University of Chicago Library

Guide to the Norman Maurice Kaplan Papers 1940-1951

© 2006 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers




2 linear feet (4 boxes)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Norman Maurice Kaplan, economist, professor. The Norman Maurice Kaplan Papers consist of course notes, syllabi, and miscellaneous papers in economics collected during Kaplan's graduate years at the University of Chicago. The papers also contain notes from courses at Stanford University and the Graduate School of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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No restrictions.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Biographical Note

Norman Maurice Kaplan was born in 1917 and entered the College of the University of Chicago in the fall of 1935. He received an A.B. degree in economics in 1939, an A.M. in 1948, and the Ph.D. in 1970. He is the author of Capital Investments in the Soviet Union, 1924-1951 (Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, 1952) and Studies in Soviet Capital Formation (Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1970).

Scope Note

The Norman Maurice Kaplan Papers consist of course notes, syllabi, and miscellaneous papers in economics collected during Kaplan's graduate years at the University of Chicago. The papers also contain notes from courses at Stanford University and the Graduate School of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The collection contains two series, Series I, Course Notes and Syllabi Identified by Professor and Series II, Course Notes and Syllabi Identified by Course number or Title.

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Subject Headings


Series I: Course Notes and Syllabi Identified by Professor

Box 1   Folder 1

Arrow, Kenneth Joseph. Econ 81. Elementary Statistics. Stanford University, Winter, 1950.

Box 1   Folder 2

Arrow, Kenneth Joseph. Econ 181. Economic Statistics II. Spring, 1951.

Box 1   Folder 3

Arrow, Kenneth Joseph. Econ 182. Quantitative Analysis in Economics. Spring, 1950.

Box 1   Folder 4

Barghoorn, Frederick Charles. Hist 243. Social Trends in the Soviet Union. Spring, 1947.

Box 1   Folder 5

Blough, Roy. Econ 361. Fiscal Policy and Taxation. Undated.

Box 1   Folder 6

Douglas, Paul Howard. Econ 354. Types of Economic Organization. Undated.

Box 1   Folder 7

Friedman, Milton. Econ 300A. Economic Theory. Undated.

Box 1   Folder 8

Friedman, Milton. Econ 300B. Economic Theory. Winter, 1947.

Box 1   Folder 9

Knight, Frank Hyneman. Econ 302. History of Economic Thought. Undated.

Box 1   Folder 10

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Econ 311-312. Statistics. Winter, 1947.

Box 2    Folder 1

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Econ 308. Allocation of Resources. Spring, 1949.

Box 2    Folder 2

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Econ 311. Statistics, Winter, 1946.

Box 2    Folder 3

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Econ 312. Statistics. Spring, 1947.

Box 2    Folder 4

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Econ 314. Statistical Methods of Measuring Economic Relationships. Autumn, 1947.

Box 2    Folder 5

Koopmans, Tjalling Charles. Miscellaneous papers, with responses by Albert William Tucker.

Box 2    Folder 6

Lange, Oscar Richard. Econ 303. Modern Value Theory. Spring, 1942.

Box 2    Folder 7

Lange, Oscar Richard. Econ 307. Imperfect Competition. Undated.

Box 3    Folder 1

Lange, Oscar Richard. Econ 311. Correlation. Undated.

Box 3    Folder 2

Lange, Oscar Richard. Econ 402. Mathematical Economics. Undated.

Box 3    Folder 3

Marschak, Jacob. Econ 314. Econometrics. Autumn, 1946.

Box 3    Folder 4

Marschak, Jacob. Econ 316. Mathematical Economics. Undated.

Box 3    Folder 5

Mints, Lloyd Wynn. Econ 330. Money and Banking.Undated.

Box 3    Folder 6

Mints, Lloyd Wynn. Econ 331. Banking and Monetary Policy. Undated.

Box 3    Folder 7

Savage, Leonard Jimmie. Math 384. Mathematical Statistics. Autumn, 1947.

Box 4    Folder 1

Viner, Jacob. Econ 301. Economic Theory. Autumn, 1941.

Box 4    Folder 2

Viner, Jacob. Econ 301. Economic Theory. Notes from readings.

Series II: Course Notes and Syllabi Identified by Course number or Title

Box 4    Folder 3

Bus 321. The Application of Statistical Techniques to Economic and Business Problems. Winter, 1940.

Box 4    Folder 4

Econ 499. Economic Theory of Socialism. Notes from readings in an individual seminar.

Box 4    Folder 5

Econ 499. Marxian Economic Theory. Notes from readings in an individual seminar.

Box 4    Folder 6

Early Linear Programming Papers.

Box 4    Folder 7

Linear Algebra; Notes on Linear Algebra, given by Meyer Abraham Girshick at the Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1940-1941.

Box 4    Folder 8

Tables for Fitting Trend Functions by the Method of Orthogonal Polynomials.