Collections & Exhibits

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Chicago Celebrates Darwin Chicago Celebrates Darwin
The John Crerar Library presents Chicago Celebrates Darwin, an exhibit which revisits the Darwin Centennial Celebration hosted by the University in 1959. We look back at the original letters, pictures, and documents from that conference to get a sense of the atmosphere and the importance of the events, including the effect of Darwin’s theories on the research and popular opinion of the day.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 19 — March 26, 2010
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University of Chicago
Ecology & Evolution
Organismal Biology
Biological Sciences
Chicago and Illinois
Great Lakes The Great Lakes: Our Legacy, Our Future
The exhibit focused on the EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office and their work to ensure the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
March 1 — Oct. 31, 2001
Environmental Science
Urban Studies
Ecology & Evolution
Antarctica A History of Science in Antarctica
This exhibit is a historical look at science in Antarctica.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 18 — Dec. 23, 2004
Environmental Science
Ecology & Evolution
Geophysical Sciences
images_of_science_and_exploration_in_the_victorian_century.jpg Images of Science and Exploration in the Victorian Century
This exhibition examines three of the most notable achievements of the Victorian age: the development of the theory of natural selection by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace; the decades-long search for the Northwest Passage by a succession of British expeditions, including the ill-fated venture of John Franklin; and the discovery by Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay of argon.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — June 30, 1997
Ecology & Evolution