University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Bessie Louise Pierce Papers 1839-1974
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Pierce, Bessie Louise. Papers |
Dates: | 1839-1974 |
Size: | 17.5 linear feet (35 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Bessie Louise Pierce, Professor of history, University of Chicago, 1929-53. Advisor to the W.P.A. Foreign Language Press Survey in Chicago, 1936-1940. Director of the History of Chicago Project 1929-1973.
Contains correspondence, reports, manuscripts, reviews, speeches, chapter drafts from A History of Chicago, manuscripts of unpublished textbooks in history, diaries, memorabilia, photographs, and administrative records of the History of Chicago Project. Includes correspondence with publishers Alfred A. Knopf and Holt Rinehart and Winston. Other correspondents include Ray Billington, William Dodd, Charles Merriam, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Blake McKelvey, and Zane Miller. Also contains Pierce family letters and documents, 1839-1911.
Information on Use
No restrictions
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Pierce, Bessie Louise. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Bessie Louise Pierce, Professor of History at the University of Chicago, was born in Caro, Michigan on April 20, 1888. Her youth was spent in Waverly, Iowa, where her family moved soon after her birth and where her father operated a prosperous dry-goods business. After graduation from the University of Iowa in 1910, she taught high school in Sanborn and Mason City, Iowa before returning to the University of Iowa as instructor and head of the social studies department in its laboratory high school. Her graduate work in history began with summer courses at the University of Chicago leading to an A.M. degree in 1918, and continued with advanced studies at the University of Iowa under the direction of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. In 1923, she received her Ph.D. from Iowa and joined its department of history as an assistant professor. A further promotion to associate professor came in 1926.
While Pierce's early writing concentrated on the methodology of secondary teaching, a traditional field of interest for professional women, her work during the 1920's also reflected a growing concern with the relationship between educational policy and national ideology. In 1926, the year she was elected president of the National Council for the Social Studies, Knopf published a revision of her dissertation on the manipulation of school curricula, Public Opinion and the Teaching of History. Four years later, the University of Chicago Press issued Civic Attitudes in American School Textbooks as part of a series on civic education edited by Charles E. Merriam. A third monograph, Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth (1933), resulted from her work on the American Historical Association's Investigation of Social Studies in the Schools. By treating issues then troubling many intellectuals, these books on propaganda and pressure groups brought Pierce national scholarly attention and secured her position in the ranks of professionals influenced by Schlesinger's new social history.
In 1929, Pierce accepted the offer of the Local Community Research Committee to come to the University of Chicago as an associate professor of history and head of the History of Chicago Project. This Project, originally conceived as a Centennial History of Chicago, was intended to integrate economic, political, and sociological studies already sponsored by the Committee and uncover new areas for further research. As recast by Pierce, the Project became a complex effort to survey all relevant historical records for a definitive four-volume account of Chicago's growth from 1673 to 1915. Working with a staff of assistants drawn from her courses in urban history, Pierce supervised a carefully organized system that directed research from the initial taking of notes and verification of facts to the writing of preliminary manuscripts and editing of final chapter drafts. Part of the accumulating material appeared in As Others See Chicago, a collection of travel accounts issued in 1933. Production of the main text was slowed by the extensive amounts of original research required, but by 1940 both Volume I and II of A History of Chicago had been published. A significant advance over previous anecdotal work on the subject, the History was the first of several city "biographies" begun during the 1930's that brought a new sophistication of treatment and accuracy of detail to the writing of urban history.
s work on the History of Chicago continued, Pierce engaged in a number of public and professional activities. She was an advisor to the W.P.A. Foreign Language Press Survey in Chicago from 1936 to 1940, and a member of the board planning Franklin Roosevelt's presidential library in Hyde Park, New York in 1939-1940. Her involvement in the American Historical Association included service on the Council and membership on two special committees recommending wartime policy on education to the federal government. In 1946, research conducted by Pierce for the Missouri Pacific and other lines in their case against the Santa Fe Railroad produced Studies on Chicago Economic History, a document submitted as evidence before the Interstate Commerce Commission and used later in the preparation of chapters on economics for Volume III of the History.
During these years, Pierce also devoted an increasing amount of time to the writing of high school and college textbooks in history, none of which was ever published. After a manuscript on martial music written with her sister failed to interest publishers, she collaborated with David Behen on a twentieth-century American history text and with Gene Lavengood on a general history of the United States. For more than fifteen years, these projects distracted her from teaching and supervision of the History of Chicago Project without producing the additional income she had hoped they would provide.
In 1953, Pierce retired from the faculty and became a professor emeritus. Funds from the Social Science Research Committee, which had supported the History of Chicago Project since 1930, were now supplemented by grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Association of University Women, the Field Foundation, the Chicago Community Trust, the Chicago Historical Society, and the Schermerhorn Charitable Trust. Volume III of the History was pressed to completion and published in 1957, but work on Volume IV suffered from reductions in the size of the staff, Pierce's advancing age, and her practice of commuting regularly between Chicago and Iowa City in order to spend as much time as possible with her sister. Despite the consolidation of Project files in Iowa City following her permanent move there in 1972, the last volume of the History remained unfinished at her death on October 3, 1974.
Scope Note
The collection has been arranged in six series:
Series 1: Personal Papers, is divided into four subseries. The first, Pierce Family Papers, consists of miscellaneous letters, deeds, and journals of various Pierce family members in Iowa, Michigan, and New York from 1839 to 1911. None of these documents contains anything written by Pierce. The second subseries, Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence, includes Pierce's correspondence with her immediate family and such personal friends as the wife and young sons of Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. The diaries which follow include two volumes containing four years of entries each and a third volume preserving Pierce's fragmentary comments on her 1934 European tour. The fourth subseries, Biographical, is a collection of material relating to Pierce's education and professional career, including records of her promotions and appointments, bibliographies of her publications, and biographical newspaper clippings. The annotated McLaughlin manuscript represents Pierce's unrealized plan to produce a revised edition for the secondary school market.
Series II: Professional Correspondence, contains the record of her relationships with professional associations, publishers, foundations, students, and colleagues. The two largest groups of correspondence are those with Alfred A. Knopf, publisher of A History of Chicago, and with Holt Rinehart, which inherited the Pierce-Behen textbook from Dryden Press and subsequently contracted to publish the Pierce-Lavengood text. Among the historians with whom she corresponded Ray Billington, William Dodd, Merle Curti, and Arthur Schlesinger were particularly close friends; her letters to them often deal with personal as well as professional matters. Of the research assistants represented, Blake McKelvey and Zane Miller became noted urban historians in their own right.
Series III contains administrative records and manuscripts produced by the History of Chicago Project from its formation in 1929 until 1973. Although Pierce received the initial offer of the Project directorship from Charles Merriam on behalf of the Local Community Research Committee, within a year of her arrival in Chicago the Social Science Research Committee had superseded the LCRC. All subsequent progress reports and requests for funds were therefore submitted to the SSRC or to its subsidiary, the Committee on the History of Chicago.
The reports, minutes, and financial statements contained in this series present a continuous record of Pierce's organization and management of the Project during its first twenty-five years. Additional material on administration during this period can be found in Pierce's professional correspondence with Merriam, the LCRC, and the SSRC in Series II.
The administrative records are followed by procedural records that include Pierce's earliest proposals for the History of Chicago, a miscellaneous group of instructions governing office operations and research methods, and a large series of research assistants' monthly reports extending from 1930 to 1972. These monthly reports are particularly valuable for the light they shed on the division of responsibilities among the student staff, the nature of sources utilized in the course of research, and the varying emphasis given different historical topics over the life of the Project.
The last section of Project records contains chapter drafts from each of the four volumes of A History of Chicago. Research for individual chapters of the History began with notes recorded by a student assistant on 5x8" sheets of paper and arranged in files according to subject. Research reports (19:12) based on these notes were then the proposed publication of Volume IV may apply to the Archivist for access to relevant letters and memoranda in the general Departmental files.
In Series IV: Other Writings, articles and essays, book reviews, and addresses and lectures listed in alphabetical order are preceded by major writings arranged chronologically. Additional information on Pierce's major writings can be found in her professional correspondence with publishers and co-authors in Series II.
Series V contains memorabilia and photographs. Among several honors bestowed on Pierce following her retirement in 1953 were an honorary degree from Northwestern University and a Medal of Merit from the City of Chicago. The photographs of Pierce and her family number more than 500; these have been arranged by name or date where possible, but many remain unidentified. Additional photographs of Pierce are held in the Archival Photofiles.
Series VI: Addenda, contains a small amount of correspondence and material related to A History of Chicago.
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Subject Headings
- Pierce, Bessie Louise, 1888-1974
- Billington, Ray Allen, 1903-
- Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940
- Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874-1953
- McKelvey, Blake, 1903-
- Miller, Zane L.
- Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1917-
- Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
- Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc.
- Chicago (Ill.) -- History
- Women historians
- Historians
- Photographs
- Diaries
Series I: Personal Papers |
Subseries 1: Pierce Family Papers, 1839-1911 |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Family correspondence, 1839-1849 |
Box 1 Folder 2 | Family correspondence, 1850-1859 |
Box 1 Folder 3 | Family correspondence, 1860-1869 |
Box 1 Folder 4 | Family correspondence, 1870-1879 |
Box 1 Folder 5 | Family correspondence, 1880-1889 |
Box 1 Folder 6 | Family correspondence, 1890-1899 |
Box 1 Folder 7 | Family correspondence, 1900-1911 |
Box 1 Folder 8 | Deeds, 1853-1879 |
Box 1 Folder 9 | Diaries and account books, 1853-1867 |
Box 1 Folder 10 | Diaries and account books, 1869-1871 |
Box 1 Folder 11 | Diaries and account books, 1881-1893 |
Subseries 2: Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence |
Box 2 Folder 1 | Pierce, Clifton J. (father) |
Box 2 Folder 2 | Pierce, Minnie C. (mother) |
Box 2 Folder 3 | Pierce, Anne E. (sister) |
Box 2 Folder 4 | Pierce, Effie (aunt) |
Box 2 Folder 5 | Dodd, Mrs. William E. |
Box 2 Folder 6 | Schlesinger, Elizabeth B. |
Box 2 Folder 7 | Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. |
Box 2 Folder 8 | Schlesinger, Thomas B. |
Box 2 Folder 9 | Other friends, A-P |
Box 2 Folder 10 | R-W and unnamed |
Box 3 Folder 4 | July-August 1934 |
Box 3 Folder 5 | 1953, 1954, 1955 |
Box 3 Folder 6 | 1956, 1958, 1959 |
Box 3 Folder 7 | 1960, 1961, 1962 |
Box 3 Folder 8 | 1963, 1964, 1965 |
Box 3 Folder 9 | 1966, 1967, 1968 |
Subseries 4: Biographical |
Box 5 Folder 1 | Birth and baptismal certificates |
Box 5 Folder 2 | Brief biographical accounts |
Box 5 Folder 3 | "The American Flag," oration, [1904?] |
Box 5 Folder 4 | "Socialism," oration, [1904?] |
Box 5 Folder 5 | "Resolved that Foreign Skilled Labor Should Be Kept Out of the U.," debate speech, March 25, 1904 |
Box 5 Folder 6 | "Seek What Thou Hast Not," high school commencement oration, 1905 |
Box 5 Folder 7 | College scrapbook, 1908-1910 |
Box 5 Folder 8 | "Notes from Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. courses, 1920-1922 |
Box 6 Folder 1 | Major examination (written) for Ph.D., August 1922 |
Box 6 Folder 2 | A History of the American Nation, by Andrew C. McLaughlin, typescript with notations by BLP, [1928-1929] |
Box 6 Folder 3 | Report cards, transcripts, and letters of recommendation |
Box 6 Folder 4 | Notices of academic appointments |
Box 6 Folder 5 | Syllabi and exams from history courses given by BLP |
Box 6 Folder 6 | Lists of theses completed by History of Chicago Project research assistants |
Box 6 Folder 7 | Bibliographies of BLP publications |
Box 6 Folder 8 | Remarks of James L. Cate at a farewell dinner for BLP, November 21, 1972 |
Box 6 Folder 9 | Comments given at a memorial service for BLP, Bond Chapel, University of Chicago, November 1, 1974 |
Box 6 Folder 10 | Newspaper clippings (BLP biographical), 1910-1929 |
Box 6 Folder 11 | Newspaper clippings (BLP biographical), 1929-1945 |
Box 6 Folder 12 | Newspaper clippings (BLP biographical), 1945-1974 |
Series II: Professional Correspondence |
Box 7 Folder 2 | American Association of University Women |
Box 7 Folder 3 | American Historical Association, general |
Box 7 Folder 4 | American Historical Association, Commission on the Social Studies (Investigation of the Social Studies in the Schools) |
Box 7 Folder 5 | American Historical Association, Committee of Ten on Organization and Policy |
Box 7 Folder 6 | American Historical Association, Committee on Appointments |
Box 7 Folder 7 | American Historical Association, Committee on General Education for the Armed Services |
Box 7 Folder 8 | American Historical Association, Committee on History in the Colleges |
Box 7 Folder 9 | American Historical Association, Committee on Local Arrangements, 1941 |
Box 7 Folder 10 | American Historical Association, Council |
Box 8 Folder 1 | American Historical Association, Editorial Board, Social Education |
Box 8 Folder 2 | American Historical Association, Executive Committee |
Box 8 Folder 3 | American Historical Association, Nominating Committee |
Box 8 Folder 4 | Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. (includes Century Co., D. Appleton & Co., and D. Appleton-Century Co.) |
Box 8 Folder 6 | Barnes, Viola F. |
Box 8 Folder 7 | Beard, Charles |
Box 8 Folder 8 | Behen, David M. |
Box 8 Folder 9 | Billington, Ray A. |
Box 8 Folder 10 | C, general |
Box 8 Folder 11 | Caldwell, Otis W. |
Box 9 Folder 1 | Chicago Community Trust |
Box 9 Folder 2 | Chicago Historical Society (includes Paul M. Angle) |
Box 9 Folder 3 | Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks,Advisory Committee |
Box 9 Folder 4 | Craven, Avery O. |
Box 9 Folder 5 | Crofts, F. S. & Co. |
Box 9 Folder 6 | Curti, Merle |
Box 9 Folder 9 | Dawson, Edgar |
Box 9 Folder 10 | Dodd, William E. |
Box 10 Folder 1 | Dryden Press |
Box 10 Folder 4 | G, general |
Box 10 Folder 5 | Gambrill, J. Montgomery |
Box 10 Folder 6 | Ginn and Co. |
Box 10 Folder 7 | Gorman, John J. |
Box 10 Folder 8 | Gottschalk, Louis |
Box 10 Folder 9 | Guggenheim Foundation |
Box 11 Folder 2 | H, general |
Box 11 Folder 3 | Harris, Chauncy |
Box 11 Folder 4 | Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc. (includes Henry Holt) |
Box 11 Folder 5 | Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc. (includes Henry Holt) |
Box 11 Folder 6 | Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc. (includes Henry Holt) |
Box 11 Folder 7 | Hutchinson, William T. |
Box 12 Folder 1 | K, general |
Box 12 Folder 2 | Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. (includes Alfred A. Knopf) |
Box 12 Folder 3 | Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. (includes Alfred A. Knopf) |
Box 12 Folder 4 | Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. (includes Alfred A. Knopf) |
Box 12 Folder 5 | Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. (includes Alfred A. Knopf) |
Box 12 Folder 6 | Koelsch, William A. |
Box 12 Folder 7 | Kogan, Herman |
Box 12 Folder 8 | L, general |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Lavengood, Lawrence Gene |
Box 13 Folder 2 | Lavengood, Lawrence Gene |
Box 13 Folder 3 | Local Community Research Committee |
Box 13 Folder 4 | M, general |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Macmillan Co. |
Box 13 Folder 6 | McGee, Gale W. |
Box 13 Folder 7 | McKelvey, Blake |
Box 13 Folder 8 | McLaughlin, Andrew C. |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Merriam, Charles E. |
Box 13 Folder 10 | Merriam, Charles E. |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Miller, Zane |
Box 13 Folder 12 | Missouri Pacific Railroad (includes Callaway & Reed) |
Box 14 Folder 1 | N, general |
Box 14 Folder 2 | National Council for the Social Studies |
Box 14 Folder 3 | Newberry Library (includes Stanley Pargellis) |
Box 14 Folder 4 | Norris, Joe L. |
Box 14 Folder 8 | R, general |
Box 14 Folder 9 | Redfield, Robert |
Box 14 Folder 10 | Roosevelt Library, Franklin D. |
Box 14 Folder 11 | Root, W. T. |
Box 15 Folder 1 | S, general |
Box 15 Folder 2 | Schermerhorn Charitable Trust (includes Mrs. C. Phillip Miller) |
Box 15 Folder 3 | Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr. |
Box 15 Folder 4 | Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr. |
Box 15 Folder 5 | Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr. |
Box 15 Folder 6 | Social Science Division, Dean, Committee on Selection of, 1947 |
Box 15 Folder 7 | Social Science Research Committee |
Box 15 Folder 8 | Social Science Research Committee |
Box 16 Folder 1 | Social Science Research Council |
Box 16 Folder 2 | Still, Bayrd |
Box 16 Folder 4 | U, general |
Box 16 Folder 5 | University of Chicago Press |
Box 16 Folder 7 | W, general |
Box 16 Folder 8 | White, Leonard D. |
Box 16 Folder 9 | Wiltsee, Herbert |
Box 16 Folder 10 | Wirth, Louis |
Box 16 Folder 11 | Works Progress Administration, Foreign Language Project (includes Foreign Language Press Survey) |
Series III: History of Chicago Project |
Box 17 Folder 1 | Histories of the Project |
Box 17 Folder 2 | Prospectuses |
Box 17 Folder 3 | Report to the Social Science Research Council, February 19, 1931 |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1929-1931 |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1932-1934 |
Box 17 Folder 6 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, June 1935 |
Box 17 Folder 7 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1936-1943 |
Box 17 Folder 8 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1944-1945 |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1948-1955 |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, January 9, 1956 |
Box 17 Folder 12 | Reports to the Social Science Research Committee, 1957-1960 |
Box 17 Folder 13 | Committee on the History of Chicago, minutes, 1930-1946 |
Box 17 Folder 14 | Project financial statements, 1930-1931 |
Box 17 Folder 15 | Project financial statements, 1932 |
Box 17 Folder 16 | Project financial statements, 1933-1934 |
Box 17 Folder 17 | Project financial statements, 1935-1939 |
Box 18 Folder 1 | Project financial statements, 1940-1943 |
Box 18 Folder 2 | Project financial statements, 1944-1949 |
Box 18 Folder 3 | Project financial statements, 1971-1973 |
Box 18 Folder 4 | Requests for funds to complete Volume IV, 1964 |
Box 18 Folder 5 | "Possible Procedures for Writing a History of Chicago," [1929] |
Box 18 Folder 6 | "An Outline for the History of Chicago," January, 1930 |
Box 18 Folder 7 | "Proposed Plan for the History of Chicago," February, 1930 |
Box 18 Folder 8 | Bibliographies of books and periodicals on Chicago history |
Box 18 Folder 9 | Project research assistants, lists |
Box 18 Folder 10 | Recommendations for appointments of research assistants, 1941-1945 |
Box 18 Folder 11 | Instructions to research assistants |
Box 18 Folder 12 | Instructions to research assistants |
Box 18 Folder 13 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1930-1933 |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1934-1939 |
Box 19 Folder 2 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1940-1949 |
Box 19 Folder 3 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1950-1955 |
Box 19 Folder 4 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1956-1959 |
Box 19 Folder 5 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1960-1969 |
Box 19 Folder 6 | Research assistants’ monthly reports, 1970-1972 |
Subseries 4: Manuscripts and Reviews of A History of Chicago |
Box 19 Folder 7 | Volume I (1937), list of research file folder headings |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 1, draft |
Box 19 Folder 9 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 5, draft |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 6, first draft by Joe Norris |
Box 19 Folder 11 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 6, second draft |
Box 19 Folder 12 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 7, preliminary report by C. M. Destler, facts not yet verified |
Box 20 Folder 1 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 7, draft |
Box 20 Folder 2 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 8, draft |
Box 20 Folder 3 | Volume I (1937), Chapter 10, draft |
Box 20 Folder 4 | Volume I (1937), reviews of volume |
Box 20 Folder 5 | Volume II (1940), Chapter 8, draft |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Volume II (1940), Chapter 10, preliminary report |
Box 20 Folder 7 | Volume II (1940), Chapter 10, draft |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Volume II (1940), Chapter 11, first draft |
Box 20 Folder 9 | Volume II (1940), second draft |
Box 20 Folder 10 | Volume II (1940), reviews of volume |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Volume III (1957), outline |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Volume III (1957), Chapter 6, draft |
Box 21 Folder 3 | Volume III (1957), Chapter 7, draft |
Box 21 Folder 4 | Volume III (1957), Chapter 8, draft, proofread by BLP, Joe Norris, and BLP’s English reader |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Volume III (1957), Chapter 10, draft by BLP, checked by Ralph Tingley |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Volume III (1957), reviews of volume |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Volume IV (unpublished), outlines and topics |
Box 21 Folder 8 | Volume IV (unpublished), inventory of notes in files, January 1956 |
Box 21 Folder 9 | Volume IV (unpublished), list of research manuscripts |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Volume IV (unpublished), miscellaneous inventories of manuscripts and notes |
Box 22 Folder 2 | Volume IV (unpublished), bibliography |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Chicago’s Grain Trade: 1893-1915," chapter draft prepared by research assistants under direction of Jessie Sue Bynum, [undated] |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Chicago as a Livestock and Meat Packing Center, 1893-1915," chapter draft by Jessie Sue Bynum, [undated] |
Box 22 Folder 5 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Manufacturing," chapter draft by Ralph Tingley, 1958 |
Box 22 Folder 6 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Banking," chapter draft by E. O. Elsasser, 1959 |
Box 22 Folder 7 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Chicago’s Government: Form and Function," chapter draft by Alan Bliss, 1938 |
Box 23 Folder 1 | Volume IV (unpublished), "The Government of Chicago, 1893 to 1915," chapter draft by Jerome E. Edwards, 1961 |
Box 23 Folder 2 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Modernizing Urban Government," chapter draft by William A. Koelsch, 1973 |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Politics," chapter draft by Ralph Tingley, 1962 |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Reforming Chicago’s Politics," chapter draft by William A. Koelsch, 1973 |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Shaping Chicago’s Culture," chapter draft by William A. Koelsch, 1973 |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Volume IV (unpublished), "Religion and Humanitariamism in Chicago, 1893-1915," chapter draft by BLP, assisted by Gene Lavengood and Herbert Wiltsee; verified and additional material supplied by Perry Duis, [undated] |
Series IV: Other Writings |
Sub-Subseries 1: Influences Affecting the Teaching of the Social Sciences in the Public Schools (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1923) |
Box 24 Folder 1 | Draft, with handwritten notations by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. |
Box 24 Folder 2 | Final version |
Sub-Subseries 2: Public Opinion and the Teaching of History in the United States (1926) |
Sub-Subseries 3: "Civics," in Milo B. Hillegas, ed., The Classroom Teacher, Volume 11 (1927), written with Howard C. Hill |
Box 24 Folder 4 | Who’s Who in the Classroom Teacher (prospectus) |
Box 24 Folder 5 | Chapter 3, draft |
Box 24 Folder 6 | Chapter 5, draft |
Box 24 Folder 7 | Chapter 6, draft |
Box 24 Folder 8 | Chapter 7, draft |
Sub-Subseries 4: Civic Attitudes in American School Textbooks (1930) |
Sub-Subseries 5: As Others See Chicago (1933) |
Box 25 Folder 1 | Research assistant’s reports, 1931 |
Box 25 Folder 2 | List of excerpts from travel accounts |
Box 25 Folder 3 | Notes and material not used, Part III |
Box 25 Folder 4 | Notes and material not used, part IV |
Box 25 Folder 6 | Outlines for a proposed revised edition, prepared by Perry Duis, 1967 |
Box 25 Folder 7 | BLP suggestions and assistants’ reports for revised edition, 1967 |
Box 25 Folder 8 | Chapter draft for revised edition, by Perry Duis, 1967 |
Box 25 Folder 9 | Excerpts from travel accounts for use in revised edition |
Sub-Subseries 6: Citizens’ Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth (1933) |
Box 25 Folder 10 | Suggestions for research |
Box 25 Folder 11 | Bibliography |
Box 25 Folder 12 | List of propaganda organizations |
Sub-Subseries 7: "The Fabric of Chicago’s Early Society," in Avery O. Craven, ed., Essays in Honor of William E. Dodd (1935) |
Sub-Subseries 8: Our Wars and Their Songs [1943, unpublished], written with Anne E. Pierce |
Box 25 Folder 16 | "The War for Independence," drafts |
Box 25 Folder 17 | "Trouble with France and War with Tripoli," draft |
Box 25 Folder 18 | "The War of 1812," drafts |
Box 25 Folder 19 | "War with Mexico," draft |
Box 25 Folder 20 | "The Civil War," drafts |
Box 25 Folder 21 | "The War with Spain," draft |
Box 25 Folder 22 | "The First World War," drafts |
Box 25 Folder 23 | "The Second World War," drafts |
Sub-Subseries 9: Studies on Chicago Economic History (1946) |
Box 26 Folder 1 | Receipts and payroll for research |
Box 26 Folder 2 | Instructions to research assistants |
Box 26 Folder 3 | Testimony before the Interstate Commerce Commission, December 2, 1946 |
Box 26 Folder 4 | Typescript copy with hand-colored maps |
Box 26 Folder 5 | Printed copy |
Sub-Subseries 10: Twentieth Century American History [1950-1954, unpublished], written with David M. Behen |
Box 26 Folder 6 | Outline of book |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Outline of chapters |
Box 26 Folder 8 | Critique of Behen draft by BLP |
Box 27 Folder 1 | Part I, Chapter 1, draft |
Box 27 Folder 2 | Part I, chapter 2, draft |
Box 27 Folder 3 | Part II, Chapter 2, draft |
Box 27 Folder 4 | Part II, Chapter 4, draft |
Box 27 Folder 5 | Part II, Chapter 6, draft |
Box 27 Folder 6 | Part II, Chapter 7, draft |
Box 27 Folder 7 | Part III, Chapter 1, draft |
Box 27 Folder 8 | Part III, Chapter 6, draft |
Box 27 Folder 9 | Part III, Chapter 8, draft |
Sub-Subseries 11: The American Experience [1954-1967, unpublished], written with Lawrence Gene Lavengood |
Box 27 Folder 10 | Book and chapter outlines; preface |
Box 27 Folder 11 | Chapter 18, draft |
Box 27 Folder 12 | Chapter 19, draft |
Subseries 2: Articles and Essays |
Box 27 Folder 13 | "Aids in High School History Teaching," 1921. |
Box 27 Folder 14 | "Anna Eleanor Roosevelt," [1940]. |
Box 27 Folder 15 | "Anton Joseph Cermak," 1941. |
Box 27 Folder 16 | "Attacks upon History Textbooks," [undated]. |
Box 27 Folder 17 | Attempts to Control the Teaching of History in the Schools. (1925). |
Box 27 Folder 18 | "Bessie Louise Pierce Recalls Exciting Days When Chicago Was Nation’s Literary Capital," 1942. |
Box 27 Folder 19 | "Bessie Pierce Sketches Chicago’s Literary History to the Year ‘93," 1940. |
Box 27 Folder 20 | "Changing Urban Patterns in the Mississippi Valley," 1950. |
Box 27 Folder 21 | "Charles G. Dawes," [1940]. |
Box 28 Folder 1 | "Chicago," 1957. |
Box 28 Folder 2 | "Chicago," 1962; revised version, 1967. |
Box 28 Folder 3 | "Chicago before the Great Fire," 1948. |
Box 28 Folder 4 | "Courses and Syllabi in the Social Studies," 1928. |
Box 28 Folder 5 | "Dramatization as an Aid in Classroom Instruction in History," 1926. |
Box 28 Folder 6 | "Ella Flagg Young," [1945]. |
Box 28 Folder 7 | "Evidences of Thrift in the South during the Civil War," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 8 | "An Experiment in Individual Instruction in History," 1919. |
Box 28 Folder 9 | "A High School Library in History," 1921. |
Box 28 Folder 10 | "History and Music," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 11 | "History Teaching in the United States, 1827-1900," 1928. |
Box 28 Folder 12 | "The History We Teach," 1928. |
Box 28 Folder 13 | "Music Instruction in the Public Schools of the United States, 1870-1934," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 14 | "New Type Tests in the Social Studies," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 15 | "The Political Pattern of Some Women’s Organizations," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 16 | "The Pressure on Independent Thinking," 1926. |
Box 28 Folder 17 | "Propaganda in Teaching the Social Studies," 1929. |
Box 28 Folder 18 | The Relationship of North Carolina to the Confederate Government (A.M. thesis, University of Chicago, 1918). |
Box 28 Folder 19 | Report on an address of Mayor Thompson, February 24, 1931. |
Box 28 Folder 20 | "The Rise of Chicago," 1953. |
Box 28 Folder 21 | "The Role of Social Studies Teachers in the Present Emergency," 1940. |
Box 28 Folder 22 | "The School and the Spirit of Nationalism," 1934. |
Box 28 Folder 23 | "A School Library in U. History," 1921. |
Box 28 Folder 24 | "A Select and Classified High-School Library in American History," [undated]. |
Box 28 Folder 25 | "The Social Studies in the Eighth Grade," 1925. |
Box 28 Folder 26 | "The Socialized Recitation," 1920. |
Box 28 Folder 27 | "The Socialized Recitation in History," 1922. |
Box 28 Folder 28 | "Some Textbooks in History Commonly Used in Junior High Schools," 1926. |
Box 28 Folder 29 | "A Survey of Methods Courses in History," 1921. |
Box 28 Folder 30 | "A Test of Pupils’ Attitudes," [1929]. |
Box 29 Folder 1 | "Textbooks in History for Senior High Schools," 1926. |
Box 29 Folder 2 | "Textbooks in Social Studies," 1926. |
Box 29 Folder 3 | "Textbooks in United States History," 1923. |
Box 29 Folder 4 | "A Topical Survey of the Relationship of the United States to Australia, China and Japan," 1927. |
Box 29 Folder 5 | "The United States Senate and the League of Nations," seminar paper, 1922. |
Box 29 Folder 6 | "The Women of Illinois," 1968. |
Subseries 3: Book Reviews |
Box 29 Folder 7 | Addams, My Friend, Julia Lathrop, 1935. Beale, A History of Freedom of Teaching in American Schools, 1941. Bennett, The Constitution in School and College, 1935. Bonner, Medicine in Chicago, 1957. |
Box 29 Folder 8 | Bowen, Speeches, Addresses and Letters, 1937. Bradley, Music for the Millions, 1957. Buck and Buck, The Planting of Civilization in Western Pennsylvania, 1939. Carr, Education for World-Citizenship, 1928. |
Box 29 Folder 9 | Carsel, A History of the Chicago Ladies’ Garment Workers Union, 1940. Cole, The Irrepressible Conflict, 1934. Drury, Historic Midwest Houses, 1947. Drury, Old Chicago Houses, 1941; reviewed with Tallmadge, Architecture in Old Chicago, 1941. |
Box 29 Folder 10 | Dumond, A History of the United States, 1943. Filler, Crusaders for American Liberalism, 1939. Furfey, A History of Social Thought, 1942. Gillett, Burned Books, 1932. |
Box 29 Folder 11 | Goebel, A Study of Catholic Secondary Education, 1937. Goodsell, Pioneers of Women’s Education, 1931. Hazlitt, A New Constitution Now, 1942. Hubbart, The Older Middle West, 1936. |
Box 29 Folder 12 | Johnson, The Legal Status of Church-State Relationships, 1934. Kinsley, The Chicago Tribune, 1943-1946. Kogan and Wendt, Chicago: A Pictorial History, 1958. Kohlmeier, The Old Northwest, 1938. |
Box 29 Folder 13 | Langdon, Everyday Things in American Life. 1941. Leech and Carroll, Armour and His Times, 1938. Nevins and Krouts, eds., The Greater City New York, 1948. Osterweis, Three Centuries of New Haven, 1953. |
Box 29 Folder 14 | Patton, The Battle for Municipal Reform, 1940. Petersen, Steamboating on the Upper Mississippi, 1937. Poole, Giants Gone, 1943. Riegel, Mobilizing for Chaos, 1934. |
Box 29 Folder 15 | Rugg, An Introduction to American Civilization, 1929. Still, Milwaukee, 1948. Still, Mirror for Gotham, 1956. Stoker, The Schools and International Understanding, 1933. |
Box 29 Folder 16 | Stone, Clarence Darrow for the Defense, 1941. Syrett, The City of
- Brooklyn, 1944. Wilson, My Memoir, 1939.
Subseries 4: Addresses and Lectures |
Box 29 Folder 17 | "Attempts to Control the Teaching of History in the Schools,"
- Conference on the Teaching of History, Chicago, February 14, 1925.
Box 29 Folder 18 | "Changing Urban Patterns in the Mississippi Valley," Mississippi Valley Historical Association annual meeting, Madison, WI, April 14, 1949. |
Box 29 Folder 19 | "Chicago: A City of Contrasts," U of C Service League, Chicago, April 16, 1962. |
Box 29 Folder 20 | "Chicago: 1870’s, a Silhouette," Fortnightly Club, Chicago, January 28, 1970. |
Box 29 Folder 21 | "Civic Attitudes in Textbooks," History Teachers’ Conference, Iowa City, February 3, 1928. |
Box 29 Folder 22 | "Discussion of the Papers [read by R. M. Tryon and E. M. Violette]," Conference upon Desirable Adjustments between History and the OtherSocial Studies, St. Louis, December 27, 1921. |
Box 29 Folder 23 | "Early Chicago: A Glimpse of 100 Years Ago," Women of the Rotary, Chicago, October 20, 1937. |
Box 29 Folder 24 | "A Historian Looks at Chicago," Conference for Teachers of the Social Sciences, Chicago, July 1, 1941. |
Box 29 Folder 25 | "How to Write a History of Chicago," U of C public lecture, Art Institute of Chicago, December 13, 1929. |
Box 29 Folder 26 | "International and National Viewpoints of High School Students," Southwestern Indiana Teachers’ Meeting, Evansville, Ind., October 19, 1928. |
Box 30 Folder 1 | "James Harvey Robinson and ‘The New History’," History 300, U of C, February 25, 1948. |
Box 30 Folder 2 | "Mixed Voices on Democracy," radio broadcast with Charles Merriam and Louis Wirth, U of C, November 25, 1939. |
Box 30 Folder 3 | "Propagandist Activities to Control History Text-Books," Political Science Club, Iowa City, December 1922. |
Box 30 Folder 4 | "Propagandist Activities to Control History Text-Books," [revised], National Council for the Social Studies, Cleveland, February 24, 1923. |
Box 30 Folder 5 | "The Rise of the American City," Social Science assembly, U of C, July 28, 1942. |
Box 30 Folder 6 | "Should the American Historical Association Devote More Attention to the Teaching of History?" [undated]. |
Box 30 Folder 7 | "The Study of Urban Problems," Association of Assistant Principals, Chicago, January 18, 1941. |
Box 30 Folder 8 | "Teaching Modern American History: Considerations and Perplexities," 25th Annual Conference of the Teachers of History and the Social Studies in the Schools and Colleges of Iowa and Neighboring States, Iowa City, April 19, 1947. |
Box 30 Folder 9 | "Visual Aids in Teaching Social Studies," [undated]. |
Box 30 Folder 10 | "Writing a History of Chicago," Illinois State Historical Society, Galesburg, Ill., May 15, 1936. |
Box 30 Folder 11 | "Writing the History of Chicago," Mandel Hall, U of C, April 10, 1941. |
Box 30 Folder 12 | Material for possible use in other lectures by BLP. |
Series V: Memorabilia and Photographs |
Box 30 Folder 13 | Semi-Centennial Souvenir of Waverly, Iowa (1896) |
Box 30 Folder 14 | Mason City High School Year Book, 1913 |
Box 30 Folder 15 | Mason City High School Masonian, 1916 |
Box 30 Folder 16 | Northwestern University honorary Doctor of Letters degree, conferred June 14, 1954 |
Box 31 Folder 1 | Chicago Medal of Merit, awarded March 4, 1959 |
Box 31 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous memorabilia, 1888-1910 |
Box 31 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous memorabilia, 1910-1929 |
Box 31 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memorabilia, 1929-1945 |
Box 31 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous memorabilia, 1945-1974 |
Box 31 Folder 6 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 31 Folder 7 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 32 Folder 1 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 32 Folder 2 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 32 Folder 3 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 32 Folder 4 | Daguerreotypes, family members, 19th century |
Box 32 Folder 5 | Bessie Louise Pierce, 1888-1890 |
Box 32 Folder 6 | Bessie Louise Pierce, ca. 1894-1905 |
Box 32 Folder 7 | Bessie Louise Pierce, 1905-1910 |
Box 32 Folder 8 | Bessie Louise Pierce, 1905-1910 |
Box 33 Folder 1 | Bessie Louise Pierce, college graduation, 1910 |
Box 33 Folder 2 | Bessie Louise Pierce, ca. 1911-1929 |
Box 33 Folder 3 | Bessie Louise Pierce, ca. 1911-1929 |
Box 33 Folder 4 | Bessie Louise Pierce, ca. 1930-1974 |
Box 33 Folder 5 | Bessie and Anne Pierce, ca. 1889-1896 |
Box 33 Folder 6 | Bessie and Anne Pierce, ca. 1900-1930 |
Box 33 Folder 7 | Anne E. Pierce, ca. 1895-1905 |
Box 33 Folder 8 | Anne E. Pierce, ca. 1905-1915 |
Box 33 Folder 9 | Anne E. Pierce, ca. 1915-1965 |
Box 34 Folder 1 | Clifton J. Pierce (father) |
Box 34 Folder 2 | Minnie C. Pierce (mother) |
Box 34 Folder 3 | Celista B. Pierce (paternal grandmother) |
Box 34 Folder 4 | Della, Lila, and Effie Pierce |
Box 34 Folder 5 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 6 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 7 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 8 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 9 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 10 | Other Pierce family members |
Box 34 Folder 11 | Friends and colleagues of BLP |
Box 34 Folder 12 | Pierce family houses |
Box 34 Folder 13 | Jackson & Pierce store |
Box 35 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Bessie L. Pierce to Perry Duis, October 25, 1966-December 31, 1967 |
Box 35 Folder 2 | A History of Chicago, maps of brewing families and brewery locations, 1891-1916 |
Box 35 Folder 3 | A History of Chicago, Volume III, "Chicago as a Livestock and Meat Packing Center, 1893-1915," chapter draft with notes and editorial revisions |
Box 35 Folder 4 | A History of Chicago, Volume IV, "Politics," condensed version (79 pages plus appendixes), original, includes critique by Charles E. Merriam, n.d |
Box 35 Folder 5 | A History of Chicago, Volume IV, "Politics," condensed version (79 pages plus appendixes), carbon copy |
Box 35 Folder 6 | Correspondence |