Proxy & Off-Campus Access
Due to licensing agreements, access to the Library's online journals, ebooks and databases are restricted to current students, faculty, and staff with University of Chicago CNetIDs. In addition, a group of specially licensed Electronic Resources for Alumni are available to University of Chicago alumni.
The Library's electronic journals and resources are accessible from any computer connected to the campus network (including offices, computing labs, and dorms). Connecting a laptop or other device to the campus network requires authentication with a CNetID and password.
Off-Campus Users
Access to electronic resources from off-campus requires authentication, which is done through IT Services' proxy server. Links on the Library web site are configured to do this automatically. You will be prompted to login using your CNetID and password.
University Medical Center staff without CNetIDs can authenticate using their UCMEDID and password. Learn more about using UCMEDIDs.
Off-campus access is only available to current students, faculty and staff.
Alumni Access to Select Electronic Resources
Alumni with CNetIDs may access a group of specially licensed databases from off-campus. Visit our Library Guide for more information on Electronic Resources for Alumni.
Resources for Off-Campus Access
ProxyIt! IT Services has made this tool for adding the proxy server information to links that do not include it. This is useful for articles located through Google Scholar or other search engines.
VPN Software IT Services offers this as an alternative way to access restricted resources, but they do not recommend it for most users due to its complexity.
Google Scholar users can set their preferences to use the Library's FindIt service. This lets you locate full text of articles directly form your Google results. Learn how to configure Google Scholar to access University of Chicago Library resources.
View a brief video tutorial:
Connecting to the Library Catalog
The University of Chicago Library Catalog is freely available through the University of Chicago Library's web site, although links to restricted resources require CNet login. If you are using EndNote or other Z39.50 software to connect to the catalog, please see our EndNote Help pages or Accessing the Library Catalog via Z39.50 Clients.
Get Help
If you are unable to connect to Library-licensed online resources or have questions, please contact us.