University of Chicago Library
Test Collection Beta Search-Form
(25% of the Collection as of 4/01/2009)

Punctuation and spacing must match entries exactly since this is string searching. Uppercase AND, OR, and NOT serve as Boolean operators. To anchor a match at the beginning of an entry a caret must precede the word (e.g., ^diagnostic finds only titles that begin with "Diagnostic"). To find a word anywhere in an entry surround the word with the @ sign (e.g., @adjust@ finds only adjust, not adjustment etc.).

All Titles (including alternate titles and abbreviations): (e.g., Alcadd Test or ABLE)
Main Title: (e.g., Western Personality Inventory)
Personal Authors: (e.g., Thurstone, Thelma Gwinn)
Corporate Authors: (e.g., Progressive Education Association)
Publication Date: (e.g., 1970 or 1970-1980 )
Pub Location: (e.g., Chicago)
Publisher: (e.g., Psychological Corp)
In Test Collection: (Select an Option)
Call Number: (e.g., BF1400.R802E7)
Found in: (e.g., Journal of Educational Research)
Classification: (e.g., Character and Personality)
Subject: (e.g., Age and intelligence -- Testing)
Contents: (e.g., Manual)
Level: (e.g., Child: Age 1-6 or Child: Gr. 1-3)
Public Notes: (e.g., Experimental Edition)
Related Object: (e.g., Text and Supplement)
Online: (Select an Option)
Unique ID: (e.g., 01039)

Sort by: (Select an Option)

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