University of Chicago Library

Guide to Adriaan Kluit, Dictata ad Statisticam, zeu Amnem administrationem publicam & Oeconomicam, totius Belgii nostri 1806-1807

© 2009 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Kluit, Adriaan, Dictata ad Statisticam, zeu Amnem administrationem publicam & Oeconomicam, totius Belgii nostri



Manuscript Number:

Crerar Ms 210


2 volumes


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Manuscript study on the public and economic administration of the Netherlands. Delivered as lectures at the University of Leiden, 1806-1807.

Information on Use


The collection is open for research.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Kluit, Adriaan, Dictata ad Statisticam, zeu Amnem administrationem publicam & Oeconomicam, totius Belgii nostri, Crerar Ms 210, Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Scope Note

Manuscript study on the public and economic administration of the Netherlands. Delivered as lectures at the University of Leiden, 1806-1807. Volume I contains table of contents for both volumes. Volume I, Part 1 contains "De Natuürlijke gesteldheid van den Nederl:Staat;" Part 2 contains "Over den Zedelijken toeftand", including sections on "Het Nederlandsche Volk, beschounwdin zijn bestaan"; "Over de Bevolking"; "Over het karakter der Natie"; and "Over de Welraart der Natie & takken of middelen van bestaan": Part 3 contains "De Handwerken of Manufacturen, Trafijken & Fabrijken." Volume II, Part 4 contains "Koophandel & Zeeraartz," including sections on "Handel met Engeland" [...met Frankrijk, Rúsland, Portugal, etc.], "Staat Handels-balans," and "Geldhandel als koopwaar aangmerkt"; Part 5 contains "Financie-Wezen."

On first t.p.: Adrianus Kluit, Antig: & 4ist: Dipl: Prof. Ord: in Universitate Leidendi/Voorlezingen over de Statistiek of Staatshuishoudkunde der Verëenigde Nederlanden ..., 1806 & 1807.

Delivered as lectures at the University of Leiden, 1806-1807.

Ex libris: C. V. Gerritsen.

Text in Dutch, title in Latin.

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Subject Headings


Crerar Ms 210