); Gift, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2064

14 Edward III, June 28; 1. William son of Walter le Somytur de Pentelawe 2. John Fermer de Foxherth; Foxherth (X); Quitclaim, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2065

14 Edward III, July 14; 1. Matilda Fermer de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2066

14 Edward III, July 22; 1. John son & heir of Robert le Fermer de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2067

14Edward III, September 10; 1. William de Chekering son of Geoffrey de Chekering 2. Geoffrey de Wenaxton his lord; Walpol & Weaxton; Homage for one quarter of a Knights Fee, 1340(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2068

14 Edward III, September 20; 1. Simon Nemuan de Foxherde 2. John Former de Foxherde; Medew of Beryndon; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2069

14 Edward III, September 22; 1. Petronilla Peke de Reidone 2. Sir Andrew de Beures; Reidone (X); Gift, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2070

14 Edward III, October 18; 1. John del Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Rediswell and Agnes his wife; Pentelowe; Gift, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2071

14 Edward III, December 3; 1. John de le Hoo de Pentelowe and Johanne his wife 2. Walter de Rediswelle and Agnes his wife; Pentelowe; Quitclaim, 1340(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2072

14 Edward III, December 14; 1. Philip once son of Robert Sweyn de Asyngton 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Mangna (X); Gift, 1340(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2073

14 Edward III, January 20; 1. Peronnel Peke de Reydone 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Reydone (X); 120 soutz; Indented chirograph of enfeoffment (French), 1340 or 1341(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2074

15 Edward III, Date illegible; 1. alias de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde; Grant of rent ?; Badly damaged by water, 1341(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2075

15 Edward III, February 4; 1. Robert Giffard 2. Walter de Rediswell and Agnes his wife; Pentelowe; Quitclaim, 1340(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2076

15 Edward III, April 1; 1. Nicholas Frere de Bookynggt 2. Agnes le Palmere; Foxherde (X); Letter of attorney to pay 8d an. rent to John Fermer de Foxherde, 1341(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2077

15 Edward III, April 8; 1. Walter de Rediswelle 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Pentelowe (X); 2 marks an. rent; Indented chirograph acknowledging enfeoffment., 1341(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2078

15 Edward III, April 1; 1. Nicholas Frere de Bockynggt 2. John Fermer; Foxherde (X); Grant of 8d an. rent, 1341(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2079

15 Edward III, June 25; 1. James de Bures 2. William de Stanefeld parson of the church of St. Stephan de Wallebrok London, John Boteler parson of the church of Foxherde and Philip de Wyston chaplain of Foxherde; Bergholte; and Magna Fordham; Fine, 1341(Seals:

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Ms 2080

15 Edward III, July 9; 1. John Taverner once son of Robert Taverner de Bures Magna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Magna Bures, Essex and Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1341(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2081

15 Edward III, August 25; 1. Sir Robert de Swyniford 2. Lord Richard de Tendryngge parson of the Church of Burgate, Henry de Elinham, Thomas de Swyniford and Lord Edmund vicar of the Church of Kennetone; Manor of Burgate and advowsan of Burgate church except for Burghath; Gift, 1341(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2082

15 Edward III, September 28; 1. John Fermer de Foxherde 2. Simon Broun de Clare; Beuchamp St. Paul (X); 7s 6d an. rent; Indented chirograph of 9 year lease, 1341(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2083

15 Edward III, January 9; 1. Walter Holdelyng and Johanna Osemund de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Indented chirograph of gift in exchange, 1341 or 1342(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2084

16 Edward III, April 19; 1. John de Cristeshale 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Wood called Alkenho, Foxherde (X); Gift, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2085

16 Edward III, April 28; 1. Walter le Fermer de Stoke juxta Clare and John le Fermer de Stoke juxta Clare 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1342

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Ms 2086

16 Edward III, April 28; 1. Agnes once wife of William Gugge de Lyston 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2087

16 Edward III, July 28; 1. Robert Fermer de Foxherde and Agnes his wife 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde, Pentelowe and Lyston; Gift, 1342(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2088

16 Edward III, July 28; 1. Robert Fermer de Foxherde 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde; Grant of goods and chattels, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2089

16 Edward III, July 29; 1. Robert de Rocwode 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe; Quitclain, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2090

16 Edward III, August 3; 1. John Merlyng de Pentelowe 2. Thomas Belamy and Lucy his wife; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1342(Seals: s*1)

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Subseries 1: Charter and Deeds (Ms 2091-Ms 2357)

Ms 2091

16 Edward III, August 4; 1. John Merlynge de Pentelowe 2. Thomas Belamy; Pentelowe (X); 40s; Indented chirograph covenant of confirmation for 5 years, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2092

16 Edward III, August 26; 1. Sir Robert de Swyneford 2. Edmund de Playford vicar of the Church of Kenton, Richard de Stanground chaplain and Robert de Kenton; Burgate, Melles Thrandiston, Yaxle, Wortham, Redgrave, Rykynghal, Gyslyngham and Westthorp; sum of money; Gift, 1342(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2093

16 Edward III, September 25; 1. John Merling de Pentelhowe 2. Roger Fabre de Foxherde; Pentelhowe (X); sum of money; Gift, 1342(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2094

16 Edward III, September 30; 1. John son of Robert Frigon de Foxherd 2. John Osemund de Foxherd; Foxherde; 4 marks and 12 quarters barley; Indented chirograph of enfeoffment, 1342(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2095

16 Edward III, October 17; 1. John Merling de Pentelhowe 2. Roger Fabre de Foxherde; Pentelhowe (X); sum of money; Gift, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2096

16 Edward III, November 25; 1. John Osemond vicar of Beuchaump William 2. Thomas le Taillour chaplain; Foxherde; Appointment of Attorney for seizing John le Fermer of lands, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2097

16 Edward III, December 6; 1. John de Chelsworth parson of the church of Bocton Malherb 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2098

16?Edward III December 7?1. Walter le Fermer 2. John le Fermer; Foxherth; 40s an. rent; Gift, 1342 circa(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2099

16 Edward III, December 23; 1. Robert le Slagtere de Bures Magna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures (X); Gift, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2100

16 Edward III, December 29; 1. John Fermer de Foxherde 2. John Osemond vicar de Beuchamp William; Foxherde (X); 1 rose flower an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1342(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2101

17 Edward III, January 31; 1. Roger Normaund 2. John le Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe; Indented chirograph of Quitclaim for life, 1342 or 1343(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2102

17 Edward III, March 6; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John Somenour de Bures magna and Margarete his wife; Bures magna (X); 6s 8d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1342 or 1343(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2103

17 Edward III, March 7; 1. Richard lord of Burgate 2. William Osmund de Burgate and Alice his wife; Burgate (X); sum of money; Grant of rent, 1342 or 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2104

17 Edward III, March 27; 1. Margerie Sylham once wife of Roger Legat de Bures magna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures magna, Suffolk (X); Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2105

17 Edward III, April 20; 1. John son of William Atte Fen de Illegh monachor 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Illeg monachor; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2106

17 Edward III, May 6; 1. Thomas son of Sir William Botevilleyn 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe, Foxherde, Beuchaump St. Paul and Beuchaump Othes; Quitclaim for life, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2107

17 Edward III, June 11; 1. Isabelle wife of John le Clerke de Kanenedis 2. John le Fermer de Foxherd; Foxherde; Gift (French), 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2108

17 Edward III, June 12; 1. Lora that was wife of John Burnedisch de Reydon 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Reydon; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2109

17 Edward III, July 27; 1. Thomas son of Robert Osimund de Burgate 2. William Osimund his brother; Burgate (X); sum of money; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2110

17 Edward III, August 13; 1. William de Wenden Chaplain 2. John Fermer de Foxherde, William Crocheman, William de Hertherst parson of the church of Pentelowe, John de Asshen, and William Doreward; Foxherde, Borle, Pentelowe and Lyston; Gift, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2111

17 Edward III, August 23; 1. Sir Robert de Swynefford 2. Edmund de Palyford vicar of the church of Kenton, Richard de Stangrond chaplain and Robert de Kenton; Burgate, Melles, Thrandeston, Yakesle, Palgrave, Wortham, Redgrave, Rykinghale, Gyselingham and Westhorp; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2112

17 Edward III, September 22; 1. John Frede de Pentelowe 2. Peter Frede de Foxherde, Alice his wife, and John their son; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2113

17 Edward III, October 4; 1. Thomas brother and heir of William de Reppes 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde; Quitclaim of rents, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2114

17 Edward III, October 5; 1. William Le Gos de Foxherde 2. Richard Hyleth de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); sum of money; Gift, 1343(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2115

17 Edward III, October 5; 1. William atte Broke 2. John ?de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1343(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2116

17 Edward III, October 5; 1. William Le Gos de Foxherde 2. Richard Hylet de Foxherde; Foxherde; 14s; Indented chirograph of lease for 8 years, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2117

17 Edward III, November 2; 1. William Blome de Pentelowe 2. Walter de Rediswell; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2118

17 Edward III, November 10; 1. Sir John de Norwyco for his soul and souls of Margerie his wife, sir Walter de Norwyco his father and Katherine his mother and all ancestors and benefactors 2. Lord Martin de Sculthorp chaplain, master and custodian of God, Blessed Marie de Ravenygham and his brothers; Kirkebycame, Stokton and advowson of the church of St. Andrew de Ravenyngham (X); Gift, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2119

17 Edward III, November 12; 1. Alan Crowe de Burgate 2. Richard de Tendringe parson of the church of Burgate; Burgate and Wortham; sum of money; Gift, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2120

17 Edward III, November 12; 1. Alan Crouwe de Burgate 2. Richard de Tendryngge parson of the church of Burgate; Burgate, Wourlytham, Melles and Geslyngham; sum of money; Gift, 1343(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2121

17 Edward III, November 17; 1. John Fermer de Foxherde 2. Sir William Crocheman, William de Herthurst parson of the church of Pentelowe, William Durewird and John de Asshen; Foxherde, Weston, and Mersey, Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2122

17 Edward III, December 27; 1. Alan Crowe de Burgate 2. Richard de Tendringg parson of the Church of Burgate; Burgate, Wortham, Melles and Gyselyngham; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2123

17 Edward III, January 7; 1. Thomas son of Sir William Boteneleyn 2. John Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe; Quitclaim, 1343(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2124

18 Edward III, March 14; 1. John Cristeshale 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherd and Katherine his wife; Foxherd (X); Indented chirograph of Gift & Exchange, 1343 or 1344(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2125

18 Edward III, March 28; 1. John Cristeshale de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherde and Katherine his wife; Foxherd; Grant of 12d an. rent, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2126

18 Edward III, April 9; 1. Richard Kelot de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1344(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2127

18 Edward III, April 20; 1. John Taverner once son of Robert Taverner de Bures Magna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Magna; Quitclaim, 1344(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2128

18 Edward III, May 2; 1. William le Goos de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer; Foxherde (X); Quitclaim, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2129

18 Edward III, May 5; 1. John Merlyng de Pentelowe and Cristina his wife 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherde; Foxherde and Pentelowe, Essex (X); Gift, 1344(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2130

18 Edward III, May 5; 1. Roger Faber de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherde; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1344(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2131

18 Edward III, May 7; 1. John son of John atte Tye de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer; Foxherde and Pentelowe; Grant of 19d 1 ob an. rent, 1344(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2132

18 Edward III, May 7; 1. John son of John atte Tye de Foxherde 2. Sir John Fermer; Pentelowe, Foxherde (X); Gift and Exchange, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2133

18 Edward III, July 15; 1. Margareta that was wife of Sir Peter de Denardeston 2. Richard Whassman; Wyppenhey Aketon?; Appointment of attorney to seize Johanna that was wife of Richard Wargentem, Thomas his son and John, heirs, of land., 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2134

18 Edward III, July 27; 1. Thomas Boteneleyn 2. Sir John Fermer; Foxherde, Essex; Grant of 109s for goods and improvements, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2135

18 Edward III, September 21; 1. John de Northhaghe de Wyneston 2. Richard de Burgate; Burgate (X); Quitclaim, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2136

18 Edward III, September 26; 1. John son of Robert Frygoun de Foxherde and Johanna his wife 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherde and Katherine his wife; Foxherde; Gift, 1344(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2137

18 Edward III, September 29; 1. Hugh de Peyton 2. Sir Andrew de Bures, John Boteler Rector of the church of Foxherd and John Cromelond de Twynstede chaplain; Twynstede; Quitclaim, 1344(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2138

18 Edward III, November 12; 1. Celestria who was wife of William le Chapman de Pentelowe 2. Sir John Fermer and Katherine his wife; Pentelowe, Foxherde (X); Gift, 1344(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2139

18 Edward III, November 21; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. Robert Mot and Symon Mot his son; Foxherd (X); 5s an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1344(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2140

18 Edward III, November 28; 1. Thomas Canoun de Cavendissh and Agnes his wife 2. Sir John Fermer and Katherine his wife; Pentelowe (X); Quitclaim, 1344(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2141

18 Edward III, January 3; 1. John Bynneslee de Bures Magna 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures Magna (X); Gift, 1344 or 1345(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2142

19 Edward III, July 10; 1. Robert Osemund de Burgate 2. Robert his son; Burgate (X); sum of money; Gift, 1345(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2143

19 Edward III, November 20; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. John Osmond; Foxherd (X); 12d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1345(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2144

20 Edward III, March 12; 1. Henry Alewan de Melles chaplain and Peter Onewene de Burgate 2. John Osemund de Burgate chaplain; Burgate (X); Grant of 4d an. rent, 1345 or 1346(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2145

20 Edward III, March 12; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. William atte Brok and Alice his wife; Foxherd (X); 14s 2d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1345 or 1346(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2146

20 Edward III, April 3; 1. Richard de Burgate ?2. Katherine daughter of Andrew Waryn; Burgate (X); sum of money; Gift, 1346(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2147

20 Edward III, April 30; 1. John Holdelyne 2. Thomas Hubert; Foxherd (X); 3s 1 1/4d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1346(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2148

20 Edward III, September 24; 1. Edmund de Playford vicar of the church of Kenton 2. Margaret who was wife of Sir Robert de Swyneford and Peter his son; Burgate, Melles, Trandiston, Wortham, Palegrave, Redegrave, Gyslyngham and Westthorp, Suffolk; Gift, 1346(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2149

20 Edward III, November 2; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. Thomas Hubert and Johanna his wife; Foxherd (X); 20d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1346(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2150

20 Edward III, December 28; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. Robert atte Brok; Foxherd (X); 2s an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1346(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2151

20 Edward III, December 31; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. John Anton and Agnes his wife; Foxherd (X); 8d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1346(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2152

20 Edward III, January 7; 1. Sir John Fermer 2. John Holdelyne; Foxherd (X); 6s 2d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1346 or 1347(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2153

20 Edward III, January 12; 1. Sir John Fermer and Katherine his wife 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1346 or 1347(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2154

20 Edward III, January 12; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Sir John Fermer and Katherine his wife; Foxherde (X); 12d an. rent; Indented Gift, 1346 or 1347(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2155

21 Edward III, March 25; 1. Augustine de Estgate de Ilketilishale 2. Geoffrey and John sons of Adam carion of Ilketilishale; Metingham (X); sum of money; Gift, 1347(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2156

21 Edward III, April 2; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. John Botseller, parson of the church of Foxherd, William Lungeley, parson of the church of Somerton, and John Saxy; Graund Waldyngwald and Pette Waldyngfeld, Groten, Edwardiston, Meldyngge, Illeye, Neuton, Graund Cornerd, Assington and Subiries; Grant of Goods and Chattels (French), 1347(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2157

21 Edward III, May 10; 1. Robert son of Roger Brond de Sibetone 2. William his brother and Alice his wife; Sybetone (X); Gift, 1347(Seals: s*1)

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Ms 2158

21 Edward III, May 21; 1. Robert de Northwode parson of the church of Copford 2. Leo de Bradenham, William de Copford and John Besouthe chaplain; Reydon and Holtone, Suffolch; Gift, 1347(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2159

21 Edward III, July 10; 1. Leo de Bradenham, William de Copford and John Bysouthe, chaplain 2. Robert de Northwode parson of the church of Copford; Reydon & Holtone, Suffolch; Indented chirograph of Gift and Grant of 2s 5d 1 ob an. rent, 1347(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2160

21 Edward III, January 12; 1. Silvester Fouke de grant Bures 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures; Indented Enfeoffment (French), 1347 or 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2161

22 Edward III, July 16; 1. Leo de Bradenham and John Besouthe chaplain 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon & Holton, Suffolk; Gift and Grant of 2s 5d 1 ob an. rent, 1348(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2162

22 Edward III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. William Neuman de Reydon and Emma his wife; Reydon (X); 7s an. rent and 5 days work during wheat harvest, manor of Reydon; Indented Demise or Lease, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2163

22 Edward III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Adam Payn de Hadlegh and Edmund his son; Hadlegh (X); 4s an. rent and 4 days work during wheat harvest at manor of Reydon; Indented Demise or Lease, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2164

22 Edward III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Peter son of William Neuman de Reydon; Reydon (X); 3s an. rent and 3 days work during wheat harvest at manor of Reydon; Indented Demise or Lease, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2165

22 Edward, III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John le Couherde de Reydon; Reydon (X); 3s 3d an. rent and 3 days work during wheat harvest at manor of Reydon; Indented Demise or Lease, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2166

22 Edward III, November 20; 1. William Godhous de Wyverston and Mabil his wife 2. Andrew de Ringhohegh; Wyverston (X); sum of money; Gift, 1348(Seals: f*2)

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Ms 2167

22 Edward III, November 26; 1. Robert de Lafham de Hadleye 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Hadleye (X); Gift, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2168

22 Edward III, November 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John le White de Reydon; Reydon (X); 2s an. rent; Indented chirograph of 7 year Lease, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2169

22 Edward III, December 6; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Richard Smyth de Reydon; Reydon (X); 3s and 4 days harvest work, reaping and binding; Indented Lease for life of Richard, 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2170

22 Edward III, December 6; 1. Reginald Roger de Belton chaplain and Hugh Bandon chaplain 2. Sir John de Norwyco and Margerie his wife; Metyngham and nearby villages; Quitclaim, 1348(Seals: *2)

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Ms 2171

22 Edward III, December 7; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Symond Noble; Reydon (X); 5s an. rent; Indented Lease (French), 1348(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2172

22 Edward III, January 7; 1. Alice once wife of William atte Brok de Foxhirde 2. John Parker de Foxhirde and Robert atte Brok and Agnes his wife; Foxhirde (X); Quitclaim, 1348 or 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2173

22 Edward III, January 13; 1. William de Hertherst Rector of the Church of Pentelowe, William Doreward, Walter de Redeswell, William de Wenden chaplain and John Osemond 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxhierd; Foxhierd, Petelowe, Boorlee, Lyston, Beuchaump, Otes, and Glenesford; Quitclaim, 1348 or 1349(Seals: 3&f*5)

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Ms 2174

23 Edward III, February 2; 1. Sir John Fermer de Foxhirde 2. Alice that was wife of William atte Brok; Foxhirde (X); 7s an. rent; Indented chirograph of Lease (French), 1348 or 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2175

23 Edward III, February 8; 1. Sir John Fermer de Foxherd 2. Walter de Redisswelle and Geoffrey Saxi; Foxherd, Liston, Pentelawe, Borle, Beuchamp, Otys and Glemesford; Appointment of attorney to seize John de Rokewell, parson of the church of Chelmsford, John de Strachal, parson of the church of Sperngefeld, John de Cavendisch and William Doveward of Bokkynge in lands, 1348 or 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2176

23 Edward III, March 22; 1. Robert de Lafham de Haddeleye 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Wood in Haddeleye; Quitclaim, 1348 or 1349(Seals: f*1)

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Ms 2177

23 Edward III, March 24; 1. Silvester Fouke de Bures St. Mary 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Bures St. Mary; Indented Grant of 2s an. rent for 11 years, 1348 or 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2178

23 Edward III, March 29; 1. Sir John Fermer de Foxhierd 2. All his tenants in Foxhierd, Lyston, Pentelawe, Borlee, Beauchamp William, and Glemesford; Letters patent telling them he enfeoffed John de Rokeswell parson of the church of Chelmsford, John de Strachal parson of the church of Spingefeld, John de Cavendisch, William Doreward in the above lands (French), 1349(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2179

23 Edward III, April 13; 1. Thomas Duck de Ilketisale 2. Reginald Kemppe de Metyngham and William Adeberwe de Bungey; Ilketilsale; Grant of goods and chattels in trust for his heirs, 1349(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2180

23 Edward III, June 28; 1. Sir John Fermer de Foxherd 2. John de Cavendisch and William Doreward de Bokkyng; Foxherd, Pentelowe, Liston, Bello Campo William, Bello Camp St. Paul, Essex, Glemesford, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1349(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2181

23 Edward III, July 11; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. John Fermer and Katherine his wife; Manor of Borleehalle, Foxherd (Foxherd, Borlee and Pentelowe) & Advowson of church of Foxherd; Gift (French), 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2182

23 Edward III, July 11; 1. John de Cavendisch and William Doreward de Bokkyng 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherd and Katherine his wife; Foxherd, Liston, Pentelowe, Bello campo William, Bello campo St. Paul, Essex and Glemesford, Suffolk; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1349(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2183

23 Edward III, July 11; 1. John de Cavendisch and William Doreward de Bokkyng 2. All their tenents in the villages of Foxherd, Liston, Pentelowe, Bealchamp William, Bealchamp Seynt Poul, Essex and Glemesford, Suffolk; Letters Patent telling of Gift of their lands in those villages to Sir John Fermer and Katherine his wife; (French), 1349(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2184-2185

23 Edward III, July 11; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Sir John Fermer de Foxherd and Katherine his wife; Manor of Borleehalle, Foxherd (Foxherd, Borlee, Pentelowe, Lyston and Bello Campo William); 20 marks an. rent; Indented Chirograph of Gift for life of Sir John with Reversion to Sir Andrew & his heirs (with copy) [description applies to Ms 2184 and 2185], 1349(Seals: 2*2)

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Ms 2186

23 Edward III, July 12; 1. John Curtays de Lolles-eye, Master John Fraunceys de Ixworth, John le Smyth de Edwardestoun chaplain, Simon Holdayn de Lolseye and William Hogoun de Boxford 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Polstede (X); Gift, 1349(Seals: 3*5)

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Ms 2187

23 Edward III, August 20; 1. Edward III 2. Sir John - Fermer; Advousan of the church of Foxhierd; 20 marks; Royal letters patent of license to give the advowson to 3 holy chaplains (3/4 of Great Seal attached), 1349(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2188

Undated; 1. The King 2. John Fermer; Advowsan of Church of Foxherde; Copy of Royal license (differs from no. 2187), 1349 circa(Seals:

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Ms 2189

23 Edward III, January 10?1. Richard Sextayn and Peter de Stanefeld 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); Gift, 1349 or 1350 circa(Seals: 1*2)

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Ms 2190

Copy of Decision of Court of King & Council re: Claim of Sir Robert de Bures & Sir Andrew de Bures his father to Pentelowe, Essex against Sir John de Neryll de Essex and others (French), 1349 post circa(Seals:

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Ms 2191

24 Edward III, April 17; 1. William son of Richard de Bernak 2. John called Marescall de Folkesworth; Folkesworth; I20; Gift, 1350(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2192

24 Edward III, July 1; 1. Edmund Cely de Wymondham and Agnes his wife, Thomas de Dallyng and Elizabeth his wife 2. Ralph de Welesham and Margery his wife; Rynggeshal (X); Gift, 1350(Seals: 2*4)

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Ms 2193

24 Edward III, January 16; 1. William Sygar de Heigham 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Asyngton and Stoke Neyland; Quitclaim, 1350 or 1351(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2194

26 Edward III, January 29; 1. Peter le Mey de Burgate 2. Ralph de Tendryngge and Alice his wife; Burgate (X); Grant of 3d an. rent, 1351 or 1352(Seals: *1)

Ms 2195

26 Edward III, June 18; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John Waryn, Peter de Bakelere and Johanna his wife; Wherstede, Freston, Gippewico and Caldewall juxta Gippewicum; Fine, 1352)

Ms 2196

26 Edward III, December 9; 1. John atte Brok once son of William atte Brok de Foxhirde 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Foxhirde and Liston, Essex; Grant of 100s an. rent for the above lands, 1352(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2197

26 Edward III, January 17; 1. Edward III & Barons of the Exchequer 2. John Fermer custodian manor de Pentelowe; Pentelowe, Essex; Copy of order to Humfrey de Walden, escheator of Essex, to put John in possession on death of his former lord, Roger Normaund, deceased, 1352 or 1353(Seals: )

Ms 2198

27 Edward III, March 28; 1. Robert le Grey de Rokelund 2. William Osemund de Burgate, Ermenilde his wife and Robert his son; Burgate (X); Gift, 1353(Seals: *1)

Ms 2199

28 Edward III, November 23; 1. William Cronlond de Stok Aubeny 2. William Aronenane and Alice his wife; Stok Aubeny?(X); Gift, 1354(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2200

28 Edward III, January 4; 1. Stephen de Bramford 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon, Holton, Suffolk (X); Indented Gift and Exchange, 1354 or 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2201

29 Edward III, February 16; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. Dame Katherine de Goldyngton who was the wife of Sir John Fermer; Pentelowe, Gestyngthorp, Beuchamp, Otes, Foxhirde, Essex; rent obliteratedIndented Lease (French), 1354 or 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2202

29 Edward III, April 1; 1. Edmund de Reddesham 2. Sir John de Norwico; Bungeie, Ilketlishal, Shypmedwe, Metingham; Grant of rents, 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2203

29 Edward III, May 24; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures 2. Robert his son; Pentelawe, Essex; Confirmation of lands held by Dame Katherine who was wife of Sir John Fermer during her life, 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2204

29 Edward III, May 25; 1. Sir Andrew de Miles and Dame Alice his wife 2. Richard Kereville de Reydon and Johanne his wife; Reydon; 1 rose an. rent for life of Richard and 2s 9d thereafter; Indented Gift, 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2205

29 Edward III, December 3; 1. Nicholas le Fermer son and heir of Sir John le Fermer 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Advowsan of church of Foxhirde, Essex; Quitclaim, 1355(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2206

30 Edward III, July 13; 1. John de Bonewell and Agnes his wife 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon (X); Gift, 1356(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2207

30 Edward III, September 22; 1. Ralph Russel 2. Sir William de Brokeneburgh parson of the church of Haselbere, John de Leddred "le puigne" and Thomas le Brit; Haselbere en Blakemor; Appointment of attorney to seize John de Somerton, Henry Redmour, Richard Beuyn, Ralph Dacton son of John Damoisele in lands (French), 1356(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2208

30 Edward III, November 6; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Nicholas Davy de Stoke Neylond and Asselme his wife; Reydon (X); 2s an. rent; Indented Gift, 1356(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2209

31 Edward III, February 6; 1. Simon le Palfreyman de Ilketelishale 2. Michael Grym de Ilketelishale and Isabelle his wife; Ilketelishale (X); Sum of money; Grant of 2s an. rent, 1356(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2210

31 Edward III, February 7; 1. Thomas son of John de Schipmedewe 2. John Wodard de Disse and Petronilla his wife and Laurence le Munk; Schipmedewe, Barsham, Ilketishale and Metyngham; Quitclaim (Paper, no watermark), 1356 or 1357

Ms 2211

31 Edward III, October 7; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures by Clement Spyce in his place 2. George de Cornerth and Johanna his wife; Messuage in Magna Bures; Fine, 1357

Ms 2212

32 Edward III, February 2; 1. John Benal son of Richard Benal de Bures St. Mary 2. Sir Andrew de Bures; Bures St. Mary, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1357 or 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2213

32 Edward III, May 26; 1. Nicholas Fermer de Foxhirde 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Foxhirde, Liston, Pentelowe, Bello Campo William, Bello campo St. Paul, Essex, Glemesford, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2214

32 Edward III, June 24; 1. Peter de Reydon 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Reydon & Holton, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2215

32 Edward III, July 25; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John Delyngham de Tannerham manor in Foxherde, Johanna his wife and Katherine his daughter; Foxherde (X); 2s an. rent & 1 day's work at harvest; Indented confirmation, 1358(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2216

32 Edward III, July 25; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. John Clerc son of Henry Colne de Foxherde, Beatrice his wife and John his son; Foxherde (X); 10s an. rent & 4 day's work at harvest; Indented confirmation, 1358(Seals: 1*3)

Ms 2217

32 Edward III, September 9; 1. William son of Walter le Sumpter de Pentelowe 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Pentelowe and Foxherd; Quitclaim, 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2218

32 Edward III, September 11; 1. John once son of John de Hoo de Pentelowe 2. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife; Pentelowe, Foxherde, Essex; Quitclaim, 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2219

32 Edward III, September 26; 1. Robert Mowe de Ilketlishale 2. Sir John de Norwico; Ilketlishale (X); Grant of 9d an. rent, 1358(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2220

32 Edward III, September 30; 1. Sir Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife 2. Thomas Rene de Pentelowe and Liticia his wife; Petelowe (X); 9s an. rent; Indented Demise or Lease for 9 years, 1358(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2221

33 Edward III, September 24; 1. John son of William Weylond 2. Ralph de Tendryngg; Burgate (X); Gift, 1359(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2222

34 Edward III, June 1; 1. Sir Robert de Bures son and heir of Sir Andrew de Bures 2. Alice his mother once wife of Sir Andrew; Foxhierd, Advowsan of Church of Foxhierd, Liston, Pentelowe, Bello Campo William and Melford; Quitclaim, 1360(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2223

34 Edward III, June 3; 1. Alice once wife of Sir Andrew de Bures 2. Sir Robert de Bures her son and Johanne his wife; Foxherd, Advowsan of church of Foxherd; Liston and Pentelowe; Gift, 1360(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2224

34 Edward III, July 5; 1. William Runtyng de Holbrok and Eleanor his wife 2. Dame Alice de Bures once wife of Sir Andrew de Bures and Sir Robert de Bures his son; Reydon (X); Gift, 1360(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2225

34 Edward III, July 7; 1. William Holwey de Freston 2. Dame Alice de Bures once wife of Sir Andrew de Bures and Sir Robert de Bures his son; Reydon (X); Quitclaim, 1360(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2226

34 Edward III, November 12; 1. Sir John de Norwico and Margarie his wife and Henry de Welham parson of the church of Dalengho 2. John de Facon and Cristiana his wife; Ilketelishale, Metyngham, Dungeye, Shipmedwe and Barsham; 100 marks; Fine, 1360

Ms 2227

35 Edward III, July 11; 1. Nicholas Fermer de Foxhirde 2. Sir Robert de Bures; Advowsan of church of Foxhirde, London diocese; Grant of advowson, 1361(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2228

35 Edward III, August 8; 1. Edmund de Gippewico, Alice his wife and William their son 2. Ralph de Tendryngge; Burgate, Redgrave; Indented Chirograph of gift and exchange, 1361(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2229

35 Edward III, August 9; 1. Nicholas le Chamberleyn de Foxherde and Alice his wife 2. Sir Robert de Bures; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1361(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2230

35 Edward III, September 21; 1. Ralph de Tendring & Richard Osbern Rector of the church of Eriswelle 2. William de Wortham chaplain; Burgate, Wortham and Melles (X); Appointments of Attorney to seize William Osimund de Burgate, Emma his wife and Robert their son in lands, 1361(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2231

35 Edward III, September 22; 1. Ralph (Richard) de Tendryngg and Richard Osbern rector of the Church of Eriswelle 2. William Osimund de Burgate, Emma his wife and Robert their son; Burgate, Wortham and Melles (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1361(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2232

35 Edward III, October 23; 1. Ralph de Tenderynge 2. Robert de Susted Rector of the church of Burgat Burgate (X); Gift, 1361(Seals: *1)

Ms 2233

35 Edward III, October 23; 1. Ralph de Tenderyng 2. Geoffrey Waryn de Burgat; Burgate; Appointment of Attorney to seize Robert de Susted Rector of the church of Burgate in land, 1361(Seals: *1)

Ms 2234

35 Edward III, October 23; 1. Ralph de Tenderingge 2. Robert de Sustede Rector of the church of Burgat; Burgate (X); Gift, 1361(Seals: *1)

Ms 2235

36 Edward III, November 6; 1. Margareta once wife of William de Bery de Ilketleshale 2. Margaret once wife of Sir John de Norwico; Ilketleshal, Metyngham, Spoteshale, Southelinham; Quitclaim, 1362(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2236

39?Edward III, circa October 29; 1. Mabil Osemund de Burgate 2. Robert Osemund her brother; Burgate (X); 2 masses for her soul each year with 6d to relieve the Holy Land at each Mass, 1365 circa(Seals: *1)

Ms 2237

40 Edward III, February 15; 1. Geoffrey Warin de Burgate 2. Thomas de Burgate and Walter de Wortham chaplain; Burgate (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1365 or 1366(Seals: *1)

Ms 2238

41 Edward III, January 6; 1. Agnes daughter and heir of William Osmund de Burgate 2. Emma wife of John son of Robert Byshop de Dysce; Burgate, Melles, Wortham and Dysce; Quitclaim, 1367 or 1368(Seals: *1)

Ms 2239

43 Edward III, November 15; 1. Robert de Tybinham and Margaret his wife 2. Geoffrey Warin de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1369(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2240

44 Edward III, March 24; 1. Emma once wife of William Osmund de Burgate 2. Thomas de Gyppewico, Richard de Boytone and Edmund Gettee de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1369 or 1370(Seals: *1)

Ms 2241

44 Edward III, January 16; 1. John Neue junior de Sudbery and Agnes his wife 2. John Reneshale, Robert atte Roche and John Lyne de Sudbery; Sudbery (X); Gift, 1370 or 1371(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2242

45 Edward III, March 16; 1. Amice Corneyser and William Corneyser her son and heir de Hemelhamstede 2. John Waleys de Hemelhamstede; Twowaterus Berkshire(X); Gift, 1370 or 1371(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2243

47 Edward III February 14; 1. William Gervays junior and John Crishale de Pentelowe 2. John Reneshale, William Davy and John Folour; Pentelowe (X); Gift, 1372 or 1373(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2244

47 Edward III, 6 June; 1. Sir John de Norwico 2. Sir John Playce, Sir Rober Howard, Sir Roger de Boys, John de Boys, John de Wolterton parson of the church of Salle, Elias de Byntre parson of the church of Dalham, Hervey de Welham parson of the church of Stoketon and Reginald de Eccles; Castle of Metyngham Manors of Ilketeleshale, Shipmedwe, Melles, Bromfeld, Wanhaston, Reddesham, Barsham, Becles, and lands in Suffolk, Manor and advowson of church of Dalynghoo and 1/5 of advowson of Alderton; Enrolled Gift & Grant, 1373(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2245

47 Edward III, July 24; 1. Henry de Chilterne with Walter de Aldebury clerk and Ralph parson of the church of Shiryng 2. Edmund de Gissynge and Katherine his wife that was wife of Sir Andrew de Bures; Isenhamstede Cheyne, Buks; 1 rose an. rent during life of Edward and 100s an. rent thereafter; Demise, 1373(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2246

48 Edward III, June 30; 1. Roger de Kypenham de Wortham 2. Emma that was wife of William Osmund de Burgate; Burgate (X); Gift, 1374(Seals: *1)

Ms 2247

49 Edward III, June 25; 1. Sir Robert Maray, Sir Bartholomew de Naunton, John Leche, clerk, John de Hey on, Edmund Gournay, Richard Dantres, Clement de Brechenham, Reginald de Bungey and Nicholas de Hoo clerk 2. Sir William B am; Westhorphall, Leveneyhall, Stokeneylond, Wyvereston, Fynyngham, Baketon, Westhorp (X); Fine 1 hole in deed, 1375

Ms 2248

49 Edward III, October 14; 1. Basilia that was wife of Hugh Archer de Totyngton 2. Richard de Berton de Totyngton; Stirston, Totyngton (X); Quitclaim, 1375(Seals: *1)

Ms 2249

49 Edward III, October 16?; 1. Edmund Jate de Burgate and Richard de Goxton 2. Emma that was wife of William Osmund de Burgate; Burgate; Quitclaim, 1375(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2250

49 Edward III, November 11; 1. Robert Bere de Foxherde 2. Sir Guy Briane; Foxherde and Cokefeld, Suffolk and Essex; Gift, 1375(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2251

51 Edward III, June 7; 1. John Schirlok de Ilketelieshale 2. Adam Walsham de Ilketeleshale; Ilketeleshale (X); 40d an. rent; Indented chirograph of lease, 1377(Seals: *1)

Ms 2252

1 Richard II, January 4; 1. John Brathwhwaty parson of the church of Bonewelle and Richard Almot parson of the church of St. John in Donewico 2. John de Pysale, clerk, Richard de Broun parson of the church of Melles, Robert de Asshfelde, Henry Seriaunt de Parham, Thomas de Wroxham and Gilbert Springman chaplain; Melles, Burgate, Yakeslee, Thrandistone, Stustone, Prellistone; Gift, 1377 or 1378(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2253

1 Richard II, February 20; 1. Basilia that was wife of Hugh Archer de Totyngton 2. Richard de Berton de Totynghton; Totyngton (X); Quitclaim, 1377 or 1378(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2254

3 Richard II, January 12; 1. Thomas Hope and Prudence his wife, Michael Grym and Isabella his wife 2. Adam de Walsham de Ilketilsale; Parish of St. Laurence, Ilketilsale (X); 6s 8d an. rent; Gift, 1379 or 1380(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2255

3 Richard II, March 29; 1. William Dalsone de Suth Helmham 2. Thomas Gunnyld de Ilketelishale, Thomas Renet parson of the church of Barsham, Stephen Quynton, chaplain; 1/3 part of tenement called Holgate in Metyngham, Bungeye and Ilketelishale; Gift, 1380(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2256

4 Richard II, February 18; 1. Sir Guyle Briene junior lord of Oxonhale 2. Thomas Hathewey and Helen his wife; Oxonhale (X); 5s an. rent; Indented Gift, 1380 or 1381(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2257

5 Richard II, October 6; 1. Richard de le Cherch 2. Robert de Peyton, Robert Hotot and John Sprot; Manor of Reschys, Geselyngham; Quitclaim, 1381(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2258

6 Richard II, September 14; 1. Emma le Reve de Burgate 2. Nicholas Martyn, William Scowdere and William Broun; Burgate; Gift, 1382(Seals: *1)

Ms 2259

6 Richard II, 1 October; 1. Sir John Plays, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Roger de Boys, John de Wolterton parson of the church of Harpele, and Elias de Byntre parson of the church of Carleton 2. John de Donemogh, John de Depham chaplain, John Neve chaplain, William de Walsham; Morgans de Ilketishale, Suff; Confirmation, 1382(Seals: 3&f*5)

Ms 2260

6 Richard II, February 3; 1.Nicholas Martyn William Broun and William Scowder 2. William Hersedekne and Cristiana his wife; Burgate (X); Gift for life with reversion to William & Cristiana's daughter, Isabell, 1382 or 1383(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2261

6 Richard II, February 5; 1. Sir William de Bardolf Lord of Wirinyngeye 2. Sir John Playe, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Roger de Boys, John de Wolterton parson of the church of Harpelee and Elias de Byntre parson of the church of Carlton and master and custodian of the chantry of Metyngham; Matyngham and Ilketlishale; Indented license for lands to be used to support 13 chantry priests for soul of Sir John de Norwich according to letters patent of Richard II and statute of mortmain notwithstanding, 1382 or 1383(Seals: )

Ms 2262

6 Richard II, February 12; 1. Nicholas Martyn, William Scowdere and William Broun 2. William Hirsedekine and Cristiana his wife; Burgate (X); (one candle of 1 1b. for chapel of St. John and one of 1/2 1b. to light the image in front of St. Margaret Trandiston annually); Indented Gift, 1382 or 1383(Seals: 2*3)

Ms 2263

6 Richard II, March 31; 1. John Wisbeche de Sudbery 2. Margaret that was wife of John Smyth de Borle; Foxherde (X); Gift, 1383(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2264

7 Richard II, October 15; 1. John Donemogh 2. Sir John :layce, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Roger Boys, John de Wolterton parson of the church of Harpele and Elias de Byntre parson of the church of Carleton; Ilketlishale, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1383(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2265

9 Richard II, October 1; 1. Thomas Burgate once son of Richard Burgate 2. Sir William Burgate and Eleanor his wife; Burgate (X); Gift, 1385 or 1381(Seals: )

Ms 2266

13 Richard II, June 12; 1. Geoffrey Waryn de Burgate 2. Sir William Burgate and Eleanor his wife; Burgate (X); Confirmation, 1390(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2267

14 Richard II, September 29; 1. Sir William Burgate, lord of Burgate 2. Roger Millere; Mill of Burgate; 16 quarts of good grain an. rent; indented 6 year lease, 1390(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2268

15 Richard II, July 24; 1. Clarice that was wife of Sir Robert de Ilketellale 2. Thomas Hychekok de Kellyng; Kellyng; Indented chirograph of Quitclaim, 1391(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2269

16 Richard II, July 1; 1. Henry de Chilterne son and heir of John de Chilterne and Matilda his wife 2. John Radeswell and Margaret his wife; Magna Hormade, Parva Hormade, Parva Nusty, Gor---lswyk, Herts.; Quitclaim damaged, 1392(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2270

18 Richard II, February 10; 1. Dame Alice Bryene once wife of Sir Guy Bryene junior 2. John Folour de Coxnerth; Foxherde (X); Appointment of Attorney to obtain seisin from John Stace de Borlee and Peter Botiller de Asyngton, 1394 or 1395(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2271

20 Richard II, July 1; 1. John parson of the church of Salle, Thomas parson of the church of Wode Risyng and Stephen Gebon de Veti Lenn 2. John Neve master of the chantry of Metyngham; Morganes in Ilketeleshale; 7 marks an. rent; Indented Chirograph of 7 year lease, 1396(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2272

20 Richard II, January 20; 1. Robert Crane de Elgh and Isabel his wife 2. William son of Robert Smyth de Elgh; Elgh; Gift, 1396 or 1397(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2273

21 Richard II, January 17; 1. John Radeswell, Thomas Sampkyn, John Barle, John Cook, Nicholas Harpour, Richard Gyldeford, and Gilbert Stonham 2. Andrew Burys son and heir of Andrew Buris de Suffolk; Manors of Brache, Kuywesworth, Waddon in Com Cantabregge; Confirmation, 1397 or 1398(Seals: 6&f*7)

Ms 2274

3 Henry IV, May 22; 1. Alice once wife of John Faverhale de Melles 2. Sir William Burgate, John parson of the church of Burgate, Michael de Gippewico, William Waryn and John his son; Geslyngham; Grant of 4s an. rent, 1402

Ms 2275

3 Henry IV, September 16; 1. John Brook parson of the church of Polstede, Ralph Chaumberleyn and John de Reydon 2. Andrew son of Andrew de Bures and reversion; Colne Engayne; Indented Chirograph of Gift, 1402(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2276

4 Henry IV, September 21; 1. Thomas Ilkettesale and Eva his wife 2. Henry Wilton and Robert Grighis; Plumsted Parva, Plumsted Magna, Wytton and Blofelde; Letter of Attorney to give seisin, 1403(Seals: *2)

Ms 2277

5 Henry IV, May 31; 1. William Smyth de Ilketelyshale parochie St. Margarete 2. William Bernham, John Gerard clerks, William Paston, Thomas Stodhagh and William Gerard, civi Norwici; Ilketelyshale (X); Gift, 1404(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2278

6 Henry IV, July 3; 1. Matilda Carbonel 2. William Smyth and Alice his wife de Clophille; Clophille and Caynhoo; Quitclaim, 1405(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2279

7 Henry IV, April 12; 1. William Schreder de Poch St. Trinitatio de Metyngham 2. Thomas Kempe de Poch St. Trinitatio de Metyngham, William Haton and John Cuave de Bungaye; Metyngham and Ilketlissale; Gift, 1406(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2280

9 Henry IV, September 22; 1. John son and heir of William Overbek de Briston 2. Robert Fittle de Beclys and William Briggeman de Beclys; Metyngham and Ilketeshale; Quitclaim, 1408(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2281

10 Henry IV, October 6; 1. Sir William Burgate, John Bures, John Rookwode and John Huberd parson of the church of Burgate 2. John Wethon, Margaret his wife and Cecilie Wethon; Gyslyngham (X); 3s 4d an. rent;, 1408(Seals: 3&f*4)

Ms 2282

10 Henry IV, June 16; 1. John Schuldham, esquire 2. John son of William Berdwelle, John son of William Berdwelle, John Framelyngham, William Wyrth de Cretyngham and Robert Dey de Tatynghtston; Manor of Geneys & Ruschys in Geslyngham, Suffolk; Gift, 1409(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2283

11 Henry IV, September 26; 1. Walter Baxter de Botoluesdale hameletto in villa de Redgrave 2. Robert Holberughe de Burgate; Redgrave (X); Gift, 1410(Seals: s*1)

Ms 2284

13 Henry IV, April 4; 1. John Berdewelle son of Sir William Berdewelle, John Framelyngham, William Wyght de Cretyngham and Robert Deye de Tatyngeston 2. Thomas Geney esquire son of Sir Thomas Geney; Manor of Geneys & Ruschys in Geslyngham; Confirmation, 1412(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2285

13 Henry IV, April 4; 1. John Berdewelle son of Sir William Berdewelle, John Framelyngham, William Wyght de Cretyngham and Robert Deye de Tatyngeston 2. John Synes de Geslyngham; Manor of Geneys & Ruschys in Geslyngham; Letter of Attorney to seize Thomas Geney, Esquire son of Sir Thomas Geney in lands, 1412(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2286

1 Henry V, December 20; 1. Sir Thomas Gyney, Sir William Berdewelle, Elizabeth Wolfertson, Oliver Groos, Thomas Wolferston, John Shouldham and Richard Athewald 2. John Rolf, Robert de Kent and William Rolf; Gislyngham, Russhes (X); 4d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift, 1413(Seals: 7*7)

Ms 2287

1 Henry V, January 8; 1. Margaret that was wife of John Boys de Metyngham 2. William Haton, Bocher de Bungey and Phillip Godfrey de Ilketilsale; Metyngham (X); Gift, 1413 or 1414(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2288

1 Henry V, January 8; 1. John Beston perpetual vicar of the church of St. Margarete de Ilketelyshale 2. William Bernham, John Gerard, clerk, William Paston, Thomas Stodhagh and William Gerard civi Norwici; Ilketelyshale (X); Confirmation, 1413 or 1414(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2289

2 Henry V, May 10; 1. Gilbert Debenham, John Hubert parson of the church of Burgate and Richard Atte Cherche 2. Katherine daughter of Sir William Burgate once wife of John Spenser de Soffolk, esquire & reversion; Burgate (X); Indented chirograph of Assignment, 1401(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2290

2 Henry V, May 10; 1. Sir John Hevenyngham, Gilbert Debenham, John Lancastre, John Glemham, John Hubert parson of the church of Burgate, Robert Trosse parson of the church of Westhorp, William Wyght and John Bysschop 2. Katherine daughter of Sir William Burgate now wife of John Spenser de Suffolk esquire and reversion; Manor de Burgate, advowson of church of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Redgrave, Palgrave, Thrandeston, Yakesle, Thornham magna, Thornham parva, Stoke, Gyslyngham and Overe Rekynghale); Indented chirograph of Assignment, 1414(Seals: 5*8)

Ms 2291

4 Henry V, October 11?; 1. William Waleys de Berkyng and William Hooge de Yltyng 2. John Waleys de Ultyng, John Grene de Wedyngton, Thomas Merssch de Hatfeld Pverel and Thomas Bonyndon de Hatfeld Peverel; Ultyng (X); Gift, 1416(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2292

4 Henry V, March 10; 1. Christiana Wryte de Bungeye 2. John Blome de Bungeye; Ilketelyshale; Letter of Attorney to seize John Herward de Bungeye in land, 1416 or 1417(Seals: *1)

Ms 2293

5 Henry V, June 7; 1. Elena daughter of William Kempe de Metyngham 2. John Beston clerk and Hugh Kempe; Metyngham and Ilketelishale; Gift, 1417(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2294

5 Henry V, August 31; 1. Richard Danyel clerk and John Warner de Hedyngham 2. William Bernham, John Gerard, clerk, William Paston, Thomas Stodhagh and William Gerard civi Norwici; Metyngham; Confirmation, 1417(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2295

2 Henry VI, October 11; 1. Sir Edmund Barry, Edmund Trenchemere de Reshmere, Edmund Brunwyn de Elgh and William Cone de Elgh 2. Robert Wylde de Mutford; Mutford (X); Feoffment, 1423(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2296

2 Henry VI, January 6; 1. Sir John Hefnyngham junior, Edmund Redysham esquire, John Ryston clerk, William Aleyn de Bungeye and Roger Hune de Bungeye 2. Richard Warner de Bungeye; Metyngham, Ilketeshale and Bungeye; Feoffment, 1423 or 1424(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2297

4 Henry VI, June 4; 1. Thomas Abbot of Monastery of St. Edmund de Bury 2. Thomas Goodard de Hyndyrcle, Robert Hyll de Burgate and John Boldyro de Bury, Thomas Goodard de Rougham yomen, Manor de Hyndircle; 32 an. rent and several services listed; Indented 10 year lease, 1425(Seals: 2f*3)

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Ms 2298

6 Henry VI, October 29; 1. John Braunch of Stodeye in the counte of Norff Esquier and John Briston sone and heyr of John Briston late deed of the sayd Counte Esquire 2. John Ingram Citesin and Fisshemonger of London and Ele hys wife sum tyme wyfe onto the sayd John Briston late deed; Manor of Briston; 8 marks an. rent; Indented lease for life of Ele (English), 1427(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2299

7 Henry VI, May 28; 1. Thomas Clyston 2. Augustine Stratton, esquire, Margaret Sekford his wife and George Sekforde son of Margaret; Manors of Geneys and Rosschys in Gyslyngham and Fynyngham, Suff; Quitclaim, 1429(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2300

13 Henry VI, September 8; 1. Agnes Cosler relict of Richard Cosler alias Bertlot bastard de Metyngham 2. Richard Warner de Metyngham; Parish of St. Trinity, Bungeye (X); Gift, 1434(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2301

15 Henry VI, August 12; 1. Gregory Wery clerk, John Dawenell, Richard Mynton, William Howard and John Lynge 2. Robert Stonham esquire, John Broughton esquire, William Rokwode esquire, Robert Asshefeld junior, John Harleston esquire, Richard Hungate, Walter Taillard, Robert Crane and Richard Shipley; Manor of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Palegrave, Redgrave and Thrandeston); Advowson of church of Burgate; Gift & Grant, 1437(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2302

15 Henry VI, August 12; 1. Gregory Wery, Clerk, John Dawenell, Richard Mynton, William Howard and John Lynge 2. Edmund Tyteshal, Richard ?, Robert Ecklyston; Manor of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Palegrave, Redgrave and Thrandeston); Advowson of church of Burgate; Letter of Attorney to put Robert Stonham, esquire, John Broughton, esquire, William Rokwode, esquire, Robert Asshefeld, junior, John Harleston, esquire, RichardHungate, Walter Taillard, Robert Crane, and Richard Shipley in possession, 1437(Seals: 4*5)

Ms 2303

16 Henry VI, September 29; 1. Roger, master, custodian of the college of the Bte. Marie de Metyngham & the brothers 2. William Wylde de Redesham Magna; Redesham Magna (X); 3s an. rent; Indented chirograph of 100 Year Lease, 1437(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2304

16 Henry VI, November 10; 1. John Hubert 2. Robert Stonham son of Katherine daughter of Sir William Burgate & reversion; Half of manor of Burgate and advowson of church of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Rdgrave, Palgrave, Thrandeston, Yakeslee, Thornham magna, Thornham parva, Stoke Gyslyngham and Over Rekynghale, Suff); Swenefordes, Hemnyngforde, Turbevyle, Hemnyngforde Abbat, Magna Stucle, Parva Stucle, Ripton Abbat; Indented Assignment, 1437(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2305

16 Henry VI, November 10; 1. Robert Stonham 2. William Wymer chaplain and John Andrewe; Half of Manor of Burgate and advowson of church of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Redgrave, Palgrave, Thrandoston, Yakeslee, Thornham magna, Thornham parva, Stoke, Gyslyngham and Over Ricynghale, Suffolk) and Swenefordes; Letter of attorney to receive possession from John Hubert, 1437(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2306

16 Henry VI, April 4; 1. Richard Warner de Bungey 2. Simon Weston, Roger Burny de Ilketelyshale and Nicholas Clerk de Metyngham; Parish of St. Trinity, Bungey (X); Gift, 1438(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2307

17 Henry VI, November 5; 1. Hugh Kempe de Metynham 2. John Hardyng de Bungeye; Metyngham (X); Gift, 1438(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2308

17 Henry VI, April 18; 1. Hugh Kempe de Metyngham 2. Richard Churche de Bungeye, Simon Brayles clerk and Thomas Porter clerk; Metyngham (X); Gift, 1439(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2309

19 Henry VI, February 5; 1. William Abbot of Monastery of St. Edmund de Bury 2. Walter Slade de Hildercle; Manor de Hildercle; 31 an. rent and services listed; Indented 7 year Lease, 1440 or 1441(Seals: *1)

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Ms 2310

20 Henry VI, December 1; 1. Richard Gabyr de Norhampton Barker 2. Edwin Stanap de Norhampton and William Chapelleyn de Norhampton, "Reper"; Norhampton (X); Gift, 1441(Seals: *1)

Ms 2311

20 Henry VI, May 11; 1. Sir Robert Hungerford, John FortescuCapitlis......Sir Richard Newton, Chief Justice;_____heyne of Pynr, Esq, Thomas Burton and John Gogh 2. Sir William Ostefeld; Henry Frowik; William Melreth; John Olney, citizen and Mercer of London; Thomas Gloucester, Esq; Laurence Pytoe, Wolman; and William Cantellowe, Civi and Mercer of London; Dosamesyme (X); Assignment (Late 16th Century copy on paper, watermark) Torn away at top right corner, 1442

Ms 2312

27 Henry VI, January 16; 1. William Jenytas de Cavendyssh, John Buntyng alias Cospe de Pentelowe, Senior and John Smyth de Foxherde 2. John Smyth de Cavendyssh, John Berton de Foxherde, John Hengestman de Clare, Robert Jenytas de Cavendyssh and John Jenytasson of Nicholas Jenytas de Cavendyssh; Pentelowe (X); Confirmation, 1448 or 1449(Seals: 2*3)

Ms 2313

27 Henry VI, February 11; 1. John Due de Norffolk, Count Mareschall de Notynghman, etc. 2. William Framisham maister de la Collage du Metyngham; Hadeston, Norff; Morgans en Ilketishale, Suff; Letter of Attorney (French), 1448 or 1449(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2314

30 Henry VI, September 1; 1. John Perys de Bungeye 2. Robert de Fen de Bungey son of John de Fen, George de Fen clerk, Nicholas Mory and William Chotisham de Bungey; Bungeye (X); Gift, 1451(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2315

31 Henry VI, September 3; 1. Nicholas Blome chaplain de London 2. Henry Okam vocat Skynnere de Ilketyllyshale, Richard Coupere de Bungeye and Robert Ode de Ilketyllyshale; Bungeye, Metyngham (X); Gift, 1452(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2316

32 Henry VI, September 21; 1. John Abbot of Monastery of St. Edmund de Bury 2. John Moriell de Westone, Robert Moriell his son, Willia Asty and Robert Gregham de Westone; Manor de Hildircle; 32 an. rent & services listed; Indented 10 year Lease, 1453(Seals: *4)

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Ms 2317

33 Henry VI, April 7; 1. John Duc de Norffolk 2. William Framisham clerk, Master Collegii Be Marie de Metyngham; Ilketshale (X); Indented Quitclaim of 13s 4d an. rent, 1455(Seals: s*4)

Ms 2318

36 Henry VI, April 14; 1. Dame Margaret Sekford once wife of George Sekford esquire 2. George Sekford esquire, her son; Manor de Russhes & Geneyes, Gislingham, Suff; Quitclaim, 1458(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2319

36 Henry VI, April 18; 1. George Sekford, lord of the manor of Geneyes in Gyslyngham 2. John Fuller de Gyslyngham Bocher and Thomas his son; Geneyes in Gyslyngham (X); 46s 8d an. rent; Indented chirograph of 40 year lease, 1458(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2320

37 Henry VI, March 20; 1. George Sekford esquire son and heir of George Sekford esquire 2. Master John Selot clerk, Nicholas Prior de Wodebregge, John Tympley esquire, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburne; Manor de Russhes and Geneyes, Gislyngham, Suff; 50; Gift with appointment of Roger Curwyn and John Prentys attorneys to give seisin., 1458 or 1459(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2321

37 Henry VI, March 22; 1. Nicholas Prior of Wodebregge 2. George Sekford squire; Manor of Russhes and Geneyes, Gislingham; Indenture witnessing that if George pay 50 by 1464 he is to have return of manor which he gave to Prior in no. 2320, 1458 or 1459(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2322

37 Henry VI, April 2; 1. Dame Margaret Sekford once wife of George Sekford esquire 2. John Selott clerk Nicholas Prior de Wodebregge, John Tympley, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburne; Manor de Russhes and Genneyes (Gislyngham Fenyngham, Thornham magna Cotton, Suffolk; Quitclaim, 1459(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2323

37 Henry VI, April 2; 1. Nicholas Prior de Wodebregge 2. George Sekford esquire; Manor Rushes and Geneyes, Gislyngham; 10 marks an. rent; Indented 5 year lease with bond of 40 given by George to abide by the agreement, 1459(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2324

1 Edward IV, March 25; 1. George Segforth esquire 2. Robert Maltyward de Gyslyngham; Gyslyngham (X); 2s an. rent; Gift, 1461(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2325

2 Edward IV, December 1; 1. John Thurryngton de Bekklys 2. William Framisham clerk, John Banyard de Metyngham esquire and William Bondys de Henstede; Metyngham (X); Gift, 1462(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2326

3 Edward IV, December 1; 1. George Sekford esquire son and heir of George Sekford esquire 2. Master John Selor clerk, Authur Sudbury, Nicholas Prior de Wodbregge, John Tympley esquire, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburne; Manor vocat Geneyes, Gislyngham; Quitclaim, 1463(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2327

3 Edward IV, December 1; 1. George Sekford esquire son and heir of George Sekford esquire 2. Master John Selot, clerk, Arthur Sudbury, Nicholas Prior de Wodebreg, John Tympley esquire, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburne; Manor vocat Russhes & Geneyes, Gislyngham, Suff; Quitclaim, 1463(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2328

4 Edward IV, April 1; 1. Thomas Sekford 2. John Selot clerk, Nicholas Prior de Wodebrigge, John Tymperle, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburn; Manor vocat Russhes & Genneyes (Gyslyngham, Fenyngham, Cotton, Thornham magna, Suff); Quitclaim, 1464(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2329

4 Edward IV, June 10; 1. John Selot clerk, Nicholas Forster Prior de Wodebrigge, John Tymperle, Richard Felawe and Walter Fulburn 2. Thomas Aldhous and Richard Alisannder; Manor vocat Russhes & Genneys; Letter of Attorney to seize Sir John Howard, Thomas Heigham junior, Clement Heigham, Thomas Bendyssh, James Hobert, Thomas Appulton and William Hobert in land, 1464(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2330

4 Edward IV, June 10; 1. John Selot clerk, Nicholas Forster Prior de Wodebregge, John Tymperle esquire, Nicholas Felawe and Walter Fulburn 2. Sir John Howard, Thomas Heigham junior, Clement Heigham, Thomas Bendyssh, James Hobert, Thomas Appulton, William Hobert; Manor vocat Russhes & Genneys (Gyslyngham, Fenyngham, Cotton, Thornham magna, Suff); Feoffment, 1464(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2331

4 Edward IV, November 30; 1. Margaret Hardyng relict of John Hardyng once Ballff de Bungeye 2. Thomas Wodeherde de Metyngham Bocher, William Schotylham and John Hunne de Ilket Bocher; Metyngham (X); Gift, 1464(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2332

4 Edward IV, December 5; 1. William Holcote and George Holcote 2. John Grene, William Grene and Robert Hunte; Shymplyng, Alpheton Lansell and Cokefeld, Suff; Quitclaim, 1464(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2333

5 Edward IV, February 10; 1. William Boundys de Henstede, William Hoo de Wyset and Robert Binnstede de Welyngham Be. Marie, John Wylde de Mutford 2. John Arsent de Metynham clerk, Thomas Sewale de Becclis, Nicholas Sotherton de Mutford and John Alwyn de Mutford; Welyngham (X); Assignment, 1465 or 1466(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2334

6 Edward IV, May 3; 1. Nicholas clerk de Metyngham 2. John Whyte de Metyngham, senior, and Thomas Wyard de Metyngham; Metyngham and Ilketleshale (X); Gift, 1466(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2335

7 Edward IV, September 10; 1. Thomas Heigham junior, Thomas Bendyssh, Clement Heigham and Thomas Appulton 2. Sir John Howard, James Hobart and William Hobart; Manor vocat Russhes & Genneys (Gyslyngham, Fenyngham, Cotton, Thornham magna, Suff); Quitclaim, 1467(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2336

7 Edward IV, October 8; 1. Sir John Howard, William Hobart and James Hobart 2. John Selot clerk, John Bulman, clerk, John Asschfeld and Richard Yaxle; Manor of Russches & Genneys (Gyslyngham, Fenygnham, Cotton, Thornham Magna, Melles, Suff); Indented Feoffment, 1467(Seals: 2*4)

Ms 2337

7 Edward IV, November 6; 1. George Wysman esquire 2. Simon Wysman his son, John Braham, Simon Poley Gentilmen, Edward Dale de Wykhamskeyth and John Dunch de Thornham magna; Manor in Burgate vocatum Heyghamhall; Feoffment with Appointment of Alexander Panteer and John Fuller attorneys to deliver seisin, 1467(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2338

8 Edward IV, October 6; 1. John Sekford brother of George Sekford, deceased 2. James Hobart; Manor de Russhys & Jenneys, Suff; Quitclaim, 1468(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2339

9 Edward IV, October 8; 1. Sir John Howard, William Hobart and James Hobart 2. John Selot clerk, John Bulman Clerk, John Asshefeld and Richard Yaxle; Manor de Russhes & Genneys (Gyslyngham, Fenyngham, Cotton, Thornham magna, Melles, Suff); Indented Feoffment on condition that within 6 years Margaret Lynert be given 10 marks in an. rents., 1469(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2340

9 Edward IV, December 31; 1. John Wrighte de Bungeye, Richard Wrighte, William Wrighte de Bungeye, William Shotesham de Bungeye, Robert Hunne de Bungeye, Smyth 2. Robert Warner de Poch St. Trinitat de Bungeye, John Hawker, John Sandewich de Bungeye, and John Hunne de Ilketlyshale junior; Metyngham (X); Feoffment, 1469(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2341

12 Edward IV, June 10; 1. Robert Fletcher de Wyverston and John Mekewode senior de Wyverston 2. Henry Mannyng Rector of the church of Wyverston; Wyverston (X); Gift & Grant of chattels, etc., 1472(Seals: *3)

Ms 2342

19 Edward IV, April 14; 1. John Hotost de Stowemarket esquire son and heir of Robert Hotost de Stowemarket esquire defunct 2. Simon Wyseman esquire; Manor de Heigham (Gyslyngham, Burgate and Melles, hundred de Hartsmere); Quitclaim, 1479(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2343

21 Edward IV, March 23; 1. William Vanse de Becclys 2. John Andraws de Becclys; Barsham; Quitclaim, 1480 or 1481(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2344

23 Edward IV, March 9; 1. Robert Warner de South Byrlyngham, Norff and John Sandewyche de Bungey, Suff 2. Richard Hunne de Bungey, Bocher and John Undyrwode son of William de Bungey; Metyngham, Ilketlyshale and Bungey; Gift, 1482 or 1483(Seals: 1&f*2)

Ms 2345

23 Edward IV, March 14; 1. Richard Hunne de Bungey, Bocher and John Undyrwode son of William de Bungey 2. Robert Warner de South Byrlyngham, John Rudham de South Byrlyngham chaplain, Thomas Wellys son of John Wellys de Metyngham, William Wodehirde, John Undyrwode son of Richard and John Hunne son of Robert Hunne de Bungey; Metyngham, Ilketlyshale & Bungey; Feoffment, 1482 or 1483(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2346

Undated; 1. Priorem de Bapetar eccie de Wenaston & a.b. vicar 2. Master & Fellows de Metynham, Petar chaplain de Melles; Manor de Melles; Blank form of final writing of gift of land and grant of 2s 6d annuity; Paper (no watermark), 1485-1509 circa

Ms 2347

Date and names of parties illegible; Metyngham (X); Indented chirograph (Very bad condition), 1485-1509 circa

Ms 2348

1 Richard III, October 28; 1. John Whyte de Metyngham senior and Thomas Wyard de Metyngham 2. Richard Braunche clerk, Richard Weybred, Thomas Harple, clerk and John Grycbys, gentlemen; Metyngham and Ilketsale; Gift, 1483(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2349

2 Richard III, June 12; 1. Dame Elizabeth Shuldham Abbes of the monastary of Berkyng and the covent of the same place 2. John Goldyng chappeleyn of Foxherd; Manor of Borle in Foxherd; 20s an. rent; Indented nine year lease (English), 1485(Seals: *1)

Ms 2350

2 Henry VII, September 29?; 1. Sir Thomas Mongomery, Sir John Byconxell, John Clopton, James Hubert, John Hardyng clerk, John Mordaunt, William Dunthorn, William Frost, Thomas Grene de Witham; and Thomas Hubert, John Kyrton attorneys 2. William Bures and Johanna his wife; Reydon, Brend Wenham, Hadeleggh, Leyham, Heyham, Holeton, Capeles, Stratford, Parva Wenham, Wherstede, Freston, and Westerfelde (X); Copy of Recovery,

Ms 2351

2 Henry VII, October 5; 1. Richard Peynton, Thomas Carman, clerk, John Smyth and John Burgh de Melles 2. James Blondell esquire, John Wyngefeld, Henry Heydon, Sir William Boleyn, John Cornwaleys, Robert Restwold, Thomas Blenerhasett, Thomas Batayll esquire, William Bagard, William Broughton, Thomas Hervy clerk, Geoffrey Dunston, John Wythe, John Cook, Thomas Grey de Wye and Robert Whetynham; Manor in Burgate vocat Heighamhall and a close vocat Bechampp (Burgate, Gyslyngham and Melles); Feoffment, 1486(Seals: 3&f*4)

Ms 2352

3 Henry VII, September 30; 1. John Wyngfeld, Sir William Boleyn, James Blundell, John Cornewaleys, Robert Restwold, Thomas Blenerhaset, esquire, William Bagard, William Broughton, Thomas Hervy, clerk, and Thomas Grey de Eye 2. Sir Henry Heydon, John Cook, Geoffrey Dunston, John Wythe and Robert Whytyngham; Manor de Higham (Burgate, Melles & Gyslyngham, Suff) (X); Quitclaim, 1487(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2353

3 Henry VII, November 28; 1. Simon Wiseman esquire & James Blundell; John Resshbrook, attorney 2. Sir Henry Heydon, John Cook, Geoffrey Dunston, John Wyth and Robert Whytyngham; Manor of Higham (Burgate, Melles & Gyslyngham, Suff) (X); Recovery, 1487(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2354

4 Henry VII, October 10; 1. Simon Wiseman esquire and James Blundell 2. William Harald and William Carman, Clerk; Manor of Hygham (Burgate, Melles, Gyslyngham, Suff) (X); Feoffment with appointment of John Ponyard attorney to deliver seisin, 1488(Seals: f*2)

Ms 2355

6 Henry VII, June 30; 1. Robert Fraunceys de Becclys, Thomas Morker, Robert Garyon, Edmund Rypyng de Becclys 2. John Pynchebek de Stokton, Clerk, Robert Alwyn, John Verdon, John Hooke and William Kene de Stokton; Barsham (X); Gift, 1491(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2356

8 Henry VII, October 12; 1. Robert Warner de South Byrlyngham, John Rudham de South Byrlyngham, Clerk and John Undyrwode de Bungey son of Richard 2. Richard Braunche Clerk, James Hobart esquire, John Braunce junior de Bungey, Thomas Whyte de Metynham and Robert Thakkere; Metyngham, Ilketlyshale, and Bungey; Gift, 1492(Seals: 2*3)

Ms 2357

10 Henry VI; 1. William Bures Esquyr and Robert Bures 2. Richard Martyn of Mesird and Roger Martyn; Maner of the Hall and Brookhall; 24-13-4 an. rent; Indented chirograph of 14 year lease (English; one side badly damaged), 1494, September-December(Seals: *2)

Subseries 1: Charter and Deeds (Ms 2358-Ms 2624)

Ms 2358

13 Henry VII, August 6; 1. Robert Bures esquire 2. Sir Robert Broughton, William Clopton, Edward Clopton esquire and Thomas Lewes, gentleman; Foxherth, Weston Mille, Advowson of church of Foxherth, manor of Brokehalle, Essex; Indented chirograph of Gift to use of Robert Bures and his heirs (Specified), 1498(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2359

17 Henry VII, January 13;?1. Sir George Veer, Sir Robert Broughton, Sir Richard Fitzlewes, Sir Robert Lonell, John Mordaunt, and Thomas Frowick and John Martyn attorneys de John Herry de Superior Rekynghale; Manor of Faconnyshall (Overrekynghale, Netherrekynghale, Walsham, Gyslyngham; Badysdale, Hynderclee, advowson of church of Overrekynghale) (X); Copy of Recovery, 1501 or 1502

Ms 2360

18 Henry VII, March 12; 1. John Wyseman esquire, Sir John Wyngefeld, James Hobart attorney of the King, Edward Sulyard, John Garney, esquire, William Bagard, Thomas Goldyng, Clerk, Thomas Seman, Clerk, John Dade, John Wythe, Thomas Wythe and Robert Whetyngham senior 2. Sir Thomas Sampson and Andrew Awbyn clerk; Manor de Heigham (Burgate, Melles, Gyslyngham, Wurtham, Thornham magna, Thornham parva, Palgrave and Cotton, Suff) (X); Feoffment for work and use of John Wyseman Esq. with appointment of John Warden and Edward Aleyn attorney to deliver seisin, 1503(Seals: 11*12)

Ms 2361

18 Henry VII, April 20; 1. Sir Thomas Sampson 2. Robert Dey, the older of Estbergholt, Suff, yoman and Robert Dey the younger of Holton, Suff; Sullyes, Raydon, Holton, Suff; 8-8-5 an. rent; Indented 12 year lease of farm (English), 1503(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2362

18 Henry VII, June 18; 1. John Wiseman Esquyer 2. James Hobert attorney to the Kyng; Manor of Heigham (Burgate, Melles and Gyslyngham) (X); 200; Indented Bargain and Sale (English), 1503(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2363

18 Henry VII, June 21; 1. Sir Thomas Sampson, Andrew Awbyn, Clerk 2. James Hobart Attorney of the King, Sir Henry Heydon, Richard Braunch, Clerk, and John Dade; Manor of Heigham (Burgate, Melles and Gyslyngham) (X); Gift, 1503(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2364

18 Henry VII, June 26; 1. John Wiseman esquire 2. James Hobart attorney of the King, Sir Henry Heydon, Richard Braunch, clerk, and John Dade; Manor of Heigham (Burgate, Melles, and Gyslyngham) (X); Quitclaim, 1503(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2365

19 Henry VII, November 4; 1. Sir Thomas Tyrell, Richard Wentworth and Roger Darcy Squiers 2. John Yaxlee Sdiant at the lawe; Manor called Faconnyshall in Over Rekynghale, Suff (Rekynghale, Nether Rekynghale, Botisdale, Gyslyngham, Walsham, Hyndircle, advowson of the Church of Over Rekynghale); 1100 marks; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1503(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2366

19 Henry VII, November 30; 1. Sir Thomas Tyrell, Richard Wentworth, esquire, and Roger Darcy esquire 2. Thomas Kene and Robert Cokson; Manor de Faconnyshall (Rekynghale Superior, Rekynghale inferior, Walsham, Gyslyngham, Botisdale and Hyndercle, advowson of the Church of Over Rekynghale, Suff); Letter of attorney to receive seisin from Sir Thomas Frowyk, Capit Justic de Coi Banco, Sir Robert Broughton, John Mordaunt esquire, Sir Richard Fitzlewes and Sir Robert Lovell, 1503(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2367

19 Henry VII, December 1; 1. Sir Thomas Tyrell, Richard Wentwurth and Roger Darcy 2. John Yaxlee, Serieant to the Lawe; Maner of Faconnyshal and the advowson of the Churche of Ovir Rekynghale, Suff (Ovir Rekynghale, Nether Rekinghale, Botisdale, Gyslyngham and Hyndercle, Suff); "An indenture upon a Statute of the Staple of 27 Nov 1503" (English), 1503(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2368

19 Henry VII, December 4; 1. Sir Thomas Tyrell, Richard Wentworth, and Roger Darcy esquires 2. John Yaxlee, Sergeant at Law, John Garneis, esquire, Robert Yaxlee, Richard Yaxlee Junior, John Waller and William Hauorth; Manor of Faconnyshall (Rekynghale Superior, Rekynghale inferior, Walsham, Botysdale and Hyndercle, advowson of church of Rekynghale Superior, Suff) (X); Feoffment with appointment of Thomas Kene and Robert Cokson attorneys to deliver seisin, 1503(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2369

22 Henry VII, August 22; 1. John Taseborowe of the parysshe of Sceynt Petyrs of Elmham, Gentylman 2. John Wasse of the parysshe of Sceynt Lawrans of Ilketyshale husbondman; Walsham (parysshys of Sceynt Johnys and Sceynt Lawrans or ellyswhere within Ilketyshale); Indented bargain and sale of reversion (English; Paper; no watermark), 1506(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2370

23 Henry VII, November 20; 1. Robert Braunche brother and heir of Richard Braunche, Clerk and Master of the College Bd Marie de Metyngham 2. Richard Weybreed and John Warde, Clerks; Parochia St. Michael de Coslany, Norwico; Metyngham & Bungay, Suff; Lyng & Ersham, Norff; Quitclaim, 1507(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2371

23 Henry VII, July 3; 1. Robert Bures Esquyre lord of the manor of Foxherth, Essex and Jane his wiffe 2. William Roper of Pentlow, Essex, Carpentor; Pentlow (X); 10s an. rent; Indented chirograph of 41 year Lease of farm (English), 1508(Seals: )

Ms 2372

1 Henry VIII, May 2; 1. Edmund Ipswyche de Burgate son & heir of George Ipswyche de Burgate, deceased 2. Robert Blakman de Bury St. Edmunds mercer and Tomas Bronde de Bury St. Edmunds senior; Redgrave & Burgate, Suff (X); Gift (Seal in excellent condition), 1509(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2373

1 Henry VIII, May 21; 1. Humfrey Wyngfeld, esquire, John Sulyard esquire, Francis Payton, Gentleman, Edward Lee, Gentleman and William Tassell 2. Thomas Tyrell son and heir of Sir James Tirell; Over Rykyngale, Nether Rykyngale, Burgate, Roydon & Wurtham; Endorsed "Exemplification of Recovery of Manor of Faconshall", 1509(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2374

1 Henry VIII, June 20; 1. Robert Blakman de Bury St. Edmunds, Mercer 2. Thomas Bronde de Bury St. Edmunds, Senior; Redgrave & Burgate, Suff (X); Quitclaim, 1509(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2375

1 Henry VIII, July 4; 1. Henry Daunse, William Tassell, Thomas Ryduale, Thomas Powle, Thomas Browne, Edward Grene and John Leader 2. Thomas Bronde; Redgrave & Burgate; Recovery, 1509(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2376

1 Henry VIII, July 24; 1. Humphrey Wyngfeld esquire John Sulyard, esquire, Francis Peyton Gentleman, Edmund Lee, Gentleman and William Tassell 2. Sir Robert Drury, George Walgrave esquire, Edmunde Rookwode, esquire, Robert Lee esquire, Thomas Edon Gentleman, Henry Daunce de Bury St. Edmunds, Draper, Thomas Ryduale de Bury St. Edmunds, Thomas Powle de Bury St. Edmunds, Gentlemand, Edward Grene de Bury St. Edmunds, Robert Hedge de Bury St. Edmunds, Junior and Hugh Lacy de Walsham; Manor of FitzJohns (Over Rekynghale, Nether Rekynghale, Burgate, Roydon and Wortham); Assignment to use of Henry Daunce, his heirs and assigns with appointment of Thomas Bronde and William Howehon attorneys to deliver seisin, 1509(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2377

2 Henry VIII, December 3; 1. Robert Bures, Esquire lord of the maner of Acton Suff 2. Thomas Rice of Preston, Suff; Maner of Acton; 152 an. rent with 40s allowance for livery; Indented chirograph of 17 year lease of farm (English), 1510(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2378

2 Henry VIII, February 16; 1. Robert Bures, Esquire 2. John Fyneux, Clerk, Roger Maryn, Roger Wygston and Robert Buk Gentlemen; Manor of Foxherth, Water Mill of Weston, Advowson of Church of Foxherth, Manor de Brokehall, Essex; Indented Gift for life of Robert with use for his wife Johanne after his death, 1510 or 1511(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2379

3 Henry VIII, May 10; 1. Sir James Hobart 2. Sir Philip Tylney, John Heigham, Esq, Thomas Blanerhaset, Esq, Christopher Sentiarmyn, Esq, Robert Kemp, Esq, John Blanerhasset, Esq, Miles Hobart, Esq, and Helen his wife once daughter of John Blanerhaset, Sen, Esq; Maner of Hegham (Burgate, Melles & Gyslyngham); Indented gift to use of his wife Helen & after her death reversion to Sir Robert Suthwell, Sir Robert Lowell, Sir William Walgrave, Thomas Hobart and John Cleydon, clerk, to use of Sir James with appointment of Thomas Barker, Thomas Reve and John Father attorneys to deliver seisin, 1511(Seals: *1)

Ms 2380

6 Henry VIII, November 25; 1. Robert Martyn son and heir of John Martyn formerly of Botoluesdale 2. Master William Dale, Rector of Redgrave; Mekilhill Redgrave?; Gift, 1514(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2381

6 Henry VIII, January ; 1. Richard Weybred, Clerk, Master of the College of our Lady, Metyngham 2. John Wace late of Ilketshall Seynt Laurence; Ilketshall St. Laurence; 8 an. rent; Copy of 2 year Lease to farm (English; Paper, watermark), 1514 or 1515(Seals: )

Ms 2382

8 Henry VIII, November 12; 1. Richard Shelton, Clerk, Master of the College of Metyngham 2. John Wace of St. Andrewes in Ilketsale; St. Margrete of Ilketsale; 53s 4d&4 part of 10; Indented articles of agreement for repayment of part of purchase money (English; Paper, watermark), 1516(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2383

10 Henry VIII, December 14; 1. John Liegh de Preston, Suff, Chaplain 2. John Pellican, son and heir of John Pellycan formerly of Akton, Robert Kyng de Edwardiston, Robert Partriche de Akton, Thomas Colby de Groton, Thomas Clarebek, Jr. de Akton, Roger Partrich, George Partich, George Bryan, Thomas Hall de Akton; Pellican and Crekys, Akton and Waldyngfeld magna; Gift, 1518(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2384

10 Henry VIII, May 31; 1. Nicholas Nabbes, clerk 2. Robert Nicolasson, clerk, Richard Shelton, clerk, Master of the College Bte Marie de Metyngham, Simon Sysele, Robert Daly, Nicholas Dade, Thomas Mason, John Gardener, Robert Petwode, Richard Wyburgh, Richard Charnell, John Moryeff, Edmund Cousey chaplain; Bungey, Metyngham and Ilketsale (X); 2 parts of Indented chirograph of Gift to use of Nicolasson during his life and to use of rest of group after his death (Description applies to both 2384 and 2385), 1519(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2385

10 Henry VIII, May 31; 1. Nicholas Nabbes, clerk 2. Robert Nicolasson, clerk, Richard Shelton, clerk, Master of the College Bte Marie de Metyngham, Simon Sysele, Robert Daly, Nicholas Dade, Thomas Mason, John Gardener, Robert Petwode, Richard Wyburgh, Richard Charnell, John Moryeff, Edmund Cousey chaplain; Bungey, Metyngham and Ilketsale (X); 2 parts of Indented chirograph of Gift to use of Nicolasson during his life and to use of rest of group after his death (Description applies to both 2384 and 2385), 1519(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2386

12 Henry VIII, July 22; 1. Roger Mertin of Long Melford, Suff, Gent, Roger Wigston of Wolston, Warwicke, Gent, and Robert Boucke late of Foxerthe, Essex, Gent 2. Roger Sturton, Esq, and Jane his wife; Manor of Foxerth and Brouke Hall, Essex; 24 an. rent; Later copy of 60 year lease of farm (English; Paper, watermark), 1520

Ms 2387

13 Henry VIII, May 24; 1. Jane Bures, widow, once wife of Robert Bures, Esquire 2. Robert Bures her son & heir; Manor de Brokhall in Foxherth, Essex; Quitclaim, 1521

Ms 2388

13 Henry VIII, November 3; 1. Sir William Waldegrave and John Spryng, Gentlemen 2. William Waldegrave, Esq, Edmund Langley, Robert Colman and William Sidney; Martyns & Suluys (Reydon, Holton, Shelley and Wenham, Suff); Feoffment to use of Sir William, 1521(Seals: *2)

Ms 2389

15 Henry VIII, July 7; 1. Richard Schelton, Clerk, Master of the College Bte Marie de Metyngham and the Brothers of the same College 2. Thomas Lynkonne; Bunwell (X); 20d an. rent; Indented chirograph of Gift with Appointment of Richard Syssely, Rector of Bunwell, & John Gylbert, bailiff, attorney to deliver seisin, 1523(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2390

15 Henry VIII, December 1; 1. John Bowde of Gunton 2. John Boty of Gunton; Gunton; Indenture of bargain & sale of goods (listed) on payment of 3 an. rent for 13 years above farm of 7 per year for 13 years, 1523(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2391

15 Henry VIII, January 4; 1. John Bowde 2. John Ryng; Laxfeld; Articles of Commity regarding a lease (English; Paper, watermark), 1523 or 1424(Seals: )

Ms 2392

16 Henry VIII, January 4; 1. Edward Lord Stourton 2. John Butte, Sen, de Lytellmarshe Infra parish of Gillingham; Gyllyngham, Dorset (X); 2s an. rent; Indented lease with appointment of William Dubyon and William Knappelock attorneys to deliver seisin, 1524 or 1525(Seals: *3)

Ms 2393

16 Henry VIII, April 4; 1. Henry Bures, Esq. 2. George Hoye of Newton, Suff, husbondman; Manor of Akton, Suffolk; 54 an. rent; Indented chirograph 14 year lease (English), 1525(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2394

18 Henry VIII, August 12; 1. Sir Robert Drury, George Waldegrave, Esq, Thomas Edon, Gent, Thomas Powle de Bury St. Edmunds, Gent, Edward Grene de Bury St. Edmunds, Robert Hedge de Bury St. Edmunds, Jr, Gent, and Hugh Lacy de Walsham executors of Henry Daunce2. Isabelle Daunce, Relict of Henry Daunce formerly of Bury St. Edmunds, Draper, deceased, Thomas Jermyn de Russhebrooke, Sen, Esq, William Drury de Halsted, Esq, Thomas Jermyn de Russhebrooke, Gent, Robert Downnys de Bury St. Edmunds, Gent, William Markant de Bury St. Edmunds, Gent, Miles Crosby de Bury St. Edmunds, Gent, William Wyborowgh de Bury St. Edmunds, Grocer, and John Hunne de Bury St. Edmunds, Mercer; Manor of Fytz Johns (Over Rekynghale, Nether Rekynghale, Burgate, Reydon and Wortham, Suff); Feoffment to use of Isabelle Daunce (Endorsed: An assurance of the Manor of Fitz Johns . . .), 1526(Seals: 4*7)

Ms 2395

18 Henry VIII, February 23; 1. Thomas Danyell son and heyre apparaunt unto John Danyell, Esq 2. Crystofer Coo, Esq; Reversion of 1/6 part of manor of Bryssyngham, Norff and advowson of church of Bryssyngham; 50 marks; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1526 or 1527(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2396

19 Henry VIII, June 19; 1. John Danyell, Esq 2. Crystofer Coo, Esq; 1/6th of manor of Bryssyngham, Norff and the advowson of the Churche of Bryssyngham; 50 marks; Bargain and sale (English), 1527(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2397

19 Henry VIII, June 30; 1. Crystofer Coo, Esq 2. Thomas Danyell son and heyre apparaunt unto John Danyell; 1/6th of manor of Bryssyngham and the advowson of the church of Bryssyngham; 40 marks & charges; Indented agreement to return property on payment of above sum (English), 1527(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2398

19 Henry VIII, August 19; 1. Sir Richard Shelton, Clerk Master of the College of our blyssyd lady of Metyngham 2. John Wace of Ilketyshale; Messuage in Seynt Margaretts Ilketishale; Indenture of audit in which Wace is forgiven £5-6-8 granted a 40s annuity, given his messuage, and a further £14 for clearing certain properties for Shelton,(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2399

20 Henry VIII, June 22; 1. Jane Bures of Foxherth, Essex, widow, late wife of Robert Bures, Gent 2. Thomas Crisall of Pentlowe, Essex, Husbondman; Manor of Foxherth Halle; £11 an. rent; Indented 12 year Lease of farm (English), 1528(Seals: *1)

Ms 2400

21 Henry VIII, October 6; 1. Cristofre Coo of Lynn Bysshop, Norff, Esq 2. Henry Chyttyng of Farfeild, Norff, Gent; Manor of Bresyngham, Norff and the advowson of the Chyrche of Bresyngham (Farsfeld and Reydon); £120; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1529(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2401

21 Henry VIII, October 6; 1. William More and Margaret his Wyfe 2. John Lyn and Alice his Wyfe of Botysdale, Suff; Tenament callyd the Whitehorse (Botysdale, Redgrave & Rekynghall); 4 marks annually during the life of Margaret and payment of priest to pray 1 year in Redgrave church for soul of William Wryd and his friends' souls; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1529(Seals: *1)

Ms 2402

21 Henry VIII, November 29; 1. Johanna Bures, Brigit Bures, Anna Bures and Mary Bures daughters and heirs of Henry Bures; and William Butte Guardian 2. Sir William Clopton; Manor of Foxherd and Advowson of church of Foxherd; Recovery, 1529(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2403

22 Henry VIII, June 23;-1. Jane Bures widow once wife of Robert Bures, Esq 2. Sir William Stowrton, Richard Heygham, Esq, and Richard Lowder; Manor of Brokhall, watermill called Weston Myll in Foxyerth, Essex; Assignment for use of Jane during her life and heirs of Robert and herself after her death, 1530(Seals: *1)

Ms 2404

22 Henry VIII, August 13; 1. Richard Shelton, Clerk, Master and keeper of the College of our Blissed Lady of Metyngham, Suff, and his Broderne of the same College 2. Sir Osborne Erhingham; Shipmedowe; Indented agreement concerning paying of rent & rights of possession (English; center badly deteriorated), 1530(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2405

22 Henry VIII, November 19; 1. John Lynne and Alice his wife, Robert Kene and William Page 2. William Moore and Margaret his wife; Botysdale, Redgrave and Rekkynhale; 100 marks; Fine (Lower left & lower right portions), 1530

Ms 2406

23 Henry VIII, March 12; 1. Robert Clerk, Gent 2. John Mannok de Bury St. Edmunds, Esq, and Isabelle his wife, Edmund Lee, John Drury de Rowham, Edmund Cokkyng, John Crofte, Edmund Bakon, son and heir of Thomas Bakon de Heghessett, and John Bakon, brother of Edmund Bakon, Esq; Manor of Fytz Johns in Over Rekynghale, Suff (Over Rekynghale, Nether Rekynghale, Burgate, Reydon, Wortham, Stanton, Redgrave and Bury St. Edmunds); Feoffment to use of John and Isabelle Mannok, 1531 or 1532(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2407

24 Henry VIII, August 12; 1. Antony Yaxley of Melles, Suff, Esq 2. Thomas Wyseman, son and heir of Sir John Wyseman; Manor of Falkoons in Over Rekynghale and the advowson of the church of Rekynghale; £28 an. rent; Indented chirograph of 20 year Lease of farm (English), 1532(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2408

24 Henry VIII, January 26; 1. Thomas Tyrell, son and heir of Sir James Tyrell late deceased 2. Henry Daunce; Manor of Fitzjohns (Over Rykyngale and Nether Rykyngale, Burgate, Roydon, Wortham); £144; Bargain and sale in order to recover his (Tyrell's) estate after the attainder of his father (English), 1532 or 1533(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2409

25 Henry VIII, June 1; 1. Ralph Shelton of Brome, Norff, Esq and Mary his wife, one of the "Two Cysters" and heyres of James Brome, Esq 2. Richard Shelton, Clerk, Master of the College of Metyngham, brother to Ralph; Manors of Brome, Sonderley Hall, Blonorton and Seymours (Brome, South Walsham & Blonorton Norff); Indented covenant to levy a fine entailing the estate, 1533(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2410

25 Henry VIII, August 4; 1. William Fauntleroy, Clerk, Tristram Fauntleroy, William Thornehill, Esquires, and William Vowell 2. Brian Fauntleroy and John Taylor; Manors of Ludshill and Basynghstoke; Letter of Attorney to take peaceful possession from John Bulbok and Henry Brabon according to writing of Edward Stourton, 1533(Seals: 3*4)

Ms 2411

25 Henry VIII, March 16; 1. Brother Edmund Stretam, Prior of Gods Church, brother of St. Cross "juxta Turrm" London 2. James Love of Sudburye, Suff, yeoman; Punteslonde, Waldingfeld Magna (X); Sum of money and 6d an. rent; True copy of 80 year lease, 1533 or 1534(Seals: )

Ms 2412

26 Henry VIII, July 4; 1. John Coterell of Boteluesdale, Suff, yeman 2. Richard Coterell of Boteluesdale, his son; Botoluesdale; Clothing, services, etc., during the life of John; Bargain and release and copy (English; Paper, watermark) [description applies to Ms 2412 and 2413], 1534(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2413

26 Henry VIII, July 4; 1. John Coterell of Boteluesdale, Suff, yeman 2. Richard Coterell of Boteluesdale, his son; Botoluesdale; Clothing, services, etc., during the life of John; Bargain and release and copy (English; Paper, watermark) [description applies to Ms 2412 and 2413], 1534(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2414

26 Henry VIII, August 1; 1. Thomas Huntleye, Gent 2. Thomas Danyell, son and heyre of John Danyell, Gent; Manor of Bresyngham, Norfolke; £20; Indented Bargain and sale (English), 1534(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2415

26 Henry VIII, October 28; 1. Rychard Shelton, Clerke 2. Thomas Rudlond; St. Andrewe in Ilketsale, Shypmedowe (X); Sum of money, £4 an. rent, and 14s 1d an. rent to Lord of Manor; Richard Shelton pay in 4 marks of the £4 annually to the Master and Brothers of College of Mettingham; Indented chirograph of lease of farm for remainder of 52 year lease signed October 10, 21 Henry VII between Rychard Braunche, Clerke, master of College of Metyngham and John Wode and John Yonger (English), 1534

Ms 2416

26 Henry VIII, November 20; 1. John Aclond, Esq, and William Aclond, sonne & heire apparant of John and also sonne & heire of Kataryne Acclound, his mother, deceased 2. William Skrymsher, Gent; Manor of Brysyngham, Norff (Rydon, Schelsanger, Dysse, Northam, Farffeld); £100; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1534(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2417

26 Henry VIII, February 12; 1. Sir Henry Wyatt 2. William Skrymsher, Gent; Manor of Bryssyngham, Norff (Rydon Schelsanger, Dysse, Northam & Farfeld); £105; Indented bargain & sale, 1534 or 1535(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2418

28 Henry VIII, June 10; 1. John Mannok de Bury St. Edmunds, Esq 2. Thomas Neche, Clerk, Thomas Andrew de Bury St. Edmunds, yoman, Thomas Brodedale de Novo Marcatt, yoman, John Grenegresse, William Parke, and Thomas Longe; Manor of Fitz Johns (Over Rykynghale, Nether Rykynghale, Burgate, Reydon, Wortham, Stanton and Redgrave, Suff); Indented Gift to use of John Mannock and Isabelle his wife & their heirs with appointment of John Neche attorney to deliver peaceful possession, 1536(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2419

29 Henry VIII, October 29; 1. John Abbot of the Monastary of Bury St. Edmunds 2. John Harvey, Gent, John Lynne, Edmund Hobard, William White, Robert Devenham, Edward Saunders, Robert Sare, Edmund Stegell, Thomas Bugge, and Edmund Purdey; Manor of Redgrave (X); £70 and 8d per acre arrable & 12d pasture an. rent; Indented "Accorde betwene this Abbotte of Bury and his tenannts of Botesdale for the fynes & rents of CCX Acres of demeanes granted out by copie" of court roll for Redgrave, Wednesday after Simon & Jude 29 Henry VIII, 1537(Seals: 10*10)

Ms 2420

30 Henry VIII, September 14; 1. Thomas Smythe Ede de Botoluysdale, Suff 2. Johanne Schepard de Rekyngale Superior, widow; Redgrave (X); Gift, 1538(Seals: *1)

Ms 2421

30 Henry VIII, September 29; 1. William Baxster & Robert Serlyng 2. Edward Sawnder and Olive his wife & John Tarbold; Redgrave, Wortham; Fine, 1538(Seals: )

Ms 2422

32 Henry VIII, June 22; 1. The reverend Father in God Thomas Byssop of Ipsewich mayster of the Colledge of our blissed lady of Metyngham, Suff, and the Broderen of the same Colledge 2. John Seman of Chesten, Suff, yoman; Manor of Ilketsalehale, Shypmedowe; £13-6-8 an. rent; Indented 20 year Lease of farm (English), 1509-1547, June 22(Seals: *1)

Ms 2423

32 Henry VIII, July 24; 1. William Buttes de Fulham, Midd, Esq 2. John Burton de le Sonde in Pochia de Fulham, yoman; Fulham (X); £47; Indented Gift and bargain & sale, 1540(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2424

33 Henry VIII, June 14; 1. Isabell Mannok Wedow late the Wyff of John Mannok of Bury Seynt Edmunde Esq decessed 2. William Page of Hedgessed, Suff, Gent; Manor of Fitz Johns (Over Rykynghale, Nether Rykeynghale); Indented bargain and sale; Attached: 33 Henry VIII, June 20; 1. Isabel Mannok once wife of John Mannok of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff, Esq, deceased and William Page de Hedgesset, Gent 2. Thomas Neche, Clerk; Manor of Fitz Johns (Over & Nether Ryckinghale, Suff); £240; Gift to use of Isabella during her life and after her death to use of Page | Attached: 33 Henry VIII, June 20; 1. Isabel Mannok once wife of John Mannok of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff, Esq, deceased and William Page de Hedgesset, Gent 2. Thomas Neche, Clerk; Manor of Fitz Johns (Over & Nether Ryckinghale, Suff); £240; Gift to use of Isabella during her life and after her death to use of Page, 1541(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2425

Post 33 Henry VIII, October 1; 1. Harry Parker sonne and heyre aparaunt of Ralph Parker, Gent, of Persons, Grene, Fulham, Midd 2. Thomas Woodwall his brother in lawe; Cheyndath or Parkers Place, Hertf; £19-6-8 an. rent; Copy of confirmation of 21 year Lease of farm (English; Paper; Watermark; Notes in Lord Keeper's hand on dorse re: evidences), 1541

Ms 2426

33 Henry VIII, February 27; 1. Isabell Mannoke of Bury Seynt Edmond, Suff, Wedowe 2. Henry Kirke of Willysham, Suff, yoman; Parishes of Redgrave, Burgate & Wortham (X); £3-6-8; Indented 21 year Lease of farm (English), 1541 or 1542(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2427

33 Henry VIII, 14 April; 1. Henry VIII 2. Anthony Denny one of the Gentlemen of the Private Chamber; College of Mettingham; £1000; Royal Letters Patent of Gift (Paper; Watermarks; 2 variant copies, one 2 pages the other 5 pages) [description applies to Ms 2427 and 2428], 1542

Ms 2428

33 Henry VIII, 14 April; 1. Henry VIII 2. Anthony Denny one of the Gentlemen of the Private Chamber; College of Mettingham; £1000; Royal Letters Patent of Gift (Paper; Watermarks; 2 variant copies, one 2 pages the other 5 pages) [description applies to Ms 2427 and 2428], 1542

Ms 2429

34 Henry VIII, June 4; 1. Nicholas Bacon of London, Gent 2. Elizabeth Coksall of Forneham Marten, Suff, wyddow; "Scyte Circuyte and Precynct of the late howse of the late howse of the graye Fryers of Babwell next Bury Saynt Edmund, Suff" (and its lands etc. in Bury St. Edmund, Babwell, Westley, Forneham, All Hallowes and Forneham Saynt Martens); Sum of money; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1542(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2430

34 Henry VIII, September 16; 1. Bartholomew Beyngham, "Soldarum Retmentie Dm Regis ville sue Calesie" 2. Robert Bures de Bury St. Edmund, Gent; Bury St. Edmund; Letter of attorney to receive possession from Mary London, widow, relict of _____ London, soldariie of Calesie, deceased for use of Marie London (signed before Thomas Screnyn Mayor & Alderman of Calesie), 1542(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2431

34 Henry VIII, February 7; 1. George Branche, son and heir of Richard Branche, Clerk, once Master of College Bte Marie de Metyngham 2. Anthony Denney, Esq, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Private Chamber; Metyngham, Shypmedowe, Sainte Margarete in Ilketishall, Bungey, Bekkyles Lynge, Ersham and Wennyston, Wodewarde, Garnyshe, Pentoke, Bradleys and Py close in Com Norff and Suff; Quitclaim, 1542 or 1543(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2432

35 Henry VIII, April 27; 1. Richard Stacy son of John Stacy formerly of Metingham 2. Anthony Deny, Esq; Metingham; Quitclaim, 1543(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2433

36 Henry VIII, May 20; 1. Robert Bures brother of Henry Bures deceased 2. William Butt, Jr., and Johanne his wife, Thomas Butte and Brigitt his wife, Edmund Butt and Anne his wife, and Thomas Barrowe and May his wife; Manor of Acketon, Suff (Acketon, Killelbarston, Waldyngheild Magna and Waldingfeld, 1544(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2434

36 Henry VIII, May 20; 1. William Butts, Jr., Thomas Butts, Edmund Butts and Thomas Barowe, Gentlemen 2. Robert Bures, Gent; Manor of Borley in Foxherthe, advowson of church of Foxherthe and Weston Myll, Essex; Manor of Acton, Suff (X); Quitclaim on order of Edmund Mountague, Cheif Justice, & Henry Bradshawe, Esq., 1544(Seals: *4)

Ms 2435

Post 36 Henry VIII, July 1; 1. Hugh Losse de London, Esq, and Thomas Bocher 2. William Locke, Citizen and Mercer of London; Parish of St. Bartholomew the Less, London; Sum of money; Feoffment of land late in tenure without occupation of Thomas Lee (Paper; 3 page draft or copy, 1544 post

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Ms 2436

36 Henry VIII, September 13; 1. John Rowseley 2. Nycholas Bacon of London, Esq; Tenement, House and Garden in the Parishe of Saynt Botolphe withowt Busshoppesgate of London late Parcell of the Possessions and revenue of the hospitall of Saynt Marye Spyttle and nowe or late in the occupacions of 14 tenents named; Bill of bond to pay purchase price of £278-16s and Michaelmas rents due (English; Paper, watermark), 1544(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2437

36 Henry VIII, November 18; 1. Henry VIII 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq, Solicitor of the Court of Augmentations; Manor of Rykynghall alias Westhall alias Nether Rykynghall, Blakeborne Hundred Suff, and advowson of rectory of church of Rykinghall inferior (Rykinghall, over Rykinghall, nether Rykinghall, Fennehame, Rennyngham, Walshame, Westhorpe, Wyverston and Wattlesfeld, Suff (once of the Monastery of Bury St. Edmonds dissolved, clear an. value £29-19-6) with Westhall Wood, Shortehasyll Wood and Aylinerys Wood Rectories of churches of Over Whitacre, Nether Whiteacre and Le Lee, Bedd, (a possession of the Priory of Markeyate, Bedd, clear an. value £7); & reversion from Thomas Smythe, page of the King's chamber, of messuage and tenement, 14 gardens and 2 alleys in Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London (parcel of monastery of Kyrkested, Lincoln, clear an. value £15-6-9) held in free burgate of City of London; Royal Letters Patent of Gift and Grant (2 sheets parchment, Initial portrait of Henry VIII, 1/2 great seal attached with green & white silk cord) | Attached: 4 indented acquittances: 1. 17 November, 36 Henry VIII; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Nicholas Bacon; £446-12-7 1/2 part payment of £13462. 17 November, 36 Henry VIII; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Nicholas Bacon; £446-12-7 part payment of £1285-5-7 1/2-12-6 1/2 (for Rykinghall, etc.) | 3. 5 May, 37 Henry VIII; 1. Sir John Williams, 2. Nicholas Bacon; £200 part payment of £1285-5-7 1/2 | 4. 5 February 37 Henry VIII; 1. John Williams, Treasurer of augmentations 2. Nicholas Bacon; £138-13 part payment of £1285-5-7 1/2 | Attached: Easter term, 1 Elizabeth, note of Quo Warranto proceedings re: Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper's, Manors of Redgrave, Rickinghall, etc. Dorse: Letter of 13 June 1638; 1. Your faithful and lovinge freindsic_____a speedy discharge. (Paper, watermark), 1544-1546(Seals: none; 1*1; 1*1; 1*1: 1*1)

Ms 2438

36 Henry VIII, January 26; 1. John Shelton de Shelton, Norff, Esq, next heir of Richard Shelton, Clerk, deceased, once Master of the dissolved College of Metyngham, Suff 2. Sir Anthony Denny, Gentleman of the King's Chamber and William Robardys de Becclys, Suff, Gent; Towesendys, Metyngham, Suff (X); Gift to use of Sir Anthony with appointment of Edmund Woodak, clerk, and Hugh Browne attorneys to deliver seisin, 1544 or 1545(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2439

36 Henry VIII, February 8; 1. Thomas Butt, Gent 2. Richard Clyfton, Cytezen and Skynner of London; Indented bargain and sale for £20 of an annuity of £5 from the Lands of the Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations of the King's revenues from the late Abbott of Peterburgh now dissolved during life of Thomas, £15 guaranteed (English), 1544 or 1545

Ms 2440

36 Henry VIII, April 21; 1. Henry VIII 2. Nicholas Bacon de London, Esq, Solicitor of the Court of Augmentations; Manors of Redgrave Boddisdale, and Gislingham, Suff, Redgrave Park, with advowson of rectory of Redgrave and advowson of Church of Gislingham (Redgrave, Botisdale, Gislingham, Wortham) (X); £5-7-4 1/4 an. rent; Royal Letters Patent of Gift for Bargain and sale to crown of Manor of Magna Holland, Essex with advowson of Rectory of Church of Magna Holland valued at £23-0-5 1/2 (Initial portrait of Henry VIII and 6 councillors; Great Seal attached with green and white silk cord, edges of seal chipped, exposed detail defaced) | Dorse: note that 2 warrants made because of King's sickness, one signed by the king, the other by his commissioners. | Attached: Indented acquittance: 13 June, 37 Henry VIII; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Nicholas Bacon; £86-17-2 overplus for Manor of Redgrave, etc., above value of Magna Holland, 1545

Ms 2441

37 Henry VIII, April 28; 1. William Rooper de London, Esq 2. Nicholas Bacon of London, Esq; £200; Quitclaim of £10 annuity from Manor of Redgrave, Suff originally granted to William Lake by John, once Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 1545(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2442

37 Henry VIII, May 3; 1. William Roper, Esq 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Redgrave; £200; Indented bargain & sale of £10 annuity from Redgrave (English), 1545(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2443

37 Henry VIII, June 20; 1. Thomas Butts of London, Gent 2. Richard Holbroke of Chetham, Kent, Gent; Gysbourne, Yorke; £22; Indented Bargaine and sale of £7 annuity for life of Marmaduke Chumeley of Whytbye York, Gent who originally obtained it from convent of Gysbourne, York & sold it to Butts, 1545(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2444

37 Henry VIII, July 28; 1. Henry VIII 2. Thomas Bacon de London, Salter, and James Bacon his brother; Manors of Hyndercley, Wortham and Burgate, Suff (Hyndercley, Rykynghall, Wattelfeld, Wortham, Burgate) (X); advowsons of rectories of churches of Hyndercley, Suff and Dykylburgh, Norff formerly of Monastery of Bury St. Edmunds (clear an. value £44-16-11 1/2) and Messuage called the Rose at Chring Cross, St. Martins in Fields, formerly of monastery of St. Peters Westminster by free burgage of City of Westminister (clear an. value 13s 4d); £1020-13-6; £3-3-2 an. rent for the manors and the 26s 7d an. rent for the Crown; Royal letters patent of Gift and Grant (Initial portrait of Henry VIII, Great Seal attached with green and white silk cord, edge of seal has one large chip, detail defaced); Attached: 4 indented acquittances: 37 Henry VIII, 13 July; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Thomas Bacon of London, Salter; £537-19-7; 37 Henry VIII, 5 February; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Thomas Bacon, Esq; £130; 38 Henry VIII, 30 April; 1. Sir John Williams 2. Thomas Bacon and James Bacon by the hands of Nicholas Bacon of London, Esq; £152-13-11, 1545

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Ms 2445

37 Henry VIII, February 18; 1. Sir Anthony Denny, gentylman of the King's Privye Chamber 2. Robert Bumpstede of Redsham, Suff, Gent; Greate Redsham, Suff (X) lately of the surrendered College of Metyngham; £6-13-4; Indented bargain and sale and appointment of John Evered & William Payne, Gent, attorneys to deliver seisin (English), 1545 or 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2446

38 Henry VIII, September 12; 1. Henry Chyttyng of Wortham, Suff, Gent 2. John Futter of Stanton, Suff, yoman; 1/6th part of the Manor of Bryssyngham and the advowson of the church of Bryssyngham, Norff (Bryssyngham, Farsfeld, Raydon & Lopham); £120; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2447

38 Henry VIII, September 12; 1. Sir Thomas Wyat of Alyngton, Kent 2. John Flutter of Stanton, Suff, yoman; Manor of Bryssyngham, and advowson of church of Bryssyngham (Bryssyngham, Farsfeld, Raydon, Lopham); £100; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2448

38 Henry VIII, November 6; 1. Sir Thomas Wyat de Alington, Kent 2. John Futter de Stanton, Suff, yoman; Manor of Brysinghame, advowson of Church of Bryssingham, Norff (Brysingham, Farsefeilde, Raydon, Lopham); Feoffment with appointment of John Parker attorney to deliver seisin, 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2449

38 Henry VIII, December 6; 1. Syr Anthony Denny, Lord of the Manor of Metyngham Castell, Suff 2. Edmond Whyght of Southcove, Suff, yoman; Northales called Aleynz; £26; Indented Bargain and Sale (English), 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2450

38 Henry VIII, December 20; 1. Margaret Pudsay de Barforthe, Ebor 2. John Foyter de Stanton, Soffolc, yoman; Manor de Brysyngham, Norfolc and advowson of church of Brysyngham; Sum of money; Gift with appointment of Richard Sterne & John Parker attorneys to deliver seisin, 1546(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2451

38 Henry VIII, December 24; 1. Nycholas Bacon of London, Esq, and William Breton of London, Gent 2. Humfrey Pakyngton, Cytezen and Mercer of London; Mesuage and tenamente in the parrishe of Seynt Mychell at Bassynghawe, London, late belonging to the late monastary of Hallywell, Midd; 100 marks; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1546(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2452

38 Henry VIII, January 20; 1. Nicholas Bacon, Esq, William Breton and Henry Ashefeild, Gentlemen 2. Richard Hodge, Citizen and Baker of London; 3 Messuages & warehouses in St. Peters in Cornehill, London (X); Sum of money & £20 an. rent; Indented Feoffment, 1546 or 1547(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2453

1 Edward VI, March 6; 1. Henry Chittynge, Gent 2. John Futter de Stanton, Suff, yoman; Manor of Brusyngham and advowson of church of Brusyngham, Norff (Brusyngham, Farsefeld, Raydon, Lopham); Gift, 1546 or 1547(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2454

1 Edward VI, May 1; 1. Ambrose Jermyn gentylman 2. Nicholas Bacon esquyer; Wynde Myll called Watlesfeild Myll in Watlesfyld, Suff: Redeway, Hyndercley, Suff; Bill of Exchange of Bacon's mill for a 200 year lease of Redeway without rent (English), 1547(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2455

1 Edward VI, May 6; 1. Ambrose Jermyn gentleman 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esquire; Redeway, Hyndercley, Suff; Quitclaim, 1547(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2456

1 Edward VI, July 1; 1. Nycholas Bacon of London esquyer 2. Thomas Marrowe of Stebenheth, Mydd, esquyer; Indented Agreement to save harmless against John Horneolde of London, gentleman re: covenant of 24 June 1 Ed VI (English), 1547(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2457

1 Edward VI, August 26; 1. John Futter 2. Ralph Fenne Clerk; Manor of Busyngham als Resyngham, Norff and advowson of church of Bresyngham (Brusyngham, Farsefeld, Raydon, Lopham); Indented feoffment to use of Futter & his heirs (Signed by Robert Futter), 1547(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2458

1 Edward VI, September 4; 1. John Futter of Stanton, Suff yoman 2. Robert Futter son and heyre apparaunt to the same John and Mary wiffe of the same Robert; Manor of Brusyngham als Bresyngham with the advowson of the church in Brusyngham, Norff, (Raydon Farcefeld and Lopham, Bresyngham); £14 an. rent; 2 halves of Indented 41 year Lease of farm (English) [description applies to Ms 2458 and 2459], 1547(Seals: 1*1; 2*2)

Ms 2459

1 Edward VI, September 4; 1. John Futter of Stanton, Suff yoman 2. Robert Futter son and heyre apparaunt to the same John and Mary wiffe of the same Robert; Manor of Brusyngham als Bresyngham with the advowson of the church in Brusyngham, Norff, (Raydon Farcefeld and Lopham, Bresyngham); £14 an. rent; 2 halves of Indented 41 year Lease of farm (English) [description applies to Ms 2458 and 2459], 1547(Seals: 1*1; 2*2)

Ms 2460

2 Edward VI, June 5; 1. Edward VI 2. Thomas Bacon de London Salter and James Bacon de London, Fishmonger, brother of Thomas; Manors of Hyndercley, Wortham & Burgate, Suff (X) and advowsons of rectories of churches of Hyndercley and Dykylborowgh, Norff; £13-9-1; Royal letters patent of licence for Thomas & James to alienate the manors to Nicholas Bacon de London, Esquire, their brother (1/4 of Great Seal; Signature of Robert Southwell), 1548

Ms 2461

2 Edward VI, July 1; 1. Thomas Bacon de London Salter and James Bacon de London Fishmonger brother of Thomas 2. Nicholas Bacon of London Esquire their brother; Manors of Hyndercley, Wortham, and Burgate, Suff (X) & advowsons of rectories of churches of Hyndercley and Dykylborowghe, Norff; Sums of money; Gift, 1548(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2462

2 Edward VI, 24 November; 1. Robert Rokewode of Stnafeld, Suff, Esq, thelder 2. Nycholas Rokewode of Lyncolnes Inne, Midd, Gent; Burfold close, Burgate; £4-13-4; Indented 20 year Lease (English), 1548(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2463

3 Edward VI, February 22; 1. Nicholas Bacon, Esquire and William Breton gentleman 2. Richard Hodge alias Richard Herde Citizen and Baker of London; 3 Tenaments in St. Peters Cornehill, London (X); Sum of money; Indented feoffment with appointment of Richard Vaughan, gent, and William Barbour citizen & Baker attorneys to deliver seisin, 1548/9(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2464

3 Edward VI, May 18; 1. Nicholas Bacon Esquire and William Breton gentleman 2. Robert Jons Citizen and Poulterer of London; 2 Messuages in St. Peters Cornehill, London (X); Sum of money; Indented feoffment & appointment of Richard Vaughan, Gent & John Burgayn, Citizen & clothworker attorneys to deliver seisin, 1549(Seals: 1*1)

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Ms 2465

4 Edward VI, April 7; 1. William Purdy, Thatcher 2. William Bounde; Tenement in Bottisdale within the parish of Redgrave; £26-10s by hands of Nicholas Bacon & James Snell; Bargain and sale (English), 1550(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2466

4 Edward VI, April 21; 1. Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, Esq 2. William Page of Hesset, Gent; Abbotts Close within the parish of Redgrave; Agreement to save harmless against John Morrys of Neyther Rykinghall and Syr Rychard Riche, Lord Chaunceller of Inglond and all others (Endorsed: My Cosyn Pages byll touching Abbotts close; English, Paper, watermark), 1550(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2467

4 Edward VI, June 20; 1. Syr Thomas Cornewalles of Brome, Suff 2. John Estawe of Byllyngforth, Norff, Tanner; Byllingforth formerly held of manor of Lynke Haulle als Lynge Halle in Brome, Suff; £50; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1550(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2468

4 Edward VI, August 6; 1. Thomas Cornwalleys son and heir of Sir John Cornwalleys de Brome 2. John Estawe de Byllyngford; Byllyngford (X); £50; Gift, 1550(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2469

5 Edward VI, December 23; 1. Henry Cowpur 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Hareswoonge, Brissingham, Norff; £19; Quitclaim, 1551(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2470

5 Edward VI, March 20; 1. Thomas Rous of Henham, Suff, Esq 2. Lady Jone Dennye of Chesten, Herteforde, Wedowe; Manor of Bardolfes, Suff (X); £3 an. rent; Indented 30 year Lease, 1551(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2471

5 Edward VI, May 12; 1. Sir Richard Southwell and Thomas Watts de Masale, Norff, yoman 2. Robert Futter de Brysingham, Norff, Gent; Manor of Brysingham, Norff and advowson of church of Brysingham (Brysingham, Farsfeld, Shelfanger, Roydon, Lopham, Disse); Feoffment with appointment of Richard Hobbard, Jr., and John Kene attorneys to deliver seisin, 1551(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2472

5 Edward VI, May 12; 1. Sir Richard Southwell and Thomas Watts de Matsale, Norff, yoman 2. Robert Futter, Gent; Manor of Brysingham, Norff and Advowson of church of Brisingham; Quitclaim, 1551(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2473

6 Edward VI, April 17; 1. Thomas de Weylaund 2. James son of Gilbert de Ilketeleshale and Alice Thomas's daughter; Manor of Ilketeleshale and advowson of church of Ilketeleshale; £100 an. rent; Copy of 9 year Lease, part of jointure, 1552

Ms 2474

6 Edward VI, May 12; 1. Edward VI 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq, Attorney of the Kings Courte of Wards & Lyveries; Brampton and Shadingfelde, Suff; £25 an. rent; Indented Lease during "the mynorite of William Reade his highness warde and lately descended in reversion by the deathe of William Reade grandfather to the said warde" (English; Seal of Court of Wards & Lyveries attached, Edges chipped), 1552(Seals: )

Ms 2475

7 Edward VI, July 4; 1. John Grene de Civitate Wesminster Gent, and Ralph Hall de London Scryvener 2. Nicholas Bacon de Redgrave, Suff, Esq, Francis Boldero, and Augustine Curteys; Gyslyngham, Suff (X); Sum of money; Indented bargain and sale of lands and total of £3-4s an. rents with appointment of John Lynne & Robert Howlett, yomen, attorneys to deliver seisin, 1553(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2476

1 Mary, January 17; 1. Nicholas Bacon, Esq. 2. Thomas Garlond of Gyslingham, Suff, yeoman; 49 1/2 acres in Gyslingham late belonginge to St. Jones at Jerusalem; £142 and 4s 1 1/2d an. rent; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1553 or 1554(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2477

1 Mary, January 19; 1. Nicholas Bacon, Esq, Francis Bodero and Augustine Curteys 2. Thomas Garlond de Gyslingham, Suff, yeoman; Gyslingham, Suff; £42 and 4s an. rent; Feoffment and grant of rents with appointment of John & Thomas Garlond attorneys to deliver seisin, 1553 or 1554(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2478

1 Mary, March 14; 1. Sir Edward Waldgrave one of her highnes most honorable Councell 2. Sir John Leigh of London; Honor of Clare and Manors and villages of Clare, Hundon and Sudbury, Suff and of the Manors and villages and Borowes of Thaxsted, Michberdfelde and Assheton, Essex and the offices of the Baylywike of the manors of Woodhall in Sudbury, Suff; Indented agreement to procure the Queen's grant of a joint stewardship Sir John to have all profits and pay Sir Edward £20 annually, 1553 or 1554(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2479

Philipp and Mary (year removed); 1. Philip and Mary 2. William Cooke, Valect Trayer Cellarer; Wyverston; £26 an. rent; Upper half of Royal letters patent of 21 year Lease, 1554-1558

Ms 2480

1&2 Philip and Mary, October 7; 1. Richard Stafforthe 2. Richard Buxton and Margaret his wife and Grace Cobbe; Gyslyngham (X); £40; Fine, 1554

Ms 2481

1&2 Philip and Mary, November 26; Copy of document 36 Henry VIII, February 10; 1. Henry VIII 2. Nicholas Cutler, Esq; £6-13-4 an. rent; Royal letters patent of Grant of office of General Woodward of Court of Augmentations in Suffolk & Norfolk for life (Paper, watermark), 1554 (1544 or 1545)

Ms 2482

1&2 Philip and Mary, March 27; 1. John Smyth of Bolmere, Norff, Sherman 2. John Lyne the younger of Bodesdall, Suff; Bodesdall; 56s 8d & 50s plus 26s 8d an. rent during life of Smyth; Indented bargain and sale (English; Paper), 1555(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2483

1&2 Philip and Mary, April 29; 1. Robert Tomlynson, 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq, and Anna his wife; Manor of Dalbye and Dalberlees alias Dalbury and Dalburye Lees, advowson of church of Dalburye (X); 310 marks; Fine, 1555

Ms 2484

1&2 Philip and Mary, June 14; 1. Robert Futter, Gent 2. John Hawys de Watleffeild, Suff, yoman; Bresyngham, Norff (X); 2s 11d an. rent; Indented feoffment, 1555(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2485

3&4 Philip and Mary, March 8; 1. Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, Esq 2. Margery Willison and John Betts her son; Redgrave (X); Indented Articles of Agreement re: exchange of pieces of land (with paper copy, 2 seals, watermark; English) [description applies to Ms 2485 and 2486], 1556 or 1557(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2486

3&4 Philip and Mary, March 8; 1. Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, Esq 2. Margery Willison and John Betts her son; Redgrave (X); Indented Articles of Agreement re: exchange of pieces of land (with paper copy, 2 seals, watermark; English) [description applies to Ms 2485 and 2486], 1556 or 1557(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2487

3&4 Philip and Mary, August 20; 1. Edmond Glede of Neather Rykinghall, Suff, carpenter and Thomas Glede sone of the said Edmond 2. Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, Suff, Esq; Rykinghall (X); 20s; Gift, 1556(Seals: 1&f*2)

Ms 2488

3&4 Philip and Mary, October 10; 1. Nycholas Bacon of Redgrave, Suff, Esq 2. Rychard Nycholls of Tylney, Norff, Gent; Tylney; £100; Indented Bargain and Sale (English), 1556(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2489

3&4 Philip and Mary, January 28; 1. Anthony Yaxley of Melles, Suff, Esq, and Richard Yaxley of Over Rikkinghale, sonne and heyer apparaunte of Anthony 2. John Sowthwell of Bargham, Esquier; Manor of Gosbacke called Childe and Allesbornes (Gosbacke, Bokkinge, Ashe, Hemyston, Helmyngham, Pettawghe and Crowesfelde, Suff); Bargain and sale and exchange for Manor of Fitz Jones (Over Rikkinghalle, Nether Rikkynghalle, Bowphesdal, Wurtham and Burgate, Suff, Manor of Burnevylles otherwise called Blowefeld Hundred of Colnes, Suff) (English), 1556 or 1557(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2490

3&4 Philip and Mary, January 28; John Sowthwell of Bargham, Suff, Esq 2. Anthony Yaxly of Mellis, Esq, and Richard Yaxly of Over Rickinghale sonne and heire apparaunte to the said Anthony; Over Rikinghale, Nether Rikinghale, Bowphesdale, Wurtham, and Burgate, Suff for Manor of Childs and Allsbornes (Gosbacke, Bockinge, Ashe, Hempston, Helmingham, Pettawghe & Crowfeld, Suff); Indented Bargain and Sale | With: 3&4 Philip and Mary, January 29; 1. John Sowthwell, Sen., de Bargham, Suff, Esq 2. Anthony Yaxleye de Melles, Esq, and Richard Yaxleye de Over Rykkynghalle son and heir apparent of Anthony; Manor of Fitz Jones (Over Rykkynghalle, Nether Rykkynghalle, Bowephesdale, Wurthem and Burgate); Gift with appointment of Thomas Calthorpe, Gent, William Spurdane & John Heathel attorneys to deliver seisin | With: 1 Elizabeth, March 1; 1. John Sowthwell de Bargham, Esq 2. Richard Yaxley, Gent; Manor of Fitz Jones (Over Rykinghall, Nether Rikynghall, Bowtisdale, Wortham and Bourgate); Bargain and Sale | 2&3 Philip and Mary, January 7; 1. John Sowthwell de Barnham al Bartham, Suff, Esq 2. William Feldgate and William Hunt; Manor of Fitz Johnes al Fee Johns (Over Rakkinghalle, Nether Rikkinghale, Bowsdale, Wurtham, and Burgate); Appointment of attorney to obtain seisin from William Page de Hedgesset al Hasset, 1555-1559 circa(Seals: 1*1 | 1*1 | 1*1 | 1*1)

Ms 2491

3&4 Philip and Mary, May 19; 1. John Renoldes, Gent 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Manor and sheapes course of Eccles, Norff; Agreement to save harmless against the King & Queen for rents (English: Paper), 1557(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2492

3&4 Philip and Mary, July 4; 1. John Crisp of Redgrave, Suff, yeoman 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Churchefeld, Redgrave (X); 27s 8d & abatement of 4d on other 7s an. rent; Bargain and Sale (English; Paper, watermark), 1557(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2493

5&6 Phillip and Mary, October 6; 1. John Corbold of Redgrave, Suff, yoman 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Redgrave (X); Sum of money (left blank); Indented Bargain and Sale (English), 1558(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2494

5&6 Philip and Mary, October 7; 1. John Corbolde de Redgrave, Suff, yoman 2. Nicholas Bacon, Esq; Nether Maland, Redgrave (X); Gift, 1558(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2495

Undated; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon2. Mr. Coke; Wyverston Parke; Rough notes of articles of agreement (English; Paper, watermark), 1558 circa

Ms 2496

1 Elizabeth, May 1; 1. Bartholomew Kempe, Gent 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Manor of Melles, Suff (Stowe, Langtofte, Hunston, Walsham, Ashefelde, Barneham, Livermere parva, Culford, Fakenham magna, Fakenham parva, Troston, Ixworthe, Thorpe, Westowe, Wordwell, Russheworthe, Wateffelde, Rikinhall, Hyndercley, Weston, Barmgham, Cunston, Knatterhall, Hepworthe, Hopton, Bardewell, Stanton, Honington, Sapron and Badwell, hundred de Blakeborne, Suff) formerly of hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England and Monastery of Buty St. Edmunds with a Water mill called Hornemill and land in Glanfeiled in Creatinge als Weste Creatinge and in Combes, Suff, formerly of Priory of Flixton, dissolved; Quitclaim, 1559(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2497

1 Elizabeth, June 20; 1. Elizabeth 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper; Manors of Erburie, Asshen, Hunden, Stoke and Chilton, Suff and Essex; Royal letters patent of Grant of office of Bailiff (Signature of John Burerey, auditor), 1559(Seals: *1)

Ms 2498

1 Elizabeth, September 12; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper 2. John Betts of Redgrave, Suff, husbandman; Redgrave (X); Indented articles of agreement about 77 year lease, 1559(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2499

1 Elizabeth, October 2; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earle Marshall, Sir Willyam Cicyll, cheife Secretarye to oure said soveraigne Ladye and brother in lawe to the said Sir Nicholas Bacon, Sir Roberte Catlyn, Chiefe Justice of Pleas before her highness, Sir William Cordell, Master of the Rolles, Sir James Dyer, Chiefe Justice of the Common Bench, Sir Edwarde Sauders, Chiefe Baron of the Exchequire, Sir Anthony Cooke, fatter in lawe to the said Sir Nicholas Bacon, Thomas Sackforde, Esq, one of the maisters of the Requestes, Gilbert Gerrard, Esq, the Quenes maiesties Attorney generall and Roberte Nowell, Esq; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rikynghall als Westhall, Hyndercley als Hyldercley, Wyverston, and Walsham, Gyslyngham, Weston, Wattisfilde, Westhorpe, Late of Priory of Ixworthe, Suff, Advowsons of churches of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykinghall als Westhall, Hindercle als Hyldercley, and Wyverston, Walsham; Agreement to make a recovery in order to make an entail on Nicholas Bacon, son of the Lord Keeper (Signatures of all parties) (English), 1559(Seals: 11*11)

Ms 2500

2 Elizabeth, November 28; 1. Thomas Duke of Norffolk, Sir William Cycell, Sir Robert Catlyn, Sir William Cordell, Sir James Dyer, Sir Edward Saunders, Sir Anthony Coke, Thomas Sackford, Esq, Gilbert Gerrard, Esq, and Robert Nowell, Esq; Thomas Hanchet, Attorney 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rikinghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hyldercley, Wyverston and Walsham, Gyslyngham, Weston, Wattysfyld, Westhorpp advowsons of churches of Redgrave, Wortham Rikinghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hyldercley and Wyverston; Recovery before Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice of Common Bench (Right quarter of Seal missing), 1559)

Ms 2501

2 Elizabeth, September 1; 1. Robert Morys de Rikinghall inferior, Suff, yeoman 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper and James Vale; Stanboroughe Hyll in Hinderceie (X); Sum of money; Gift with appointment of Francis Boldero attorney to deliver seisin, 1560(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2502

2 Elizabeth, September 28; 1. Henry Symod de Bressingham, Norff, son and heir of Roger Symond 2. Robert Futter de Bresingham, Gent; Bresingham (X); Sum of money; Gift, 1560(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2503

Undated; 1. Sir Edward Walgrave; 2. SirNicholasBacon; Stewardship of Honor of Clare; Copy in Lord Keeper's hand of articles of agreement (English; Paper), 1561 circa(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2504

3 Elizabeth, December 26; 1. Thomas Andrewes and Edmund Wiseman, gentleman 2. Margaret Yaxley de Mellys, Suff; Rectory and church of Bykerton, York recently of dissolved Priory of Sinnyngthwayte; Indented reversion to William Yaxley her son to Bernard Bykurdyke attorney to deliver seisin, 1560(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2505

3 Elizabeth, March 31; 1. Henry Denny of Dallance, Essex, Esq. 2. John Gybson of the parishe of Seint Lawrence in Ilketsale, Suff, yoman; Mesuage in parishes of Seint Lawrence and Seint John of Ilketsale; £3 an. rent; Indented 21 year Lease of farm (English), 1561(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2506

3 Elizabeth, March 31; 1. Henry Denny of Dallance, Essex, Esq 2. Thomas Glede of Bongey, Suff, husbandman; Close in parisshe of Bongey; £1 an. rent; Indented 21 year Lease of farm (English), 1561(Seals: *1)

Ms 2507

3 Elizabeth, April 10; 1. Robart Rookwood of Shymplyn, Suff, Esq. and Briget his wife 2. William Kirke of Wortham, Suff, yeoman; Close in Burgate, Suff (X); £2 an. rent; Indented 21 year Lease of farm (English), 1561(Seals: *1)

Ms 2508

3 Elizabeth, May 22; 1. Henry Parker of Fulham, Midd, Gent 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keper; Manor & ferme of Parkers otherwise called Chendothes in Kings Langley, Hertf; Articles of agreement concerning paying earnest money upon £500 price of manor (English; Paper, watermark, Note "The bargeyne of Parkers" in Lord Keeper's hand on dorse), 1561)

Ms 2509

3 Elizabeth, June 2; 1. William Ellys 2. Robert Markys; Mesuage in Gyslyngham, Ryekynghale, Fenyngham and Melles (X); £40; Fine, 1561)

Ms 2510

3 Elizabeth, June 14; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keaper 2. William Lukyn of Burwell, Camb, yoman and Margarett his wife; Scite and Cappitall messuage of the Manor of Burwell called Dullingham, Camb; £7-13-4 an. rent; Indented gift for remainder of Sir Nicholass term of title (English), 1561(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2511

4 Elizabeth, November 21; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper, Francis Count Bedford, Sir William Cecyll, Sir Robert Catlyn, Sir Thomas Cornwallys, Osbert Moundford, Esq, Francis Boldero, Attorney 2. Thomas Butts, Esq, and Brigitt his wife, a daughter and heir of Henry Sewers, Esq; 1/4th Part Manors of Foxherd and Brokeshall (X); Recovery, 1561)

Ms 2512

4 Elizabeth, November 28; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper, Francis Count Bedford, Sir William Cecyll, Sir Robert Catlyn, Sir Thomas Cornwallys, Osbert Moundford, Esq, Francis Bolderowe, Attorney 2. Sir William Butts and Jano his wife a daughter and heir of Henry Bewers, Esq; 1/4th Part of Manors of Foxherd and Brokehall (X); Recovery (lower 2/3 of seal remains), 1561)

Ms 2513

4 Elizabeth, November 28; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper, Francis Count Bedford, Sir William Cecyll, Sir Robert Catlyn, Sir Thomas Cornwallys, and Osbert Moundford, Esq, Francis Boldero, Attorney 2. Anna Butts widow a daughter and heir of Henry Bewers, Esq; 1/4th part of Manors of Foxherd and Brokehall; Recovery, 1561)

Ms 2514

4 Elizabeth, December 9; 1. Henry Denny of Dallance, Essex, Esq 2. Richard Fasset of Seint Andrew Ilketsale, Suff, yeoman; Close in Ilketshale (X); 13s 4d an. rent; Indented 21 year Lease of farm (English), 1561(Seals: *1)

Ms 2515

4 Elizabeth, August 6, 1562; 1. Richard Harward of Westminster, Midd, yeoman 2. William Trayles of Palgrave, Suff, yeoman; Burgate and Redgrave, Suff; £3 an. rent; Indented re-grant of lease from 81 to 99 years (English),(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2516

4 Elizabeth, August 16; 1. Francis Boldero Gentleman, servant of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lorde Keper 2. William Cowper late of Walsham, Suff; Manor of Walsham (Highehall Close and other lands); 43s 4d an. rent; Indented 20 year lease of ferme (English), 1562(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2517

4 Elizabeth, August 15; 1. Richard Harward of Westmynster Midd, yoman 2. William Trayles of Palgrave, Suff, yoman; Burgate and Redgrave, Suff (X); £10 & £5 an. rent; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1562(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2518

4 Elizabeth, November 3; 1. Elizabeth 2. Henry Denny, Esq, and Richard Spryngham, Citizen and Mercer of London; Mettingham College, Ilkettsall, Bunguye and Shepemeadowe, Suff; Royl License to alienate (Deed badly injured by water; Great Seal whole, but detail effaced), 1562

Ms 2519

5 Elizabeth, November 24; 1. William Trayles of Palegrave, Suff, yeoman 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lorde Keaper; Burgate, Redgrave and Botisdale, Suff; £40 and assumption of £5 annuity payment to Richard Harward; Indented Bargain and sale (English), 1562(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2520

5 Elizabeth, May 17; 1. Henrye Dennye, of Cheston, Hertforde, Esq 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Manors of Bungaye Soke, Bungaye Pryory, and Bardolphes, Suff; 3 Surrenders, 1563)

Ms 2521

6 Elizabeth, March 29; 1. William Bacon de Thornage, Norff, yoman son and heir of Thomas Bacon deceased 2. Sir William Butts; Thornage (X); Gift, 1564(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2522

6 Elizabeth, April 18; 1. Lewes Mordaunte of Turvey, Bedd, Esq, sonne and heire apparant of the Rt. Hon. John Lorde Mordaunte and son and heire of Dame Ele late wief of the same Lorde Mortaunte daughter and heir of Sir Richarde Lewes decessed 2. Thomas Andrews and Bartholomewe Kempe gentlemen; Manors of Bylaugh and Wasynnes, Norff (Bilaugh, Byllingforde, Bawdeswell, Foxeley, Sparham, Byntrey and Hyngham, Norff; 400 marks; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1564(Seals: 2*2)

Ms 2523

6 Elizabeth, June 13; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keaper, Barthalmewe Kempe and Edmond Wyseman, gentlemen 2. Sir William Powlett and Dame Agnes his wife; Manor of Tarraunt alias Tarranunt Hinton, Dorsett with advowson plus £60; Indented bargain and sale by way of exchange for Moiete of Manor and advowson of Burgate, Suff (Burgate, Redgrave, Thurston, Yaxley, Stoke, Gislingham, Palgrave, Mellis) (English), 1564(Seals: 5*5)

Ms 2524

6 Elizabeth, August 28; 1. Francis Bolderhoo and George Noone, Gentlemen 2. John Balkye parson of Beckells, Suff, & Thomas Colbye Esq, Robert Bacon, Gent, Robert Clement, Everard Base, John Silke, John Canne, Symon Thurston and John Dennye eighte of the inhabitaunts of the sayde Towne of Beckells (trustees of Robert Mannynge late of Ilkettsall); Ilketsall, Ryngeffeilde and Barsham Wells, hundred of Wangforde, Suff; £500; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1564(Seals: 7&f*9)

Ms 2525

6 Elizabeth, October 23; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. Sir William Poulett and Anes his wife; Half of Manor of Burgate (Burgate, Mellys, Redgrave, Thruston, Yaxley, Stoke, Gyslingham and Palgrave, advowson of church of Burgate); £40; Exemplification of a Fine (Seal of the Court attached), 1564

Ms 2526

6 Elizabeth, November 8; 1. Roberte Rookewode thonger of Haustedde, Suff, Gent, sonne and heyre apparaunte of Robert Roookewood thelder of Lanham, Suff, and Dorathye his wyfe 2. Edwarde Kene of Thrandeston, Suff, Gent; Burgate and Melles, Suff (X); 20s an. rent; Indented 21 year lease of farm (English), 1564(Seals: *2)

Ms 2527

7 Elizabeth, November 28; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. Sir William Poulett and Agnes his wife; Moietie of Manor of Burgate (Burgate, Mellys, Redgrave, Thurston, Yaxley, Stoke, Gyslingham and Palgrave with advowson of church of Burgate; Recovery (Seal of Court attached), 1564

Ms 2528

7 Elizabeth, January 20; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper and Anna his wife, Nicholas Bacon, Esq, son and heir apparant of the Lord Keeper, James Bacon Citizen of London, Augustine Curties and Bartholomew Kempe, Gentlemen 2. Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney General of Queen's court of Wards and Livereys, William Lovelace and Edward Cooke esquires; Manor of Marks, Essex (Hornechurche, Dagnam, Rumforde and Havering at Bower); Indented Confirmation with appointment of Thomas Andrewes Esq and Henry Whytney, gent attorneys to deliver seisin, 1564 or 1565(Seals: 9*9)

Ms 2529

7 Elizabeth, February 10; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, Thomas Androwes, Francis Bolderho and Edmund Wyseman Esquires 2. Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal, Sir Nicholas Lestraunge, Sir Richard Fulmerston and John Blenerhasset, Esq; Manor of Brissingham alias Bressingham alias Brassingham, Norff and advowson of church of Bressingham (Bressingham, Lopham and Roydon); Indented Confirmation with appointment of Edward Lecocke and John Rous gentlemen attorneys to deliver seisin, 1564 or 1565(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2530

7 Elizabeth, February 14; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper, Anna his wife, and Nicholas Bacon son and hier apparent of Sir Nicholas 2. Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney General Court of Ward and Liveries, William Lovelace and Edward Cooke Esquires; Manor of Markes and Redlyon (Rumford, Dagnam, Hornechurche and Haveringe at Bowre) (X); Indented Quitclaim (Endorsed: Release of Errors), 1564 or 1565(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2531

7 Elizabeth, April 4; 1. Thomas Foster of Ilketsale St Lawrence, Suff, yoman 2. John Foster sonne of Thomas; Parish of St. Lawrence, Ilketsale (X); £4 and £6 an. rent plus payment of £16-2-4, several services, and original rents; Indented Assignment of remainder of 21 year lease formerly leased from Henry Dennys of Dalans, Essex, Esq (English), 1656(Seals: 1*2)

Ms 2532

7 Elizabeth, April 8; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. John Skott of Burgate, Suff, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife, and Richarde Botye of Burgate, Suff, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife; Burgate and Redgrave Suff (X); 22 1/2d an. rent; Indented bargain and sale by way of exchange for other land in Redgrave, 1565(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2533

7 Elizabeth, May 9; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon. Lord Keeper 2. Sir Henry Cheyney; Moietie of Manor of Burgate (Burgate, Melles, Redgrave, Thruston, Yaxlee, Stoke, Gyslingham and Advowson of church of Burgate); £340; Fine (2/3 Court's seal attached), 1565(Seals: )

Ms 2534

1565, June 29; 1. William Bacon of Thornage, Norff, yoman 2. Sir William Butts; "all that my messuage & tenement now decayed in Thornage"; £6-6-8; Bargain and sale (English; Paper, watermark), 1565(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2535

7 Elizabeth, October 3; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. William Pope of Myldenhall, Suff, Gent; Wouges Henge, Mildenhall, Suff (X); Sum of money and 1 peppercorn an. rent and £4-1-2 an. rent; Indented 17 year lease of land from the Queen for 21 years at £13-6-8 fine, 1565(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2536

8 Elizabeth, November 21; 1. Robert Nowell and William Lovelace, Esquires 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper and Anne his wife; Manor of Marks Essex (Haveringe, Hornechurche and Dagnham, Essex); Indented Regrant of Court Leet, etc., 1565(Seals: 4*4)

Ms 2537

8 Elizabeth, May 20; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lorde Keper 2. Syr Robert Catlyn, Chief Justice, Sir James Dyar Chief Justice of the Comen plees, Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney of the Court of Wardes and Liveries, William Lovelace of Greyis Inne, Mydd, and James Bacon Esquires; Manor of Burston, Hertf, late of the dissolved Monastery of St. Albons; Indented Covenant to make a Fine, 1566(Seals: 6*6)

Ms 2538

8 Elizabeth, May 20; 1. Elizabeth 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper; Manors of Mettingham, Ilketsall and Sheapemeadowe, free fishing in waters of Bungaye, Sheapemeadowe, Barseham & Beccles, Advowson of church of Mettingham; Royal Licence of alienate to Sir Robert Catlyn, Chief Justice, Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice, Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney of Court of Wards & Liveries, William Lovelace, John Blenerhassett & James Bacon Esq (Great Seal attached, detail worn), 1566

Ms 2539

8 Elizabeth, May 20; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. William Lovelace and James Bacon Esquires; Manors of Metingham, Ilketshall and Shepmeadowe, Suff (Metingham, Bungay, Ilketshall Saint Margaret, Ilketshall Saint Laurencii, Ilketshall Saint Johns, Ilketshall Saint Andrewe, South Elmeham, Shepemeadowe, Barsham, Beccles, and Ellowe); Grant of Court Leet, etc., 1566(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2540

8 Elizabeth, May 21; 1. William Lovelace and James Bacon Esquires 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Manors of Metingham, Ilketshall and Shepmeadowe Suff (Metingham, Bungaye, Ilketshall, saint Margaret, Ilketshall Saint Laurencii, Ilketshall saint Johns, Ilketshall Saint Andrew, South Elmeham, Shepmeadowe, Barsham, Beccles and Ellowe); Regrant of Court Leet, etc. with successive reversions to Nicholas, Esq; Nathaniel; Edward; Anthonie and Francis Bacon, 1566(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2541

8 Elizabeth, May 27; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lorde Keeper 2. Sir Robert Catlyn, Cheif Justice, Sir James Dyer Chief Justice of the Comon plees, Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney of the Quenes Court of wardes and liveries, William Lovelace of Grys Inne, Midd, John Blanerhassett and James Bacon, esquiers; Manors of Moche Asshefyeld, or Asshefyld magna, Badwell, Walsham, Hunston, Emeswell, Langham and Ixwourth, Suff; moitie of manor of Burgate, advowson of church of Burgate; Hundreth of Blackborne, Suff; lands formerly of Abbey of Bury saint Edmonds, (Stowlangtoft, Barneham, Littell Lyvermere, Culfford, Fakenham, Littell Fakenham, great Fakenham, Troston, Yxworth, Thrope, Westowe, Wordwell, Russheworth, Wattesfyld, Rykynghale, Hundercley, Westone, Barningham, Cunston, Knattesahll, Hepworth, Hopton, Bardwell and Stanton, Ingham, Honnyngton, Suff); Indented covenant to make a Fine (English), 1566(Seals: 6*7)

Ms 2542

8 Elizabeth, July 7; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. Sir Robert Catlyn, Cheif Justice, Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney of Queens court of wards and liveries, William Lovelace, John Blenerhassett and James Bacon, Esquires; Manors of Mettingham, Ilketsall, and Shepemeadowe (Mettingyam, Bungaye, Ilketshall, St. Andrewe, Ilketsall Sainct Jones, Ilketsall St. Margarett, Ilketsall St. Laurence, South Elmeham, Shepemeadowe, Ryngeffelde, Barseham, Beccles, Ellowe, Redesham and Spertishale, Rectory of Mettingham), and fishing rights in waters of Bungaye Shepmeadowe, Barsham and Beccles, advowson of church of Mettingham, Suff; Indented Quitclaim (Endorsed: Release of Errors), 1566(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2543

8 Elizabeth, July 7; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon 2. Sir Robert Catlyn, Chief Justice Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Robert Nowell, Esq, Attorney of Queens Court of Wards and Liveries, William Lovelace, John Blenerhassett and James Bacon, Esquires; Asshefyld magna and Burgate (Asshefyld magna, Asshefyld parva, Badwell, Ickesworth, Walsham, Elmyswell, Norton, Gunston, Wolpett, Langham, Burgate, Redgrave, Thranston, Yaxley, Stoke, Gislyngham, Palgrave, Wortham, Mells, Stowe, Langtost, Barneham, parva lyvermere, Culford, Fakenham magna, Fakenham parva, Toston, Ixworth, Thorpe, Weston, Wordewell, Russheworth, Wattesfyld, Ryckenghalle, Hindercle, Weston, Barningham, Cunston, Knatsall, Hepworth, Hopton, Bardwell, Stanton, Ingham, Hunnington and Saptston, advowson of church of Burgate, Suff); Indented Quitclaim (Endorsed: Release of Errors), 1566(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2544

8 Elizabeth, October 2; 1. Sir Nichoas Bacon 2. Thomas Seckforde and Robert Nowell, esquires; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykinghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hildercley, Asshefilde alias Asshefilde magna, Burgate, Walsham, Wynston, hundred of Blackeborne, Suff (Redgrave, Wortham, Gislingham, over Rykinghall, nether Rykinghall, Hindercley, alias Hildercley, Weston, Wattisfilde, Winston, Westhorp, Walsham, Asshefilde, Badwell, Hunston, Emeswell, Langham, Ixworth, Walsham); Indented Grant of Court leet, etc. With 2 page paper draft with notes in Lord Keeper's hand, watermark) [Description applies to 2544 and 2545], 1566(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2545

8 Elizabeth, October 2; 1. Sir Nichoas Bacon 2. Thomas Seckforde and Robert Nowell, esquires; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykinghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hildercley, Asshefilde alias Asshefilde magna, Burgate, Walsham, Wynston, hundred of Blackeborne, Suff (Redgrave, Wortham, Gislingham, over Rykinghall, nether Rykinghall, Hindercley, alias Hildercley, Weston, Wattisfilde, Winston, Westhorp, Walsham, Asshefilde, Badwell, Hunston, Emeswell, Langham, Ixworth, Walsham); Indented Grant of Court leet, etc. With 2 page paper draft with notes in Lord Keeper's hand, watermark) [Description applies to 2544 and 2545], 1566(Seals: 3*3)

Ms 2546

8 Elizabeth, October 3; 1. Thomas Sackeford and Robert Nowell, esquires 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykinghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hyldercley, Asshefilde alias Asshefilde magna, Burgate, Walsham, Wynston, hundred of Blackborne, Suff (Redgrave, Wortham, Gislingham, Over Rykinghall, nether Rykinghall, Hyndercley alias Hyldercley, Weston, Westtisfilde, Wyverston, Westhorpe, Walsham, Asshefilde, Badwell, Hunston, Emeswell, Langham, Ixworth and Burgate); 8 page paper draft of Indenture of 2d Grant of Court Leet, etc., with successive reversion to Bacon's five sons (watermark), 1566

Ms 2547

8 Elizabeth, October 8; 1. Elizabeth with faithful councillors Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Sir William Cicyll, principal Secretary, Sir Robert Catlyn Chief Justice, Sir William Cordell, Master of Rolls of Chancery, Sir James Dyer Chief Justice of Common Bench, Sir Edward Saunders, Sir Anthony Cooke, Thomas Sackford, Esq, one of the masters of Requests, Gilbert Gerrarde, Esq, Attorny general, Robert Nowell, Esq 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper; Manors of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykynghall alias Westhall, Hundercley alias Hyldercley, Wyverston, Walsham, (Redgrave, Wortham, Gyslyngham, Over Rykynghall, Nether Rykinghall, Hyndercley, alias Hyldercley, Weston, Wattysfielde, Wyverston, Westhorpp, Walsham, and advowson of churches of Redgrave, Wortham, Rykynghall alias Westhall, Hyndercley alias Hyldercley, Wyverston); Royal pardon for alienation (Great Seal attached by parchment strip, edges chipped, detail worn), 1566

Ms 2548

9 Elizabeth, January 4; 1. Elizabeth 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper; Bury St. Edmunds; Inspeximus or Exemplification of Royal Grant & Liberties and Franchises, 18 and 19 Edward IV (Bottom 1/3 Grant Seal attached by parchment strip, detail worn), 1566 or 1567

Ms 2549

9 Elizabeth, January 31; 1. William Gassinghton of Baronsthorpe, Norff, Gent 2. Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, Suff, Esq; Mansyon house called the Whyte harte in Botisdale (Botisdale, Redgrave, Rykinghale the over and Rykinghale the nether, Hyndercleye, Burgate, Wortham and Gyslingham, Suff); £100; Indented bargain and sale (English), 1566 or 1567(Seals: f*1)

Ms 2550

9 Elizabeth, March 4; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lorde Keeper 2. John Blenerhaysett of Barsham by Beckells, Suff, Esq; Ryngeffeilde and Lyttle Redsham, Suff (X); Indented bargain and sale for 100 marks and in exchange for land in Shepemedowe, Suff, 1566 or 1567(Seals: 1*1)

Ms 2551

9 Elizabeth, April 16; 1. Nicholas Bacon, Esq 2. William Garsington, Gent, and Isabella Garsington widow; Botisdale (X); £80; Fine (Seal of Court attached, detail worn), 1567

Ms 2552

10 Elizabeth, July 6; 1. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper 2. Henry Cornewallis of the City of Norwich, Esq; Manor of Shyrlocke, Suff, (Ilketsall St Johns, Ilketsall St Margaretts, Ilketsall St Laurence, Bungey, Mettingham, and Shipmeadow); (£30 yearly value); £7; 4 page draft of bargain and sale, additions in Lord Keeper's hand (English; Paper, watermarks), 1568

Ms 2553

10 Elizabeth, August 1; 1. Katheri