University of Chicago Library

Guide to Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, Collectanea in epistolas Pauli. Manuscript, 12--

© 2018 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, Collectanea in epistolas Pauli. Manuscript (Ms 112)



Manuscript Number:

Codex Ms 112


1 volume; 39 x 24 cm


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Commentary on Romans and Corinthians. Text in Latin. Codex Ms 112.

Information on Use


The manuscript is open for research.

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When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, Collectanea in epistolas Pauli. Manuscript, Codex Ms 112, Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Scope Note

Also known as "Collectanea in omnes domini Pauli Apostoli Epistolas," this codex is a commentary on Romans, I Corinthians, and II Corinthians by Peter the Lombard (ca. 1100 - 1160). Includes three additional leaves in different hands.

Bound in original boards.

Text in Latin.

Foliation: ff [i], 139 leaves.

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Subject Headings


Volume 1

Codex Ms 112

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