B. Heller & Co. Collection |
Bachner, Rudolph. Papers |
Baer, Joseph Louis. Papers |
Baily, Walter. Papers |
Bakwin, Dr. Harry and Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin. Soviet Posters. Collection |
Balderston, John L., Jr. Collection |
Baldridge, Cyrus Le Roy. Collection |
Baldwin, Loammi. Papers |
Balzac Research Collection of E. Preston Dargan |
Bandettini, Teresa. Poems (Ms 1445) |
Baptist Divinity House. Records |
Baptist Ministers' Conference, Chicago. Records |
Baptist Theological Faculties Union. Records |
Baptist Theological Union. Records |
Baptist Union Theological Seminary. Records |
Barnard. Edward Emerson. Papers |
Barnes, Broda Otto Papers |
Barnes, David Leonard. Iron & Steel in Car Construction: Memoranda on Pressed Steel |
Barnes, David Leonard. Specifications for Locomotive Details |
Barrash, Annette Medow. Collection |
Barron, Elwyn A. Papers |
Barrows, Harlan H. Papers |
Barrows, Samuel J., Papers |
Bartky, Walter, Papers |
Bartlett, Frederick. Recipe for Pills |
Bartolozzi, Francesco. Collection |
Barzi, Benedetto, and Angelo Gambiglioni, Rubricae. Manuscript (Ms 8) |
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, De legendis gentilium libris. Manuscript (Ms 45) |
Bastin, Edson Sunderland. Papers |
Baur, E. Jackson. Papers |
Bay, J. Christian. Alphabetical Index to The Birds of America by John James Audubon |
Bay, Jens Christian. Scrapbook on Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism |
Beadle, George Wells. Papers |
Beaumont, William. Collection |
Beaver, R. Pierce. Papers |
Becker, Gary S. Papers |
Becker, Hans Karl. Schriften zur Höhlenkunde |
Bekanttnus oder Symbolum S. Athanasij: von der heÿligen drÿfelttigkeit, wider die Arrianer. Manuscript (Ms 150) |
Bekker, Immanuel. Papers |
Belfield, Henry H. and Belfield Family. Papers |
Bell, Laird. Papers |
Bellow, Saul. Papers |
Bennett, A. Milo. Papers |
Benon, Raoul. Titres en Travaux du Docteur R. Benon |
Benton, William. Papers |
Berelson, Bernard R., Study of Graduate Education. Records |
Berlin Wall Photographs. Collection |
Bernard of Clairvaux, De consideratione. Manuscript (Ms 9) |
Bernard, Claude. Dessins originaux pour le Précis iconographique de médecine opératoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale, par C. Bernard et Ch. Huette |
Bernard, Luther Lee. Papers |
Bernstein, Seymour. Papers |
Berthollet, Claude Louis. Rapport sur une mémoire de M. Cluzel ayant pour object l'analyse du soufre liquide de Lampadius |
Bewick, Thomas. Wood Blocks |
Bibfeldt, Franz. Papers |
Bibliotheca Riviana sive Catalogus Librorum |
Bickham Family. Papers |
Bickham, Martin Hayes. Papers |
Bigelow, Harry A. Papers |
Bill, Charles A. Collection of Yousuf Karsh. Photographs |
Billings, Frank. Papers |
Billings, John S. Letter |
Bjerrum, Jannik. Two papers on Glaucoma |
Blackwood, Easley. Papers |
Blair, Gavin, Commentarii in libros ethicos Aristotelis. Manuscript (Ms 101) |
Blair, James. Collection |
Blakemore, William Barnett. Papers |
Blatchford, E.W. Hog Raising and the Pork Packing Industry in America |
Blayney, James Roy. Papers |
Blind, Karl. Collection |
Block, Jean F. Papers |
Bloom, William. Papers |
Bloomfield, Leonard, and Clarence L. Barnhart. Collection |
Bloomfield, Leonard. Papers |
Blum, Walter J. Papers |
Boccaccio, Giovanni Genealogia Deorum Gentilium Manuscript (Ms 100) |
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Il filocolo. Manuscript (Ms 57) |
Boerhaave, Herman. Supplementa Dictatis in Institutiones & Aphorismos Boerhaavii, Notes on |
Bogorad, Lawrence. Papers |
Bogue, Donald J. Papers |
Bohr, Niels. Collection |
Bonner, Amy. Papers |
Bonney Family. Correspondence |
Book of hours (use of Châlons-sur-Marne.) Manuscript (Ms 26) |
Boot, George William. The Diagnosis of Osteosclerosis |
Bothman, Louis. Papers |
Bowes' Family. Papers |
Bowman, James Edward. Papers |
Bowman, Mary Jean. Papers |
Boynton, Percy. Papers |
Bradbury, Dorothy Edith. Papers |
Bradford, Amory H. Papers |
Brainerd, Mary Bowen. Papers |
Brannen, Noah S. Papers |
Braude, Lee. Papers |
Braude, Marjorie. Papers |
Brauer, Jerald. Papers |
Braxton, Anthony. Collection |
Bray, George Eben. Equipment for Drying Fruits and Vegetables Which can be Made at Home |
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. Papers |
Bressie, Ramona. Papers |
Bretonière, J. Sailing Flight, from Observations Made at Constantine, Algeria |
Bretz, J Harlen. Papers |
Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. Sanity Hearings and Criminal Cases of Clarence V.T. Richeson, Leon F. Czolgosz, and Bertram C. Spencer |
British Lottery Handbills |
British Romance Novelettes and Popular Paperbacks. Collection |
Brooks, Shirley. Collection |
Broussais, François Joseph Victor. Pathologie Interne, [and] Physiologie. Lecture Notes |
Brown, Edward K. Papers |
Brown, Frieda S. Papers |
Brown, Rachel Fuller. Notebooks |
Brownlow, Louis. Diaries |
Bruni, Leonardo, De primo bello Punico. Manuscript (Ms 31) |
Bruni, Leonardo, Opuscula varia. Manuscript (Ms 32) |
Bryan, Charles W., Jr. Collection |
Buckingham and Carnatic Mills Photograph Collection |
Buitenen, J. A. B. van. Papers |
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Records |
Bulstrode, Edward, Meditations on passages from the Bible. Manuscript (Ms 118) |
Bunting, Sir Percy William. Papers |
Burchardus de Monte Sion. Descrioptio seu declaratio terrae sanctae. Manuscript (Ms 707) |
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers |
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers. Addenda |
Burlingam, D. E., Notes on lectures at Chicago Medical College, Mercy Hospital, and Cook County Hospital |
Burnet, Gilbert, History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Manuscript (Ms 114) |
Burroughs, John. The Flight of Birds |
Burrows, Thomas Wilson. Surgical Kit |
Burrows, William. Papers |
Burton, Ernest DeWitt. Papers |
Butler, Demia. Papers |
Butler, Digby B. Papers |
Butler-Gunsaulus. Collection |
Buzzell, Edgar A. Collection |
Byrne, John. Clinical Notes on the Electric Cautery in Uterine Surgery |