Lincke Collection

Lincke Collection Bookplate
Lincke Collection bookplate

The Linckesche Leihbibliothed was a rental library founded in 1791 in Leipzig from the bookdealer and publisher W. Lincke.  When the Lincke publishing firm went out of business in 1840, the collection was obtained by the Heims Lehnbibliothek.  Heims continued the lending library until 1870.  The collection was purchased by the University of Chicago in 1930 from the Leipzig bookseller Otto Harrassowitz.

The collection consists of popular literature published between 1775 and 1870, with most works from between 1820-1850.  While it includes some noted authors such as Goethe, Dumas, and Dickens, the works in the collection are primarily minor authors who were popular at the time.  Approximately 30% of the collection are works translated into German from other languages including English and French and 11 other European languages.

All of the titles in the Lincke Collection have the call number PT1105.L565 and then are numbered. 

Click here to perform a call number search in the Catalog for the Lincke Collection.