The Map Collection Reading Room, located off of the 3rd Floor Reading Room, houses the Map collection and provides quiet study space. Priority should be given to patrons making use of the Map Collection.
Regenstein's 3rd Floor Reading Room houses several collections and provides a variety of furniture options for quiet study, as well as specialized equipment.
Regenstein's 3rd Floor Bookstacks houses collections on Music & Fine Arts (M & N) and Languages & Literatures (PN-PT). There are 28 individual study tables along the perimeter of the bookstacks, intended for quiet study. No food is permitted in Regenstein's boosktacks.
Regenstein has 17 group studies of varying capacities that may be reserved for up to 3 hours a day by groups of two or more users via Book a Room whenever Regenstein is open.
Group studies are located in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Floor Reading Rooms.
Regenstein has 3 video conference rooms that may be reserved for up to 3 hours a day by individuals for video meetings, classes, or interviews whenever Regenstein is open.
Video conference rooms are located in the 2nd and 3rd Floor Reading Rooms.
The Viewing & Listening Room, located in Regenstein's 3rd Floor Reading Room, contains equipment for playing a variety of audiovisual formats. All equipment requires headphones.
Patrons who wish to use Room 307 may borrow a key from Regenstein Circulation on the 1st Floor.