Use the University Archives
University Records Access and Use Policy
Special regulations apply to accessing official University administrative records. Administrators and staff in offices that have created University records will continue to have access to these records after they are transferred to the custody of the University Archives. Access to official University records in the University Archives by other researchers is governed by the Regulations Governing Access to Official Records of the University of Chicago in the University of Chicago Archives. During any period of research restriction for designated University records, no access to the restricted material is permitted by the University Archives without the prior written approval of the Secretary of the University, Provost, dean, director, chair, or other authorized University officer.
Get started
All requests for Special Collections materials to be consulted in our reading room are made through our electronic request system.
First time user? Read instructions for how to create a required account.
Already have an account? Read instructions for how to request archives and manuscripts materials.
Prepare for your visit
The Special Collections Research Center is open to researchers from around the world. We welcome faculty, students, and staff of the University of Chicago and visiting researchers. Since many of the materials are rare or unique, readers are expected to treat all materials with care to avoid loss or damage and to follow these guidelines.
Learn more about our location, hours, and other information pertaining to your planned visit.