
After the war, many key Met Lab scientist were recruited by the University of Chicago to join three newly established research institutes on campus: the Institute for the Study of Metals, Institute for Nuclear Studies, and Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics. Recognizing the historical significance of the CP-1 experiment, these scientists became important contributors to a series of commemorations of the first nuclear reactor. Beginning with a fourth anniversary gathering in December 1946, these events included a tenth anniversary reunion in 1952 and activities marking the twentieth anniversary in 1962.

The passage of time brought inevitable change. Enrico Fermi died in 1954, Arthur H. Compton in 1962. The Stagg Field West Stand, site of the first operating nuclear reactor, was demolished in 1957 and replaced by tennis courts, later joined by Henry Moore’s Nuclear Energy sculpture. Fermi’s longtime collaborator, Herbert Anderson, witnessed the loss of another landmark in 1976, when the “Council Tree” under which the Met Lab scientists had gathered for private discussions was found to be diseased and cut down. Elsewhere on campus, other buildings that had been occupied by the Met Lab -- Eckhart, Jones, Kent, and Ryerson among them – remained in active use as reminders of an extraordinary period in University history and a transformative era in the development of modern science.

Reserach Institutes buildings and Stagg Field West Stand tower, 1953

University of Chicago Photographic Archive

Herbert L. Anderson to Robert S. Mulliken, letter, January 4, 1968

Robert S. Mulliken Papers, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center

CP-1 tenth anniversary reunion ceremony, Stagg Field West Stand, 1952

University of Chicago Photographic Archive

Arthur H. Compton, Crawford Greenewalt, Lawrence A. Kimpton, and Enrico Fermi, CP-1 tenth anniversary, photograph, December 2, 1952

University of Chicago Photographic Archive

Normal Hilberry and Leo Szilard at ceremony preceding demotion of Stagg Field West Stand, photograph, 1957

University of Chicago Photographic Archive

Laura Fermi and Betty Compton at the Stagg Field West Stand site of CP-1, photograph, December 2, 1962

University of Chicago News Office Records 2011-257, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago

A black and white photo is the front cover of an album of recordings dedicated to Enrico Fermi. "To Fermi - With Love" is written in cursive script in the upper right hand corner. Fermi himself stands in the middle of the photo in a black suit and a tie, surrouded by smiling companions.
To Fermi with Love, album cover and interior, audio recording, Argonne National Laboratory, 1971

Archives Recording Collection & University of Chicago Department of Physics, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collection Research Center, University of Chicago

A black and white photo of Fermi sitting in a lab wearing his lab coat over a shirt and tie. He has a slight smile on his face. A quote from Samuel K. Allison's eulogy of Fermi is in the upper right hand corner.
To Fermi with Love, album cover and interior, audio recording, Argonne National Laboratory, 1971

Archives Recording Collection & University of Chicago Department of Physics, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collection Research Center, University of Chicago

Herbert L. Anderson at the "Council Tree," Eckhart Hall, photograph, 1976

University of Chicago Photographic Archive

Report, Accademia Nazionale..., February 12, 1962

Albert Wattenberg Papers 2018-114, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collection Research Center, University of Chicago

Anniversary celebration in Italy

Albert Wattenberg Papers 2018-114, The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collection Research Center, University of Chicago