Sage, Evan Taylor. Manuscripts |
Sahlins, Marshall. Papers |
Salgado Correa, Alejo, Libro nombrado memorial de martires de Hespana. Manuscript (Ms 64) |
Salisbury, Rollin D. Papers |
Salloch, William and Marianne, Collection of Prints and Drawings: “People with Books.” |
Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Legal Medicine, its Origin, Development and Status in Modern Times, with Special Regard to Denmark |
Sandburg, Carl and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence |
Sandburg, Carl-Joseph Halle Schaffner. Collection |
Sanders, Edgar. Papers |
Sanders, Edgar. Scrapbooks |
Sarton, May. Collection |
Saville, Julie. Papers |
Saxe, John Godfrey. Collection |
Say, Jean Baptiste. Collection |
Scammon, Arianna E. Collection |
Scammon, Jonathon Young. Papers |
Schaffner, Joseph Halle, Collection in the History of Science |
Schein, Marcel. Papers |
Schevill, Ferdinand. Papers |
Schilling, George A., Papers |
Schmitt, Bernadotte E. Papers |
Schneider, David M. Papers |
Schomerus, C.P. Ueber die durch das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein eines Herzleidens, einer Struma und eines Exophthalmus characterisirte Krankheit |
Schramm, David N. Papers |
Schultz, Arthur W. Papers |
Schulz, Marjorie Preston. Papers |
Schwab, Joseph J. Papers |
Schwartz, Samuel. Papers |
Schwimmer, Rosika. Papers |
Schütze, Eva Watson. Photographs |
Schütze, Martin. Papers |
Scotch, Hank. Moby Dick Comic Books. Collection |
Scott, Arthur Pearson. Papers |
Scott, Hugh M. Papers |
Scranton, Robert L. Papers |
Scrapbook of Clippings on the Boston Subway |
Scrapbook of the Chicago Subway System |
Sebastian of Naples, Declarationes supplectiones as remissiones. Manuscript (Ms 41) |
Sen, Mrinal. Papers |
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Spurious works. Manuscript (Ms 42) |
Senn, Nicholas Papers |
Sermones Domicales. Manuscript (Ms 158) |
Sermones de Adventu Domini. Manuscript (Ms 157) |
Seven Woods Press. Records |
Shackelford, Benjamin. Papers |
Shapey, Ralph. Papers |
Sharp, Benjamin. Peary's North Greenland Expedition and the Relief |
Shaw, Albert E. Papers |
Sheean, Vincent and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence |
Sheet Music. Collection |
Shepherd, David. Papers |
Sherer, Albert. Papers |
Sherwood, Andrew and Clark. Collection |
Shillinglaw, David Lee. Papers |
Shimer, Henry. Epidemic Diseases |
Shorey, Paul. Papers |
Shortall, Harrington. Papers |
Silbert, Layle. Papers |
Silverberg, James. Papers |
Simon, Bernece K. Papers |
Simons, Henry C. Papers |
Simons, Hi. Papers |
Simpson, John A. Papers |
Simpson, John A.. Papers. Addenda |
Simpson, Tracy W. Electrification Project : The Illinois Central Railroad Company Suburban Service at Chicago, Ill. |
Simson, Otto G. von. Papers |
Singer, Milton. Papers |
Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents |
Sketch of East High Green Lead Mine |
Slaney Family. Notebooks on Gas and Machinery |
Slavery in North America Collection |
Slotin, Louis Memorial Fund. Records |
Slotkin, Elizabeth J. Papers |
Slotkin, James Sydney. Papers |
Slye, Maud. Papers |
Small, Albion W.. Papers |
Smith, Adolphe. Chicago and the Slaughter House Question : Inspection an Insufficient Guarantee |
Smith, Goldwin. Collection |
Smith, Harry M. Papers |
Smith, J. M. Powis. Papers |
Smith, Joseph V. Papers |
Smith, Maurine. Papers |
Smith, Raymond T. Papers |
Smith, Thomas Vernor. Papers |
Smyth Family. Papers |
Society of Medical History of Chicago, Bulletin and Correspondence |
Society of Medical History of Chicago. Records |
Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von. Icones oculi humani |
Sokei-An (Sasaki Shigetsu) and First Zen Institute of America in Japan, Archive of |
Solon, Israel. Collection |
Sondheim, Harry B. and Branka J. Jewish Heritage Collection |
Song Plugger Cards. Collection |
Song Sheet and Broadside Poem. Collection |
Songs and instrumental pieces. Manuscript (Ms 445) |
Songs with instrumental ensemble. Manuscript (Ms 446) |
Sonnenschein, Robert. Collection |
South Park Improvement Association. Records |
South Side Academy. Records |
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. Correspondence |
Specielle Pathologie und Therapie |
Spencer, William M. Collection of French Manuscripts |
Spergel, Irving A. Papers |
Sperring, Beverly A., Papers |
Spike, Robert W. Papers |
Spink, George. Collection |
Spitzer, Alexander. Collection |
Squibb, Francis P. Papers |
Stagg, Amos Alonzo. Papers |
Stanfield, Reuel. Autobiography |
Stanger, Philip. Collection |
Stark, Johann Christian. Hebammen-Buch |
Stark, Johann Christian. Über Frauenkrankheiten und Kinderkrankheiten |
Starr, Frederick. Liberian Research Collection |
Starr, Frederick. Mexican Manuscripts. Collection |
Starr, Frederick. Papers |
Starrett School for Girls. Records |
Statius, P. Papinius, Achilleid. Manuscript (Ms 704) |
Steed, Gitel P. Papers |
Steinbrecher, Frederick "Fritz". Collection |
Steiner, John. Collection |
Stenn, Frederick. Papers |
Stent, G.C., Chinese Eunuchs: Or, the Origin, Character, Dress, Duties, and Preparation of the Castrati of China |
Stephens, Alexander H. Collection |
Stephenson, William A. F., Papers |
Stereograph Cards Collection |
Stevens, David H. Papers |
Stevens, Warder W., Fruit Culture in Indiana |
Stewart, Donald E. Papers |
Stieglitz-Mathieu. Correspondence |
Stiernberg, Ed. Collection |
Stirn, Ernest W. and Henry J. Papers |
Stoddard, William Osborn. Collection |
Stone, Ursula Batchelder. Collection |
Strauss, Herbert R. Collection of Theodore Roosevelt Papers |
Strauss, Leo. Papers |
Strong, Reuben Myron. History of the Stritch Medical School of Loyola University |
Stroud, Drew McCord (Ryu Makoto). Papers |
Stutz, John G. Papers |
Suddeth, Persis Burns. Papers |
Sussman, Alan. Collection |
Sutherland, Zena Bailey. Papers |
Sweet, William Warren. Papers |
Swerdlow, Noel M. Collection |
Swift, Charles H. Papers |
Swift, Harold. Papers |