Regenstein’s B Level and Special Collections Reading Room closed for emergency maintenance
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Library Spaces
Library Spaces
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features of D'Angelo Law 3rd Floor Center Tables
space description
Tables located on the south side of the 3rd floor by the Student Services suite.
features of D'Angelo Law Carrel 3E.1
space description
Study carrel on the third floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 1. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
features of D'Angelo Law Carrel 4G.1
space description
Study carrel on the fourth floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 1. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
features of D'Angelo Law Carrel 5J.1
space description
Study carrel on the fifth floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 1. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
features of D'Angelo Law Reserve Collections Room
space description
Houses items on permanent and couse reserve, as well as our DVD collection and Copy/Print/Scan Station.