University of Chicago Library

Guide to John Martin, Book of Receipts circa 1720

© 2008 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Martin, John. Book of Receipts


circa 1720

Manuscript Number:

Crerar Ms 114


242 p. (17 cm.)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Manuscript book in several hands, featuring recipes for cakes, ales, puddings, meats, etc.

Information on Use


Open for research. No restrictions.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Martin, John, Book of Receipts, Crerar Ms 114, Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Scope Note

Manuscript book in several hands, featuring recipes for cakes, ales, puddings, meats, etc. Includes alphabetical table of contents. Entered in from the opposite side, "A bill of the linnen [sic] put up by Mrs. Martin, Brundish, April ye 15, 1720," listing household goods (possibly a trousseau). Inscribed inside front cover: "Sarah this book was given to Eliz Bearl[?] by my dear son John Martin who departed this life to live with God the 28th of Aprill [sic], 1718. Mary." Also signed, "Eliz Bearl[?]." Inscribed inside back cover: "A receite B/ AA receite Boock/ Booke ," and in a different hand, "To I.H. Cromshey from I.W. Cromshey, 1897." Ex libris: "Mrs. Martin to her daughter Mary Martin," "I. W. Cromshey," "I. H. Cromshey," and "Eliz Bearl[?]." Bound in contemporary leather. Binder's title: "Book of receipts."

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Subject Headings


Crerar Ms 114