Livres D'Artiste: An Exhibition of Books from the Collection of Dr. & Mrs. Sam Berkman

Livres D'Artiste

Collaboration among authors, publishers, and such artists as Marc Chagall and Pablo Picasso are featured in this exhibit of illustrated texts, on loan from Mr. And Mrs. Sam Berkman. Mr. Beckman is an alumnus of the University, where he earned S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees. The celebrated collaboration resulted in a collection of books which have come to be known as livre d'artiste because the artists worked closely with both author and publisher to produce striking works in which the artist's vision came to the fore. The enduring appeal of these books springs from their ability both to satisfy and disturb settled notions about the presentation of the text. The display includes roughly fifty books representing thirty-five artists who took part in this collective effort near the turn of the century in Paris.

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Checklist (three fold single sheet), $1
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