University of Chicago Library

Guide to the Lincoln Collection, Broadsides 1854-1922

© 2009 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Lincoln Collection. Broadsides




10 linear feet (2 boxes, 2 oversized folders)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


This collection is made up of broadsides compiled by William E. Barton. A pastor in Oak Park, Illinois, Baron published and lectured on Lincoln extensively. He also maintained connections with fellow Lincoln experts and carried out multiple research projects that delved into the many different facets of Lincoln's life, times and family history. The Broadsides section of the William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana contains materials relating to the social and political atmosphere of the Civil War period.

Information on Use


The collection is open for research.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Lincoln Collection. Broadsides, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Biographical Note

Rev. William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930) The Rev. William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930) was one of the early twentieth century's most prominent writers and lecturers on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Born in Sublette, Illinois, in the same year Lincoln assumed the presidency, Barton grew up in an environment heavily influenced by reverence for Lincoln. After pursuing undergraduate studies at Berea College in Kentucky, Barton earned his divinity degree from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1890. He served parishes in Tennessee, Ohio, and Massachusetts before becoming the pastor of the First Congregational Church of Oak Park, Illinois, a position he held until his retirement in 1924. Four years later, Barton accepted an appointment as lecturer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, where he also organized and served as pastor of the Collegeside Congregational Church.

Barton's work as a writer produced a number of denominational manuals for church organization and a series of books presenting the wisdom and parables of a character he named Safed the Sage. For the last ten years of his life, however, Barton was best known to the public as a prolific author and lecturer on Abraham Lincoln. His publications about Lincoln included The Soul of Abraham Lincoln (1920), The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln (1920), The Life of Abraham Lincoln (1925), The Great and Good Man (1927), The Women Lincoln Loved (1927), and The Lincoln of the Biographers (1930).

In the course of compiling material for his writings and talks, Barton visited Lincoln sites in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois; interviewed surviving Lincoln relatives and acquaintances; and traveled as far as California and England to collect information and conduct genealogical research on the ancestry of the Lincoln family. While acquiring a large collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, manuscripts, and ephemera related to Lincoln and the Civil War era, Barton also purchased privately or at auction historical materials amassed by other Lincoln collectors such as John E. Burton and Osborn H. Oldroyd.

Scope Note

This collection is made up of broadsides compiled by William E. Barton. A pastor in Oak Park, Illinois, Baron published and lectured on Lincoln extensively. He also maintained connections with fellow Lincoln experts and carried out multiple research projects that delved into the many different facets of Lincoln’s life, times and family history.

The materials housed in this collection are political and propaganda broadsides from the mid nineteenth century. This collection is organized into two series: Series I: Broadsides and Series II: Oversized. This collection has been organized in consideration of the size of materials and aimed to make the collection readily accessible to researchers. The first five subseries of Series I are mirrored in Series II.

Series I is arranged into six subseries. Subseries 1, Election of 1860, consists of broadsides from this election year. The majority of these materials serve as propaganda for the respective parties. Subseries 2, Pre-Civil War, contains circulated broadsides alluding to the social and political atmosphere of the pre-war period. Subseries 3, Civil War, contains documentation and proclamations made by statesmen and army generals which were circulated throughout the states. Subseries 4, Election of 1864, contains broadsides of the ballots and platforms of the two parties in this election. Subseries 5, Post Civil War, contains memorial materials such as posters, ribbons, and speeches commemorating Lincoln’s life and his martyrdom. Also housed under this subseries are materials associated with Lincoln’s death, for example, the playbill and advertisement of the performance at the Ford Theatre at which he was assassinated. Subseries 6, General, contains advertisements and leaves from texts associated with Lincoln’s life which were published after his death.

Series II contains oversized materials and is organized into five subseries that mirror the organization of Series I.

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Subject Headings


Series I: Broadsides

This series contains political broadsides from the mid nineteenth century to the post Civil War period.

Subseries 1: Election of 1860

Box 1   Folder 1

Print: A. Lincoln and H. Hamlin, "Free Territory for a Free People", and Democratic Ticket, For President: John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, For Vice President: Joseph Lane of Oregon, 1860

Box 1   Folder 2

Miscellaneous fragments, "The Abraham Lincoln Log Cabin", Fragments of portrait with Mrs. Lincoln and Robert Todd Lincoln, three unknown fragmentary materials, undated

Box 1   Folder 3

Fragments from Chas. Magnus print, "Birds Eye View of Sixth St. Wharf, Washington, D.C.," undated

Subseries 2: Pre-Civil War

Box 1   Folder 4

Call for a Northern Convention, 1857

Box 1   Folder 5

Broadsides: "The Campaign Acrostic of the Alphabet" and "Estate Sale: 101 Prime Negroes, by Alonzo White", 1854

Subseries 3: Civil War

Box 1   Folder 6

Broadside: Who is Responsible for the War? Who Accountable for its Horrors and Desolations?, 1861

Box 1   Folder 7

Broadside: Is the War a Failure?, undated

Box 1   Folder 8

The Polyrama of the Rebellion, undated

Box 1   Folder 9

"Rebel Terms of Peace!", undated

Box 1   Folder 10

The Two Roads to Peace, 1864

Box 1   Folder 11

By the President, Abraham Lincoln, A Proclamation closing certain ports, 1865

Box 1   Folder 12

Message from the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, recommending a vote of thanks from Congress for Captain Louis M. Goldsborough’s services and gallantry displayed in the attack of Roanoke Island; and excerpt from book on soldier voting laws in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Ohio, 1862

Box 1   Folder 13

The President to Gen. McClellen, 1862

Box 1   Folder 14

Proclamation by Brig. Gen. W.H. Emory, 1863

Box 1   Folder 15

An Address to the People of the Free States by the President of the Southern Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, 1863

Box 1   Folder 16

Memorandum No. 57, Paymaster General's Office, concurrence of the Attorney General with Treasury office that African American soldiers are to be treated as freemen in all cases, 1865

Box 1   Folder 17

Circular. Headquarters, Department of the Gulf, Office of the Sequestrations Commission, 1863; Circulars from Headquarters by Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan: Army of the Potomac, Camp near Harrison's Landing, Va., 1862; Army of the Potomac, Fairfax Court House, Va., 1862; Circular from Headquarters by Maj. Gen. Comm. N.P. Banks, Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, 1863

Box 1   Folder 18

Army Relief Bazaar Buildings, Academy Park, Albany, N.Y., 1864

Subseries 4: Election of 1864

Box 1   Folder 19

President Lincoln and General Grant on Peace and War, 1864

Box 1   Folder 20

The Platforms, Baltimore and Chicago, 1864; The Real Chicago Platform, As Expounded by the Democratic Orators at Chicago, 1864

Box 1   Folder 21

Ohio Union Presidential Ticket, (written in German), 1864; National Union Ticket for President, undated

Subseries 5: Post Civil War

Box 1   Folder 22

Died, near the south-side rail road, The Southern Confederacy, satire on South’s defeat, (two copies), undated

Box 1   Folder 23

Playbill and broadsides from the night Lincoln was assassinated: The Shuber-Garrick Playbill, "She Walked in Her Sleep"; broadside, President and Mrs. Lincoln attend Theatrical Performance -- for the last time; photograph of broadside, Ford’s Theatre, This evening the Performance will be Honored with the presence of President Lincoln, undated

Box 1   Folder 24

Nation Morning Lincoln death: General Orders No. 3, Headquarters District of Alexandria, and 9th Army Corp. and General Orders No. 14, Headquarters Northern Division of Louisiana, 1865

Box 1   Folder 25

Proclamation by the Governor, Algernon S. Paddock, (Mourning Lincoln’s death); Treasury Department Notification, 1865

Box 1   Folder 26

Funerary Memoranda: To the Memory of Abraham Lincoln; In Memory of Abraham Lincoln; The Home & Tomb of President Lincoln, undated

Box 1   Folder 27

Order of service bulletins: Funeral Service in the City Hall, Portland; Memorial Services, City of Boston; Burial of Abraham Lincoln, Town Hall, Foxboro, 1865

Box 1   Folder 28

Obsequies of President Lincoln, order of funeral procession, (two copies); Headquarters Department of the East: Funeral services of Abraham Lincoln, 1865

Box 1   Folder 29

Funeral commemoration ribbons of Abraham Lincoln: "We Mourn

  • A Father Slain", "The Late Lamented President Lincoln", "The Martyr President", undated
Box 1   Folder 30

Emancipation Proclamation ribbon, post Lincoln assassination in support of the Emancipation Proclamation, undated

Box 1   Folder 31

Stamps, 1865

Box 1   Folder 32

Lincoln monument: Certification of Mary E. Sterner’s contribution and membership of The Lincoln Monument Association, 1865; "National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois", 1869; 67th Congress, 2nd Session: H.J. Res. 127, Joint Resolution to erect the statue of Abraham Lincoln upon its original site, and S. Res. 291, Resolution accepting the invitation to attend the ceremonies at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, 1922

Box 1   Folder 33

Fremont Ticket, (four copies), undated

Box 1   Folder 34

By the President of the United States of America, Andrew Johnson; A Proclamation removing all restrictions on trade, by admitting articles hitherto declared contraband of war, 1865

Box 1   Folder 35

Journal, Extra, The Atlantic Telegraph, 1858

Box 1   Folder 36

U.S. Senate, Impeachment of the President, ticket, (three copies), 1868

Subseries 6: General

Box 1   Folder 37

Book description and press critique of "The Great National Work, Lincoln & Slavery". The History of Abraham Lincoln and the Overthrow of Slavery; Theatre Ticket, Madison Square Theatre: Walt Whitman on Abraham Lincoln, undated

Box 1   Folder 38

"The Original Lincoln Log Cabin" and "The Bibliographer", undated

Series II: Oversize

This series contains oversized political broadsides from the mid nineteenth century to the post Civil War period.

Subseries 1: Election of 1860

Box 2   Folder 1

Kentucky Campaign -- Extra. Great Combined Circus and Menagerie, undated

Box 2   Folder 2

Roll of the Republican National Convention, May 16, 1860

Subseries 2: Pre-Civil War

Box 2   Folder 3

Broadside: "Some Account of some of the bloody deeds of General Jackson," undated

Box 2   Folder 4

Supplement to the Weekly Illinois State Journal, containing an address from President Buchanan, 1860

Box 2   Folder 5

Charles Magnus, "Narrative of Kilpatrick’s Cavalry Expedition," 1864

Subseries 3: Civil War

Box 2   Folder 6

"True Democracy!: Eloquent Extracts," 1863; A Call to Arms, 1864

Box 2   Folder 7

To Working Men, (two copies), 1864

Box 2   Folder 8

"Epitaph. Here lie the mutilated and disjointed remains of the noblest form of government," undated

Box 2   Folder 9

"Union Broadside No. 2: What the Copperheads and their Southern Friends Say," undated

Box 2   Folder 10

"A Traitor’s Peace (The Degrading Compromise): That the Northern Copperhead Leaders would force upon the country" (multiple copies), undated

Box 2   Folder 11

Lyric sheet for Obadiah Wheelock's "Our Country Redeemed!" 1865

Box 2   Folder 12

Playbill for "The Libby Prison Minstrels," 1863

Box 2   Folder 13

Battles during the Great American Rebellion, 1861-1862

Box 2   Folder 14

"Magnus’ Historical War Map: One Hundred and Fifty Miles Around Richmond," undated

Box 2   Folder 15

"What the Administration has done: Map Showing Progress of the National Armies," undateD

Box 2   Folder 16

Copies of the Emancipation Proclamation (negative photostats), 1863; The Original Manuscript of President Lincoln's Proclamation, of July 25, 1862, undated; By the President, Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation, undated

Box 2   Folder 17

"Governor John Andrew: Governor of Massachusetts, A Proclamation," 1863

Box 2   Folder 18

"The Great Union Speech of Hon. Alexander Stephens," undated

Subseries 4: Election of 1864

Box 2   Folder 19

Broadside: "Elect Lincoln: Universal Anarchy, and Ultimate Ruin/Elect M’Clellan: In an Honorable, Permanent and Happy Peace", undated

Subseries 5: Post-Civil War

Box 2   Folder 20

President Lincoln’s Farewell Address to His Neighbors: Springfield, Illinois, undated

Box 2   Folder 21

Memorial announcement: To the Memory of Abraham Lincoln (reproduction), undated

Box 2   Folder 22

Memorial portraits of Lincoln: "Fallen, But Enshrined", "Tho’ Dead, He Liveth", "He Still Lives", "We Mourn Our Loved and Martyred Guide", "We Mourn Our Nation’s Loss", undated

Box 2   Folder 23

Reward poster: $100,000 Reward! The Murderer of our late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, 1865

Box 2   Folder 24

"The Cost of a Rebel Peace", undated

Box 2   Folder 25

"Democrats Rally!" undated

Box 2   Folder 26

Announcement Poster: "Fremont Meeting", 1856

Box 2   Folder 27

"The Great Impeachment Trial of President Johnson: The Only Full and Impartial Report," undated

Box 2   Folder 28

Announcement: Odd-Fellow Hall, J.H. Surratt lecture, undated

Box 2   Folder 29

Salt River News Extra, 1867

Box 2   Folder 30

"Headquarters Delegations from 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Senatorial Districts," authored by Stephen A. Douglas, 1880

Series III: Addenda

Folder Ovrz1

Broadsides, 1864-1884

  • Officers of the United States, 1864
  • Republican Ticket for President, 1884
Folder Ovrz2

Broadsides, 1908, undated

  • Old Soldiers Reunion, 12-14 August, 1908
  • Lincoln, Johnson, and Liberty!, undated