Huidobro Vicente in Avant-Garde

Huidobro Vicente

Exhibition curated by Rene de Costa, University of Chicago Romance Languages faculty member.

This major exhibition of photographs, manuscripts and books traces the life and work of the avant-garde poet Vicente Huidobo (1893-1948). Drawn primarily from the poet's personal papers in the family archive in Chile, the exhibition examines the complex relationship that developed between Huidobo and his compatriots-Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Jacques Lipchitz, among others-as they collectively forged modernist idioms in poetry, painting, and sculpture in the first two decades of the twentieth century. In the course of his highly productive lifetime Huidobo embarked on myriad projects: he left a large corpus of poetry and made fundamental contributions to modernist theory, he started several modernist literary journals, collaborated with Robert and Sonia Delaunay on the creation of "poetry-to-be-worn" (garments emblazoned with his poetry), wrote the script for a prize-winning "Cubist" motion picture (Cagliostro). Participated in the Spanish Civil War in the fight against fascism, and understood an ill-fated bid for the presidency of Chile. The exhibit was organized by RenŽ de Costa, Professor of Romance Language and Literature at the University of Chicago.

Exhibit Publications & Documents

Online Exhibit Catalog
Catalogue (single sheet three fold), $2
Ordering Information