This bibliography includes items on Arabian horses primarily from the collections in The John Crerar Library. For additional location information, please contact the Crerar Reference Department. Some resources are available online in full text; these references include a link.
A list of books in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (United States) called "Horses in History," is also available, and may contain additional materials related to the Arabian Horse.
Abou Bekr Ibn Bedr. La Perfection Des Deux Arts Ou Traité Complet D'hippologie Et D'hippiatrie Arabes.... Paris: Mme. Viude Bouchard-Huzard, 1852.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Adams, Ora Robert. Lameness in horses. 2d edition. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1966. 563 p.
619.1 X601
American Stud Book; containing full pedigrees of all the imported thorough-bred stallions and mares, with their produce, including the Arabs, Barbs, and Spanish horses, to the end of the year 1872;also, all the native mares and their produce. Alphabetically arranged, with an appendix. Ed. by Sanders D. Bruce and L.C. Bruce. New York, 1873. 2 vol.
636.1 N303
Ammon, Karl Wilhelm. Historical reports on Arab horse breeding and the Arabian horse: collected reports from early travellers to Arabia. Hildesheim, New York, Olms Presse, 1993.
SF293.A8 A656
Ammon, Karl Wilhelm, 1777-1842. Nachrichten Von Der Pferdezucht Der Araber Und Den Arabischen Pferden: Nebst Einem Anhange über Die Pferdezucht In Persien,Turkomanien Und Der Berberei. Nürnberg: Riegel, 1834.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Arab horse in Gt. Britain and Ireland; some typical camera portraits. London, J.A. Allen, 1964. 102 p. (chiefly illus). Portraits selected by the Arab Horse Society.
636.11 X401
Arab horse news. v.5-12 1952-1960 Boulder CO, A.B. Joder.
T2a 404
Arab Horse Society. News. no.2-20 Spring, 1956-Spring, 1965 Rye, Eng. The Arabian horse: a bibliography
T1a 148
Arabian Horse Club Registry of America. The Arabian stud book. v.5-29 1944-1976
636.1 82
Arabian horse world. v.1, no.8-v.22, no.2 January, 1961-November 1981 Springville, New York, Jay Schuler Co.
T2a 562
Ashoub, Abdel Alim. History of the Royal Agricultural Society's stud of authentic Arabian horses. Cairo, Imp. Misr., 1948. 136 p. illus.
636.11 V801
Azpeitia de Moros, L. En busca del caballo arabe. Comision a Oriente. Turquia.-Siria.-Mesopotamia.-Palestina.-Memorias del viaja. Madrid, 1915. 302 p.
636.1 R507
Blue Arabian horse catalog. Newport, VT, Printed by Pine Hill Farms. 1961-1969 3 v. (looseleaf). Kept up to date by annual supplements.
SF293.A8O88 1961
Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. Edited with a preface and some account of the Arabs and their horses. By W.S.B. Boulder, CO, Best Pub. Co., 1960. 445 p. illus. maps.
636.11 X001 Fulltext from HathiTrust
Borden, Spencer. The Arab horse; many illustrations from photographs. New York, 1906. 104 p.
636.1 Q603 Full text from HathiTrust
Boucaut, Sir James Penn. The Arab horse of the future. Preface by Sir Walter Gilbey. London, 1905. 249 p. 7 plates.
636.1 O506 Fulltext from HathiTrust
Brown, William Robinson. The horse of the desert. Berlin, NH, 1936. 218 p. illus., col. map, ports.
TD4 36
Bserani, Bachir. Authentic Arabian horse names. Central Square, NY. Al Moussami, 2008.
Crerar, 1st Floor Digital Media SF293.A8B84 2008
Buckman-Linard, Sara. My Horse, My Love. New York: Orange Judd Co., 1892.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Canfield, D.M. Elements of farrier science. Albert Lea, MN, Enderes Tool Company, 1968. 169 p. illus.
L682.1 X803
Chatelain, René Julian, baron, 1771-1836. Mémoire Sur Les Chevaux Arabes: Projet Tendant á Augumenter Et à Améliorer Les Chevaux En France.... Paris: Librairie de Madame Huzard, 1816.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Conn, George Harold. The Arabian horse in America. New and rev. ed. South Brunswick, A.S. Barnes, 1972.
636.11 Y201
Conn, George Harold. The Arabian horse in America. Woodstock, VT, Countryman Press, 1957. 308 p. illus.
SF293 .A8 C75 Full text in HathiTrust
Conn, George Harold. The Arabian horse in fact, fantasy and fiction. London, T. Yoseloff, 1959. 384 p.
SF293 .A8 C76
Conn, George Harold. The practical horse keeper; a manual on the stabling, care and feeding, also first-aid treatment of the common diseases of the horse. New York, Orange Judd Pub. Co., 1951. 284 p. illus.
636.1 W101
Daumas, Melchoir Joseph Eugene. The horses of the Sahara, and the manners of the desert. With commentaries by the Emir Abd-el-Kader. Translated from the French by James Hutton. London, W.H. Allen & Co., 1863. 355 p.
636.1 L100 Fulltext from HathiTrust (Spanish language version) (Original French text)
Davenport, Homer, 1867-1912. My Quest of the Arab Horse. New York: B.W. Dodge & Company, 1909.
Full text in HathiTrust
Derry, Margaret Elsinor. Bred for perfection: shorthorn cattle, collies, and arabian horses since 1800. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, c2003.
SF199.S56 D47 2003
Descoins, general (Eduard), 1869-1928. Arab equitation : its principles its practice. [Philadelphia, PA] : Xlibris Corp, 2007. 136 p. : illus.
SF309.D45 2007
Gesellschaft der Zuchter und Freunde des arabischen Pferdes. Arabische Pferde. Darmstadt, 1953. 92 p. illus.
636.11 W303
Girou de Buzareingues, Charles. Études De Physiologie Appliquées Aux Chevaux, Et Principalement Aux Chevaux Arabes. A Paris: Madame Huzard, 1814.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Godall, Daphne Machin. Horses of the world; an illustrated survey of breeds of horses and ponies. New York, Macmillan, 1965. 272 p. illus. (part col.)
636.1 X501
Grobbelaar, Charmaine. The Arabian Horse and its influence in South Africa. Pretoria, Protea Book House, 2007. 208 p., 32 p. of plates.
SF293 A8G76 2007
Guttmann, Ursula. Liebesbriefe um arabische Pferde. Hildesheim, New York, Olms, 2007.
SF293.A8 G8 2007
Harris, Albert Wadsworth. The biography of a sire. Chicago, 1949. 39 p. illus.
TD1a 155
Harris, Albert Wadsworth. The blood of the Arab; the world' greatest war horse. Chicago, Arabian Horse Club of America, 1941. 176 p. illus., portraits.
TD3 351 Full text in HathiTrust
Harris, Albert Wadsworth. The history of the Arabian Horse Club Registry of America, Inc. 1908-1950. Chicago, Arabian Horse Club Registry of America. 1950. 64 p. illus.
636.106 W001
Hayes, Matthew Horace. Points of the horse; a treatise on the conformation, movements, breeds and evolution of the horse. 6th rev. ed. London, New York, Hurst & Blakett, 1952. 540 p. illus.
636.1 W201
Hervey, John L. The Arabian influence---direct and indirect---upon the riding horses of America. Chicago, 1942. An address delivered before Town & Country Equestrian Association, March 27, 1942. Hotel Sherman, Chicago. 4 p.
636.1 V200
Holmes, Charles Martin. The principles and practice of horse-shoeing. Leeds, England. Journal Pub. Co., 1949. 253 p. illus.
TE1f 421
Howard, Robert West. The horse in America. Chicago, Follett, 1965. 298 p. illus.
SF284.U5 H85
[Huntington, Randolph]. History In Brief of "Leopard" And "Linden," General Grant's Arabian Stallions. [Philadelphia]: Printed for the author by J. B. Lippincott company, 1885.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Ibn al-Arabi, Muhammad ibn Ziyad, 767-846? Asmā' khayl al-'Arab wa-fursānihā. al-Qāhirah : Sharikat Nawābigh al-Fikr, 2008. 48 p.
Regenstein, Bookstacks PJ7542.H65I26 2008
International Arabian Horse. V.1-V.9 no. 7 April, 1958-February, 1967 Burbank, CA Organization of the International Arabian Horse Association.
T2a 313
Jāsir, Ḥamad. Awwal al-muʼallafāt wa-awfāhā wa-awthaqihā ʻan uṣūl al-khayl al-ʻArabīyah al-ḥadīthah. [Saudi Arabia], Dar al-Yamamah, [1994 or 1995]
SF293.A8 A982 1994
Jazāʾirī, Muḥammad Bāshā, Amir of Mascara, 1840 or 41-1912 or 13. Kitāb ʻIqd Al-ajyād Fī Al-sāfināt Al-jiyād
... Beirut, 1294/1876.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Jones, William Elvin. Genetics of the horse, by William E. Jones and Ralph Bogart. Ann Arbor, MI, Edwards Brothers, 1971.
636.1 Y101
Kelekna, Pita. The horse in human history. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
SF283.K437 2009
Khūrī, Najīb. Al-Khayl. Wa-fursānuhā. Baʻabdā: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Anṭūnīyah, 1912.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Landry, Donna. Noble brutes: how Eastern horses transformed English culture. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. 240 p. illus.
SF293.A8 L36 2008
Le Couteulx de Canteleu, comte, fl. 1884. Étude Sur Lh̕istoire Du Cheval Arabe: Son Origine, Les Lieux Ou On Peut Le Trouver, Son Emploi En Europe, Son Rôle Dans La
Formation De La Race De Pur Sang, Son Influence Sur Da̕utres Races. Paris: Librairie Pairault, 1885.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Lenoir, John Monte. Famous thoroughbreds I have known. Los Angeles, Borden, 1953. 242 p. illus., portraits.
636.11 W301
Leslie, Madeline, 1815-1893. Minnie's Pet Horse ... Illustrated. Boston: Lee and Shepard, successors to Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1864. [Juvenile work]
Full text in HathiTrust
Łukomski, Boleslaw v., b. 1879. Das Arabische Pferd In Slawuta Und Anderen Gestüten Des Südwestlichen Russlands. Stuttgart: Schickhardt & Ebner (K. Wittwer), 1906.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
McGee, William R. Veterinary notebook; an elementary guide for the practical horseman. Lexington, KY. The Blood-Horse, 1958. 179 p. illus., portrait.
Manwill, Marion C. How to shoe a horse. New York, A.S. Barnes, 1968. 109 p. illus.
682.1 X801
Marshall, L. G. The Arabian Art of Taming And Training Wild And Vicious Horses. Newark, N.J.: H. G. Cook, 1858.
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Mohamed Aly, Emir. Breeding of pure bred Arab horses. Cairo, P. Barbey, 1935. 45 p. illus.
TD2 948
Mulder, Carol Woodbrige. Imported foundation stock of North American Arabian horses. In collaboration with Helen Stewart Keckler. Alhambra, CA, Borden Pub. Co., 1969.
TE1f 425
National Research Council. Committee on Animal Nutrition. Nutrient requirements of horses; a report. 2d rev. ed. Washington, National Research Council, 1966. 22 p. illus.
636.1 X601
Pankiewicz, Roman. Polska hodowla koni czystej krwi arabskiej 1918-1939. Warsaw, P. Frejlich, c2002.
SF293.A8 P36 2002
Pferde in Asien : Geschichte, Handel und Kultur = Horses in Asia : history, trade and culture. Edited by Bert G. Fragner, et al. (Denkschriften (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse); 378. Bd. / Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik ; Nr. 46)Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009.
Regenstein, Bookstacks AS142.V32 v.378
Prisse d'Avennes, Emile. Egyptian and Arabian horses. (Smithsonian Institute Annual Report, 1904, p.457-467). Translated from Cosmos, Paris, April 2, 1904.
O61.82 1 1904
Pure-bred Arab horse in Poland. Warsaw, Animex, 1956. unpaged. illus.
636.11 W603
Raswan, Carl Reinhard. The Arab and his horse. 2d ed. Oakland CA, 1955. 148 p. illus., map. This edition limited to 1,000 copies, of which this is no. 753. Vocabulary of Bedouin words concerning horses, p.114-146.
SF293.A8 R23
Raswan, Carl Reinhard. The Arab and his horse. 3d ed. West Des Moines, IA, I-TEx Pub. Co., 1971.
636.11 Y101
Raswan, Carl Reinhard. Black tents of Arabia; my life among the Bedouins. New York, Creative Age Press, 1947. 207 p. illus., portraits.
TD1a 57
Raswan, Carl Reinhard. Drinkers of the wind. New York, Ariel Books, 1961. 160 p.
TE2a 447
Raswan Index, and Handbook for Arabian breeders. v.1-7; 1957-1967. Mexico, D.F. Anthony. Compiled by Carl Raswan.
636.1105 1
Raswan Index, and Handbook for Arabian breeeders. 2d ed. Ames, IA. I-Tex Pub. Co., 1969. 3 v. illus. Compiled by Carl Raswan.
TE1f 400
Reese, Herbert Harshman. Arabian horse breeding. 2d ed. Los Angeles, Borden, 1956. 160 p. Illustrated by Gladys Brown Edwards.
636.11 W601 Full text from HathiTrust
Reese, Herbert Harshman. Horses of today; their history, breeds and qualifications. Pasadena, CA, Wood & Jones, 1956. 144 p. Illustrated by Glady's Brown Edwards.
636.11 W602
Reese, Herbert Harshman. The Kellogg Arabians; their background and influence, by Herbert H. Reese in collaboration with Gladys Browns Edwards. Los Angeles, Borden, 1958. 222 p. illus.
636.11 W801
Reese, Herbert Harshman. Training Arabian horses. 1st ed. Fort Collins, CO, Cruse Pub. Co., 1961. 94 p. illus.
636.11 X103
Rooney, James R. Autopsy of the horse; technique and interpretation. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1970.
L619.1 Y002
Rosenvold, Lloyd. Tales of the king's horses, by Lloyd and Doris Rosenvold. Montrose, CO, Rosevold Publications, 1958. 182 p. illus.
Sannāḥ, ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Saʻd. al-Khayl wa-al-ibil ʻinda qabīlat Muṭayr. al-Riyāḍ : Fahrasat Maktabat al-Malik Fahd al-Waṭanīyah Athnāʼ al-Nashr, [1998]
SF277.S25 1998
Schiele, Erika. The Arab horse in Europe. London, Harrap. 1970. 319 p. illus.
L636.11 Y001
Schiele, Erika. The Arab horse in Europe: history and present breeding of the pure Arab. 1st American edition. Alhambra, CA, Borden Pub. Co., 1970.
L636.11 Y001
Selby, Roger A. Arabian horses. Barnesville, MD, Arabian Horse Owners Foundation, 1968. 104 p.
TE1f 342
Smith, Linell Nasch. And miles to go; the biography of a great Arabian horse, Witez II. 1st edition. Boston, Little, Brown, 1967. 237 p. illus.
636.11 X701
Staveacre, F.W.F. In praise of the Arabian horse. Collected and compiled by F.W.F. Staveacre and R. S. Summerhays. London, The Arab Horse Society. 1954. 60 p. (chiefly illustrations)
636.11 W401
Summerhays, Reginald Sherriff. The Arabian horse in Great Britain. London, Country Life, 1967. 103 p. 28 plates
636.11 X702
Tweedie, William. The Arabian horse; his country and people. With portraits of typical famous Arabians, and other illustrations; also a map of the country of the Arabian horse, and a descriptive glossary of the Arabic words and proper names. Los Angeles, Borden, 1961. 411 p. illus.
636.11 X101
Upton, Peter. The Arab horse: a complete record of the Arab horses imported into Britain from the desert of Arabia from the 1830s. (revised edition) Manchester, Barzan Pub., 2006
SF293.A8 U68 2006
Upton, Roger D. Glennings From the Desert of Arabia. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1881. [Part 3 consists of description of the Arabian horse]
Fulltext from HathiTrust
Upton, Roger D. Newmarket and Arabia; an examination of the descent of racers and coursers. London, H.S. King & Co., 1873. 211 p. frontispiece. pedigree tables. Fragile condition of book makes it unavailable for circulation.
636.1 N304 Fulltext from HathiTrust
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. Arab horse nonsense. Oxford, G. Ronald, 1950. 32 p. (chiefly illustrations)
636.11 W002
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. Arabian type and standard. Published by the Arab Horse Society, no date listed. 32 p. illus. (An abridged abstract of her book, The Swift Runner.)
636.11 W004
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. The authentic Arabian horse and his descendants; three voices concerning the horses of Arabia: tradition (Nejd. inner East),romantic fable (Islam), the outside world of the West. London, G. Allen and Unwin, 1945. 388 p. illus., ports.
L636.11 V500
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. Crabbet Arabian stud farm. London, J.A. Allen, 1957. 69 p. illus., ports.
636.11 W702
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. Horses in the making. London, G. Allen & Unwin, 1951. 155 p. illus. ports.
636.1 W102
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. The swift runner; racing speed through the ages, including standard points of its foundation breed, the Marathon runner. London, G. Allen & Unwin, 1957.
636.1 W703
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. Thoroughbred racing stock and its ancestors; the authentic origin of pure blood. London, G. Allen & Unwin, 1938. 475 p. illus., maps, plates.
L636.11 T800
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness.Thoroughbred racing stock and its ancestors; the authentic origin of pure blood. 2d edition. London, Allen & Unwin, 1960. 556 p. illus., map, plates, ports.
636.11 X002
Wentworth, Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, Baroness. The world's best horse. London, Allen & Unwin, 1958. 251 p. illus. (part colored).
636.11 W802
Wiseman, Robert F. The complete horse-shoeing guide. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. 238 p. illus.
682.1 X801
Wrangel, Alexis. The Arabian in Arabia. London, J.A. Allen, 1962. 95 p. illus.
636.11 X201
Young, John Richard. Arabian cow horse (fiction). Illustrations by Lorence F. Bjorklund. New York, Wilcox & Follett, 1953. 256 p.
636.11 W302
Zaher, Amin Sadek. Arabian horse breeding and the Arabians of America. Cairo, Fouad I University Press, 1950. 146 p. illus., ports.
636.11 W003
Zaher, Amin Sadek. Arabian horse breeding and the Arabians of America. 2d edition, revised. Cairo, Cairo University Press, 1961. 169 p. illus., ports.
636.11 X102
Ẓufayrī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥārib. al-Khayl ʻinda al-ʻArab -- ʻizz wa-kibriyāʼ. al-Kuwayt, A.b.M. al-Zufayrī, 2000.
SF293.A8 Z84 2000
Last updated November 20, 2012