The University of Chicago Centennial Catalogues

This online presentation reproduces the complete text and accompanying images from four University of Chicago Centennial Exhibition Catalogues, published in conjunction with a series of physical exhibitions organized by the Department of Special Collections to celebrate the 1991-92 Centennial of the University of Chicago. Drawing on documents, photographs, and other materials from the University of Chicago Archives maintained in the Department of Special Collections, these exhibitions viewed the University's history through the perspectives of the faculty, the student experience, relationships between the University and the city of Chicago, and the contributions of the University's ten chief executives to its development. The catalogues present an illustrated, interpretive portrait of the vision of intellectual excellence and commitment to research on which the University was founded, and the individuals, interactions, and environment that have consistently guided it along this path throughout its history.

Access the four individual web exhibits by the following links:

Life on the Quads: A Centennial View of the Student Experience at the University of Chicago

The University and the City: A Centennial View of the University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Faculty: A Centennial View

The Presidents of the University of Chicago: A Centennial View

Exhibit Publications & Documents

Four separate perfect bound catalogues, $7 per catalogue
Ordering Information