University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Morris Fishbein Papers 1912-1976
© 2007 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Fishbein, Morris. Papers |
Dates: | 1912-1976 |
Size: | 79.5 linear ft.(128 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Physician, editor, and writer. B.S., University of Chicago, 1910. M.D., Rush Medical College, 1912. Editor, The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1924-1949. Died 1976. Contains correspondence; manuscripts of articles and speeches; newspaper clippings and other print and near-print material; and memorabilia including photographs, audio recordings, awards and medals, and scrapbooks. Includes correspondence with publishers and readers, a draft of Morris Fishbein, M.D: an Autobiography, and a journal which records Fishbein's daily activities from 1919 to 1975. Papers document Fishbein's career as medical editor, speaker, and philanthropist. Also contains personal documents including papers of Fishbein's wife, Anna Mantel Fishbein. |
Information on Use
The collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Fishbein, Morris. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
The papers of Morris Fishbein - medical editor, writer, lecturer, and prodigious fund-raiser - span the long and active career he himself described near the age of 80 in Morris Fishbein, M. D.: An Autobiography (New York: Doubleday, 1969). They incorporate the papers of his wife, Anna Mantel Fishbein.
Morris Fishbein's career as an educator divides naturally into two parts. Between 1912 and 1948 he was associated with the American Medical Association. After early retirement in 1949, until his death in 1976, he expanded the range of his activities as free-lance lecturer, editor, author and philanthropist. The organization of his papers reflects this division of his career. The first section of the Correspondence series (Boxes 109) dates to the AMA period as do many of the folders in Series II: General Files (Boxes 41-111) and most of the Scrapbooks (Series III: Memorabilia). The remainder of Box 125 dates to the later, post-retirement period.
Born to Eastern European immigrant parents in St. Louis on 22 July 1889, Morris Fishbein grew up in Indianapolis. Graduating from Shortridge High School after three and one-half years, he entered the University of Chicago in 1906, completed his B. S. in 1910, and was awarded his medical degree from Rush Medical College in 1912. A few months later he was invited to assist the editor of The Journal of the American Medical Association, and in 1924, with the retirement of Dr. George Simmons, he assumed its editorship. He held this position until 1949.
As editor of JAMA Fishbein became the AMA's spokesman during a period of great growth and change in American medicine, and under his editorship JAMA became the most influential and affluent periodical in the history of medical journalism. He read the 3000 manuscripts submitted each year, paying physicians for the 500 articles that he selected for publication. He set the standards and screened advertising from the burgeoning pharmaceuticals industry. Although an employee of the AMA's Board of Trustees, it was Fishbein's editorials, and his editorial work, which articulated and shaped the AMA's policies. He exercised his power to print or not to print with a consistency of viewpoint which the Board of Trustees, whose members were elected for brief terms, could not match.
Continuing the AMA's long-standing interest in advancing medical education and in eliminating charlatans from the medical professions, Fishbein used JAMA to pursue quacks relentlessly. He, as a consequence, was sued more than 30 times, for a total of $40 million, but never lost a suit. These attacks on quackery attracted wide public interest and moved Fishbein and the AMA to a closer relationship with the lay public. Fishbein created an AMA public relations office which issued press releases and responded to the inquiries of newspaper reporters. In 1924 he added Hygeia, a magazine for lay readers, to the list of AMA publications and encouraged physicians to write for it. He himself contributed frequent articles and columns to newspapers and popular magazines, and from these grew a number of his more than 40 books, many of them popular best-sellers. His Modern Home Medical Advisor, first published in 1935 and revised several times, sold four million copies and was translated into nine languages.
Gifted as a writer - he regularly produced 15,000 words a week for publication - he was also gifted as a platform speaker. For years he delivered as many as 300 speeches and lectures every year, keynoting conferences, introducing programs, speaking to medical professionals and lay audiences in every part of the country, and frequently abroad, on behalf of the AMA and other medical organizations. His irrepressible wit, his energy, and his instant quotability led to frequent requests that he appear on radio broadcasts, and he became increasingly identified in the public mind as the "voice" of American medicine. Time Magazine characterized him as "the nation's most ubiquitous, most widely maligned, and perhaps most influential medico."
Although he had the confidence of the Board of Trustees, and their support for his activities, his prominence in the media made some members of the AMA uneasy. Some disagreed with the AMA policies which Fishbein so forcefully expressed. Some disliked his style or thought it inappropriate to his position as editor of a scientific journal. In the 1940's Fishbein was three times required to defend his activities in the AMA's House of Delegates. They became a central issue for the contenders to the AMA presidency in 1949, however. Fishbein declined a political fight and the Board of Trustees, fearing a contest intense enough to disrupt the AMA, reached agreement with him on the conditions of his retirement.
Leaving the Atlantic City convention at which the decision was announced Fishbein was offered five jobs, and, he said, accepted them all. He stayed on a few months to train a successor and left the AMA at the end of 1949. Many physicians - he was said to have formed personal relationships with more than 8000 - men of literature and public affairs, and leaders in business and entertainment wrote to praise his work on behalf of the AMA; these letter and a large number of newspaper clippings are found in Box 43:1-4 and Box 68: 7-10.
Within a few months after "retirement," Fishbein was writing, editing, and lecturing as widely as before his departure from the AMA. He increasingly involved himself in medical philanthropy, lecturing for Dr. Charles A. Haney & Associates (Box 15:1-2) to build new hospitals throughout the United States and accepting invitations to the boards of numerous Chicago and many national organizations and institutions. He was involved immediately in the publication of Postgraduate Medicine, lectured at the University of Chicago, and from 1953 to 1957 produced an annual series, Medical Progress. The first edition of his Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia appeared in 1957, and in 1960, at the age of seventy, Fishbein published Medical World News.
Although Fishbien's activities were slowed by an operation, illness, and the effects of advancing age, Morris Fishbein never retired. He continued to work with humor and vigor until shortly before his death, on 27 September 1976, at the age of 87. He was survived only briefly by his wife of sixty-two years, Anna Mantel Fishbein, who died on 23 December 1976.
Scope Note
Routinely dictating dozens of letters each day, requiring two busy, full-time secretaries, Morris Fishbein was a prolific producer of typed copy. Carbon copies were made systemically, stapled to originating correspondence, and filed. The papers were thus received in good order, and their original organization has been preserved with only a few adjustments to simplify presentation. There are three principal series: Correspondence, General Files, and Memorabilia. The third series contains material largely distinct by physical form (photographs, tape recordings, awards and medals, and scrapbooks). The first two series, however, contain material similar in form and overlap to a considerable degree.
Series I (Correspondence) is further divided in three alphabetically arranged sections: Subseries 1 (Boxes 1-9) contains correspondence dated 1912-1948; Subseries 2 (boxes 10-30) correspondence dated 1971-1976. A complete inventory of the correspondents has been prepared for Subseries 1, Subseries 2, and Subseries 3 have not been so fully analyzed and the inventory of these sections records only the name of the first and the last correspondent in each folder; correspondence with others whose names fall alphabetically between the recorded names will be found in sequence in the same folder.
Access to Subseries 2 and Subseries 3 is further facilitated by the index of names which appears in Morris Fishbein, M.D. and by the run of Dr. Pepys Diary (Boxes 93:4-95:11) which records almost day by day the Fishbeins' many activities between 1919 and 1975. Correspondence was, however, filed alphabetically by institution, organization, company, or event as well as by name of individual correspondent. Consequently the reader wishing to review all correspondence with a single individual must trace institutional and project affiliations with some care through all Sections.
Series II (General Files) contains material dated throughout Dr. Fishbein's career arranged alphabetically in a single sequence of folder labels largely transcribed from Fishbein's own files. Present from the 1912-1948 period are folders relating to significant controversies, lawsuits, public hearings, and other events in which Fishbein was involved as a result of his AMA responsibilities; these contain correspondence, clippings and often related print or near print material. The inventory records the inclusive dates of the material in most of these folders.
Also present in Series II are copies, in manuscript and often printed forms, of Fishbein's articles, columns, editorials and speeches; virtually all of the apparently topical files contain one or more pieces of Fishbein's writing as well as associated correspondence with publishers and readers. Some personal and family files are found here too, most notably those of Anna Mantel Fishbein (Boxes 65-66) and of Morris Fishbein himself (Boxes 66:10-70:5).
Also incorporated in this series under the entry "Birth Announcements" (Boxes 48:7-49) is a collection of more than 1000 unusual birth announcements sent to Fishbein as editor of the JAMA column "Tonics and Sedatives" during the 1930's and 1940's.
Well over half of the folders in Series II, however, were begun in the 1949-1976 period. They document Fishbein's activity as writer, speaker, editor, consultant, and increasingly, philanthropist. Many of these files too are dated in the inventory; reference to the Diary and the autobiography will suggest the contents of files relating to people and events.
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Subject Headings
- Fishbein, Morris, 1889-
- Fishbein, Anna Mantel
- American Medical Association
- Journal of the American Medical Association
- Physicians, American -- Biography
- Physicians as authors
- Physicians
- Diaries
- Photographs
- Scrapbooks
Box 1 Folder 1 |
- Aaron, Abraham
- Adams, C. R.
- Ade, George
- Alexander, Franz
- Allen, Harvey
- Allen, Raymond B.
- Alvarez, Walter C.
- Amaral, Afranio do
- American Magazine
- American Speech
Box 1 Folder 2 | American Weekly |
Box 1 Folder 3 |
- Anderson, Karl W.
- Andrews, Edmund
- Archdahl, Merwyn
- Arnold, Thurman
- Ashcroft, James M.
- Auerbacher, L. J.
Box 1 Folder 4 |
- Bachman, George W.
- Bacon, Asa
- Baer, Joseph L.
- Bailey, H. Hamilton
- Bailey, Perry W.
- Bailey, William H.
- Baker, Hillier L.
- Baketel, H. Sheridan
- Baldwin, J. F.
- Balfour, Donald C.
- Balfour, Gordon B.
- Ball, W. C.
- Ballous, A. D.
Box 1 Folder 5 |
- Barach, Alvan L.
- Barell, H.
- Barnett, Hoyt
- Barney, L. F.
- Bartemeier, Leo H.
- Barton, Bruce
- Bastedo, Walter A.
- Bauer, Louis H.
- Bauer, W. W.
- Bay, Emmet B.
- Bays, Alfred W.
- Beatty, Vernon D.
- Bel, George S.
- Ben-Gurion, David
- Benjamin, Harry
- Benton, Joseph L.
- Bercovivi, Konrad
- Bergson, Herbert A.
- Berkeley, Comyns
- Berlin, Richard E.
- Berman, Louis
- Bernheim, Bertram M.
- Bevan, Arthur Dean
- Bierring, Walter L.
- Bigelow, Leslie Lawson
Box 1 Folder 6 | Billings, Frank |
Box 1 Folder 7 |
- Bing, F. C.
- Bingay, M. W.
- Biow, Milton
- Birkhaug, Konrad E.
- Bjorneboe, Jens
- Blakeston Co.
- Bloodgood, Joseph Colt
- Bloss, James R.
- Blumer, George
- B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of
Box 1 Folder 9 |
- Boettinger, John
- Boland, Frank K.
- Bonn, H. K.
- Booth, Arthur W.
- Bortz, Edward L.
- Borzell, F. F.
- Bowman, James A.
- Boyd, Julian P.
- Boyell, Harry
Box 1 Folder 10 | Braasch, William F. |
Box 1 Folder 11 |
- Braude, J. M.
- Braun, W. C.
- Broedel, Max
- Brooks, Clyde
- Brookster, W. R.
- Broughton, J. Melville
- Broun, Heywood
Box 1 Folder 12 |
- Brown, Chester
- Brown, L. W.
- Brown, Orville Harry
- Brown, S. L.
- Bruce, H. A.
- Brunn, Harold
- Buffum, William W.
- Buie, Louis A.
- Buie, Neil D., Jr.
- Bulson, Albert H.
- Bunce, Allen H.
- Bundesen, Herman
- Bunker, M. N.
- Burns, Walter Noble
Box 1 Folder 13 |
- Calcote, R. J.
- Caldwell, Bert W.
- Caldwell, Orestes H.
- Cladwell, Taylor
- Calhoun, Jay W.
- Calver, George W.
- Cannon, M. Phillip
- Cannon, Walter B.
- Cantor, Eddie
- Capper, Arthur
- Carlisle, George
- Carlson, A. J.
- Carnegie, Dale
- Carpenter, C. C.
- Carr, Shelby Gibson
- Carrel, Alexis
Box 1 Folder 14 | Cary, Edward H. |
Box 1 Folder 15 |
- Castellani, Aldo
- Catiglioni, Arturo
- Castruccio, Cazenave
Box 1 Folder 16 |
- Cerf, Bennett A.
- Bermak, Anton J.
- Chain, E. B.
- Chamberlain, Wilson S.
- Capman, Cloyd M.
- Case, William Sheafe
- Cherry, Charles
- Childs, Marquis
- Christian, Henry A>
- Clapesattle, Helen
Box 1 Folder 17 |
- Clegg, Hugh
- Clendening, Logan
Box 1 Folder 18 |
- Clough, S. Dewitt
- Coca, Arthur F.
- Coffey, W. C.
- Cohen, Alfred M.
- Cohen, Joseph H.
- Cohn, Alfred E.
Box 1 Folder 19 |
- Cole, Harold N.
- Collier's
- Colwell, Nathan P.
- Conant, James B.
- Conner, B.
- Conner, H. M.
- Conner, J. S.
- Conner, J. T.
Box 2 Folder 1 |
- Coraje, Eliseo Jesus
- Corcoran, A. C.
- Cormack, Bartlett
- Cosmopolitan
- Coster, F. Donald
- Couney, Martin
- Cowles, Gardner Jr.
Box 2 Folder 2 |
- Cox, Alfred
- Craig, J. W.
- Craig, Winchell McK.
- Craigie, W. A.
- Cramp, Arthur
- Crampton, C. Ward
- Crile, George
- Crockett, F. S.
- Cronin, A. J.
- Crossman, Lester E.
- Crotti, Andre
- Crownhart, J. G.
- Culbertson, Ely
Box 2 Folder 3 |
- Cullen, Frank
- Cullen, Thomas S.
- Cummer, Clyde L.
- Cumming, Hugh S.
- Cuniffe, Edward R.
- Cunningham, Robert M., Jr.
- Current News Features
- Curwent, Henry Darcy
Box 2 Folder 4 | Cushing, Harvey |
Box 2 Folder 5 |
- Cutler, Elliott C.
- Cutter, Irving S.
- Cyclopedia Corporation of America
Box 2 Folder 6 |
- Dafoe, Allen R.
- Dana, Charles L.
- David, Vernon C.
- Davies, Willard J.
- Davis, Elmer
- Davis, Loyal
- Davis, M. Edward
- Davis, Michael M.
- Davis, Philip R.
Box 2 Folder 7 | De Kruif, Paul |
Box 2 Folder 8 |
- Delaney, William H.
- De Lee, Joseph B.
- De Los Reyes, Joseph M.
- Denison, Robert
- Denny, A. C.
- Desson, Edgar L.
- Diehl, H. S.
- Dillehunt, Richard B.
- Diller, Theodore
- Dittrick, Howard
- Dobrin, Max
- Donham, W. B.
Box 2 Folder 9 | Doubleday and Company, Inc. |
Box 2 Folder 10 |
- Dowling, Oscar
- Draper, Warren
- Drinker, Philip
- Dryer, Sherman H.
- Du Bois, Eugene F.
- Duke, W. W.
- Dumais, Loren
- Dunn, Charles Wesley
- Dutchess, Charles B.
Box 2 Folder 11 |
- East, E. M.
- Ecker, Mrs. Frederick H.
- Edmonds, H. O.
- Eisendrath, Daniel
- Eisenhower, Milton S.
- Ellet, W. C.
- Elliott, Edward C.
- Ellis
- Emmerich, F. J.
- Eusterman, George B.
- Evans, Newton
- Ewing, Oscard R.
Box 2 Folder 12 |
- Fante, John
- Farm, Ellmore
- Farrell, John T., Jr.
- Feibleman, Gertrude
- Fenton, Ralph A.
- Ferguson, Homer
- Ferguson, J. G.
- Ferrell, T. E.
- Feuerlicht, Morris M.
- Field, Henry
- Filbey, Emery T.
- Filene, Edward A.
- Finnegan, R. J.
- Finnerud, Clark W.
- Fischbein, Louis
- Fischer, Martin H.
Box 2 Folder 13 | Fishbein Family |
Box 2 Folder 14 |
- Fisher, Irving
- Fitz, Reginal
- Fitzgibbon, John H.
- Fleming, Sir Alexander
- Flexner, Abraham
- Flexner, Simon
- Florey, Howard W.
- Floyd, Mrs. T. M.
Box 3 Folder 1 |
- Foshay, P. Maxwell
- Fouts, Roy W.
- Frailey, Carson P.
- Francis, W. W.
- Frank, Jerome
- Frankel, Walter K.
- Fraser, Alexander
- Freiberg, Albert H.
- French, J. Rollin
- Freund, Mrs. Harriet Walton
- Frey, Richard L.
- Friedell, Morris T.
- Friedell, Barbara
Box 3 Folder 2 |
- Friedenwald, Harry
- Fulconer, R. A.
- Fulton, John F.
- Furnas, J. C.
Box 3 Folder 3 |
- Galdston, Lago
- Garceau, Oliver
- Gardner, V. H.
- Garen, J. P.
- Garrison, F. H.
- Gessner, Herman B.
- Gifford, Sanford R.
- Gleysteen, Dirk
- Gogarty, Oliver St. J.
- Goldblatt, Harry
- Goldbloom, Alton
- Goldstein, Hyman I.
- Goldstine, Mark T.
- Goldwater, S. S.
Box 3 Folder 4 |
- Goodwin, E. J.
- Gradle, Harry
- Gradwohl, R. B. H.
- Graffis, Herbert
- Graffis, Joseph
- Graham, Evarts A.
- Graham, R. H.
- Graves, O. M.
- Gregg, Alan
- Greulich, William Walter
- Griffith, A. Comingo
- Griffith, Ivor
- Grinker, Roy
- Gross, Miriam Zeller
- Grossman, William
- Gudernatsch, H.
- Guffey, Jospeh F.
- Gumpert, Jack
- Gunther, John
- Gwathmey, James T.
Box 3 Folder 5 |
- Habas, Ralph A.
- Haggard, Howard W.
- Haggard, W. D.
- Haines, Walter S.
- Halford, Francis J.
- Hall, Harry M.
- Hamburger, Walter W.
- Hammerstein, Oscar
- Haney, Charles A.
- Hansen, Harry
- Hanson, Adolph M.
Box 3 Folder 6 |
- Hanzlik, P. J.
- Harding, T. Swann
- Harlow, Mrs. Arthur H.
- Harriman, Karl
- Harris, M. L.
- Hartwell, H. Ameroy
- Harvey, S. C.
- Haskell, H. J.
- Hatcher, Robert A.
- Hawkins, Lawrence
- Hawkins, Leland
- Hayden, Austin A.
- Hays, Arthur Garfield
- Hays, Harold
- Hecht, Ben and Rose
Box 3 Folder 7 |
- Hecht, George J.
- Heckel, Norris J.
- Hedback, A. E.
- Hektoen, Ludwig
Box 3 Folder 8 |
- Hench, Philip S.
- Henderson, E. L.
- Herold, A. A.
- Herrick, Genevieve Forbes
- Herrick, James B.
Box 3 Folder 9 |
- Hertzler, Arthur E.
- Herzog, Carl J.
- Hess, Carl B.
- Hess, Elmer
- Hess, Julius H.
- Hewitt, Richard M.
- Heyd, Charles Gordon
- Hildegarde
- Hill, Lister
- Hirsch, Mrs. Clarence A.
- Hirschboeck, F. J.
- Hitchens, A. D.
Box 3 Folder 10 |
- Hodgson, J.E.
- Hoffman, E.A.
- Hoffman, Leo
- Hoffman, Peter
- Holmes, John Haynes
- Hood, Sir Alexander
- Hooker, George B.
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Horder, Lord Thomas
- Horner, N. G.
- Horton, Bayard T.
- Houdini, Harry
- Houssay, B. A.
- Howe, John P.
- Hubbell, Williard
Box 3 Folder 11 | Ireland, Edward J.
Box 3 Folder 12 | Jackson County Medial Society (Missouri)
- Jackson Chevalier
- Jacques, Agnes
- Jastrow, Joseph
Box 3 Folder 13 | Jellifee, Smith Ely
- Johnson, Victor
- Jones, T. Duckett
- Jordan, E. P.
- Joslin, Elliott P.
- Journal of the American Medical Association
- Judd, E. Starr
- Junkin, Homer D.
- Jurish, Louis
Box 3 Folder 14 | Kahn, R. L.
- Kahn, Sol G.
- Kane, R. Emmet
- Kanner, Nat
- Karpman, Ben
- Karpovitch, Peter V.
- Kay, Charlotte
- Keen, W. W.
- Keith, Arthur
- Keller, Alvin
- Kellogg, John Harvey
- Kelly, Howard A.
Box 4 Folder 1 | Kennaday, Paul (re; Paul de Kruif)
- Kennelly, Martin H.
- King Features Syndicate, Inc.
- Kinsey, Alfred C.
- Kinter, Edward
Box 4 Folder 2 | Klein, Louis
- Klumpp, Theodore G.
- Knopf, S. Adolphus
- Kolischer, Gustav
- Kopetzky, Samuel J.
- Kosmak, George W.
- Korzybski, Alfred
- Kress, George H.
- Kretschemer, Herman L.
- Kreymborg, Alfred
- Kuh, Sydney
Box 4 Folder 3 | Ladies' Home Journal
- Lahey, Frank H.
- Lain, Everett S.
- Laing, Gordon J.
- Laird, Donald A.
- Lambert, S. M.
- Landsteiner, K.
- La Rabida Jackson park Sanitarium
- Lark, Charles Tressler
- Lasker, Albert and Mary
- Lasker, Edward
- Lawson, Fred
- Lawson, Robert C.
- Layng, Charles
Box 4 Folder 4 | Leacock, Stephen
- LeCount, E. R.
- Lee, Roger I.
- Lehman, Edwin P.
- Lehrfeld, Louis
Box 4 Folder 5 | W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
- Leighton, Adam P.
- Lenin, autopsy report on
Box 4 Folder 6 | Levi, Ettore
- Levi, Gerson B.
- Levy, Robert B.
- Lewin, Phillip
- Lewis, Dean
- Lewis, James Hamilton
- Lewis, Lloyd
Box 4 Folder 7 | Lewis, Sinclair |
Box 4 Folder 8 | Lewisohn, Richard
- Libman, Emaunel
- Lieb, Larence William
- Liebman, Joshua Loth
- Lincoln, C. F.
Box 4 Folder 9 | Liveright, Horace |
Box 4 Folder 10 | Loesch, Scofield, Loesch and Burke
- Loewen, David F.
- Long, Esmond R.
- Long, O. F.
- Longmans, Green, and Co.
- Look
- Loomis, Frederic M.
- Loos, H. Clifford
- Lorimer, Mrs. Graeme
- Lowry, Charles G.
- Luckhardt, Arno B.
- Lull, George F.
- Lyon, E. P.
Box 4 Folder 11 | McCaskey, C. H.
- McCollum, E. V.
- McCoola, Vincent J.
- McCord, Carey P.
- McCormack, A. T.
- McCormick, Edward J.
- McCulloch, Carleton B.
- McCutcheon, John T.
Box 4 Folder 12 | McDonald, Eugene F. |
Box 4 Folder 13 | MacEachem, Malcolm T.
- McFee, William
- McGraw-Hill Book Company
- Mack, Julian W.
- McKenney, William E.
- MacLauchlan, Robert H.
- McMahon, Alphonse
Box 4 Folder 14 | MacNair, Robert H.
Box 4 Folder 15 | McVay, James R.
- Magan, Percy T.
- Maledon, William J.
- Maloy, Bernard S.
- Mankiewicz, Herman
Box 5 Folder 1 | Mann, Louis L.
- Mantel, A.
- Marek, George R.
- Marino-Zuko, Carlo
- Markey, Eugene
- Marks, Marjorie F.
- Marshall, Louis
- Martin, C. F.
- Martin, Franklin H.
- Massey, Arthur
- Matas, Rudolph
Box 5 Folder 2 | Mayer, A. Kefer
- Mayer, Edgar
- Mayer, Emil
- Mayer, Leo
- Mayes, Herbert
Box 5 Folder 3 | Mayo, Charles
Box 5 Folder 4 | Mead, James M.
Box 5 Folder 5 | Mencken, H. L. |
Box 5 Folder 6 | Mendel, Lafayette B. |
Box 5 Folder 7 | Menninger, Karl
- Menninger, William
- Mercer, C. W.
- Merck, George W.
- Messner, Julian
Box 5 Folder 8 | Meyer, Adolf
- Meyshan, J.
- Midland Finance Corporation
- Miller, James R.
- Miller, Mary Owings
- Miller, Watson B.
- Milliken, Robert A.
- Minot, George R.
- Mirrors of Medicine
Box 5 Folder 9 | Mitchell, A. M.
- Mitchell, A. R.
- Moir, Gertrude
- Moise, Lionel
- Moore, Fred
- Moore, Joseph E.
- Morgan, William Gerry
Box 5 Folder 10 | Morris, Gouverneur
- Morris, Robert T.
- Moulton, H. P.
- Murdock, T. P.
- Murray, Dwight H.
- Murray, James E.
- Murray, Jesse George
- Museum of Science and Industry
- Musgrave, W. E.
- Musser, J. H.
- Mussey, Robert D.
- Mustard, John A.
- Myers, B.D.
- Myers, J. A.
Box 5 Folder 12 | N. E. A. Service, Inc.
- Nettleton, R. A.
- Neustaetter, Otto
Box 5 Folder 13 | Newman, George
Box 6 Folder 1 | North American Newspaper Alliance
- Northington, James M.
- Novak, Emil
- Nye, Robert N.
Box 6 Folder 2 | O'Brien, Howard Vincent
- O'Connor, Basil
- Oliver, John H.
- Ormandy, Eugene
- Osborne, Oliver T.
- Ottenberg, Reuben
Box 6 Folder 3 | Page, Lafayette
- Parents' Magazine Press, Inc.
- Parkes, Charles H.
- Parkinson, Sidney N.
- Parnall, Edward
- Parsons, Charles L.
- Patterson, Kellogg M.
- Paullin, James E.
Box 6 Folder 4 | Pearson, Drew
- Peers, Robert Always
- Perley, Arthur E.
- Person, E. Cooper
- Peter, W. W.
- Peters, Guy M.
- Petersen, William F.
- Pettengill, Samuel B.
- Phillips, Richard B.
- Phillips, Wendell C.
- Pickard, Rawson J.
Box 6 Folder 5 | Pictorial Review |
Box 6 Folder 6 | Pitkin, Walter B.
- Polio, Paul
- Pollock, Lewis J.
- Poncher, H. G.
- Portis, Milton M.
- Portis, Sidney A.
- Pound, Roscoe
- Preston, Keith
- Public Safety Commission
- Pusey, William Aleen
- Quinn, B. W.
Box 6 Folder 7 | Rackeman, Francis M.
- Rafale, Milton J.
- Rankin, Fred W.
- Rankin, William
- Ransom, John E.
- Raphael, Isidor
- Rappaport, Ben Z.
- Raps, Greg
- Ratcliff, J. D.
- Ratner, Bret
- Rattner, Herbert
- Ravenal, Mazyek P.
- Raycroft, Joseph E.
Box 6 Folder 8 | Reader's Digest |
Box 6 Folder 9 | Redbook
- Reed, Charles B.
- Reed, Louis S.
- Reitzel, W. M.
- Repp, Edward M.
- Rheinstrom, Robert I.
- Rhoads, Paul S.
- Rhoton, Paul
Box 6 Folder 10 | Rice, Thurman B.
- Richardson, Charles W.
- Richardson, Set
- Ridlon, John
- Rienhoff, William F., Jr.
- Riesman, David
- Riley, John
- Rinehart, Stanley M.
- Rist, D. S.
- Roberts, Lydia J.
- Robins, R. B.
- Rockne, Knute K.
- Rolleston, Sir Humphrey
- Romero, Hernan
Box 6 Folder 11 | Roosevelt, Franklin D. |
Box 6 Folder 12 | Rosburg, H. A.
- Rose, A. L.
- Rosenman, Samuel Irving
- Rosenwald, Julius
- Ross, Norman
- Routley, T. C.
- Rowntree, Leonard G.
- Royster, Hubert A.
- Runley, Edward A.
- Runyan, Damon
- Russ, W. B.
- Rutgers University
- Salinger, Samuel
- Salisbury, Ralph W.
Box 6 Folder 13 | Sandburg, Carl |
Box 6 Folder 14 | Sarrett, Lew
- Saturday Evening Post
- Saturday Review of Literature
Box 7 Folder 1 | Savage, Joe
- Sayre, Francis B.
- Sayre, Joel
- Scannell, David D.
- Scott, Evely
- Schireson, Henry Junius
- Schorer, Mark
- Schultz, Joseph
- Schwitalla, Alphonse M.
- Scientific American
Box 7 Folder 2 | Scully, Frank
- Seelig, M. G.
- Segal, Louis H.
- Sensenich, R. L.
- Sethman, Havey T.
- Shambaugh, George E.
- Shaw, Roger M.
- Shearon, Marjorie
- Shillington, Courtney
- Shoulders, Harrison
- Sigerist, Henry E.
- Silverman, Harriet
Box 7 Folder 3 | Simmons, George |
Box 7 Folder 4 | Simmons, James S.
Box 7 Folder 5 | Simonds, James P.
- Simpson, Robert R.
- Simpson, Walter M.
- Simpson, William
- Sipe, Harry A.
- Skinner, Edward H.
- Slaughter, Frank G.
Box 8 Folder 1 | Slyester, Rock
- Smart, Sir Morton
- Smith, Clarence A.
- Smith, Henry J.
- Smith, Lester C.
- Smith, Lloyd E.
- Smith, William Atmar
- Smithies, Frank
- Sosenko, Anna
- Southerland, J. Julian
Box 8 Folder 2 | Spaeth, Sigmund
- Spencer, R. E.
- Sparks, Samuel M.
- Spies, John W.
- Spies, Tom D.
- Spivak, C. D.
- Sprigge, Sir Squire
- Stabler, A. L.
- Stanford University
- Stangl, P. E.
- Starrett, Vincent
- Stebbins, Lewis A.
- Stefanson, Vilhjalmur
- Stein, Ignatius L.
- Stien, Jules C.
- Stephens, James E.
- Stern, Alfred K.
- Stevens, Ashton
Box 8 Folder 3 | Stevenson, R. Scott |
Box 8 Folder 4 | Stillians, Arthur William
- Stokes-Hetherington, Basil
- Straussman, Edwin O.
- Strauss, Alfred A.
- Sullivan, Frank
- Sulzberger, Mrs. Arthur Hayes
- Sulzberger, Marion B.
- Sutton, Richard L.
- Swain, Robert L.
- Swift, Homer F.
Box 8 Folder 5 | Taft, Robert A.
- The Tavern Club
- Taylor, Holman
- Thayer, William
- Thomas, Lowell
Box 8 Folder 6 | Thorek, Max
- Thorner, M.
- Thrash, R. C.
- Thurstone, L. L.
- Tingley, Clyde
- Tisdall, Frederick F.
- Titus, Paul
- Tkach, Edward F.
- Toland, G. G.
- Torrance, Arthur S.
- Traeger, Cornelius H.
- Tull, M. C.
- Tunney, Gene
- Turley, Gerald W.
Box 9 Folder 1 | Upham, J. H. J.
- Urrutia, Aureliano
- Van Etten, Nathan B.
- Vaughn, Henry F.
- Vaugh, Warren T.
- Veloz, Frank
- Vennette, Lucy
- Verbryke, J. Russell
- Vincent, George E.
Box 9 Folder 2 | Wagner, Robert F.
- Walker, Norman
- Wallace, Henry
- Wallace, Henry A.
- Walters, Waltman
- Wanger, Waltman
- Warnshuis, Frederick C.
- Warren, M. R.
- Watson, John B.
- Waverly House
- Weaver, George H.
- Webb, Gerald B.
- Weed, Lewis H.
- Weeks, Alanson
- Weicker, Theodore
- Weiss, C. A.
- Weiss, Myron
- Weiss, Soma
Box 9 Folder 3 | Welch, William Henry
- Wells, H. Gideon
- Welton, Thurston S.
- Werner, William G.
- Wertheim, William
- West, Olin
Box 9 Folder 4 | Whelan, Jewel F.
- White, paul Dudley
- White, William Charles
- Whitrall, S. E.
- Wiggam, Albert Edward
- Wilbur, Ray Lyman
- Wiley, Harvey W.
Box 9 Folder 5 | Williams, Greer
- Williams, Vincent T.
- Williams and Wilkins Co.
- Wilson, D. Arthur
- Winslow, Floyd S.
- Winslow, Thyra Sampter
- Wise, Stephen
- Wishart, Shelby W.
Box 9 Folder 6 | Wolbach, S. B.
- Wolff, Paul
- Women's World
- Wood, Casey
- Wright, Charles b.
- Wychgel, Adrian
Box 9 Folder 7 | Yater, Wallace M.
- Yale Review
- Yokel, Alex
- Young, Hugh H.
- Zinsser, Hans
Box 10 Folder 1 | Aarons, Morris - Akcasu, Alaeddin |
Box 10 Folder 2 | Alalouf, Mark - Allman, David B. |
Box 10 Folder 3 | Almeida e Sa, Juan A. - Amsterdam, Morey |
Box 10 Folder 4 | Andelman, Samuel - Artunkel, S. |
Box 10 Folder 5 | Associated clubs |
Box 10 Folder 6 | Atreya, B. H. - Ayerst Laboratories |
Box 10 Folder 7 | Babcockc, Mrs. W. Wayne - Baker, Willis P. |
Box 10 Folder 8 | Baldini, Mario G. - Baruch, Bernard M. |
Box 10 Folder 9 | Barnhart, Clarence L. |
Box 10 Folder 10 | Baskin, Samuel J. - Baxter Laboratories |
Box 10 Folder 11 | Beadle, George W. - Beckwith, Edmund R. |
Box 10 Folder 12 | Beebe, Spencer D. - Bennett, H. Stanley |
Box 10 Folder 13 | Bensinger, E. E. - Bezark, Mrs. Leonard, Jr. |
Box 10 Folder 14 | BiB Corporation - Blumer, George |
Box 10 Folder 15 | B'nai B'rith Youth Organization - Boles, Russell S. |
Box 11 Folder 1 | Bomtim, Renato -Boyd, Theodore |
Box 11 Folder 2 | Braasch, William - Brin, Phillip L. |
Box 11 Folder 3 | Brodie, Mrs. S. Steven - Brown, Eddy |
Box 11 Folder 4 | Brown, Francis G. (Schering Corporation) |
Box 11 Folder 5 | Brown, Herbert E. - Bruce, G. Malcolm |
Box 11 Folder 6 | Buck Foundation, Pearl S. - Bundesen, Russell |
Box 11 Folder 7 | Burbank, City of - Byfield, Mrs. Herbert |
Box 11 Folder 8 | Cahal, Mac F. - Cantor, Eddie |
Box 11 Folder 9 | Caples, William G. - Carey, Edward H. |
Box 11 Folder 10 | Castiglioni, Victor - Cerf, Bennett A. |
Box 11 Folder 11 | Chain, Daniel Gideon - Chesney, Alan M. |
Box 11 Folder 12 | Chicago - Cleary, John Thomas |
Box 11 Folder 13 | Clegg, Hugh |
Box 11 Folder 14 | Clemmesen, J. - Coggeshall, Lowell |
Box 11 Folder 15 | Cohen of Birkenhead, Lord - Cohn, Victor |
Box 11 Folder 16 | Cole, Warren H. - Comroe, Julius H., Jr. |
Box 12 Folder 1 | Cone, Fairfax - Courtenay, Mary E. |
Box 12 Folder 2 | Covet, Sylvia - Crownhart, Charles C. |
Box 12 Folder 3 | Cruickshank, William H., Jr. - Cypher, Cloyd M. |
Box 12 Folder 4 | Dachman, Robert - Daily News (Chicago) |
Box 12 Folder 5 | Daley, Richard J. |
Box 12 Folder 6 | Dameshek, William - Davison, Wilburt C. |
Box 12 Folder 7 | Deal, L. D. - Del Torto, Ugo G. |
Box 12 Folder 8 | DeLuca, William B. - Di Cyan, Erwin |
Box 12 Folder 9 | Diehl, Harold S. - Dixon, Frank J. |
Box 12 Folder 10 | Dodds, E. Charles - Dontas, Nicholas S. |
Box 12 Folder 11 | Dorfman, Albert - Downs, Ups and |
Box 12 Folder 12 | Doxiadis, Thomas |
Box 12 Folder 13 | Dragstedt, Lester R. - Ducas, Dorothy |
Box 12 Folder 14 | Dufeel, Fred - Dunn, Charles Wesley |
Box 12 Folder 15 | DuPage County Medical Society - Dyess, Arthur D., Jr. |
Box 12 Folder 16 | Eastman, Nicholson J. - Einstein, Albert |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Eisenhower, Dwight D. |
Box 13 Folder 2 | Electronics - Engle, Annie |
Box 13 Folder 3 | Epsteen, Caspar M. - Eyler, Don L. |
Box 13 Folder 4 | Fabricant, Noah D. - Farren, Julian |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Faulkner, Edwin J. - Ferber, Mrs. Robert |
Box 13 Folder 6 | Field, Oliver - Field Enterprises |
Box 13 Folder 7 | Fields, Robert C. - Fingerman, Mrs. David L. |
Box 13 Folder 8 | Finnegan, Richard J. |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Finnerud, Clark W. - Fischer, Maurice |
Box 13 Folder 10 | Fishbein Family |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Fishbein Family |
Box 13 Folder 12 | Fishbein Family |
Box 13 Folder 13 | Fisbein Family |
Box 13 Folder 14 | Fishbein Travel Letters (See also Box 106; 2-5) |
Box 13 Folder 15 | Fishbein Travel Letters |
Box 13 Folder 16 | Fishbein Travel Letters |
Box 13 Folder 17 | Fishbein Travel Letters |
Box 13 Folder 18 | Fishbein, William; condolence letters regarding |
Box 13 Folder 19 | Fishbein, William; condolence letters regarding |
Box 14 Folder 1 | Flanagan, C. Larkin - Flye, Richard C. |
Box 14 Folder 2 | Flynn, Claude - Frazier, Claude A. |
Box 14 Folder 3 | Freeman, Ruth - Frey, Richard L. |
Box 14 Folder 4 | Freidell, Aaron |
Box 14 Folder 5 | Freidell Family |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Freidell Family |
Box 14 Folder 7 | Friedland, Eric - Fulton, John F. |
Box 14 Folder 8 | Fulton, Richard - Geffen, Maxwell M. |
Box 14 Folder 9 | Geiger, Jacob C. - Godber, G. E. |
Box 14 Folder 10 | Goddard, James L. - Goldstein, Herbert |
Box 14 Folder 11 | Gonzaga Preparatory School - Goulet, Charles R. |
Box 14 Folder 12 | Graff, Linda - Grazlano, Fred F. |
Box 14 Folder 13 | Greece, Counsel General of - Grigg, E. R. N. |
Box 14 Folder 14 | Grimes, Mrs. Philip S. - Guttmann, Ludwig |
Box 14 Folder 15 | Hacker, Frederick J. - Hansen, Harry |
Box 15 Folder 1 | Haney, Charles A. (Haney Association) |
Box 15 Folder 2 | Haney, Charles A. (Haney Association) |
Box 15 Folder 3 | Hansen, Robert B. - Harvey, Paul |
Box 15 Folder 4 | Hasimoto, Hideo |
Box 15 Folder 5 | Haskins, John B. - Heavilin, J. Seeger |
Box 15 Folder 6 | Heber, Elizabeth - Hecht, Ben |
Box 15 Folder 7 | Hecht, Hans - Hendricks, Thomas A. |
Box 15 Folder 8 | Hendrickson, Mrs. James - Herzog, Sanford |
Box 15 Folder 9 | Hess, Elmer - Hewitt, Richard M. |
Box 15 Folder 10 | Heyd, Charles Gordon, - Hildegarde |
Box 15 Folder 11 | Hill, Mrs. Alonia - Hitchings, George H. |
Box 16 Folder 1 | Hodes, Horace L. - Hoff, Ebbe Curtis |
Box 16 Folder 2 | Hoffman, Harry I. - Hoffman, Verghe L. |
Box 16 Folder 3 | Hostadter, Nat - Homi, John |
Box 16 Folder 4 | Hooper, Kathy - Horning, Benjamin G. |
Box 16 Folder 5 | Hornstein, Stephen - Hospital Progress |
Box 16 Folder 6 | Hotze, Charles W. - Huenekens, E. J. |
Box 16 Folder 7 | Huggins, Charles B. |
Box 16 Folder 8 | Hughes, Everett Cherrington - Hurtig, A. |
Box 16 Folder 9 | Hussey, Hugh H. - Illinois, University of |
Box 16 Folder 10 | Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois - Irons, Ernest |
Box 16 Folder 11 | Irwin, Leslie W. - Jackson, Arnold S. |
Box 16 Folder 12 | Jacobson, Leon O. |
Box 16 Folder 13 | Jaklon, Proehl H. - Johnson, Wingate |
Box 17 Folder 1 | Joint University Council - Joselit, Lawrence D. |
Box 17 Folder 2 | Joseph, Harriet - Jussek, Eugen |
Box 17 Folder 3 | Kagan, Solomon R. - Kahoe, Walter |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Kaliski, David J. - Karpman, Benjamin |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Katz, Louis N. - Kennelly, Martin H. |
Box 17 Folder 6 | Kenney, J. Stanley - Kerner, Otto |
Box 17 Folder 7 | Kerney, James, Jr. - Kienast, H. W. |
Box 17 Folder 8 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. (Kiesewetter Associates) |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Keisewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 10 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 12 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 13 | Kiesewetter, Helmuth M. |
Box 17 Folder 14 | Kimball, Mrs. Curtis D. - Kirsch, John D. |
Box 17 Folder 15 | Kirsner, Joseph B. |
Box 18 Folder 1 | Kirsner, Robert - Kittle, C. Frederick |
Box 18 Folder 2 | Klapman, Tom - Klumpp, Theodore G. |
Box 18 Folder 3 | Knapp, Arthur Alexander - Kogan, Herman |
Box 18 Folder 4 | Kohler, Paul - Koven, Benjamin |
Box 18 Folder 5 | Kraft, Alan M. - Kuhns, Ralph H. |
Box 18 Folder 6 | Kugelmass, I. Newton - Kupcinet, Irv |
Box 18 Folder 7 | Kurtz, John D. - Landers, Ann |
Box 18 Folder 8 | Landis, Floyd J. - Landsburger, E. K. G. |
Box 18 Folder 9 | Larchan, Arthur - Larson, Burneice |
Box 18 Folder 10 | Lasdon, William S. |
Box 18 Folder 11 | Lasdon, William S. |
Box 18 Folder 12 | Lasdon, William S. |
Box 18 Folder 13 | Lasdon, William S. |
Box 18 Folder 14 | Lasker, Mrs. Albert D. - Lavy, Norman W. |
Box 18 Folder 15 | Lawrence, Charles H. - Leake, James P. |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Lear, Les - Lee, Russell V. |
Box 19 Folder 2 | Leedy, J. J. - Leiferman, Irwin |
Box 19 Folder 3 | Leigh, W. Colston, Inc. |
Box 19 Folder 4 | Leigh, W. Colston, Inc. |
Box 19 Folder 5 | Leigh, W. Colston, Inc. |
Box 19 Folder 6 | L'Eltore, Giovanni - Letona, J. Martinez Lopez de |
Box 19 Folder 7 | Levand, Louis - Levy, Jerome L. |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Lewi, Maurice J. - Lewis, Leslie L. |
Box 19 Folder 9 | Lewis, Sinclair - Li, Shu-Fan |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Licht, Sidney - Lipschutz, Alexander |
Box 19 Folder 11 | Lissfelt, Mildred Blair - Lloyd, Francis V., Jr. |
Box 19 Folder 12 | Londrigan, Joseph F. - Longmans, Green & Co., Inc. |
Box 19 Folder 13 | Look - Loveland, Edward R. |
Box 19 Folder 14 | Lowe, George H. - Lubowe, Irwin L. |
Box 19 Folder 15 | Luce, Henry A. - Luthin, Herbert W. |
Box 19 Folder 16 | Lying-In - Lyric Opera of Chicago |
Box 20 Folder 1 | Lyric Opera of Chicago |
Box 20 Folder 2 | McAmmond, E. N. C. - McConnell, Ben H. |
Box 20 Folder 3 | McConnell, Jack B. - McDonough, John J. |
Box 20 Folder 4 | MacEachern, Malcolm T. - McIntyre, Ray |
Box 20 Folder 5 | McFadden, Benarr |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Mack, Larry - McLintock, Duncan G. |
Box 20 Folder 7 | McMahon, Alphonse - McWhinnie, Harold |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Madsen, Sten - Major, Ralph H. |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Mackpeace, J. C. - Manchester, R. A. |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Mandabach, Paul J. - Manheimer, Stephen |
Box 21 Folder 3 | Mann, Charles H. - Mantel, Patricia Ann |
Box 21 Folder 4 | Mantel Family |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Marable, Linda - Marek, George |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Margolis, William G. - Marino Zuco, Carlo |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Marks Family - Marlatt, Gerald V. |
Box 21 Folder 8 | Marmaduke, Virginia L. - Mason, Charles E. |
Box 21 Folder 9 | Mason, Coye C. - Master, Arthur M. |
Box 21 Folder 10 | Matheson, Mrs. John - May, Charles D. |
Box 21 Folder 11 | Mayer, Arizona Kiefer |
Box 21 Folder 12 | Mayer, Claudius F. - Mayo, Charles W. |
Box 21 Folder 13 | Meade, Gordon M. - Mendelsohn, William |
Box 21 Folder 14 | Menninger, Karl - Merante, Joseph, Jr. |
Box 21 Folder 15 | Merck & Co. (Merck, Sharp, & Dohme) |
Box 21 Folder 16 | Merck & Co. (Merck, Sharp, & Dohme) |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Merck & Co. (Merck, Sharp, & Dohme) |
Box 22 Folder 2 | Mermey, Maurice, - Middleton, William S. |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Midland Authors, Society of - Milprint, Inc. |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Miner, Julius H. - Moon, James V. |
Box 22 Folder 5 | Mooney, Grace - Moorman, Lewis J. |
Box 22 Folder 6 | Morando, Randolph - Moses, Campbell |
Box 22 Folder 7 | Moskowitz, Mrs. Bert - Muntner, Suessmann |
Box 22 Folder 8 | Murchison, James L. - Murrow, Edward R. |
Box 22 Folder 9 | Musella, Mario - Myers, J. A. |
Box 22 Folder 10 | Naar, Alfonso-Bonilla - National Marriage Guidance Council |
Box 22 Folder 11 | Necheles, Heinrich - New Jersey, Medical Society of |
Box 22 Folder 12 | Newberger, Doris - Nixon, Richard M. |
Box 22 Folder 13 | Noonan, Harry - Noyes, Dorothy |
Box 22 Folder 14 | Nunamaker, H. H. - Nyhus, Lloyd M. |
Box 22 Folder 15 | Oakes, Gregory - O'Connor, Basil |
Box 22 Folder 16 | O'Connor, Kelsey - Ogilvie, Richard B. |
Box 22 Folder 17 | Ogle, Dan C. - Oppenheimer, Louis |
Box 23 Folder 1 | Olin, David K (Service Stores, Inc.) |
Box 23 Folder 2 | Orchestral Association - Owsley, Richard P. |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Pack, George Thomas - Palmer, Walter L. |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Palyi, Melchior - Passano, Ned |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Patron, Adelson - Pearson, Leonard |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Peers, Robert Always - Pennsylvania State University |
Box 23 Folder 7 | Penson, I. - Percy, Charles H. |
Box 23 Folder 8 | Perilman, William - Pettit, Joseph A. |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Pfeiffenberger, Mather - Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association |
Box 23 Folder 10 | Phibbs, Harry C. - Physicians Circulation Service |
Box 23 Folder 11 | Pick, Albert, Jr. - Pi-Sunyer, J. |
Box 23 Folder 12 | Pizzetti, Marcello - Pollack, Samuel L. |
Box 23 Folder 13 | Pool, Edward A. - Portis, Sidney A. |
Box 23 Folder 14 | Posselt, Mrs. E. J. - Preis, Carl G. |
Box 23 Folder 15 | Preminger, Marion Mill - The Proprietary Association |
Box 23 Folder 16 | Prudential Insurance Co. - Quinn, E. L. |
Box 23 Folder 17 | Raben, Anatoly S. - Ravinia Festival |
Box 24 Folder 1 | Rawls, William B. - Rease, A. B. |
Box 24 Folder 2 | Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled - Reitan, Ralph M. |
Box 24 Folder 3 | Remer, Theodore G. - Revici, Emanuel |
Box 24 Folder 4 | Revlon Products - Riley, E. G. B. |
Box 24 Folder 5 | Riley, Jack - Rivers, Thomas M. |
Box 24 Folder 6 | Robalino, Daniel - Robinson, Stanford |
Box 24 Folder 7 | Roche, Marcel - Rose, Billy |
Box 24 Folder 8 | Rosell, Ovidio Garcia - Ross, Norman |
Box 24 Folder 9 | Rossiter, Dudley L. - Royston, Eric A. |
Box 24 Folder 10 | Rubenstein, I. H. - Rubloff, Arthur |
Box 24 Folder 11 | Rucker, M. Pierce - Runyon, A. Milton |
Box 24 Folder 12 | Rusk, Howard A. |
Box 24 Folder 13 | Russ, Witten B. - Rystan Company |
Box 24 Folder 14 | Sabin, Albert B. - Saliner, Paul |
Box 24 Folder 15 | Salinger, Samuel - Salzman, J. Marvin |
Box 25 Folder 1 | Samaras, Constantin A. - Samuels, Benjamin |
Box 25 Folder 2 | Sanders, J. P. - Sawyer, W. A. |
Box 25 Folder 3 | Scannell, Raymond C. - Scheinfeld, Amram |
Box 25 Folder 4 | Scheler, Michael B. - Schindler, Rudolf |
Box 25 Folder 5 | Schlueter, Robert E. - Schoeffel, Eugene W. |
Box 25 Folder 6 | Schoondergang, A. H. - Schuster, Max |
Box 25 Folder 7 | Schwab, Robert S. - Scuderi, Carlo |
Box 25 Folder 8 | Seacrest, Mrs. Joe R. - Seidenfeld, Morton A. |
Box 25 Folder 9 | Selden, William K. - Selvage & Lee |
Box 25 Folder 10 | Sen, Satis C. - Shapiro, Marvin J. |
Box 25 Folder 11 | Sharpton, Ben T. - Shinn, William W. |
Box 25 Folder 12 | Sholom Sisterhood - Sideman, Sidney |
Box 25 Folder 13 | SIECUS - Silloway, Charles T. |
Box 25 Folder 14 | Sills, David L. - Simon, Seymour F. |
Box 25 Folder 15 | Simonds, James P. - Sioussat, Helen J. |
Box 25 Folder 16 | Sipe, Ernest M. - Sloan, Raymond P. |
Box 26 Folder 1 | Slye, Maud - Smith, William Atmar |
Box 26 Folder 2 | Snapper, I. - Snider, Arthur J. |
Box 26 Folder 3 | Snook, John O. - Soffer, Alfred |
Box 26 Folder 4 | Soler-Roig, Jose - Soroko, Mark D. |
Box 26 Folder 5 | Sosenko, Anna - Spitalny, Phil |
Box 26 Folder 6 | Spivack, Lawrence E. - Stanford, Henry King |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Staples, Ronald - Steeves, K. A. |
Box 26 Folder 8 | Stein, Irving - Stenn, Frederick |
Box 26 Folder 9 | Stepan, Paul - Sternberg, Jonathan |
Box 26 Folder 10 | Sternberg, Thomas H. - Sterling, Julian A. |
Box 26 Folder 11 | Stevens, Eunice - Stevenston, R. Scott |
Box 26 Folder 12 | Stewart, Joseph S. - Stone, W. Clement |
Box 26 Folder 13 | Stragnell, Gregory - Stuttman, Harry S. (see also Box 104; 1-7) |
Box 27 Folder 1 | Suarez, Ramon M. - Sulzberger, Marion B. |
Box 27 Folder 2 | Summerhill, Frederick - Sutton, William A. |
Box 27 Folder 3 | Svartz, Nanna |
Box 27 Folder 4 | Svenska Dagbladet - Swanberg, Harold |
Box 27 Folder 5 | Swift, Harold H. - Switzer, Mary E. |
Box 27 Folder 6 | Taft, Robert A. - Taxon, Jordan I. |
Box 27 Folder 7 | Tebbel, John - Theiler, Ernst |
Box 27 Folder 8 | Therapeutic Research Foundation - Thorek, Philip |
Box 28 Folder 1 | Thorner, Juliet E. - Tidewater Heart Assocation |
Box 28 Folder 2 | Tilbrook, Gilmore Lee - Topping, Norman |
Box 28 Folder 3 | Tornel, Garcia - Triangle Agency |
Box 28 Folder 4 | Tribune (Chicago) - Turner, Harry J. |
Box 28 Folder 5 | Turner, Thomas B. - University of Oregon |
Box 28 Folder 6 | Upham, J. H. J. - Van Dellen, Thoedore R. |
Box 28 Folder 7 | Vanderbilt, Amy - Van Riper, Hart E. |
Box 28 Folder 8 | Van Tongeren, Jacqueline - Vieth, Ilza |
Box 28 Folder 9 | Vieth, Hans and Ilza |
Box 28 Folder 10 | Vieth, Hans and Ilza |
Box 28 Folder 11 | Vermeren, John C. - Viets, Henry R. |
Box 28 Folder 12 | Vineberg, Arthur M. - Vonnegut, Alex |
Box 28 Folder 13 | Wagg, Kenneth A. - Walgreen, Charles R. |
Box 28 Folder 14 | Wallace Laboratories |
Box 29 Folder 1 | Wall, Florence E. - Wangensteen, Owen H. |
Box 29 Folder 2 | Wanger, Halvard - Wehrmacher, William H. |
Box 29 Folder 3 | Weicher, Theodore - Weed, Lewis H. |
Box 29 Folder 4 | Weinberg, Arthur - Weintrob, Morris |
Box 29 Folder 5 | Weisberg, Marvin E. - Weiss, Edward H. |
Box 29 Folder 6 | Weiss, Harold - Werble, Wallace |
Box 29 Folder 7 | Wermer, Paul - Wermuth, Eric C. |
Box 29 Folder 8 | Werner, August A. - Werner, William G. (Proctor and Gamble) |
Box 29 Folder 9 | Wesley, Newton K. - Wesson, Miley B. |
Box 29 Folder 10 | West, Olin - White, Paul Dudley |
Box 29 Folder 11 | White, William H. - Wichers, Willard C. |
Box 29 Folder 12 | Wilinsky, Charles F. - Williams, Edwin Moss |
Box 29 Folder 13 | Williams, Harley - Willinsky, Abraham I. |
Box 29 Folder 14 | Willis, Benjamin C. - Wilson, Orlando W. |
Box 29 Folder 15 | Wilson, John R. |
Box 29 Folder 16 | Wimpress, Duncan - Wist, Zola C. |
Box 29 Folder 17 | Woerdeman, M. W. - Woolf, Joseph A. |
Box 30 Folder 1 | Worchester Medical News, Inc. - Wyburn, Mason R. |
Box 30 Folder 2 | Xydakis, Stephanos - Yoder, Robert M. |
Box 30 Folder 3 | Yoeli, Meir - Yourman, Jack |
Box 30 Folder 4 | Zahn, Louis - Zeisler, Erwin P. |
Box 30 Folder 5 | Zekman, Theodore N. - Zondek, Hermann |
Box 30 Folder 6 | Zozaya, Jose - Zwanenberg, Saal Van |
Box 31 Folder 1 | Aaron, Abraham H. - Ali, Munawar |
Box 31 Folder 2 | Alladin, F. - American Geriatrics Society |
Box 31 Folder 3 | American Hearing Research Foundation - Armour, Richard |
Box 31 Folder 4 | Armstrong, George E. - Ayd, Frank J., Jr. |
Box 31 Folder 5 | Baer, Leo - Bartlett, Frank |
Box 31 Folder 6 | Bass, B. J. - Bellows, David |
Box 31 Folder 7 | Bellows, John G. |
Box 31 Folder 8 | Benjamin, William - Better Vision |
Box 31 Folder 9 | Betts, Henry - Blake, John B. |
Box 31 Folder 10 | Bleecker, Phil R. - Bobst, Elmer H. |
Box 31 Folder 11 | Bogdonoff, Morton D. - Bosch-Marin, Juan |
Box 31 Folder 12 | Boshes, Benjamin - Boshes, Louis D. |
Box 31 Folder 13 | Bottone, Anthony - Brand-Auraban, A. |
Box 31 Folder 14 | Brandeis University - Brown, Murray C. |
Box 31 Folder 15 | Brown, R. Gordon - Bugbee, George |
Box 32 Folder 1 | Buie, Louis A. - Bylebyl, Jerome J. |
Box 32 Folder 2 | Cabrian, Mrs. Edwin H. - Cauverien, James |
Box 32 Folder 3 | CBS Television - Chicago Literary Club |
Box 32 Folder 4 | Chicago Lung Assocation - Clavey, John B. |
Box 32 Folder 5 | Clegg, Hugh - Compere, Clinton L. |
Box 32 Folder 6 | Comprehensive Therapy (John G. Bellows) |
Box 32 Folder 7 | Conn, Jacob H. - Cottle, Maurice H. |
Box 32 Folder 8 | Cotzias, George C. - Crusade of Mercy |
Box 32 Folder 9 | Cummings, Nathan - Daley, Richard J. |
Box 32 Folder 10 | Dalton, James W. - DeBakey, Michael E. |
Box 32 Folder 11 | Debode, Edward A. - De Haen, Paul |
Box 32 Folder 12 | Dictionary of American Biography - Diehl, Harold S. |
Box 32 Folder 13 | Dietz, David (Included ms. of "Unpublished Memories," read before the Chicago Literary Club, May 24, 1971.) |
Box 32 Folder 14 | Dimont, Ethel - Donnelley, Gaylord |
Box 33 Folder 1 | Donovan, Mona E. - Dragstedt, Lester R. |
Box 33 Folder 2 | Droger, Mrs. J. C. - Elgin Academy |
Box 33 Folder 3 | Eller, Joseph J. - Excepta Medica |
Box 33 Folder 4 | Faas, John - Farley, James A. |
Box 33 Folder 5 | Farrell, Frank - Finnerud, Clark W. |
Box 33 Folder 6 | Fishbein Family |
Box 33 Folder 7 | Fishbein Family |
Box 33 Folder 8 | Fishbein Family |
Box 33 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Justin and Ann |
Box 33 Folder 10 | Fishbein, Justin and Ann |
Box 33 Folder 11 | Fisher, Thomas H. - Foley, William |
Box 33 Folder 12 | Foraker, Alvan G. - Freeland, John S. |
Box 33 Folder 13 | Freiwald, Milton J. - Freidberg, Stanton |
Box 33 Folder 14 | Friedell Family |
Box 33 Folder 15 | Friedell Family |
Box 34 Folder 1 | Friedlander, Earle E. - Eye, W. Bruce |
Box 34 Folder 2 | Gage, Andrew A. - Gertz, Elmer |
Box 34 Folder 3 | Geffen, Maxwell M. |
Box 34 Folder 4 | Getz, Oscar - Glick, Muriel |
Box 34 Folder 5 | Goldblatt, Harry - Goodman, Lester |
Box 34 Folder 6 | Goodwill Industries - Greenblatt, Robert B. |
Box 34 Folder 7 | Greenblatt, Roy Ira - Grossman, Herman |
Box 34 Folder 8 | Grubb, Charlene - Hageman, Robert G., Jr. |
Box 34 Folder 9 | Halas, George - Hallswell, Richard L. |
Box 34 Folder 10 | Headline Club - Hemphill, James C. |
Box 34 Folder 11 | Hench, Ralph W. - Hester, James M. |
Box 34 Folder 12 | Hildegarde - Hollander, Howard D. |
Box 34 Folder 13 | Holmes, Mrs. Claude D. - Huggins, Charles |
Box 34 Folder 14 | Huggins, Charles |
Box 35 Folder 1 | Humphrey, Hubert H. - Ingle, Dwight J. |
Box 35 Folder 2 | Inman, Martin - Jacobson, Leon O. |
Box 35 Folder 3 | Jackson Press - Justin, Eric |
Box 35 Folder 4 | Kahme, Lawrence - Kessler, Henry H. |
Box 35 Folder 5 | Kestenbaum, Mrs. Meyer - Kirsner, Joseph B. |
Box 35 Folder 6 | Kittle, C. Frederick - Kline, Arthur |
Box 35 Folder 7 | Klumpp, Theodore G. - Kretchmer, Keith R. |
Box 35 Folder 8 | Krit, Robert L. - Kupcinet, Irv |
Box 35 Folder 9 | LaBarge, Pierre L., Jr. - Lavery, Charles J. |
Box 35 Folder 10 | Leake, Chauncy - Lee, Russell V. |
Box 35 Folder 11 | Leibowitz, Murray - Lewis, Leslie L. |
Box 35 Folder 12 | Li, S. P. - Lippincott Company, J. B. |
Box 35 Folder 13 | Little, Mrs. James L. - Little, Brown & Co. |
Box 36 Folder 1 | Loarie, William J. - Lytton, George J. |
Box 36 Folder 2 | McCall, Jim - MacMaster, Daniel M. |
Box 36 Folder 3 | McGraw-Hill Book Co. |
Box 36 Folder 4 | Maison, Louis G. - Mann, Jack |
Box 36 Folder 5 | Mantel Family |
Box 36 Folder 6 | Marcove, Ralph C. - Marks Family |
Box 36 Folder 7 | Marmaduke, Virginia L. - Master, Arthur M. |
Box 36 Folder 8 | Masterson, John G. - Mawrence, Mel |
Box 36 Folder 9 | Maxwell, Charles - Mayes, Herbert R. |
Box 36 Folder 10 | Mayo Foundation - Medical Tribune |
Box 36 Folder 11 | Medical World News (see also Boxes 8; 5-87) |
Box 36 Folder 12 | Medical World News |
Box 36 Folder 13 | Medical World News |
Box 37 Folder 1 | Medical World News |
Box 37 Folder 2 | Medical World News |
Box 37 Folder 3 | Medical World News |
Box 37 Folder 4 | Meenan Corporation - Methodist Hospital of Indiana |
Box 37 Folder 5 | Meyer, Oliver - Mizrahi, Abraham |
Box 37 Folder 6 | Molony, William R. - Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center |
Box 37 Folder 7 | Mukai, Mrs. J. - Myer, Ray F. |
Box 37 Folder 8 | Nachman, Norman H. - National Library of Medicine |
Box 37 Folder 9 | National Library of Medicine |
Box 37 Folder 10 | National Library of Medicine (proposed move to Chicago) |
Box 37 Folder 11 | Necker, Walter - Nyhus, Lloyd M. |
Box 37 Folder 12 | Ochsner, Alton - Oxnard, Charles E. |
Box 37 Folder 13 | PACE - Payne, Juanita |
Box 38 Folder 1 | Pearlman, Samuel J. - Percy, Charles H. |
Box 38 Folder 2 | Perloff, Milton M. - Pitman Publishing Corporation |
Box 38 Folder 3 | Polakoff, Milton E. - Purka, Joseph |
Box 38 Folder 4 | Quadrangle Books - Raymond, Sidney W. |
Box 38 Folder 5 | Read, Hilton S. - Reynolds, Mrs. Opal |
Box 38 Folder 6 | Ribeiro, Eurico Branco - Rozman, Mrs. David |
Box 38 Folder 7 | Rubenstein, Isadore H. - Rubloff, Arthur |
Box 38 Folder 8 | Runyon, A. Milton and Laura |
Box 38 Folder 9 | Rusk, Howard A. - Rynearson, Edward H. |
Box 38 Folder 10 | Sackler, Arthur M. - Samuels, Leo |
Box 38 Folder 11 | Sandoz Pharmaceuticals - The Scrivener |
Box 38 Folder 12 | Sealy, A. P. E. L. - Selye, Hans |
Box 38 Folder 13 | Shambaugh, George E., Jr. - Sigerist, Henry E. |
Box 39 Folder 1 | Sinai Congregation - Smith, William Atmar |
Box 39 Folder 2 | Snider, Arthur - Soroko, Mark D. |
Box 39 Folder 3 | South East Chicago Commission - Stein, Irving |
Box 39 Folder 4 | Stein, Jules - Sulzberger, Marion B. |
Box 39 Folder 5 | Svartz, Nanna - Szanto, Paul |
Box 39 Folder 6 | Talbot, John H. - Tavern Club |
Box 39 Folder 7 | Taylor, Dennis - Thomas, Irving O. |
Box 39 Folder 8 | Thomas, Lowell - Toch, Alice |
Box 39 Folder 9 | Tolamis, Laurie -TV Week |
Box 39 Folder 10 | Uchino, Haruto - Van Glider, L. L. |
Box 39 Folder 11 | Van Riper, Hart E. - Vatz, Theodore |
Box 39 Folder 12 | Veith, Ilza and Hans |
Box 39 Folder 13 | Vescia, Fernando G. - "Voice of the People" (Chicago Tribune) |
Box 40 Folder 1 | Wagner, W. Earl - Warren, Peter A. |
Box 40 Folder 2 | Washington News Bureau - Wheeler, Paul S. |
Box 40 Folder 3 | White, Delilah - Willet, Howard L. |
Box 40 Folder 4 | Williams, Mary E. - Wilson, John T. |
Box 40 Folder 5 | Winograda, Leonard - Woolf, Jack I. |
Box 40 Folder 6 | World Federation Medical Education - Wys, C. W. M. Y. |
Box 40 Folder 7 | Yale Medical Library, Associates - Zwecker, Peg |
Box 40 Folder 10 | Postcards |
Box 40 Folder 11 | Postcards |
Box 40 Folder 12 | Postcards |
Subseries 1: General Information |
Box 41 Folder 1 | Accident (September, 1930) |
Box 41 Folder 3 | ACHT and cortisone |
Box 41 Folder 4 | Advertising, medical |
Box 41 Folder 5 | Aging and the elderly, correspondence. (See also Series III; Tapes) |
Box 41 Folder 6 | Aging and the elderly, notes |
Box 41 Folder 7 | Aging and the elderly, manuscripts |
Box 41 Folder 8 | Aging and the elderly, editorials and articles |
Box 41 Folder 9 | Aging and the elderly, unpublished manuscripts |
Box 42 Folder 3 | American Academy of General Practice |
Box 42 Folder 4 | American Association of Air Traffic Control Medicine |
Box 42 Folder 5 | American Broadcasting Company, 1969 radio broadcasts |
Box 42 Folder 6 | American College of Physicians; Dr. James H. Means, 1938 |
Box 42 Folder 7 | American Forum of the Air |
Box 42 Folder 8 | American Foundation Studies in Government |
Box 42 Folder 9 | American Hospital Association |
Box 42 Folder 10 | American Medical Association, 1974-76. |
Box 42 Folder 11 | American Medical Association, 1970-73 |
Box 42 Folder 12 | American Medical Association, 1967-69 |
Box 42 Folder 13 | American Medical Association, 1962-66 |
Box 42 Folder 14 | American Medical Association, 1934-57 |
Box 42 Folder 15 | American Medical Association, appointment to editor of JAMA |
Box 42 Folder 16 | American Medical Association, history of the |
Box 43 Folder 1 | American Medical Assocation, MF's departure from (1949); see also Box 68; 7-10 |
Box 43 Folder 2 | American Medical Association |
Box 43 Folder 3 | American Medical Association |
Box 43 Folder 4 | American Medical Association |
Box 43 Folder 5 | American Medical Association, "Thurman Arnold's Pronunciamento," 1938 |
Box 43 Folder 6 | American Medical Association, trial; see also Series III; Scrapbooks |
Box 43 Folder 7 | American Medical Association, 1965-67; see also Series III; Tapes |
Box 43 Folder 8 | American Medical Association, 1960-64 |
Box 44 Folder 1 | American Medical Association, 1959 |
Box 44 Folder 2 | American Medical Association, 1956-58 |
Box 44 Folder 3 | American Weekly |
Box 44 Folder 4 | America's Future (Committee for Constitutional Government), 1940-49 |
Box 44 Folder 5 | Animal Experimentation |
Box 44 Folder 6 | Animal Experimentation |
Box 44 Folder 7 | Annale of Opthalmology |
Box 44 Folder 8 | Annale of Opthalmology |
Box 44 Folder 10 | Anti-defamation |
Box 44 Folder 11 | Apartment 835 (Shoreland Hotel) |
Box 44 Folder 12 | Art (of the Insane) |
Box 44 Folder 13 | Arthritis |
Box 44 Folder 14 | Arthritis |
Box 45 Folder 1 | "Ask the Doctor," Family Health, answers |
Box 45 Folder 2 | "Ask the Doctor," Family Health, answers |
Box 45 Folder 3 | "Ask the Doctor," Family Health, answers |
Box 45 Folder 4 | Autobiography (Morris Fishbein, M. D.), early drafts |
Box 46 Folder 1 | Autobiography, draft (heavily revised), Chapters 1-5 |
Box 46 Folder 2 | Autobiography, Chapters 6-7 |
Box 46 Folder 3 | Autobiography, Chapters 8-10 |
Box 46 Folder 4 | Autobiography, Chapters 11-16 |
Box 46 Folder 5 | Autobiography, Chapters 17-20 |
Box 46 Folder 6 | Autobiography, Chapters 21-24 |
Box 46 Folder 7 | Autobiography, Chapters 25-28 |
Box 46 Folder 8 | Autobiography, Chapters 29-32 |
Box 46 Folder 9 | Autobiography, Chapters 33-38 (lacking 36-37) |
Box 46 Folder 10 | Autobiography, Chapters 39-42 |
Box 46 Folder 11 | Autobiography, Chapters 43-44 |
Box 46 Folder 12 | Autobiography, Chapters 45-47 |
Box 46 Folder 13 | Autobiography, Reviews |
Box 47 Folder 1 | Autobiography, "out-takes" |
Box 47 Folder 2 | Autobiography, "out-takes" |
Box 47 Folder 3 | Autobiography, "out-takes" |
Box 47 Folder 4 | Autobiography, "out-takes" |
Box 47 Folder 5 | Autobiography, "out-takes" |
Box 47 Folder 6 | Autobiography, correspondence |
Box 47 Folder 7 | Autobiography, correspondence |
Box 47 Folder 8 | Autobiography, correspondence |
Box 47 Folder 9 | Autobiography, correspondence |
Box 47 Folder 11 | Bal Harbour Institute |
Box 47 Folder 13 | BCG Vaccine |
Box 47 Folder 14 | Better Vision Institute |
Box 47 Folder 15 | Bevan, Dr. Arthur D. |
Box 48 Folder 2 | Billings, Dr. Frank |
Box 48 Folder 3 | Biographies (of others) by MF, A-H |
Box 48 Folder 4 | Biographies by MF, K-O |
Box 48 Folder 5 | Biographies by MF, P-S |
Box 48 Folder 6 | Biographies by MF, T-W |
Box 48 Folder 7 | Birth Announcements |
Box 48 Folder 8 | Birth Announcements |
Box 48 Folder 9 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stok Club |
Box 48 Folder 10 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stork Club |
Box 49 Folder 1 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stork Club |
Box 49 Folder 2 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stork Club |
Box 49 Folder 3 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stork Club |
Box 49 Folder 4 | Birth Announcements, Dr. Fishbein's Stork Club |
Box 50 Folder 1 | Birth Control; Births, Multiple |
Box 50 Folder 2 | Blakiston, Division (McGraw-Hill Book Co.), 1956-66 |
Box 50 Folder 3 | Blakiston, 1955 |
Box 50 Folder 4 | Blakiston, Medical Progress, 1957 |
Box 50 Folder 5 | Blakiston, 1956 |
Box 50 Folder 6 | Blakiston, 1954-55; see also Box 58; 6-11 for period when Blakiston was associated with Doubleday & Co.; also Whittlesey House, Box 111; 7) |
Box 50 Folder 7 | Blood Pressure |
Box 50 Folder 8 | Bobbs-Merrill Company, Doctors and Specialties |
Box 50 Folder 9 | Boerstler, E. vs. the AMA and GE |
Box 50 Folder 10 | Book reviews (by MF); see also Series III; Tapes |
Box 50 Folder 11 | Book plates, medical; see also Series III; Slides |
Box 50 Folder 12 | Books; books in hospitals |
Box 51 Folder 1 | Brady, Dr. William |
Box 51 Folder 2 | Brady, Dr. William |
Box 51 Folder 3 | Brady, Dr. William |
Box 51 Folder 4 | Brain Research Foundation |
Box 51 Folder 5 | California delegation |
Box 51 Folder 6 | California visit, 1930 |
Box 51 Folder 7 | Cancer, correspondence, 1970-76 |
Box 51 Folder 8 | Cancer, correspondence, 1965-69 |
Box 51 Folder 9 | Cancer, correspondence, 1963-64 |
Box 51 Folder 10 | Cancer, correspondence, 1960-62 |
Box 51 Folder 11 | Cancer, correspondence 1940-59 |
Box 51 Folder 12 | Cancer, correspondence, lectures and notes |
Box 51 Folder 13 | Cancer, Hoxsey, Harry M. |
Box 52 Folder 1 | Cancer, Krebiozen |
Box 52 Folder 3 | Cartoons, medical |
Box 52 Folder 4 | Centennial, AMA (1947) |
Box 52 Folder 5 | Century Magazine |
Box 52 Folder 6 | Cerebral Palsy |
Box 52 Folder 7 | Certificate of Merit (1947) |
Box 52 Folder 8 | Chicago Daily News (book reviews, 1929-40) |
Box 52 Folder 9 | Chicago's 500 (Chicago's Foundling Home) |
Box 52 Folder 10 | Chicago Medical Society |
Box 52 Folder 11 | Chicago Medical Society |
Box 52 Folder 12 | Chicago Motor Club |
Box 52 Folder 13 | Child welfare |
Box 52 Folder 14 | Chiropractice |
Box 52 Folder 15 | Christmas, 1968 |
Box 52 Folder 16 | Churchill College (Cambridge, England) |
Box 52 Folder 17 | City of Hope Medical Center, 1971-76 |
Box 52 Folder 18 | City of Hope Medical Center, 1969-70 |
Box 53 Folder 1 | City of Hope, 1967-68 |
Box 53 Folder 2 | City of Hope, 1965-66 |
Box 53 Folder 3 | City of Hope, 1963-64 |
Box 53 Folder 4 | City of Hope, 1961-62 |
Box 53 Folder 5 | City of Hope, 1960 |
Box 53 Folder 6 | City of Hope, 1956-59 |
Box 53 Folder 7 | City of Hope, salute at Medical Research Dinner, 1972-73 |
Box 53 Folder 8 | City of Hope, 1970-71 |
Box 53 Folder 9 | City of Hope, 1967-69 |
Box 53 Folder 10 | City of Hope, 1964-65 |
Box 53 Folder 11 | City of Hope, 1962-63 |
Subseries 2: General Correspondence |
Box 54 Folder 1 | City of Hope, 1961 |
Box 54 Folder 2 | City of Hope, 1960 |
Box 54 Folder 3 | City of Hope, 1959 |
Box 54 Folder 4 | City of Hope, 1958 |
Box 54 Folder 5 | Clinical Investigation Climacteric |
Box 54 Folder 7 | Committee of Physicians |
Box 54 Folder 8 | Committee of Physicians |
Box 54 Folder 9 | Committee of Physicians |
Box 54 Folder 10 | Committee of Physicians |
Box 55 Folder 1 | Congenital defects |
Box 55 Folder 2 | Consumers research |
Box 55 Folder 3 | Cook County Hospital, Citizens' Committee to Study; 1963-65 |
Box 55 Folder 4 | Cook County Hospital, Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Associated Physicians of; 1969-70 |
Box 55 Folder 5 | Cook County Hospital, Executive Session of May 7, 1969 (2 parts) |
Box 55 Folder 6 | Cook County Hospital, Executive Session of May 13, 1969 |
Box 55 Folder 7 | Cook County Hospital, Selection Committee of the Health and Hospitals Governing Commission of Cook County, 1969-70 |
Box 55 Folder 8 | Cook and Son, Thomas |
Box 55 Folder 9 | Copyright (JAMA) |
Box 55 Folder 10 | Cosmetics |
Box 56 Folder 2 | Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the AMA |
Box 56 Folder 3 | Counseling |
Box 56 Folder 4 | Crerar Library, John |
Box 56 Folder 6 | Crippled children and adults |
Box 56 Folder 7 | Crystal Ball |
Box 56 Folder 8 | Cults; Christian Science; Faith-Healing; Naturopathy; Osteopathy |
Box 56 Folder 9 | Debus, Allen |
Box 56 Folder 13 | Doubleday and Co, Inc., 1976; see also box 102; 5-6 |
Box 56 Folder 14 | Doubleday, 1975 |
Box 56 Folder 15 | Doubleday, 1974 |
Box 56 Folder 16 | Doubleday, 1973 |
Box 57 Folder 1 | Doubleday, 1972 |
Subseries 3: General Notes |
Box 57 Folder 2 | Doubleday, 1971 |
Box 57 Folder 3 | Doubleday, 1970 |
Box 57 Folder 4 | Doubleday, 1969 |
Box 57 Folder 5 | Doubleday, 1968 |
Box 57 Folder 6 | Doubleday, 1967 |
Box 57 Folder 7 | Doubleday, 1966 |
Box 57 Folder 8 | Doubleday, 1965 |
Box 57 Folder 9 | Doubleday, 1964 |
Box 57 Folder 10 | Doubleday, 1963 |
Box 57 Folder 11 | Doubleday, 1962 |
Box 57 Folder 12 | Doubleday, 1961 |
Box 57 Folder 13 | Doubleday, 1960 |
Box 57 Folder 14 | Doubleday, 1959 |
Box 58 Folder 1 | Doubleday, 1958 |
Box 58 Folder 2 | Doubleday, 1957 |
Box 58 Folder 3 | Doubleday, 1956 |
Box 58 Folder 4 | Doubleday, 1955 |
Box 58 Folder 5 | Doubleday, 1954 |
Box 58 Folder 6 | Doubleday, 1953 |
Box 58 Folder 7 | Doubleday, 1953 |
Box 58 Folder 8 | Doubleday, 1952 |
Box 58 Folder 9 | Doubleday, 1951 |
Box 58 Folder 10 | Doubleday, 1950 |
Box 58 Folder 11 | Doubleday, 1949 |
Box 59 Folder 1 | Doubleday, Dr. Hilde Bruch lawsuit |
Box 59 Folder 2 | Doublday, Dr. Huga R. Bony lawsuir |
Box 59 Folder 3 | Doubleday, The Modern Woman's Medical Guide |
Box 59 Folder 4 | Doubleday, The Modern Woman's Medical Guide, manuscripts |
Box 59 Folder 5 | Doubleday, Encyclopedia of Health and Disease |
Box 59 Folder 6 | Doubleday, Encyclopedia of Health and Disease |
Box 59 Folder 7 | Doubleday, Encyclopedia of Health and Disease |
Box 59 Folder 8 | Doubleday, Handy Home Medical Advisor |
Box 59 Folder 9 | Doubleday, Health Book Club |
Box 59 Folder 10 | Doubleday, Heart Club |
Box 59 Folder 11 | Doubleday, Heart Club |
Box 60 Folder 1 | Doubleday, Modern Family Health Guide |
Box 60 Folder 2 | Doubleday, Modern Home Medical Adviser |
Box 60 Folder 3 | Doubleday, Modern Home Medical Adviser |
Box 60 Folder 4 | Doubleday, Modern Home Remedies |
Box 60 Folder 5 | Doubleday, Psychiatry and You |
Box 60 Folder 6 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage |
Box 60 Folder 7 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage |
Box 60 Folder 8 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage, 1955 |
Box 60 Folder 9 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage, 1947-48 |
Box 60 Folder 10 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage, 1947-48 |
Box 60 Folder 11 | Doubleday, Successful Marriage, college edition |
Box 61 Folder 1 | Doubleday, Your Weight and How to Control It |
Box 61 Folder 2 | Doubleday, Your Weight and How to Control It, revision |
Box 61 Folder 3 | Drug Abuse, National Council on |
Box 61 Folder 4 | Drug Safety, Commission on |
Box 61 Folder 6 | Durand Hospital (photograph of); Dutton & Co., E. P. |
Box 61 Folder 7 | Dysautonomia; Emotions |
Box 61 Folder 8 | Encyclopedia Britannica, 1972 |
Box 61 Folder 9 | E. B., 1971 |
Box 61 Folder 10 | E. B., 1970 |
Box 61 Folder 11 | E. B., 1969 |
Box 61 Folder 12 | E. B., 1968 |
Box 62 Folder 1 | E. B., 1967 |
Box 62 Folder 2 | E. B., 1966 |
Box 62 Folder 3 | E. B., 1965 |
Box 62 Folder 4 | E. B., 1964 |
Box 62 Folder 5 | E. B., 1963 |
Box 62 Folder 6 | E. B., 1962 |
Box 63 Folder 1 | E. B., 1959-1961 |
Box 63 Folder 2 | E. B. 1956-1958 |
Box 63 Folder 3 | E. B., 1948-1955 |
Box 63 Folder 5 | Escanaba case; see also Series III; Scrapbooks |
Box 63 Folder 7 | Euthanasia |
Box 63 Folder 8 | Evans, Mel |
Box 63 Folder 9 | Excerpta Medica, 1968-69 |
Box 63 Folder 10 | Excerpta Medica, 1965-67 |
Box 63 Folder 11 | Excerpta Medica, 1963-64 |
Box 63 Folder 12 | Excerpta Medica, 1962 |
Box 63 Folder 13 | Excerpta Medica, 1961 |
Box 64 Folder 1 | Excerpta Medica, 1959-60 |
Box 64 Folder 2 | Excerpta Medica, 1957-58 |
Box 64 Folder 3 | Excerpta Medica, 1955-1956 |
Box 64 Folder 6 | Eye-color blindness |
Box 64 Folder 7 | Family Health Magazine, 1976 |
Box 64 Folder 8 | Family Health Magazine, 1975 |
Box 64 Folder 9 | Family Health Magazine, 1973-74 |
Box 64 Folder 10 | Family Health Magazine, 1971-72 |
Box 64 Folder 11 | Fatigue; Federal Trade Commission; Feet |
Box 64 Folder 12 | Fifty Year Club of American Medicine |
Box 64 Folder 13 | Films, medical |
Box 65 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Anna Mantel, correspondence 1961-76 |
Box 65 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Anna, correspondence, 1950-1960 |
Box 65 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Anna, correspondence, 1928-1949 |
Box 65 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Anna, speeches and notes |
Box 65 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Anna, American Hospital Association, Committee on Women's Auxiliaries, 1946-51 |
Box 65 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Anna, speeches |
Box 65 Folder 7 | Fishbein, Anna, Janeil Shop for Handicapped Girls, 1932-57 |
Box 65 Folder 8 | Fishbein, Anna, purpose, constitution and by-laws |
Box 65 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Anna, minutes, financial papers |
Box 66 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Anna, Chicago Lying-In Hospital, Mothers' Aid, 1933-76 |
Box 66 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Anna, 1927-32 |
Box 66 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Anna, speeches and reports |
Box 66 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Anna, speeches and reports |
Box 66 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Anna, Our Baby's First Seven Years, 1959-1968 |
Box 66 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Anna, Our Baby's First Seven Years, 1941-1958 |
Box 66 Folder 7 | Fishbein, Anna, Committee minutes, financial reports |
Box 66 Folder 8 | Fishbein, Anna, CARE correspondence and speeches, 1947-48 |
Box 66 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Anna, CARE photographs, clippings |
Box 66 Folder 10 | Fishbein, Morris, bibliographical notes, notices, articles, biographies |
Box 67 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Morris, 69th birthday (1958) |
Box 67 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Morris, 70th birthday (1959), letters |
Box 67 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Morris, 70th birthday letters |
Box 67 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Morris, 70th birthday cards and telegrams |
Box 67 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Morris, 70th birthday dinner plans |
Box 67 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Morris, 70th birthday speeches; see also Series III; Tapes |
Box 67 Folder 7 | Fishbein, Morris, 72nd birthday (1961) |
Box 67 Folder 8 | Fishbein, Morris 75th birthday (1964) |
Box 67 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Morris 75th birthday letters |
Box 67 Folder 10 | Fishbein, Morris, 75th birthday letters |
Box 68 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Morris, 75th birthday dinner plans |
Box 68 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Morris, 76th birthday (1965) |
Box 68 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Morris, 80th birthday (1969); Fishbein Center for the Study f the History of Science and Medicine established. See also Series II; Tapes. |
Box 68 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Morris, 85th birthday (1974). |
Box 68 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Morris, 86th birthday (1975). |
Box 68 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Morris, dedication of the Fishbein Institute for Forensic Medicine (1964) |
Box 68 Folder 7 | Fishbein, Morris, departure from the AMA (1949), correspondence; see also Box 43; 1-4 |
Box 68 Folder 8 | Fishbein, Morris, departure from the AMA |
Box 68 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Morris, departure from the AMA |
Box 68 Folder 10 | Fishbein, Morris, departure from the AMA, clippings |
Box 69 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Morris, family correspondence, clippings |
Box 69 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary (1964) |
Box 69 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 7 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 8 | Fishbein, Morris, 50th wedding anniversary |
Box 69 Folder 9 | Fishbein, Morris, Fifty Years of Medicine (1962). Anniversary of graduation from Rush Medical College |
Box 69 Folder 10 | Fishbein, Morris, Fifty Years of Medicine |
Box 69 Folder 11 | Fishbein, Morris, Fifty Years of Medicine |
Box 70 Folder 1 | Fishbein, Morris, hospitalization for surgery (1956) |
Box 70 Folder 2 | Fishbein, Morris, hospitalization for surgery |
Box 70 Folder 3 | Fishbein, Morris, illness (1948) |
Box 70 Folder 4 | Fishbein, Morris, memorabilia and personal business |
Box 70 Folder 5 | Fishbein, Morris, memorabilia and personal business |
Box 70 Folder 6 | Fishbein, Morris, Jr., memorial fund |
Box 71 Folder 1 | Flagyl; flourides |
Box 71 Folder 3 | Fountain report |
Box 71 Folder 4 | Frank Foundation, Anne |
Box 71 Folder 5 | Freak letters |
Box 71 Folder 6 | Freak letters |
Box 71 Folder 7 | Fund raising |
Box 71 Folder 8 | Gall and honey, 1924-1941 |
Box 71 Folder 9 | Garden City Publishing Co. |
Box 71 Folder 10 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1968-1976 |
Box 71 Folder 11 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1967 |
Box 71 Folder 12 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1966 |
Box 72 Folder 1 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1965 |
Box 72 Folder 2 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1964 |
Box 72 Folder 3 | Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, 1962-63 |
Box 72 Folder 4 | General practice |
Box 72 Folder 5 | Gezundheit |
Box 72 Folder 8 | Good Housekeeping Magazine, 1956-1959 |
Box 72 Folder 9 | Good Housekeeping, 1953-55 |
Box 72 Folder 10 | Good Housekeeping, 1949-52 |
Box 72 Folder 11 | Good Housekeeping, "Keep Up with Medicine" columns |
Box 72 Folder 12 | Good Housekeeping, Benoquin and Oxsoralen article |
Box 72 Folder 13 | Hair, Hair Sprays |
Box 72 Folder 14 | Hall of Fame |
Box 73 Folder 1 | Harper's Magazine |
Box 73 Folder 4 | Hearing; heart |
Box 73 Folder 5 | Heart Association, speeches |
Box 73 Folder 6 | Heart Association, 1972-1976 |
Box 73 Folder 7 | Heart Association, 1967-1971 |
Box 73 Folder 8 | Heart Association, 1966 |
Box 73 Folder 9 | Heart Association, 1965 |
Box 73 Folder 10 | Heart Association, 1964 |
Box 73 Folder 11 | Heart Association, 1958-63 |
Box 74 Folder 1 | Heart Association, Atherosclerosis Symposium (1969) |
Box 74 Folder 2 | Heart, Cancer, and Stroke Regional Medical Program (1966-1969) |
Box 74 Folder 3 | Hektoen, Ludwig |
Box 74 Folder 4 | Hektoen Institute; Heredity; Herpes; Hobbies; Hobbyists |
Box 74 Folder 6 | Hospital strike (1941); Hypoglycemia; Identification, medical; Illinois Association for Maternal and Infant Health |
Box 74 Folder 7 | Illinois Children's Hospital School |
Box 74 Folder 8 | Immunization |
Box 74 Folder 9 | Index Medicus (1939-1949) |
Box 74 Folder 10 | Indiana Society of Chicago; Industrial Accidents; Infants and Prenatal Care |
Box 74 Folder 11 | Infection; Influenza; Insanity |
Box 74 Folder 12 | Institute of Medicine of Chicago |
Box 74 Folder 13 | Insurance - disability and hospitalization plans |
Box 75 Folder 1 | Interior, Department of (1947-1949) |
Box 75 Folder 2 | International Birth Defects Congress |
Box 75 Folder 3 | International College of Surgeons, 1974-1976 |
Box 75 Folder 4 | International College of Surgeons, 1972-1973 |
Box 75 Folder 5 | International College of Surgeons, 1969-1971 |
Box 75 Folder 6 | International College of Surgeons, 1966-1968 |
Box 76 Folder 1 | International College of Surgeons, 1964-65 |
Box 76 Folder 2 | International College of Surgeons, 1960-1963 |
Box 76 Folder 3 | International College of Surgeons, 1956-1959 |
Box 76 Folder 4 | International College of Surgeons, 1936-1955 |
Box 76 Folder 5 | International Postgraduate Medical Association |
Box 76 Folder 6 | Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association |
Box 76 Folder 7 | Invalidism; Israel Bond Drive; Israel Medical Association |
Box 76 Folder 8 | Jackson Park Hospital, 1975-76 |
Box 76 Folder 9 | Jackson Park Hospital, 1959-1974 |
Box 76 Folder 10 | Jerger, Joseph A. |
Box 76 Folder 11 | Jewish physicians, hospitals, libraries, 1963-74 |
Box 76 Folder 12 | Jewish physicians, hospitals, libraries, 1962 |
Box 77 Folder 1 | Jewish physicians, hospitals, libraries, 1961 |
Box 77 Folder 2 | Jewish physicians, hospitals, libraries, 1959-60 |
Box 77 Folder 3 | Jewish physicians, hospitals, libraries, 1943-58 |
Box 77 Folder 4 | Journalism, correspondence |
Box 77 Folder 5 | Journalism, articles and speeches by MF |
Box 77 Folder 6 | Journalism |
Box 77 Folder 7 | Journalism |
Box 77 Folder 8 | Kenny, Sister Elizabeth |
Box 77 Folder 9 | La Rabida Children's Hospital |
Box 77 Folder 11 | Lectures and notes by MF |
Box 77 Folder 12 | Lectures and notes by MF |
Box 78 Folder 1 | Lectures and notes by MF |
Box 78 Folder 2 | Lectures and notes by MF |
Box 78 Folder 3 | Lederle Laboratories |
Box 78 Folder 4 | Libel suits |
Box 78 Folder 5 | Libel suits, Asa Brunson |
Box 78 Folder 6 | Libel suits, John R. Brinkley |
Box 78 Folder 7 | Libraries, medical |
Box 78 Folder 9 | Lippincott Company, J. B., 1963-1975; see also Box 102; 7 |
Box 78 Folder 10 | Lippincott Company, 1959-1962 |
Box 78 Folder 11 | Lippincott Company, 1951-1958 |
Box 78 Folder 12 | Lippincott Company, 1929-1950 |
Box 78 Folder 13 | Lippincott Company, "Current Comment on World Medicine," Medical Science |
Box 79 Folder 1 | Little City Foundation, 1967-1975 |
Box 79 Folder 2 | Little City Foundation, 1963-1966 |
Box 79 Folder 3 | Little City Foundation, 1962-1963 |
Box 79 Folder 5 | Longini, Muriel |
Box 79 Folder 6 | Lorrilard Company, P., 1965-1970 |
Box 79 Folder 7 | Lorrilard Company, 1962-1964 |
Box 79 Folder 8 | Lorrilard Company, 1960-1961 |
Box 79 Folder 9 | Lorrilard Company, 1958-1959 |
Box 79 Folder 10 | Lorrilard Company, 1956-1957 |
Box 79 Folder 11 | Lorrilard Company, 1955 |
Box 80 Folder 1 | Lorrilard Company, 1954 |
Box 80 Folder 2 | Lorrilard Company, 1954 |
Box 80 Folder 3 | Lorrilard Company, 1953 |
Box 80 Folder 4 | Lorrilard Company, 1953 |
Box 80 Folder 5 | Lorrilard Company, 1954-61 (misc.) |
Box 81 Folder 1 | Lying-In Hospital |
Box 81 Folder 2 | Lyons and Carnaham (First Aid Training); see also Box 102; 8) |
Box 81 Folder 3 | Madrid Letter (JAMA) |
Box 81 Folder 4 | Maimonides Award (Michael Reese Hospital), 1962-1972 |
Box 81 Folder 5 | Maimonides Award, 1961 |
Box 81 Folder 6 | Maimonides Award, 1960 |
Box 81 Folder 7 | Mantel, Samuel J. |
Box 81 Folder 8 | Mayo Brothers |
Box 81 Folder 9 | Mayo Clinic; Mayo Foundation |
Box 81 Folder 10 | McCall's Magazine, 1966-1967 |
Box 81 Folder 11 | McCall's Magazine, 1963-1965
- McGraw-Hill Book Company; see Blakiston Division, Box 50; 2-6)
Box 81 Folder 12 | McKay Company, David (Ask the Doctor), 1973-1975 |
Box 81 Folder 13 | MD Publications |
Box 82 Folder 1 | Medical education. See also Series III; Slides |
Box 82 Folder 2 | Medical education, Latin America, 1948-1954 |
Box 82 Folder 3 | Medical education, 1947-1948 |
Box 82 Folder 4 | Medical education, 1947-1948 |
Box 82 Folder 5 | Medical education, 1947-1948, speeches |
Box 82 Folder 6 | Medical history |
Box 82 Folder 7 | Medical history; Society of Medical History of Chicago, American Association for the History of Medicine, other correspondence and notes |
Box 82 Folder 8 | Medical martyrs |
Box 82 Folder 9 | Medical Mussolini |
Box 82 Folder 10 | Medical organizations |
Box 82 Folder 11 | Medical practice, changes in |
Box 82 Folder 12 | Medical practice, trends in private practice |
Box 83 Folder 1 | Medical progress and advances |
Box 83 Folder 2 | Medical progress and advances |
Box 83 Folder 3 | Medical progress and advances |
Box 83 Folder 4 | Medical service-post war planning (1943-1944) |
Box 83 Folder 5 | Medical World News, 1972 September-December; see also Boxes 36; 11-37; 3 |
Box 83 Folder 6 | Medical World News, June-August |
Box 83 Folder 7 | Medical World News, March-May |
Box 83 Folder 8 | Medical World News, January-February |
Box 83 Folder 9 | Medical World News, 1971 September-December |
Box 83 Folder 10 | Medical World News, April-August |
Box 83 Folder 11 | Medical World News, January-March |
Box 84 Folder 1 | Medical World News, 1970 October -December |
Box 84 Folder 2 | Medical World News, June-September |
Box 84 Folder 3 | Medical World News, April- May |
Box 84 Folder 4 | Medical World News, January-March |
Box 84 Folder 5 | Medical World News, 1969, November-December |
Box 84 Folder 6 | Medical World News, July-August |
Box 84 Folder 7 | Medical World News, April-June |
Box 84 Folder 8 | Medical World News, January-March |
Box 84 Folder 9 | Medical World News, 1968, November-December |
Box 84 Folder 10 | Medical World News, June-October |
Box 84 Folder 11 | Medical World News, March-May |
Box 85 Folder 1 | Medical World News, January-February |
Box 85 Folder 2 | Medical World News, 1967, November-December |
Box 85 Folder 3 | Medical World News, July-October |
Box 85 Folder 4 | Medical World News, May-June |
Box 85 Folder 5 | Medical World News, April |
Box 85 Folder 6 | Medical World News, March |
Box 85 Folder 7 | Medical World News, January-February |
Box 85 Folder 8 | Medical World News, 1966, October-December |
Box 85 Folder 9 | Medical World News, June-September |
Box 85 Folder 10 | Medical World News, April-May |
Box 85 Folder 11 | Medical World News, February-March |
Box 86 Folder 1 | Medical World News, January |
Box 86 Folder 2 | Medical World News, 1965, August-December |
Box 86 Folder 3 | Medical World News, January-July |
Box 86 Folder 4 | Medical World News, 1964, August-December |
Box 86 Folder 5 | Medical World News, January-July |
Box 86 Folder 6 | Medical World News, 1963 |
Box 86 Folder 7 | Medical World News, 1962 |
Box 86 Folder 8 | Medical World News, 1961 |
Box 86 Folder 9 | Medical World News, 1960 |
Box 86 Folder 10 | Medical World News, 1957-1959 |
Box 87 Folder 1 | Medical World News, 1966 Annual |
Box 87 Folder 2 | Medical World News British Editorial Board (1963) |
Box 87 Folder 3 | Medical World News, Fifth Anniversary (1965) |
Box 87 Folder 4 | Medical World News, Fifth Anniversary |
Box 87 Folder 5 | Medical World News, Fifth Anniversary |
Box 87 Folder 6 | Medical World News, Special 75th Birthday Issue (1964) |
Box 87 Folder 7 | Medical World News, Published editorials, 1973-1974 |
Box 87 Folder 8 | Medical World News, 1970-1972 |
Box 87 Folder 9 | Medical World News, 1967-1969 |
Box 87 Folder 10 | Medical World News, 1963-1966 |
Box 87 Folder 11 | Medical World News, Misc. articles and notes, 1970-1974 |
Box 88 Folder 1 | Medical Writing |
Box 88 Folder 2 | Medical Writing |
Box 88 Folder 3 | Medicare; see also Series III: Tapes |
Box 88 Folder 5 | Medicine, general articles |
Box 88 Folder 6 | Medicine, The Story of Medicine (ms) |
Box 88 Folder 7 | Medicine, British, 1949-1952 |
Box 88 Folder 8 | Medicine, British, 1948-1949 |
Box 88 Folder 9 | Medicine, rural |
Box 88 Folder 10 | Medicine, Russia |
Box 89 Folder 1 | Medicine, socialization of |
Box 89 Folder 2 | Medicine, socialization of |
Box 89 Folder 3 | Medicine, socialization of |
Box 89 Folder 4 | Medicine and the press |
Box 90 Folder 1 | Medicine and the press |
Box 90 Folder 2 | Medicine and the press |
Box 90 Folder 3 | Medicine and science, advanced study of |
Box 90 Folder 4 | Medicine chest; the family; "Medicine Show"; Medina, Lina |
Box 90 Folder 6 | Memorial Association, Chicago |
Box 90 Folder 7 | Mental retardation |
Box 90 Folder 8 | Michelson, Dr. Julius |
Box 90 Folder 9 | Minot, Dr. George Richard; Monaco; Multiple sclerosis; Muscular dystrophy |
Box 90 Folder 10 | Museum of Science and Industry |
Box 90 Folder 11 | Music in medicine; Narcotics |
Box 90 Folder 12 | National Foundation, 1970-1976 |
Box 90 Folder 13 | National Foundation, 1967-1969 |
Box 90 Folder 14 | National Foundation, 1966 (includes Dr. Basil O'Connor's 75th Birthday tribute) |
Box 90 Folder 15 | National Foundation, 1964-1965 |
Box 91 Folder 1 | National Foundation, 1961-1963 |
Box 91 Folder 2 | National Foundation, 1959-1960 |
Box 91 Folder 3 | National Foundation, 1957-1958 |
Box 91 Folder 4 | National Foundation, 1955-1956 |
Box 91 Folder 5 | National Foundation, 1933-1939 |
Box 91 Folder 6 | National Health Assembly |
Box 91 Folder 7 | National health insurance |
Box 91 Folder 8 | National Physicians Committee |
Box 91 Folder 9 | National Safety Council |
Box 91 Folder 10 | Negro health |
Box 91 Folder 11 | New Physician |
Box 91 Folder 12 | New Jersey Assembly Committee on Public Health; New York Academy of Sciences |
Box 91 Folder 13 | New York Herald Tribune |
Box 91 Folder 14 | New York Sun |
Box 92 Folder 1 | New York Times |
Box 92 Folder 2 | Newspaper editors |
Box 92 Folder 3 | Nomenclature |
Box 92 Folder 4 | Northwestern University Medical School; see also Series III; Slides |
Box 92 Folder 7 | Obstetrics and gynecology |
Box 92 Folder 8 | Occupational therapy |
Box 92 Folder 9 | Optometry; ostomy |
Box 92 Folder 10 | Oxford University Press |
Box 92 Folder 11 | Parkinsonism |
Box 92 Folder 12 | Patents, medical |
Box 92 Folder 13 | Patents, medical
- Subseries 3: General notes
Box 93 Folder 2 | Pepper, Senator Claude, committee hearing |
Box 93 Folder 3 | Pepper, Senator Claude, committee hearing |
Box 93 Folder 4 | Dr. Pepys Diary, miscellaneous |
Box 93 Folder 5 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1975 |
Box 93 Folder 6 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1974 |
Box 93 Folder 7 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1973 |
Box 93 Folder 8 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1972 |
Box 93 Folder 9 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1971 |
Box 93 Folder 10 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1970 |
Box 93 Folder 11 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1969 |
Box 93 Folder 12 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1968 |
Box 93 Folder 13 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1967 |
Box 94 Folder 1 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1965-1966 |
Box 94 Folder 2 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1963-1964 |
Box 94 Folder 3 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1962 |
Box 94 Folder 4 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1959-1961 |
Box 94 Folder 5 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1958 |
Box 94 Folder 6 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1957 |
Box 94 Folder 7 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1956 |
Box 94 Folder 8 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1955 |
Box 94 Folder 9 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1954 |
Box 94 Folder 10 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1953 |
Box 94 Folder 11 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1951-1952 |
Box 95 Folder 1 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1950 |
Box 95 Folder 2 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1947-1948 |
Box 95 Folder 3 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1944-1946 |
Box 95 Folder 4 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1943 |
Box 95 Folder 5 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1942 |
Box 95 Folder 6 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1941 |
Box 95 Folder 7 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1939-1940 |
Box 95 Folder 8 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1937-1938 |
Box 95 Folder 9 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1934-1936 |
Box 95 Folder 10 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1929-1933 |
Box 95 Folder 11 | Dr. Pepys Diary, 1919-1922 |
Box 95 Folder 12 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 1972-1976 |
Box 95 Folder 13 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 1964-1971 |
Box 95 Folder 14 | Pharmaceutical research |
Box 95 Folder 15 | Pharmaceutical research |
Box 96 Folder 1 | Phi Delta Epsilon; Physicians Club of New York; poetry |
Box 96 Folder 3 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1970-1974 |
Box 96 Folder 4 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1969 |
Box 96 Folder 5 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1968 |
Box 96 Folder 6 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1967 |
Box 97 Folder 1 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1966 |
Box 97 Folder 2 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1965 |
Box 97 Folder 3 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1964 |
Box 97 Folder 4 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1963 |
Box 97 Folder 5 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1961-1962 |
Box 97 Folder 6 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1959-1960 |
Box 97 Folder 7 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1957-1958 |
Box 97 Folder 8 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1951-1956 |
Box 97 Folder 9 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1950 |
Box 97 Folder 10 | Postgraduate Medicine, 1949 |
Box 97 Folder 11 | Postgraduate Medicine, "Great Names in American Medical History" |
Box 98 Folder 1 | Postmortem examinations |
Box 98 Folder 2 | Prisoners as subjects in medical experiments |
Box 98 Folder 3 | Professions, medical and allied |
Box 98 Folder 4 | Programs, menus and invitations, 1903-1957 |
Box 98 Folder 5 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1958-1959 |
Box 98 Folder 6 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1960-1962 |
Box 98 Folder 7 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1963-1964 |
Box 98 Folder 8 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1965 |
Box 98 Folder 9 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1966 |
Box 98 Folder 10 | Programs, menus, and invitations, 1967-1975 |
Box 98 Folder 11 | Propaganda; psychoanalysis |
Box 99 Folder 1 | Psychology |
Box 99 Folder 2 | Public Affairs Committee |
Box 99 Folder 3 | Public Health Institute |
Box 99 Folder 4 | Public relations, 1946-1947 |
Box 99 Folder 5 | Public relations, 1946-1947 |
Box 99 Folder 6 | Publicity for chemistry and medicine |
Box 99 Folder 7 | Quacks and quackery, correspondence |
Box 99 Folder 8 | Quacks and quackery |
Box 99 Folder 9 | Quacks and quackery |
Box 99 Folder 10 | Quacks and quackery, articles and speeches by MF |
Box 100 Folder 1 | Quacks and quackery |
Box 100 Folder 2 | Quacks and quackery, articles by others |
Box 100 Folder 3 | Quintuplets, Dionne |
Box 100 Folder 5 | Radio broadcast, the Squibb Program (1933) |
Box 100 Folder 6 | Radio broadcast, the Squibb Program (1933) |
Box 100 Folder 7 | Radio censorship |
Box 100 Folder 8 | Radio debate on state medicine (1935-1936) |
Box 100 Folder 9 | Radio debate on state medicine (1935-1936) |
Box 100 Folder 10 | Radio quackery-Dr. John R. Brinkley (1939) |
Box 100 Folder 11 | Radio quackery-Dr. John R. Brinkley (1939) |
Box 100 Folder 12 | Radioactivity |
Box 100 Folder 13 | Random House |
Box 101 Folder 1 | Reader's Digest |
Box 101 Folder 2 | Red Cross |
Box 101 Folder 3 | Rehabilitation |
Box 101 Folder 4 | "Rejuvenation" - Harry Benjamin versus MF |
Box 101 Folder 5 | The New Republic |
Box 101 Folder 7 | Respiratory disease; Retina Foundation |
Box 102 Folder 1 | Rheumatic fever; Roosevelt University |
Box 102 Folder 2 | Rosenberger Medal (1968) |
Box 102 Folder 3 | Rotary Club of Chicago |
Box 102 Folder 4 | Royal Society of Medicine |
Box 102 Folder 5 | Royalty statements, Doubleday; see also Boxes 56; 13-61;2 |
Box 102 Folder 6 | Royalty statements, Doubleday |
Box 102 Folder 7 | Royalty statements, Lippincott; see also Box 78; 9-13 |
Box 102 Folder 8 | Royalty statements, Lyons & Carnahan; see also Box 81; 3 |
Box 102 Folder 9 | Royalty statements, McGraw-Hill; see also Box 50; 2-6 |
Box 102 Folder 10 | Rush Medical College |
Box 102 Folder 11 | Rush Medical College |
Box 102 Folder 12 | Rush Medical College, 20th Reunion (1932) |
Box 102 Folder 13 | Rush Medical College, 40th Reunion (1952) |
Box 102 Folder 14 | Rush Medical College, 45th Reunion (1957) |
Box 102 Folder 15 | Rush Medical College, 50th Reunion (1962) |
Box 102 Folder 16 | Rush Medical College, 60th Reunion (1972) |
Box 103 Folder 1 | Sanitation |
Box 103 Folder 2 | Saunders Company, W. B. |
Box 103 Folder 3 | Saunders Company, W. B. |
Box 103 Folder 4 | Scarlet Fever Committee (1925-1930) |
Box 103 Folder 5 | Scarlet Fever Committee |
Box 103 Folder 6 | Science writers |
Box 103 Folder 8 | Sigma Delta Chi |
Box 103 Folder 12 | Social Security |
Box 103 Folder 13 | Stamps; Stone-Brandel Center; "Stork Club," Dr. Fishbein's-see Birth Announcements (Box 69-70) |
Box 104 Folder 1 | Stuttman Company, Henry S., 1955-1976 See also Box 26;13 |
Box 104 Folder 2 | Stuttman Company, 1973-1974 |
Box 104 Folder 3 | Stuttman Company, 1972 |
Box 104 Folder 4 | Stuttman Company, 1970-1971 |
Box 104 Folder 5 | Stuttman Company, 1963-1967 |
Box 104 Folder 6 | Stuttman Company, 1958-1962 |
Box 104 Folder 7 | Stuttman Company, 1956-1957 |
Box 104 Folder 8 | Superstitions |
Box 104 Folder 9 | Surgery, see also Series III; Slides |
Box 104 Folder 10 | Tapeworm; Technical Instruments Corporation |
Box 104 Folder 11 | Teeth; telebiblios; television |
Box 105 Folder 1 | Thalidomide; thanatology; therapeutics |
Box 105 Folder 2 | Thomas, Charles C., publisher |
Box 105 Folder 3 | Thomas, Charles C., publisher |
Box 105 Folder 4 | Thomas, Charles C., publisher |
Box 105 Folder 6 | Tobacco, correspondence |
Box 105 Folder 7 | Tobacco, articles and speeches |
Box 105 Folder 8 | Tobacco, ms (incomplete) of Effects of Tobacco and of Cigarette Smoking on the Body (1954) |
Box 105 Folder 9 | "Tonics and Sedatives," see also Series III; Scrapbooks |
Box 106 Folder 1 | Town meeting; transplantation |
Box 106 Folder 2 | Travel, 1972-1975 (see also Box 13; 14-17) |
Box 106 Folder 3 | Travel, 1969-1971 |
Box 106 Folder 4 | Travel, 1966-1968 |
Box 106 Folder 5 | Travel, 1934-1965 |
Box 106 Folder 6 | Travels, passports |
Box 106 Folder 7 | Tuberculosis, 1965-1971 |
Box 106 Folder 8 | Tuberculosis, 1962-1964 |
Box 106 Folder 9 | Ultraviolet, radiation; United Medical Service |
Box 106 Folder 10 | University of Chicago, 1975-1976 |
Box 106 Folder 11 | University of Chicago, 1970-1974 |
Box 107 Folder 1 | University of Chicago, 1966-1969 |
Box 107 Folder 2 | University of Chicago, 1960-1965 |
Box 107 Folder 3 | University of Chicago, 1955-1959 |
Box 107 Folder 4 | University of Chicago, The Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of the History of Science and Medicine, 1966-1976 |
Box 107 Folder 5 | V-mail letter; vacations |
Box 107 Folder 6 | Venereal disease |
Box 107 Folder 7 | Ventilation; viruses |
Box 107 Folder 9 | Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company (World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1966-1968) |
Box 107 Folder 10 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1965 |
Box 107 Folder 11 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1964 |
Box 108 Folder 1 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1963 |
Box 108 Folder 2 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1962 |
Box 108 Folder 3 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1961 |
Box 108 Folder 4 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1960 |
Box 108 Folder 5 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1959, July-December |
Box 108 Folder 6 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, March-June |
Box 108 Folder 7 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, January-February |
Box 108 Folder 8 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1958, November-December |
Box 109 Folder 1 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, August-October |
Box 109 Folder 2 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, May-July |
Box 109 Folder 3 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, January-April |
Box 109 Folder 4 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1956-1957 |
Box 109 Folder 5 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1966 |
Box 109 Folder 6 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1965 |
Box 110 Folder 1 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1964 |
Box 110 Folder 2 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1963 |
Box 110 Folder 3 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1962 |
Box 110 Folder 4 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1961 |
Box 110 Folder 5 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1960 |
Box 110 Folder 6 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, author correspondence, 1959 |
Box 110 Folder 7 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, 1957-1958 |
Box 110 Folder 8 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, Science Writers Luncheon |
Box 110 Folder 9 | World Wide Abstracts of General Medicine, Cancer Series, 1960-1961 |
Box 110 Folder 10 | Warwick and Legler, Inc., 1960-1964 |
Box 110 Folder 11 | Warwick and Legler, 1958-1959 |
Box 110 Folder 12 | Warwick and Legler, 1957 |
Box 110 Folder 13 | Warwick and Legler, 1956 |
Box 111 Folder 1 | Warwick and Legler, 1955 |
Box 111 Folder 2 | Warwick and Legler, 1953-1954 |
Box 111 Folder 3 | Warwick and Legler, 1938-1948 |
Box 111 Folder 4 | Warwick and Legler, Alcohol and Hangover Studies |
Box 111 Folder 5 | Warwick and Legler, Phenolptalein |
Box 111 Folder 6 | Weight reduction (1926) |
Box 111 Folder 7 | Whittlesey House (1942-1952); see also McGraw-Hill Book Company, Box 50; 2-6 |
Box 111 Folder 9 | Woman's Home Companion (1943-1949) |
Box 111 Folder 10 | Woman's Home Companion |
Box 111 Folder 11 | Woman's Home Companion |
Box 111 Folder 12 | World Health Organization; World Medical Association; World Medicine |
Box 111 Folder 13 | World's Work (1927-1934) |
Box 111 Folder 14 | Zoonoses research |
Subseries 1: Photographs, Portraits, Sketches |
Box 112 Folder 1 | Morris Fishbein |
Box 112 Folder 2 | Morris Fishbein |
Box 112 Folder 3 | Morris Fishbein |
Box 112 Folder 4 | Anna Mantel Fishbein |
Box 112 Folder 5 | Anna Mantel Fishbein |
Box 112 Folder 6 | MF and AMF |
Box 112 Folder 7 | MF and AMF |
Box 112 Folder 8 | Celebrities |
Box 112 Folder 9 | Celebrities |
Box 112 Folder 10 | Celebrities |
Box 112 Folder 11 | Celebrities |
Box 112 Folder 12 | Celebrities, with MF and/or AMF |
Box 112 Folder 13 | Groups and events, including MF and/or AMF |
Box 112 Folder 14 | Groups and events |
Box 112 Folder 15 | Groups and events |
Box 112 Folder 16 | Groups and events |
Box 113 Folder 1-10 | Groups and events |
Box 114 Folder 1-8 | Groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 1 | Groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 2 | Groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 3 | Individuals, groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 4 | Individuals, groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 5 | Individuals, groups and events |
Box 115 Folder 6 | Fishbein Family photographs |
Box 115 Folder 7 | Fishbein Family photographs |
Box 115 Folder 8 | Snapshots |
Box 115 Folder 9 | Snapshots |
Box 116 Folder 1-6 | Snapshots |
Subseries 2: Awards and Medals |
Box 117 Folder 1-5 | Awards, citations, certificates, diplomas and letters of commendation (approximately 150 in number) |
Subseries 3: Slides and Tape Recordings |
Box 119 Folder 1 | Fads and quackery - 49 slides and 57 negatives of articles and cartoons |
Box 119 Folder 2 | Medical education - 44 slides of articles and advertisements |
Box 119 Folder 3 | Northwestern University Medical School - 7 slides |
Box 119 Folder 4 | Northwestern University Medical School, slides |
Box 119 Folder 5 | Northwestern University Medical School, slides |
Box 119 Folder 6 | History of surgery - 7 slides of drawings and cartoons; distinguished physicians and medical educators-19 slides |
Box 120 Folder 1 | Fads and quackery, 32 slides |
Box 120 Folder 2 | Medical bookplates, 49 slides |
Box 121 | Recordings, 70th Birthday speeches |
Box 121 | Recordings, 80th Birthday speeches |
Box 121 | Recording, "The Good Life," retirement and medicare of the aged |
Box 121 | Recording, Monitor (NBC), February 14, 1965 |
Box 121 | Recording, American Medical Writers Association Dinner, September 21, 1967 (2) |
Box 121 | Recording, "Great Names in Dermatology," Herbert Rattner Memorial |
Box 121 | Recording, lecture, December 7, 1965 |
Box 121 | Recording, Medical World News, book reviews |
Box 121 | Recording, "Children" |
Sub-subseries 1: Offprints of articles by MF arranged chronologically |
Box 122 Folder 1 | 1912-1925 |
Box 122 Folder 2 | 1927-1938 |
Box 122 Folder 3 | 1940-1943 |
Box 122 Folder 4 | 1944-1947 |
Box 122 Folder 5 | 1948-1959 |
Box 122 Folder 6 | 1960-1963 |
Box 122 Folder 7 | 1964-1965 |
Box 122 Folder 8 | 1966-1975 |
Sub-subseries 2: Newspaper and other clippings |
Box 123 Folder 2 | 1913-1934 |
Box 123 Folder 3 | 1935-1947 |
Box 123 Folder 4 | 1947, South America trip |
Box 123 Folder 5 | 1947, South America trip |
Box 123 Folder 6 | 1947, South America trip |
Box 123 Folder 7 | 1947, South America trip |
Box 123 Folder 8 | 1947, South America trip |
Box 124 Folder 1 | 1950-1952 |
Box 124 Folder 5 | 1956-1958 |
Box 125 Folder 1 | 1964-1965 |
Box 125 Folder 4 | 1967-1976 |
Box 126 | Newspaper clippings, 1955-1969 |
Volume 4 | 1933-1939 (housed in 2 boxes, Scrapbook #4 part 1 and part 2) |
Volume 7 | The University of Chicago (fragments), 1910-1912 |
Volume 9 | Reports of speeches and addresses by MF, 1939-1944 |
Volume 10 | Advertisements and reviews of books by MF, 1935-1939 |
Volume 11a | "Tonics and Sedatives," 1916-1922 |
Volume 11b | "Tonics and Sedatives," 1934-1940 |
Volume 11c | "Tonics and Sedatives," 1940-1946 |
Volume 11d | "Tonics and Sedatives," 1946-1949 |
Volume 12 | The Medical Follies, 1925 |
Volume 13 | The New Medical Follies, 1927 |
Volume 14 | Fads and Quackery in Healing, 1932-1933 |
Volume 15 | U. S. vs. AMA (anti-trust suit), 1938 |
Volume 16 | U. S. vs. AMA (anti-trust suit), 1938-1940 |
Volume 17 | U.S. vs. AMA (anti-trust suit), 1941-1943 |
Volume 18 | John Brinkley vs. Morris Fishbein, 1939 |
Volume 19 | "Hyperpyrexia Escanabius," 1923 |
Subseries 6: Audio-Visual |
Box 127 | LP, Dr. Fishbein talks to a growing boy (Chicago; System for Education, Inc., 1964) |
Box 127 | LP, Dr. Fishbein talks to a growing girl (Chicago; System for Education, Inc., 1964) |
Box 127 | LP, Voices of medicine: the recorded medical journal, v.1, no. 4, October-November, 1960 (MF, ed.) |
Box 128 | Film, "Schering-Fourth Annual Drug Day," (New York; Biograph Pictures, Inc.). Print #15 |