Census of Retail Trade: 1992

Library Holdings:

1992 census of retail trade. Geographic area series.
[Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
52 volumes
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1992 census of retail trade. Subject series.
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
4 volumes
[1] Establishment and firm size (including legal form of organization) -- [2] Measures of value produced, capital expenditures, depreciable assets, and operating expenses -- [3] Merchandise line sales -- [4] Miscellaneous subjects.
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1992 census of retail trade. Nonemployer statistics series. Summary
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 
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Electronic Availability:

1992 economic census
Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
v. 1. Report series -- v. 2. ZIP code statistics -- v.3. Truck inventory and use survey -- v. 4. Nonemployer statistics.
Statistical data on retail trade; wholesale trade; service industries; transportation, communications, and utilities; financial, insurance, and real estate industries; manufactures; mineral industries; and construction industries, as well as enterprise statistics and statistics for minority- and women-owned business for all sectors.
Disc4: Statistics on sales by establishments with no paid employees, together with corresponding figures for employer establishments. Data cover retail trade; service industries; transportation, communications, and utilities; and financial, insurance, and real estate industries.
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1992 Census of Retail Trade: Final Reports, Area Series

1992 census of retail trade. Subject series. Establishment and firm size (including legal form of organization)

1992 census of retail trade. Subject series. Measures of value produced, capital expenditures, depreciable assets, and operating expenses

1992 census of retail trade. Subject series. Merchandise line sales, United States

1992 census of retail trade. Subject series. Miscellaneous subjects

1992 census of retail trade. Nonemployer statistics series. Summary