Prepare for exams with D'Angelo Law Library resources

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The D'Angelo Law Library provides a wide variety of resources to help students prepare for exams:

Past exams: Perhaps most importantly, the Library provides copies of past exams given at the Law School, in addition to model student answers and memos written by the professors where available. The exams are organized by course and faculty member. Everything we have been given permission to post is available on the Library website.

Study Supplements: Another helpful resource for preparing student outlines and studying for exams are the many online study supplements to which the Law Library provides access. Our Hornbooks & Study Supplements page provides lists of the available study supplements by course name. Students have access to the Aspen Learning LibraryWest Academic Study Aids, and the Lexis Digital Library e-book packages. These provide online access to many of the main study supplements, including Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guides, West’s Concise Hornbook Series, the Law Stories Series, and all of the Nutshells.

The West Academic Library Mobile App also allows you to listen to West Academic audio content, such as the Law School Legends and Sum and Substance series, on your phone or to access the print e-book study aids available via West Study Aids

CALI Lessons: Another helpful online resource is CALI lessons.  The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) provides UChicago Law students with access to nearly 1,000 internet-based lessons on different legal topics. Lessons range from core 1L courses (92 lessons on property, for example) to many different upper level courses. CALI lessons are often interactive and feature questions to test your knowledge as you go through them. If you have not already registered an account with CALI, you can Ask a Law Librarian to get the authorization code for the Law School.

Study space in the Library: Law students can reserve study rooms and study carrels in the D'Angelo Law Library. To reserve a space, please visit the room reservation website. Current UChicago students may also book a room at Crerar or Regenstein libraries using Book a Room.

Good luck with exams!