International Litigation and Arbitration Study Aids
Bermann, Transnational Litigation in a Nutshell, 2003. [Nutshell Series]
XXKF8940.P75B47 2003, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room
[Available online via West Academic Study Aids]
Born, International Commercial Arbitration, 2nd ed., 2014.
XXK2400.B665 2014, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room
DiPietro & Platte, Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards, 2001.
XXK2400.D57 2001, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room Folsom, Principles of International Litigation and Arbitration, 2016. [Concise Hornbook Series]
XXK7340.F65 2016, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room
[Available online via West Academic Study Aids]
Folsom, Principles of International Litigation and Arbitration, 2nd ed. 2019. [Concise Hornbook Series]
XXK7340.F65 2019, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room
Koh, Transnational Litigation in United States Courts, 2008. [Concepts and Insights Series]
XXKF8841.K65 2008, D'Angelo Law Library, Reserve Room
[Available online via West Academic Study Aids]