Census of Manufactures: 1919

There are many geographic and industry specific publications from the 1919 Census of Manufactures not listed in this document. Search Keyword - Anywhere: 1919 census manufactures in our Online Catalog for a complete listing of our holdings.

Library Holdings:

Fourteenth census of the United States, taken in the year 1920, etc.
United States. Bureau of the Census
Washington, 1921-1923
Population, 1920: 4 v. I. Number and distribution of inhabitants. II. General report and analytical tables. III. Composition and characteristics of the population by states. IV. Occupations -- Agriculture: 4 v. V. General report and analytical tables. VI. Reports for states with statistics for countries: pt. 1. The northern states. pt. 2. The southern states. pt. 3. The western states and outlying possessions -- VII. Irrigation and drainage -- Manufactures, 1919: 3 v. VIII. General report and analytical tables. IX. Reports for states with statistics for principal cities. X. Reports for selected industries -- XI. Mines and quarries, 1919
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Fourteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1920
United States. Bureau of the Census
New York : Norman Ross Publishing, 2000, 1921
Vol. 1. Population 1920: number and distribution of inhabitants -- Vol. 2. Population 1920: general report and analytical tables -- Vol. 3. Population 1920: composition and characteristics of the population by states -- Vol. 4. Population 1920: occupations -- Vol. 5. Agriculture: general report and analytical tables -- Vol. 6, Pt. 1. Agriculture: reports for states with statistics ... the Northern states ... -- Vol. 6, Pt. 2. Agriculture: reports for states with statistics ... the Southern states ... Vol. 6, Pt. 3. Agriculture: reports for states with statistics ... the Western and outlying possessions ... Vol. 7. Irrigation and drainage: general report and anaylytical tables and reports for states , with statistics for counties -- Vol. 8. Manufactures 1919: general report and analytical tables -- Vol. 9, Pt. 1. Manufactures 1919: reports for states with statistics for principal cities [Alabama-Nebraska] -- Vol. 9, Pt. 2. Manufactures 1919: reports for states with statistics for principal cities [Nevada-Wyoming] -- Vol. 10. Manufactures 1919: reports for selected industries -- Vol. 11. Mines and quarries 1919: general report and analytical tables and reports for states and selected industries -- Vol. 12. Statistical atlas of the United States.
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Census of manufactures : 1919 
United States. Bureau of the Census 
New York : Norman Ross Pub., 2008
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Census of manufactures: 1919. Key to classifications
United States. Bureau of the Census
Washingtion, Govt. print off., 1920
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A graphic analysis of the census of manufactures of the United States, 1849 to 1919
National Industrial Conference Board
New York : National Industrial Conference Board, c1923
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Evolution of the United States Economic Censuses: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Industry research using the economic census : how to find it, how to use it
Boettcher, Jennifer C. and Gaines, Leonard M.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004
Table of contents link
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Guide to industrial statistics : industrial statistics program, locator guide to published data, types of data presented, publications of major censuses, other sources of statistics
United States. Bureau of the Census
Washington : U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Bureau of the Census : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1978
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