Poetry Magazine: A Gallery of Voices

Gallery of Voices

Curated by Kathleen Farley, Special Collections Exhibits Researcher.

This exhibition draws mainly on the unique historical portion of the Harriet Monroe Modern Poetry Collection, an archive of the tens of thousands of letters and manuscripts Monroe collected exchanged with poets and collected during her tenure as editor of Poetry Magazine. This exhibit of remarkable material presents the first appearances of great works such as T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," William Carlos William's "Love Song," and Ezra Pound's "Cantos." The manuscripts show the poets' own hands, their writing process, and in them, the tangible remains of the birth of modernist poetry. Though the exhibit does not do justice to Monroe's tremendous efforts in managing the magazine, it focuses on the poets themselves, and the role the magazine itself, and the work of publication, played in creating modernist poetry.

Exhibit Publications & Documents

Online Exhibit Catalog
Catalogue 94p. (perfect bound), Out of print