Selected Bibliography for Allen Sanderson
Senior Lecturer in Economics and the College
Published Works
"The Case for Paying College Athletes." Allen R. Sanderson and John J. Siegfried; Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015, 29(1), pp. 115-38.
"The Economic Impact of Colleges and Universities." John J. Siegfried, Allen R. Sanderson and Peter McHenry; Economics of Education Review, 2007, 26(5), pp. 546-58.
"Simon Rottenberg and Baseball, Then and Now: A Fiftieth Anniversary Retrospective." Allen R. Sanderson and John J. Siegfried; Journal of Political Economy, 2006, 114(3), pp. 594.
"Economics: The Sexy Social Science? Keeping Economics from Becoming a Sexy Social Science." John J. Siegfried and Allen R. Sanderson; Southern Economic Journal, 2003, 70(1), pp. 209-14.
"Thinking About Competitive Balance." Allen R. Sanderson and John J. Siegfried; Journal of Sports Economics, 2003, 4(4), pp. 255-79.
"The Many Dimensions of Competitive Balance." Allen R. Sanderson; Journal of Sports Economics, 2002, 3(2), pp. 204-28.
"Labour Markets in Professional Sports." Sherwin Rosen and Allen Sanderson; Economic Journal, 2001, 111(469), pp. F47-68.
"Sherwin Rosen, 1938-2001." Allen R. Sanderson; Journal of Sports Economics, 2001, 2(3), pp. 211-12.
"Using Sports to Teach Economics," John J. Siegfried and Allen R. Sanderson, in W. E. Becker and M. Watts: Teaching Economics to Undergraduates: Alternatives to Chalk and Talk. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 1998, pp. 161-83
"Cities under Siege: How the Changing Financial Structure of Professional Sports Is Putting Cities at Risk and What to Do About It," Robert A. Baade and Allen R. Sanderson, in W. Hendricks: Advances in the Economics of Sport. Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press, 1997, pp. 77-114
"The Employment Effect of Teams and Sports Facilities," Robert A. Baade and Allen R. Sanderson, in R. G. Noll and A. Zimbalist: Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums.Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1997, pp. 92-118
"Bearing Down in Chicago: Location, Location, Location," Robert A. Baade and Allen R. Sanderson, in R. G. Noll and A. Zimbalist: Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums.Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1997, pp. 324-54
"Minor League Teams and Communities," Robert A. Baade and Allen R. Sanderson, in R. G. Noll and A. Zimbalist: Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1997, pp. 452-93
"Child-Labor Legislation and the Labor Force Participation of Children." Allen R. Sanderson; Journal of Economic History, 1974, 34(1), pp. 297-99.