The free-access International Law Library via WorldLII

A recent press release announced the launch of the International Law Library on September 6, 2010 by Sir Kenneth James Keith of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).  The IL Library is freely accessible via the web:

Here is an excerpt from the press release:

"The International Law Library contains over 80,000 searchable documents for free access. This includes over 25,000 decisions of International Courts and Tribunals, over 30,000 treaties and international agreements (including the League of Nations and UN Treaty Series), international law journals and law reform materials. These materials cannot be jointly searched elsewhere on the Internet. AustLII’s LawCite citator tracks where international cases, treaties and law journal articles have been cited."

The IL Library is a growing collection.  See a list of current contents here  Check out the International Law Library, and also look for more useful content for international legal research to be added to it in the future!