Find, Create, & Clean Data

Browse Collections of Data, Images, and Corpora

Library Database Finder: Databases licensed for the UChicago Community.

Data and Statistics: International, national, and state data sources.

Spatial Data: Spatial Data from the Library Collection and beyond.

Image Databases: Image databases licensed for the UChicago community.

UChicago's Digital Image Collections: Library-hosted digital image collections.

Corpora Collections: Text collections for text and data mining, including newspapers, books, citations, metadata, primary sources, and government documents.

Ask Us for a Data Reference

Ask a Librarian: Chat, email, or text with librarians who can answer questions about our services and connect you with your subject specialist.

Contact your Subject Specialist: Email your subject specialist to learn about available data, media, and corpora for your research and teaching. When a suitable dataset is not available through our collection or open access source, librarians will consider purchasing data that meet the Data Collection Development Policy criteria.

Create & Clean Data

Librarians are available to consult on creating and cleaning data and media: