
Andreyev, Leonid. Повести и рассказы в двух томах [Novellas and Stories in Two Volumes]. 2 vols. Moscow: Publisher Literary Fiction, 1971. Fair condition, binding a little torn on one volume. The novella The Seven Who Were Hanged was the most heart-wrenching thing I have ever read, so there might also be a couple tear stains on the pages.

Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Мастер и Маргарита [Master and Margarita]. Samizdat (self-published), unknown year. Good condition, some wear at edges. I found this book in a St. Petersburg used bookstore. I had never seen a samizdat book before, but I immediately recognized it: no markings on the cover, no publication information, words printed only on one side of the page in blocky type-writer font. I asked the bookseller if she knew anything about it, but it seemed like she had not really examined it before. I bought it quickly before she could change her mind and raise the price! I am honored and humbled to own a book that someone loved enough to personally type out every word, probably risking their freedom in the process.

Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasyevich. Белая Гвардия. Мастер и Маргарита [White Guard. Master and Margarita]. Minsk: Uradzhai, 1988. Good condition.

Babel, Isaak. Конармия [Red Cavalry]. Murmansk: Murmansk Book Publisher, 1989. Excellent condition.

Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich. Повести и рассказы [Novellas and stories]. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1985. Excellent condition.

Chekhov, Anton Pavolovich. Пьесы [Plays]. Moscow: Literary Fiction, 1982. Good condition.

Dostoyevskiy, Fyodor Mikhailovich. Преступление и наказание [Crime and Punishment]. Illustrated by D. A. Shmarinov. Moscow: Children’s Literature, 1978. Excellent condition. I was very excited when I found this edition at a book market in Chisinau, because previously I had only been able to find the complete Dostoyevsky in 12 volumes, sold only as the complete Dostoyevsky, which I had to explain to the disappointed seller wouldn’t even fit in my suitcase.Combined editions several works are common in Soviet publishing, but when possible I prefer to find books containing just a single work. I loved the many beautiful illustrations in this book; it made the reading go very quickly, and I finished it in just over a week, setting a personal record.

Dostoyevskiy, Fyodor Mikhailovich. Братья Карамазовы [Brothers Karamazov]. Chisinau: Kartya Moldovenyaske, 1984. Good condition.

Gogol, Nikolai Vasiliyovich. Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки. Миргород [Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka. Mirgorod]. Kharkiv: Prapor, 1987. Good condition, some ripping in the binding. I bought two identical copies at an (enormous!) used book market in Kyiv, for myself and my boyfriend, who is a Peace Corps volunteer in Mirgorod (Ukrainian: Myrhorod). I got to live with him in Mirgorod for about six weeks in the winter and visited several times in the

summer, and loved feeling personally connected to these famous Gogol stories. I wrote an essay about Gogol in Mirgorod for Russian Life Magazine.

Gogol, Nikolai Vasiliyovich. Шинель: Повести [The Overcoat: Stories]. Leningrad: Literary Fiction, 1976. Good condition, some discoloration on the cover.

Griboyedov, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, Nikolai Vasiliyovich Gogol and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Ostrovskiy. Горе от ума. Ревизор. Гроза [Woe from Wit. The Revisor. The Storm]. Leningrad: Literary Fiction, 1976. Good condition.

Ilf, Ilya and Yevgeniy Petrov. 12 стульев. Золотой теленок [12 Chairs. The Golden Calf]. Moscow: Economics, 1982. Excellent condition.

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich. Бедная Лиза [Poor Liza]. Moscow: Publisher of A. C. Panafidina, 1914. Some discoloration and wear. This booklet is the only one in my collection that predates the Soviet era, and it was also the most expensive book in my collection: to the best of my memory, it cost about $10-$15 at a used bookstore in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Lermontov, Mikhail Yuriyevich. Герой нашего времени [Hero of Our Time]. Chisinau: Lumina, 1976. Good condition. I originally read this book on loan from the library, and later found the exact same edition in a Chisinau coffeeshop with a book swap system. I loved Hero of Our Time so much that I read several of Lermontov’s narrative poems and went on a pilgrimage to Georgia, where some of his work takes place, two years later. I published an essay about that experience in the Intrepid Times. Four years later, I went on a second pilgrimage in the Russian Northern Caucasus to his summer home, the site of the duel that claimed his life, and the town where some of the events of Hero of Our Time took place, Pyatigorsk.

Lermontov, Mikhail Yuriyevich. Избранное [Selected Works]. Chisinau: Literary Fiction, 1979. Good condition.

Nabokov, Vladimir. Собрание сочинений в четырех томах [Collection of Works in Four Volumes]. Vol. 3. Moscow: Pravda, 1990. Excellent condition. This volume in particular contains just one novel, Дар [Gift].

Olesha, Yuriy. Избранное [Selected Works]. Bishkek: Literature, 1989. Fair condition. Pasternak, Boris. Доктор Живаго [Doctor Zhivago]. 2 vols. Vilnius: VAGA, 1988. Good

Pasternak, Boris. Стихи [Poetry]. Moscow: Literary Fiction, 1966. Good condition.

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich. «В стране, где я забыл тревог прежних лет...» [“In the Country Where I Forgot the Troubles of Former Years...”]. Compiled by D. C. Gurtovaya and A. V. Sukhomilinov. Chisinau: Literary Fiction, 1989. Excellent condition. My Moldovan host mother gifted me this volume of poetry that Pushkin wrote during exile in Moldova from her personal collection.

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich. Евгений Онегин [Yevgenii Onegin]. Illustrated by L. Timoshenko. Moscow: State Publisher of Children’s Literature of the Ministry of Education of the Russian SFSR, 1958. Excellent condition.

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich. Повести [Novellas]. Irkutsk: Oblast State Publisher, 1949. Good condition, some discoloration.

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich. Сказки [Fairytales]. Illustrated by B. Dekhterev. Moscow: State Publisher of Children’s Literature of the Ministry of Education of the Russian SFSR, 1958. Good condition. I negotiated down the price for this volume from a street seller in Tbilisi, Georgia, while a little tipsy. To my delight, I discovered that in downtown Tbilisi used booksellers set up tables in the middle of the street.

Sologub, Fyodor and Andrei Beliy. Мелкий бес. Петербург [The Little Demon. Petersburg]. Stavropol: Stavropol Book Publisher, 1988. Fair condition; binding torn.

Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich. Анна Каренина [Anna Karenina]. 2 vols. Leningrad: Literary Fiction, 1969. Good condition, except for where I have underlined my favorite passages. This was the first book in my collection, and is still one of my most beloved. I bought it at a flea market in Chisinau, Moldova.

Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich. Война и мир [War and Peace]. 2 vols. Moscow: Literary Fiction, 1972. Good condition, some wear at the edges. I love this edition because it included chapter summaries, which was enormously helpful to remind myself of events from 300 pages ago as I read this 1200+ page novel over an entire summer. The Literary Fiction publisher really had empathy for its (mostly, 11th grade) readers.

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich. Отцы и дети. Вешние воды. Ася. Записки охотника. Стихотворения в прозе [Fathers and Children. External Waters. Asya. Notes of a Hunter. Poems in Prose]. Chisinau: Literary Fiction, 1980. Fair condition, discoloration on the cover.

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich. Первая любовь [First Love]. Edited by F. G. Gregory. Czechoslovakia: Bradda Books, 1962. Fair condition. This book is an honorary addition to the collection, because it was not published in the Soviet Union nor acquired in the former Soviet Union. Instead, it was gifted to me by my high school Russian teacher. This book belonged to Claire Walker, who started the Russian program at my high school in 1956 to promote peace between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. At the time, it was one of the only high school Russian programs in the country, and after a boom in Russian teaching during height of the Cold War, it is now once again one of the very few high school Russian programs in the U.S.

Zamyatin, Yevgeniy. Избранное [Selected Works]. Moscow: Pravda, 1989. Excellent condition.

Zoshchenko, Mikhail. Повести и рассказы [Novellas and Stories]. Ashkhabad: Turkmenistan, 1988. Excellent condition.