Selected Bibliography for Lester G. Telser
Professor Emeritus in Economics and the College
Published Works
Telser, Lester G. "The Veterans' Bonus of 1936." Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2003, 26(2), pp. 227-43.
Telser, Lester G. "Reply: Another Perspective on the Reserve Requirement Increments of 1936 and 1937." Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2002, 25(1), pp. 181-82.
Telser, Lester G. The Veterans' Bonus of 1936 and the abortive recovery from the Great Depression; Working paper ;; no. 165; Chicago: George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State University of Chicago, 2001.
Telser, Lester G. "Higher Member Bank Reserve Ratios in 1936 and 1937 Did Not Cause the Relapse into Depression." Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2001, 24(2), pp. 205-16.
Telser, Lester G. "Advertising and Competition," K. Bagwell, The economics of advertising. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 136. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 2001, pp. 92-117.
Telser, Lester G. Classic futures : lessons from the past for the electronic age; London: Risk, 2000.
Telser, Lester G. "Competition and the Core," D. A. Walker, Equilibrium. Elgar Reference Collection. Critical Ideas in Economics, vol. 2. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 2000, pp. 402-24.
Telser, Lester G. and Higinbotham, Harlow N. "Organized Futures Markets: Costs and Benefits," H. R. Stoll, Microstructure: The organization of trading and short term price behavior. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics, vol. 4. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 1999, pp. 351-82.
Telser, Lester G. "Market Problems." Economics Letters, 1998, 58(2), pp. 177-83.
Telser, Lester G. Joint ventures of labor and capital; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997.
Telser, Lester G. "Why There Are Organized Futures Markets," A. G. Malliaris, Futures markets. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics, vol. 2. Cheltenham, U.K. and Lyme, N.H.: Elgar, 1997, pp. 109-30.
Telser, Lester G. "The Usefulness of Core Theory in Economics," O. F. Hamouda and J. C. R. Rowley, Economic games, bargaining and solutions. Elgar Reference Collection. Foundations of Probability, Econometrics and Economic Games, vol. 3. Cheltenham, U.K. and Lyme, N.H.: Elgar, 1997, pp. 185-98.
Telser, Lester G. On the great depression; Working paper series ;; no. 130; Chicago: Center for the Study of the Economy and the State University of Chicago, 1996.
Telser, Lester G. "The antitrust impulse An economic, historical, and legal analysis (book review)." Journal of Economic Literature, 1996, 34(1), pp. 167-70.
Telser, Lester G. "Competition and the Core." Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(1), pp. 85-107.
Telser, Lester G. "Optimal Denominations for Coins and Currency." Economics Letters, 1995, 49(4), pp. 425-27.
Telser, Lester G. "Why There Are Organized Futures Markets," M. K. Lewis, Financial intermediaries. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 43. Aldershot, U.K.: Elgar, 1995, pp. 204-25.
Telser, Lester G. "The Ultimatum Game and the Law of Demand." The Economic Journal, 1995, 105(433), pp. 1519-23.
Telser, Lester G. On the great depression; Working paper series ;; no. 99; Chicago: Center for the Study of the Economy and the State University of Chicago, 1994.
Telser, Lester G. "Sharkey's Example: Note." Games and Economic Behavior, 1994, 7(2), pp. 301-07.
Telser, Lester G. "The Usefulness of Core Theory in Economics." The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1994, 8(2), pp. 151-64.
Telser, Lester G. "Cutthroat Competition and the Long Purse," F. M. Scherer, Monopoly and competition policy. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 30. Aldershot, U.K.: Elgar, 1993, pp. 235-46.
Telser, Lester G. "Corners in Organized Futures Markets," L. Phlips and L. D. Taylor, Aggregation, consumption and trade: Essays in honor of H. S. Houthakker. Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, vol. 27. Dordrecht and London: Kluwer Academic, 1992, pp. 159-67.
Telser, Lester G. Estimates of supply conditions for eight commodities; Working paper ;; no. 69; Chicago: Center for the Study of the Economy and the State University of Chicago, 1991.
Telser, Lester G. "Industry Total Cost Functions and the Status of the Core." The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1991, 39(3), pp. 225-40.
Telser, Lester G. and Slutsky, Steven. "Theory of Corporations: An Application of the Theory of the Core; Discussion; Reply." Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 1990, 5(2), pp. 159.
Telser, Lester G. "Competition: Master or Servant?," F. Mathewson, M. Trebilcock and M. Walker, The law and economics of competition policy. Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 1990, pp. 373-86.
Telser, Lester G. "Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade II?" Journal of Law and Economics, 1990, 33(2), pp. 409-17.
Telser, Lester G. Economic theory and the core; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Telser, Lester G. Theories of competition; Amsterdam and London: North-Holland, 1988.
Telser, Lester G. A theory of corporations : an application of the theory of the core; Law and economics workshop series;; Toronto: Law and Economics Programme Faculty of Law University of Toronto, 1987.
Telser, Lester G. A theory of efficient cooperation and competition; Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Telser, Lester G. "Principals and agents (Book Review)." Journal of Economic Literature, 1986, 24(Issue 4), pp. 1788.
Telser, Lester G. "Futures and Actual Markets: How they are Related." Journal of Business, 1986, 59(2, Part 2: Futures and Options Markets), pp. S5-S20.
Telser, Lester G. "Cooperation, Competition, and Efficiency." Journal of Law and Economics, 1985, 28(2, Antitrust and Economic Efficiency: A Conference Sponsored by the Hoover Institution), pp. 271-95.
Telser, Lester G. Genesis of the Sherman Act; Law and economics workshop series ;; WSVI-10; Toronto: University of Toronto, 1984.
Telser, Lester G. "Theories of Contract Design and Market Organization: Conceptual Bases for Understanding Futures Markets: Comment," R. W. Anderson, The Industrial Organization of Futures Markets. Lexington, Mass., and Toronto: Heath Lexington Books, 1984, pp. 307-10.
Telser, Lester G. "Innovation: Its Public and Private Aspects and Some of Their Empirical Implications for Mergers." Economic Inquiry, 1984, 22(4), pp. 334-59.
Telser, Lester G. "Market Structure and Behavior (Book Review)." Journal of Political Economy, 1982, 90(Issue 2), pp. 439.
Telser, Lester G. Genesis of the Sherman Act; Working paper no. 024; Chicago: Center for the Study of the Economy and the State University of Chicago, 1982.
Telser, Lester G. "Voting and Paying for Public Goods: An Application of the Theory of the Core." Journal of Economic Theory, 1982, 27(2), pp. 376-409.
Telser, Lester G. "A Theory of Innovation and Its Effects." The Bell Journal of Economics, 1982, 13(1), pp. 69-92.
Telser, Lester G. "Margins and Futures Contracts." Journal of Futures Markets, 1981, 1(Issue 2), pp. 225.
Telser, Lester G. Margins and futures contracts; Working paper series ;; CSFM-17; New York: Columbia Business School Center for the Study of Futures Markets, 1981.
Telser, Lester G. "Why There Are Organized Futures Markets." Journal of Law and Economics, 1981, 24(1), pp. 1-22.
Telser, Lester G. Just imputations in game theory; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics Report no. 8004; Chicago: Dept. of Economics and Graduate School of Business University of Chicago, 1980.
Telser, Lester G. Advertising and competition; Occasional paper; London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1980.
Telser, Lester G. "A Theory of Self-Enforcing Agreements." Journal of Business, 1980, 53(1), pp. 27-44.
Telser, Lester G. Reasons for having an organized futures market; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics. Report no. 7925.; Chicago: Dept. of Economics and Graduate School of Business University of Chicago, 1979.
Telser, Lester G. "A Theory of Monopoly of Complementary Goods." Journal of Business, 1979, 52(2), pp. 211-30.
Telser, Lester G. Economic theory and the core; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Sharkey, William W. and Telser, Lester G. "Supportable Cost Functions for the Multiproduct Firm." Journal of Economic Theory, 1978, 18(1), pp. 23-37.
Telser, Lester G. and Higinbotham, Harlow N. "Organized Futures Markets: Costs and Benefits." The Journal of Political Economy, 1977, 85(5), pp. 969-1000.
Telser, Lester G. "Comment." Journal of Law & Economics, 1976, 19(Issue 2), pp. 337.
Telser, Lester G. "Political Information: Comment." Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19(2, Conference on the Economics of Politics and Regulation), pp. 337-40.
Telser, Lester G.; Best, William; Egan, John W. and Higinbotham, Harlow N. "The Theory of Supply with Applications to the Ethical Pharmaceutical Industry." Journal of Law and Economics, 1975, 18(2), pp. 449-78.
Telser, Lester G. "Searching for the Lowest Price." The American Economic Review, 1973, 63(2, Papers and Proceedings of the Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association), pp. 40-49.
Telser, Lester G. "A Critique of Some Recent Empirical Research on the Explanation of the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Errata." The Journal of Political Economy, 1973, 81(4), pp. 1039.
Telser, Lester G. and Graves, Robert L. Functional analysis in mathematical economics; optimization over infinite horizons; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972.
Telser, Lester G. Competition, collusion, and game theory; Aldine treatises in modern economics;; London: Macmillan, 1972.
Telser, Lester G. Advertising and competition; Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in economics ;; ECON-305;; Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971.
Telser, Lester G. "On the Regulation of Industry: Rejoinder." The Journal of Political Economy, 1971, 79(2), pp. 364-65.
Telser, Lester G. "On the Regulation of Industry: A Correction." The Journal of Political Economy, 1971, 79(4), pp. 932.
Telser, Lester G. "Theory of the Firm and of Market Structures: Discussion." American Economic Review, 1969, 59(2), pp. 121-23.
Telser, Lester G. "On the Regulation of Industry: A Note." The Journal of Political Economy, 1969, 77(6), pp. 937-52.
Telser, Lester G. "Another Look at Advertising and Concentration." The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1969, 18(1), pp. 85-94.
Heflebower, Richard B. and Telser, Lester G. "Discussion." The American Economic Review, 1969, 59(2, Papers and Proceedings of the Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association), pp. 119-23.
Telser, Lester G. and Graves, Robert L. On the minium of a convex functional on a convex set of a branch space; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics. Report no. 6833; Chicago: Department of Economics and Graduate School of Business University of Chicago, 1968.
Telser, Lester G. and Graves, Robert L. Constrained maximization of an infinite dimensional quadratic form with an application to the theory of the demand for durable goods; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics Report no. 6842; Chicago: Dept. of Economics and Graduate School of Business University of Chicago, 1968.
Telser, Lester G. On the regulation of industry: a note; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics Report no.6835; Chicago: Dept. of Economics and Graduate School of Business University of Chicago, 1968.
Telser, Lester G. "Monopolistic Competition: Any Impact Yet?" The Journal of Political Economy, 1968, 76(2), pp. 312-15.
Telser, Lester G. "Some Aspects of the Economics of Advertising." Journal of Business, 1968, 41(2), pp. 166-73.
Telser, Lester G. and Graves, Robert L. "Continuous and Discrete Time Approaches to a Maximization Problem." The Review of Economic Studies, 1968, 35(3), pp. 307-25.
Graves, Robert L. and Telser, Lester G. An infinite-horizon discrete-time quadratic program as applied to a monopoly problem; Cowles Foundation paper ;; no. 278;; New Haven, Conn.: Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University, 1968.
Telser, Lester G. "Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series (Book Review)." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1967, 62(Issue 318), pp. 687.
Telser, Lester G. "Discrete Samples and Moving Sums in Stationary Stochastic Processes." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1967, 62(Issue 318), pp. 484.
Telser, Lester G. "A Critique of Some Recent Empirical Research on the Explanation of the Term Structure of Interest Rates." The Journal of Political Economy, 1967, 75(4, Part 2: Issues in Monetary Research, 1966), pp. 546-61.
Graves, Robert L. and Telser, Lester G. "An Infinite-Horizon Discrete-Time Quadratic Program as Applied to a Monopoly Problem." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1967, 35(2), pp. 234-72.
Telser, Lester G. The supply of speculative services in wheat, corn and soybeans; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics Report no. 6622; Chicago: Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics University of Chicago, 1966.
Telser, Lester G. "Supply and Demand for Advertising Messages." The American Economic Review, 1966, 56(1/2), pp. 457-66.
Telser, Lester G. "Cutthroat Competition and the Long Purse." Journal of Law and Economics, 1966, 9, pp. 259-77.
Graves, Robert L. and Telser, Lester G. An infinite-horizon discrete-time quadratic program as applied to a monopoly program; Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics Report no. 6608.; Chicago: Center for Mathematical Studies in Business and Economics University of Chicago, 1966.
Telser, Lester G. "Abusive Trade Practices: An Economic Analysis." Law and Contemporary Problems, 1965, 30(3), pp. 488.
Telser, Lester G. "The Case For Competition." Challenge, 1965, 14(Issue 2), pp. 35.
Telser, Lester G. Advertising and competition; Occasional paper,; 4;; London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1965.
Telser, Lester G. "A Mathematical Note on Entry, Exit, and Oligopoly." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1965, 33(2), pp. 425-33.
Telser, Lester G. and Yamey, B. S. "Speculation and Margins." The Journal of Political Economy, 1965, 73(6), pp. 656-57.
Graves, Robert L. and Telser, Lester G. Optimal Output and Price Policies for General Distributed Lag Demand Equations; Cowles Foundation, Yale University, Cowles Foundation Discussion, 1965.
Telser, Lester G. "Iterative Estimation of a Set of Linear Regression Equations." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1964, 59(307), pp. 845-62.
Telser, Lester G. "A Priori Information and Time Series Analysis: (Book Review)." American Economic Review, 1964, 54(Issue 6), pp. 1128.
Telser, Lester G. "Advertising and Competition." The Journal of Political Economy, 1964, 72(6), pp. 537-62.
Telser, Lester G. "The Demand for Branded Goods as Estimated From Consumer Panel Data." The Review of Economic Statistics, 1962, 44(3), pp. 300-24.
Telser, Lester G. "Advertising and Cigarettes." The Journal of Political Economy, 1962, 70(5), pp. 471-99.
Telser, Lester G. "Bargaining and Group Decision Making (Book Review)." The Journal of Business, 1961, 34(2), pp. 188.
Telser, Lester G. "How Much Does It Pay Whom to Advertise?" The American Economic Review, 1961, 51(2, Papers and Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association), pp. 194-205.
Telser, Lester G. "Returns to Speculators: Reply." The Journal of Political Economy, 1960, 68(4), pp. 404-15.
Telser, Lester G. "Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade?" Journal of Law and Economics, 1960, 3, pp. 86-105.
Payne, Stanley L. and Telser, Lester G. "The Allocation of Economic Resources (Book Review)." Journal of Marketing, 1960, 24(Issue 3), pp. 117.
Kruskal, William H. and Telser, Lester G. "Food Prices and the Bureau of Labor Statistics : Rejoinder." Journal of Business, 1960, 33(3), pp. 285.
Kruskal, William H. and Telser, Lester G. "Food Prices and the Bureau of Labor Statistics." Journal of Business, 1960, 33(3), pp. 258-79.
Telser, Lester G. "J. Aitchison and J. A. C. Brown, "The Lognormal Distribution" (Book Review)." Journal of Farm Economics, 1959, 41(1), pp. 161.
Telser, Lester G. "Discussion: Commodity Advertising of Farm Products." Journal of Farm Economics, 1959, 41(2), pp. 386.
Telser, Lester G. "A Theory of Speculation Relating Profitability and Stability." The Review of Economic Statistics, 1959, 41(3), pp. 295-301.
Telser, Lester G. "Futures Trading and the Storage of Cotton and Wheat." The Journal of Political Economy, 1958, 66(3), pp. 233-55.
Telser, Lester G. "The Support Program and the Stability of Cotton Prices." Journal of Farm Economics, 1957, 39(2), pp. 398.
Telser, Lester G. "The supply of stocks: cotton and wheat." Ph.D Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1956.
Telser, Lester G. "Safety First and Hedging." The Review of Economic Studies, 1955, 23(1), pp. 1-16.