Full Record
How do I determine if the item is available?
Check availability under the Holdings tab in the lower section of the page.
See Consult the Series Record for more information about records that direct users to consult the series record for availability.
What are the different services or ways of getting the book?
If the item is available or recently returned:
- Paging & Pickup: Request items for pickup from your selected pickup location.
- Scan and Deliver: Get articles and book chapters from the University of Chicago Library's print collections scanned and emailed to you for free.
If the item is in process or or on order:
- Place a Hold: Place a hold request for in process or on order items, which will be made available for pickup when they arrive and are processed.
If the item is loaned or otherwise unavailable:
- InterLibrary Loan: Request otherwise unavailable articles, chapters, books, and other media from libraries around the world.
- Suggest a Purchase: The Library welcomes suggestions from all members of the community for the acquisition of materials which support the University's teaching and research programs.
Why is some information hyperlinked?
Fields on the full record that are hyperlinked can be clicked to initiate an alphabetical browse for the hyperlinked term. This is a quick way of locating materials by the same author, on the same subject, or which are adjacent to the original item in the stacks.
Where is the ISBN listed?
Most of the information you need in order to identify or select an item can be found on the main page of the Full Record display.
What is Staff View?
The Staff View display displays the record in MARC (or Machine Readable Catalog Format). The Staff View is mainly used by library staff.