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EEBO-TCP Searching Tips

Welcome to Philologic. Here are some tips to make your search more productive. A more complete Help Section is also available.
  • For pattern matching one may employ wildcard characters (e.g., widow* retrieves widow, widowe, widowhood, etc.).
  • PhiloLogic requires that one take into account diacritics when searching documents with accented characters. To search without considering diacritics turn on "Caps Lock" and type in all uppercase (e.g., NAIVETE finds both naivete and naïveté).
  • The Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT are available in full-text and bibliographic searching. In full-text searching the vertical bar (|) serves as the OR operator (e.g., freedom|liberty retrieves instances of either) and the exclamation point (!) serves as the NOT operator (e.g., !holy ghost retrieves occurrences of ghost, but not holy ghost). Nevertheless, uppercase OR and NOT will automatically be converted to | or ! once a search has been executed.
EEBO-TCP Idiosyncrasies and Searching

  • Abbreviations: abbreviations have been resolved whenever provided in the encoding (e.g., "&abper;ticuler bookes" becomes perticuler bookes"). The expanded text appears underlined. To see the original, click on the page number to go to the EEBO page image. Unresolved abbreviations appear mostly as a tilde (˜) (e.g., sole˜nly for solemnly). The tilde is a non-word-breaking, unsearchable character. One must search for solenly to find sole˜nly. It is best to use a wildcard such as sole*nly, which finds solemnly, solempnly,sole˜nly, and sole˜pnly.
  • Ligatures: Ligatures (ae, oe, and dz) have been resolved into two letters for searching (e.g., enter aeternal, not æternal).
  • Macron and Breve: These diacritics are not to be entered in word searches. To find wrath with a long mark, enter wrath. The text will show as wra¯th in the results. Unfortunately ˘ does not display properly so that "demurelie" with short marks looks as follows in display: de˘mureli˘e.
  • End of Line Word Breaks: Words that are broken at the end of a line are brought together for searching. Those that are hyphenated appear with a vertical line (e.g., de|livering); those broken without hypen appear with a plus sign (e.g., ver+tue). Do not enter either the plus sign or vertical line when searching for these words.
  • Illegible Text [gap]: Illegible text is indicated with a [gap]. These annotations are word-breaking since gaps can be many words as well as a few letters.
Refined Search Results

[ to hide titles]

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words. Filtered Words


Bibiliographic Search Fields

Find documents or limit word searches (use AND, OR, and NOT).

(e.g. Marlowe, Christopher)

(e.g. Hero and Leander)

(e.g. London)

(e.g. Felix Kingston)

(e.g. 1598 or 1590-1600)

(e.g. Anno M.D.XCIX)

(e.g. Woodcut)

(e.g. Philosophy, Ancient)

(e.g. Original in the British Library)

(e.g. A06993)

One may also use the bibliographic fields on their own to find documents and sort the results.
Text Objects and Their Attributes

Find sections of documents or limit full-text word searches (use AND, OR, NOT ).

Div Objects and Attributes
(e.g. The Fox and Grapes)

(e.g. Dedication)

(e.g. John Dryden)

(e.g. lat)

(e.g. Kind Countrymen)

(e.g. Queen-Street, March 8. 1647)

SubDiv Objects and Attributes
(e.g. STAGE)

(e.g. chorus)

(e.g. ita)