Census of Manufactures: 1992

Library Holdings:

1992 census of manufactures. Industry series
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
[20A] Meat products -- [20B] Dairy products -- [20C] Preserved fruits and vegetables -- [20D] Grain mill products -- [20E] Bakery products -- [20F] Sugar and confectionery products -- [20G] Fats and oils -- [20H] Beverages -- [20I] Miscellaneous food and kindred products -- [21A] Tobacco products -- [22A] Weaving and floor covering mills -- [22B] Knitting mills -- [22C] Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool fabrics and knit goods -- [22D] Yarn and thread mills -- [22E] Miscellaneous textile goods -- [23A] Men's and boys' apparel -- [23B] Women's and misses' outerwear -- [23C] Women's and children's underwear; headwear; children's outerware -- [23D] Miscellaneous apparel and accessories -- [23E] Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. [24A] Logging camps, saw mills and planing mills -- [24B] Millwork, plywood, and structural wood members, not elsewhere classified -- [24C] Wooden containers and miscellaneous wood products -- [24D] Wood buildings and mobile homes -- [25A] Household furniture -- [25B] Office, public building, miscellaneous furniture ; office and store fixtures -- [26A] Pulp, paper, and board mills -- [26B] Paperboard containers and boxes -- [26C] Converted paper and paperboard products, except containers and boxes. [27A] Newspapers, periodicals, books, and miscellaneiou publishing -- [27B] Commercial printing and manifold business forms -- [27C] Greeting cards; bookbinding; printing trade services -- [28A] Industrial inorganic chemicals -- [28B] Plastics materials, synthetic rubber, and manmade fibers -- [28C] Drugs -- [28D] Soaps, cleaners, and toilet goods -- [28E] Paints and allied products -- [28F] Industrial organic chemicals -- [28G] Agricultural chemicals -- [28H] Miscellaneous chemical products -- [29A] Petroleum and coal products -- [30A] Rubber products -- [30B] Miscellaneous plastics products, not elsewhere classified -- [31A] Tanning; industrial leather goods; and shoes -- [31B] Leather gloves; luggage; and misellaneous leather goods. [32A] Glass products -- [32B] Cement and structural clay products -- [32C] Pottery and related procucts -- [32D] Concrete, plaster, and cut stone products -- [32E] Abrasive, asbestos, and miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral products -- [33A] Blast furnaces, steel works, and rolling and finishing mills -- [33B] Ferrous and nonferrous foundries -- [33C] Smelting and refining of nonferrous metals and alloys -- [33D] Nonferrous metal mills and miscellaneous primary metal products -- [34A] Metal cans, cutlery, handtools, and general hardware -- [34B] Heating apparatus (except electric and warm air furnaces) and plumbing fixtures -- [34C] Fabricated structural metal products -- [34D] Screw machine products, fasteners and washers; metal forgings and stampings; and metal services -- [34E] Ordnance and accessories, not elsewhere classified -- [34F] Miscellaneous fabricated metal products. [35A] Engines and turbines and farm machinery and equipment -- [35B] Construction, mining, and materials handling machinery and equipment -- [35C] Metalworking machinery and equipment -- [35D] Special industry machinery, except metalworking machinery -- [35E] General industrial machinery and equipment -- [35F] Office and computing machines -- [35G] Service industry machines -- [35H] Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical -- [36A] Electrical transmission and distribution equipment and electrical industrial apparatus -- [36B] Household appliances -- [36C] Electric lighting and wiring equipment -- [36D] Communication equipment, including radio and television -- [36E] Electronic componenets -- [36F] Miscellaneous electrical equipment and supplies -- [37A] Motor vehicles and equipment -- [37B] Aerospace equipment, including parts -- [37C] Ship and boat building, railroad and miscellaneous transportation equipment -- [38A] Search and navigation equipment and engineering, measuring, controlling, and optical instruments -- [38B] Medical instruments; ophthalmic goods; photographic equipment; clocks, watches, and watchcases -- [39A] Jewelry, silverware, and plated ware -- [39B] Musical instruments and parts; toys and sporting goods -- [39C] Office supplies, costume jewelry and notions -- [39D] Miscellaneous manufactures.
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1992 census of manufactures. Geographic area series
[Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
[1] Alabama -- [2] Alaska -- [3] Arizona -- [4] Arkansas -- [5] California -- [6] Colorado -- [7] Connecticut -- [8] Delaware -- [9] District of Columbia -- [10] Florida -- [11] Georgia -- [12] Hawaii -- [13] Idaho -- [14] Illinois -- [15] Indiana -- [16] Iowa -- [17] Kansas -- [18] Kentucky -- [19] Louisiana --[20] Maine -- [21] Maryland -- [22] Massachusetts -- [23] Michigan -- [24] Minnesota -- [25] Mississippi -- [26] Missouri -- [27] Montana -- [28] Nebraska -- [29] Nevada -- [30] New Hampshire -- [31] New Jersey -- [32] New Mexico -- [33] New York -- [34] North Carolina -- [35] North Dakota -- [36] Ohio -- [37] Oklahoma -- [38] Oregon -- [39] Pennsylvania -- [40] Rhode Island -- [41] South Carolina -- [42] South Dakota -- [43] Tennessee -- [45] Utah -- [46] Vermont -- [47] Virginia -- [48] Washington -- [49] West Virginia -- [50] Wisconsin -- [51] Wyoming
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1992 census of manufactures : subject series
[Washington, D.C.] : Bureau of the Census
No. 1: General Summary - also available online
No. 2: Not published
No. 3: Manufacturers' Shipments to Federal Government Agencies
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1992 economic census of outlying areas. Virgin Islands of the United States. Construction industries, manufactures, wholesale trade, retail trade, service industries
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census

1992 economic census of outlying areas. Guam. Construction industries, manufactures, wholesale trade, retail trade, service industries
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census

1992 economic census of outlying areas. Northern Mariana Islands. Construction industries, manufactures, wholesale trade, retail trade, service industries
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census

1992 economic census of outlying areas. Puerto Rico
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census

Electronic Availability:

1992 Economic Census Results

1992 economic census [electronic resource]
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Data User Services Division
computer optical discs ; 4 3/4 in.
v. 1. Report series -- v. 2. ZIP code statistics -- v.3. Truck inventory and use survey -- v. 4. Nonemployer statistics.
Statistical data on retail trade; wholesale trade; service industries; transportation, communications, and utilities; financial, insurance, and real estate industries; manufactures; mineral industries; and construction industries, as well as enterprise statistics and statistics for minority- and women-owned business for all sectors. Disc4: Statistics on sales by establishments with no paid employees, together with corresponding figures for employer establishments. Data cover retail trade; service industries; transportation, communications, and utilities; and financial, insurance, and real estate industries.
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1992 economic census. Geographic reference manual
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
find in the library and online via Hathi Trust

Evolution of the United States Economic Censuses: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Industry research using the economic census : how to find it, how to use it
Boettcher, Jennifer C. and Gaines, Leonard M.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2004
Table of contents online